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CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - Printable Version

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CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - ELEANOR. - 10-21-2018

life had pulled eleanor away from her birth place in the ascendants, and here it was pulling her back. why she had decided to return? even nelly wasn't sure, she could only hope that she was making the right decision. perhaps she'd be lucky enough that at least some of her siblings had stuck around, she didn't enjoy being by herself after all. it was different when she was travelling, she'd isolated herself on purpose, but here, within the ascendants, surrounded by others, well, she didn't wish to be alone. alabaster paws brought her to a stop at the border, part of her had almost kept going before she realised that those that currently lived here were unlikely to remember eleanor.

bright eyes flicked across her surroundings and a warm smile tipped her grey spotted maw, home. it was strange, it kind of smelt different, not entirely the same as to how she had remembered it in her younger years, and yet still it felt warm and welcoming, like a home. "hello?" her voice was soft, somewhat aloof, her eyes scanning for anyone who might approach. "my name's eleanor mikaelson folio," she pauses, her tail waving gently behind herself. "i'm retu-ah, i'm joining, if possible, please?" there was a hopeful lilt to the girls tone, her gaze filled with a curious childlike wonder.

Re: CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - GABRIEL - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Wasn't hard to fill in the blank for the word she cut off. Returning. And her name- probably another of Margy's and Suite's spawn coming back to the nest. It was the worst possible time they could have chosen for a migration home- wasn't much of a home these days, with all the deaths and the general atmosphere of despair. To think it hadn't been so long ago when Gabriel arrived, perched on Laz's back, recently awake from a nap and nipping at the little antler nubs on his head, nubs he'd just buried. No, this wasn't a home anymore, but he couldn't leave. Gabe supposed he'd just haunt his kid's grave until one of them gave in first, and with the state his body was in, he already knew which it was going to be, but that wasn't her concern. She was here for a nice family reunion, and the hybrid stared at her with flat black eyes.

"Right. Couple others with your last name running around. Not the best place for a get together, though. Might wanna relocate a couple hundred miles in the opposite direction." He didn't have much energy left in him to keep up with this, so he hoped someone else would show up. Gabe was too tired to play at manners and introductions, but if he had to, he could manage a little longer.

Re: CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - CLEMENTINE P. - 10-21-2018

▹▹▹▹Maybe Clementine had no business being this far out towards the borders of the Clan, given Moon's recent warnings. Correction: Clementine had no business being this far out towards the borders, period. Yet, the little sickly serval was already there, wandering to her heart's content now that she was feeling better as of late. She was never going to be perfect- you never could be 'perfect' when you had a chronic illness, but as far as her sickness went, she had been having some good days lately, good days that she wouldn't let go to waste, no matter what. Granted, too, she was still within the borders of the Clan, just perhaps further than anyone would want her once the day grew a little later.

Her head held high, she picked her way through the tall grasses and wrinkled her nose as they tickled at her face, happily tromping through with a smile on her face. It was only at the sound of a voice that her ears perked and twitched softly, considering it for a while. Rather, there was a small flick in the words of this stranger as they gave their name, like they said they were going to return, but then reconsidered their sentence. Weird. Hesitantly, Clementine turned and stepped closer to the border, glancing over her shoulder briefly back to the Observatory in the distance before she continued on, until the woman was within sight. She didn't... seem scary. She was smiling, and her voice wasn't harsh. It sort of reminded Clementine of a mother's voice- though she didn't have any mother- but she had seen enough mother's speak softly to their little ones. "Hi, misses Eleanor," Clementine's answer came carefully, breathlessly as she revealed herself from a grassy shrub, glancing at Gabe at his answer for a moment as her brow furrowed softly in confusion. "I don't see any reason why you couldn't stay, but I'm not an adult either... Especially if your family is here! I came here because my father was here, so I'm sure your other family would be missing you too!" Of course, it was all mere speculation based off what Gabe had said, so who knew if the notion was even correct for Clementine to say? "I-i mean," she stuttered quickly, her eyes going wide as she realized she just contradicted Gabe, her gaze swinging up to the grumpier man before returning to the woman. "I-if he thinks it's okay, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to stay.. You seem really nice."



