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ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - Printable Version

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ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - MOONMADE - 10-21-2018

[size=9pt]Early, again. Not so much so that the Acendants' fields were still soaked in darkness, but enough that the Observatory was bleak and chilled, cold with the grey light that shone through the windows, turned everything monochrome. The stillness was palpable; stagnant, frigid air that made Moon feel claustraphobic from where he stood atop the Seraph's platform. He still didn't feel like he belonged up here.

He calls the meeting, waits for the disheveled, bleary-eyed creatures to spill from the hallways and settle unwillingly before the Telescope, and then begins. "Good morning." He says, even though it's anything but, because he needs something to break the ice and he feels out of place with all these eyes on him. "I know this is early, again. That's not-- I don't pull this shit on purpose, I swear. There's just-- there's something going on. I can't leave this any later." He adjusts his stiff muscles, runs his tongue over his lips. "Before I start-- Dwarf Stars, I don't want you listening to this. But I know you're gonna' find out some way or another, so just-- Know you're safe. You don't have to worry about any of this. We've got you covered." Did they?

"People are dropping like flies. You've all seen the bodies. And it's not just here; Atbash turned up at the border saying a Snowbounder was killed. Turns out Sunhaven found two of their own dead, too." A golden gaze hops between the faces that have gathered, intense, just barely frantic. "This isn't a fucking coincidence. These bodies were torn to shreds. They were killed with intent. And it's our scent being left behind.

"I don't know what's going on. I don't know who's doing it."
Lazarus body, gone slack, split open at the neck. Gabe holding his cooling corpse in his paws, Moon completely powerless to help in the slightest. "I'm sorry." He says, and the words hang in the air for a moment, painfully sincere. "This is going to end soon. You have my word, for whatever it's worth.

"Until then, that curfew I put in place last week? I want that followed. I wasn't joking last week, and I'm not joking now. Only those given my permission are allowed to leave the Observatory during the night. This isn't some fucking power play, alright? I'm not in the mood to find any more corpses. I don't want to-- I can't--"
A crack of the voice so subtle it would usually be unnoticeable, but, in the Observatory, everything echoes and so it's loud, bounces off the walls He clears his throat, speaks again, harsher. "Just do what I fucking say, will you?"

His chest heaves, and for a moment he glances away from the crowd. This isn't going to smoothly. "This happened last week, and it's happening again. To the joiners-- I'm sorry this shit is the first meeting you see. I swear it's not always this depressing. Welcome, alright? 'Specially to all those Marg and Suite kids. You better make your Moms proud."

continues the lion, "Titan and Agathe, Lunar Lieutenants. I want you making sure the curfew is followed, and that everyone knows how to protect themselves. Ren, go ahead and step up to Starstruck Guardian. Good job with the... Friendly shit. Shoutout to Valkyr, too." Yeah, that sounded about right. Now to take out the trash. "Onision, I--" He pauses, looks the sky and wills it to give him the words to get through to this disaster of a kid. "Can you knock it off with the shit you've been pulling at the border, lately? Just-- just stay the fuck away from it if you're gonna' act like a fucking fool. I know Marg taught you some respect, so do her some goddamn justice and put into it practice.

"We still need more Medics in the ranks. Same as I said last week-- If you're interested, come see me and we can figure some shit out.

That's it for now. Unless anyone's got questions, meeting dismissed. Go back to bed."

- sunhaven and snowbound murders.
- emphasis on the curfew.
- welcome to EVERYONE because there's been a ton of joiners this week and i genuinely can't find it in me to @ y'all. i love you welcome to the star nerds
- [member=2137]TITAN[/member] and [member=2568]agathe.[/member] promoted to lunar lieutenants. [member=2350]REN[/member] to starstruck guardian.
- cleric tryouts still open.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - ONISION. - 10-21-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

He wished he could have said something, snapped back at Moon for mentioning- assuming how his mother raised him. Instead, Onision merely crept into the meeting room, a single blue eye downcasted, jaw tense. He had to bite his tongue, his canines piercing the soft muscle, the taste of blood bitter in his mouth. Everything was bitter, but Oni was learning to move on. "Understood, my apologies. I'll keep away from the borders for a bit." Oni meowed bitterly, keeping his expression neutral as he listened to the other announcements. Dwarf Stars had to stay in the Observatory, and he hadn't been given permission to go out and defend the borders, so he'd just stay away from it in general. He needed time to think, anyways.

Silently, Onision listened to those promoted, dipping his head to Ren in a quiet 'congrats' before he turned to leave. Chocolate fur soon melted into the dark confines of the Observatory hallways, the last flicker of a tan tail before Oni disappeared into his room.

Sleep seemed so far-fetched right now. Did vampires even need sleep?