Re: CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - agathe. - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]"Such a pessimist."

The observation was clipped and cold and fell almost too easily from the lips of Agathe upon her arrival, her gaze not upon Eleanor but rather, Gabe. His attitude was one that succeeded in rubbing her the wrong way, a frustrated huff tumbling from her mouth as she reminded herself yet again that she was in no position to execute people for simply stating the wrong thing at the wrong time anymore. She might have been the heir to the Ironbeaks but here, she was just another Ascendant. She couldn't afford to be anything else, not without risking her life anyways, and that sacrifice of power came with new implications on how she could act.

So Agathe decided to tear her attention from him and focus it on this Eleanor, vaguely wondering how Oni would react to discover that another Mikaelson had found their way home. What a peculiar family it was, all reuniting because their matrons had passed or something like that. Honestly, the details were still fuzzy in her mind. She was about to speak again when Clementine beat her to it, not that she minded entirely. Remaining silent was not something that succeeded in bothering her nor had it ever. Besides, children still made her uncomfortable - especially the children here. They were so soft. Rolling her shoulders, the cloaked lieutenant would angle her rounded ears forward before deciding that she might as well introduce herself. "My name is Agathe Ashyver, by the way. I believe that you'll be..." She paused, contemplating her next words very carefully, "Well received here."

Re: CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - ONISION. - 10-22-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"How many siblings do I have? Holy shit." Onision meowed, walking over to the scene with a wide blue eye. The girl was pretty, that was sure. He had more sisters than brothers, if Eden could even call himself a dude with how much he drinks himself into stupidness. "Welcome home then. My name is Onision, call me Oni." He explained, his tail twitching as he sat beside Agathe, glaring at Gabe. What the fuck was his problem?

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: CRUMBLING DOWN - joining - ELEANOR. - 10-22-2018

the first to approach had a bizarre air around them. heavy, downtrodden, despair filled, but why? part of nelly wanted to ask, wanted to offer her support, but she was nothing more than a stranger to him. so, she kept her mouth shut, and, despite his blunt statements, her smile didn't falter, instead she silently shook her head. "i appreciate the advice but i don't plan on going anywhere." her voice is soft, as warm and friendly as the smile stretched across her maw. she was too nice for her own good, that was how people ended up getting walked all over. even so, it didn't stop her. to be kind was just part of her makeup, it was who eleanor was.

misses eleanor...? the girl's smile widened, her eyes lighting up at the adorable little girl before her. nelly didn't have kids of her own, perhaps one day she would but for now, she was simply focusing on herself and the ambitions that she wanted to achieve. "you can call me nelly, no need for formalities," she assured with a slight dip of her head. she'd just met the child and yet she found herself having the urge to just bundle up the precious little thing and protect her from the harshness of the world. unfortunately though, she could only offer a warm smile. "thank you, sweetie," how could someone not adore this child? she was the cutest kid she'd ever met.

agathe? it was a strange name she hadn't heard before but the woman gained her full attention upon the moment that she opened her mouth. another strange aura, one that she couldn't quite decipher. agathe seemed not down and grumpy, but blunt and perhaps unnerved. reading agathe was harder than it had been to read the others, that in itself was bizarre, eleanor was usually good at reading others, it was a quiet talent of hers, the ability to pick up on subtle movements or changes of tone. her tongue flicked across her lips briefly, drawing her from her momentary distraction. "agathe, thank you, i think." her smile curved before her head tipped to the next to approach.

eleanor knew only of her own litter mates, she'd heard whispering's of having other siblings but this was her first time actually meeting one of them. wide green eyes flicked across oni's form in an observant manner, he was abrasive, maybe obnoxious too, but, he seemed to have a good heart. "it's nice to meet you oni, ah, you can call me nelly if you'd like," she offered with a swing of her fluffy tail. had she done this whole meet and greet and joining thing well? she wasn't sure, she could only hope she'd given them all a good first impression of herself.