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - BABY — - 10-21-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
This week's meeting had started off grim, a tone nearly unheard of from Moonmade. Sitting in his usual seat near the back, Titan listened closely, taking mental note of the current events. A murderer? In the Ascendants? Either that or they were surely getting framed. The lion was intrigued by this, and he was sure going to keep his eyes peeled for any clues leading to the end of this terrible epidemic.

The set curfew was to be followed, which meant that Titan couldn't go out into the fields and stargaze for the time being. He'd have to find something else to do to pass the time.

Then, there were promotions. His name was among the first to be mentioned, and this was unexpected. His amber eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

Was this a good idea?

As Titan contemplated this inside of the depths of his mind, he acknowledged the leader and murmured his thanks, "Thank you." He gave a side-glance to Onision, who had gotten publicly scolded by Moonmade. That sounded rough, and he knew that he would have felt waves of humiliation ( r i p p l e ) through him had he been in the younger male's position.

The lion was still too busy focused on Onision's "callout" to hear Moonmade's last bit about medics. Before he knew it, the meeting was dismissed, and the new lieutenant snapped his gaze upward as he surfaced back to reality. Well then, now looked like a good time to think over his new responsibilities.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - darci - 10-21-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]This was his first meeting, how exciting! He wished his mom was here to see this. Rodion felt important just being here, even though he did little to nothing to be productive. It was an exciting milestone for the young kitten. The little smoke tabby settled down among a few semi-familiar faces, a smile smothering his face. The leader did not want him listening to what? As Moonmade continued on, his smile slowly dropped. There were animals dying? What about his mother? Was she dead? He suddenly felt tears well up in his eyes at the though. "S'cuse me sir! Was my mom a... Body you found?" Rodion bit his bottom lip. His voice was rather quiet, so he was not sure the leader even heard him.

The male slouched over, eyes gazing at his paws. Conflict ran through his minds, trying to untangle the multitude of emotions he felt. Sniffling, the kitten gather his courage, blue eyes looking at the group, trying to find those who had rose to a higher rank. "C-congrats on the promotions," he whispered, his heart heavy.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - FUBUKI - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Meetings normally filled with a dull air had taken a turn for the dark side recently. It was a perfectly justifiable feeling, even one normally good at concealing hardships was struggling to convey any sort of positivity. Ren approached, settled somewhat close to Onision as he paid more attention to the tail end of the bad news. A dry mouth prevented him from saying anything, from mumbling or turning to another for guidance, regardless of what he learned... a murderer still ran rampant in the ranks. Grey eyes could cast themselves over the crowd, and he'd lock eyes with somebody who committed one of the worst crimes possible. It made him feel sick, tail even lashing as the meeting continued on. Curfew frustrating but understandable, no internal comments were made by the feline.

His name's called out then. Starstruck Guardian, good job with the friendly shit. Through a heavy heart, a sparkle of pride emerged, and though he didn't have the energy to smile, Ren still offered a nod of his head in gratitude. Turning to look at Oni as the other was called out, his ears flickered towards a flattened position for just a second. Ouch. Being publicly called out that like mustn't be fun, and whilst a level of mutual respect may have been found between the two following the Sunhaven incident, Ren couldn't argue that some behaviours seen were totally acceptable. "Thanks," he mumbled as the feline congratulated him, weak smile adorn his white maw as he found his voice again. Right, he couldn't let it drag him down, he needed to find a way to get to the bottom of the barbaric slaughters.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - Grimm - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Routine broken, crumbling into pieces he was struggling to put back into a coherent and recognisable structure. Brief had been his time away, yet it seemed enough to strip away what little was left behind in the wake of recent events. Some part of his mind, buried within recesses rarely accessed, a voice spoke within gentle tones, soothing as it rose from its corner. Leave this place, continue your search. Tempting was such when it rose about a mind struggling to find sleep, driven close to the edge yet drawn back, circling familiar paths worn until there seemed no new ground, each rock turned in hopes something was there, a chance to draw all of this to a conclusion.

But then might one expect much from one deemed a child, inexperienced and touched with fear. Possibly, if only he were of those few that seemed of a level beyond the age they had seen pass, time short enough it was a mere second, if only he were counted amongst those few.

No need is there for call, familiar as it bounces upon walls of stone and mortar, the child driven from the warmth of make-shift bed hidden within the depths of a space become almost a home, safe haven longed for. Rather he lingers about the edges, watches as the one he had deemed father passed with slumped shoulders and lowered head, something within golden eyes given the weight of stone. Behind had he followed, small paws chilled as they touched upon concrete. Faint was the memory of joining him up there once, subject much more light hearted but no less oriented towards children, dark head falling as he thinks on such.

First words are lost, mind slipping past and refusing to take in the information Moon was trying to impart. It might have been better this way though still could Har feel the warmth of skin beneath his teeth, press of tongue against skin he had torn open in haste to get at the blood of the one he thought of as friend. Grimace curled dark lips and finally he lifted his chin, listening halfheartedly as the meeting continued. Ears flatten against the curve of the skull and for brief moment attention is upon the chocolate toned figure, one amongst minimal family, though the swell within their numbers was something of note, watching him as he departed.

“Ca...can I try?” Teeth find lower lip, chew upon skin already left cracked for such action has grown familiar. Once there had been a time he would have throw himself at the possibility, an energy within him to do all he might, yet now. Though want was there beneath the shaky inquiry there was worry, body drawing in upon itself as he waited response, not entirely sure what to expect.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - agathe. - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]She was nothing more than a silent force in the back of the room, eyes bright and ears perked as she watched and listened and internalized Moon's words. Finally, finally, she had found one similarity to her previous home- even if this meeting's contents were a tad bit different than what she had grown accustomed to. No matter though, Agathe just wanted to relish in these strange feelings of familiarity for a little longer, almost completely unbothered by her own promotion and the murders that vexed the clan. They would be addressed accordingly... later. For now, the newly appointed Lunar Lieutenant would rear upon her haunches and just nod.

/super rushed eee

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - CLEMENTINE P. - 10-22-2018

▹▹▹▹Perhaps one would think that Clementine would scare at the news of murders and dangers lurking beyond the border. Perhaps, silently, she did in some way, her little ears flattening back gently as she made her way through the crowd towards the front so she could hear the announcements better. There was a curfew? Clementine hadn't known- then again, she usually was already put to bed by her father and doted over. Thus, logic would have it assume that Pierce was aware of all the political nonsense occurring in the Ascendants, or even Sunhaven, from where they had come, and was looking out for her. Maybe it was for that reason alone that the news only sent a small pit in her stomach, an unsettled nerve, rather than anything more.

Thankfully, such news was brief.

Promotions and such were next to come, and Clementine was secretly proud that she recognized the names being called, a small little grin briefly flickering on her face before she managed to contain it, though there was still the smallest tilt of her head in pride, her gaze briefly scanning the crowd in search of the faces who had been acknowledged. "Congratulations," she offered softly, her gaze turning forward slowly, her ears perking at the mention of healers. Like Har, her attention was stolen almost immediately, but before she could speak, the other boy beat her to it, making the small serval nod slowly as she licked her lips gently. They were young, and it sounded like Moon was talking about actual-qualified people. Was it really okay? b]"...I'd like to try too!"[/b] she offered meekly, tagging onto what Har had to say.


Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - MARIANNA - 10-22-2018

Maria had never been a morning person.

Sometimes she had certain days where she ached to see the sunrise and watch the world wake up, just because she was so exhausted of opening her eyes to chaos and afternoon heat. Those were her best days: the days she woke up to peach skies and cotton clouds.

Today was not one of those days.

Being here for a week certainly had its perks - and definitely had its consequences...this being one of them. She’d missed most of the gruesome scenes that Moon had described so brokenly, curled up in her room regaining her strength. She hadn’t realized how much her own journey had taken out of her; how dehydrated and malnourished she was. Now she was grumpy and out of sorts at being woken up long before her due, and it showed in the Somali’s rumpled fur and squinted expression. Next to Agathe, she looked like a goddamn gargoyle.

However, Maria couldn’t just ignore what Moon was saying; the events (that had seemingly passed right over her head) sounded horrendous, enough for her to curl her lip. “Man, never would have thought a bunch’v star nerds had it in ‘em to be murderers.” She mumbled under her breath. Did she really believe that these people had murdered a bunch of others? Maybe. She didn’t know them, or their motives. Plenty of them looked as though they had reason enough to - but that might just be early-morning irritation.

There was more mentioned in that meeting, but Maria’s attention span could only find one piece of information worthy of truly holding on to before she was ambling back off to bed.

Re: ERIS : meeting, 10.21 - charlotte. - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Muted pawsteps precede the arrival of the solitary creature, lean muscles rippling beneath a stunning pelt of strawberry rosettes. Charlotte's late. Not that she cares much, anyways. This place...well, let's just say that it might take longer than a couple of days to readjust to life in a group. Too long she spent roaming the wilds, immersing herself in the sweet silence of solitude. Not because she disliked the company of others, but because she could not trust herself. As a young child, no older than a couple of months, things were easier. The hunger was easily satiated with the help of her mothers. But as she got older, the hormones setting in, she could scarcely control herself around non-vampires. It was...for the best that she left. For everyone.

And now she is back. Charlie forgot how to ever-so-slightly curve her lips in a non-threatening smile. Or how to move in a manner which allows others to detect her presence so not to frighten them. Admittedly, showing up for a meeting is among the least of the wildcat's concerns. But at least she's here.