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◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - BABY — - 10-21-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
How the hell did these people convince him to tag along with them to some cheapy little haunted house? He wasn't quite sure himself, but here he was. He was standing in front of the entrance, hands shoved into the pockets of his gray hoodie and his chin lifting so that he could get a good view of the rather mediocre entrance sign:


Oh, he would dare. The group would be in-and-out of there in about thirty seconds, guaranteed. God, Titan wondered to himself if there was anything else he could actually be doing right now instead of this. Bingeing Netflix? Wolfing down three Domino's pizzas?

Maybe getting outside for once wasn't such a bad idea.

But really? A haunted house? How scary could this possibly be, anyhow? Well, that was all easy for Titan to say, considering that these things didn't really scare him. He had been in much scarier situations before. "So... is someone gonna go first or do I have to?" The slender man asked, looking over at everybody else.

Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - ONISION. - 10-21-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

//Face claim is Cole Sprouse!

You see, Oni was a little shit- really, he acted all tough but he was terrified of ghosts. He had been one of the few who were suggesting the whole haunted house thing because well- he claimed he wasn't scared of anything. Which, uh, is a big fuckin' lie- because well, Oni was easily scared if something caught him off-guard.

Brown, messy hair had began to be fussed with and tugged as Oni walked up behind Titan, his eye patch covering his scarred right eye, his single blue one just obvious with nervousness. Onision liked having absolutely nothing to do with spirits or ghosts or demons- they scared him. So why did he suggest- and dare- everyone to go to this haunted house?

The world may never know.

It was automatic- a reflexive response- a defense mechanism, for Oni to laugh, however bitter it sounded. It sounded choked, obviously faked. "Why not? Do you need me to hold your hand and go with you, man?" Oni suggested snarkily, his palms hot with anxiousness as he idly rubbed them against each other. He had chosen to wear a pair of black ripped jeans and a sleeveless, grey and black hooded shirt. He wore a pair of black vans, all of his piercings lining both of his ears. He chose to dress more casual- his usual 'wannabe punk rock' attire.

Leaning on the balls of his feet, Onision patiently waited for a remark in return, tugging at his wavy brown strands.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - guts - 10-21-2018

Isabelle wasn't much for scary things, either. It wasn't uncommon for those her age, the mere shadows on the wall at night enough to scare her, sending her to retreat to her brother's room and beg if she could sleep there with him. It was normal, and yet she still found herself there, hot on Onision's heels. She had convinced him to let her go with him, despite where he would be going. She had thought it would be fun, and now that she was here, she was having second thoughts, unable to look at all the spooky decorations laid out in front of the house. Instead she buried her face in her brother's sleeve and tried to ignore the bustle around her.

She lifts her head at his words, eyes focusing on him and then on the other male. She didn't know many of his friends, Titan being one she didn't recognize. Listening to them, she perked up slightly. "Are you scared, too, mister? We can all hold hands!" she suggested in a much cheerier voice, looking up expectantly at the older man.


Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - CLEMENTINE P. - 10-21-2018

▹▹▹▹Unlike the others, who at least seemed to be attempting to swallow their fear, Clementine had no such control. Even the very mention of a haunted house made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end, the little blonde-haired girl rather hesitantly stepping up besides everyone as she looked between the small group that was gathering. There was Isabelle, who was roughly the same age as her, and even more so not looking afraid, and then there was Oni and Titan. As much as she hated to admit it, at least one of them would be able to fight off a demon if something really did jump out at them. Clementine swallowed roughly, shoving her fear back. It wasn't like she had to go if she was really so afraid, but... She didn't want to be thought of as a scared little baby, either. That self-consciousness alone would send her leaping head first into a situation she didn't even want to be in for the sake of being involved and trying it. Besides... Ghosts couldn't hurt her. Right?

But what if they could? "I-i'll go first with you!" Clementine's soft, breathy voice broke through the various laughed arguments of hand-holding as the little girl stepped up, reaching up for Titan's hand without another word. She didn't really want to go first, but Titan looked like he was the one that could fight the best, and was the biggest one to hide behind presently. Whether or not he dismissed the fact that he wouldn't hold anyone's hand, or if he was scared or not, Clementine could only hope he accepted her not-so-subtle offer as a means of sticking at his side. Maybe it was a little beyond her usual personality, holding hands so readily with a man she wasn't super familiar with, but she was sure her father would understand. That, and fear overtook any self-conciousness she had about appearing awkward and out of place. He would protect her, that much she was certain of.


Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - agathe. - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Agathe did not frighten easily. At least she didn't think she did.

When she wasn't studying or making iron and crystal jewelry for the Etsy business that nobody knew about, she was bingeing horror movies and seeing how much she could stomach before she even felt the slightest pinpricks of fear. She had gone through what felt like just about everything on Netflix and had been delighted to have been invited to this little haunted house in hopes that it would sate the growing void within her that seemingly cried out for something to try to scare her. The sign was written in comic sans of all things though, and Agathe didn't try to hide her disappointment as she stopped besides Titan and braced her hips with two heavily ringed hands.

"So are we like... Babysitting?" She inquired, glancing over her shoulder to where Isabella, Oni, and Clementine stood. This certainly hadn't been mentioned to her when she agreed to go and, admittedly, Agathe was a little bitter that she was probably going to get stuck rounding a bunch of kids through a mediocre haunted house. She didn't even know how to console a crying adult! How in the world was she supposed to make a spooked kid feel better? Huffing, she'd only continue to stare incredulously at Titan, red-painted lips pursing. "Because if we are, I wanted twenty dollars for it."

Hey, a broke college girl had to make money, didn't she?

Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - BABY — - 10-21-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan's brown gaze shifted towards Onision, having heard the mocking snort from the boy. This kid had always been a smartass, from what he had seen. He had dealt with plenty of those types, and he had built up quite a tolerance to ego-ridden, sarcastic humor. Blinking once, his neutral features unmoving, he replied curtly, "No, I don't." He wasn't afraid to go first, but he had just wanted to make sure that nobody else wanted to go into the haunted house first instead of him.

A younger voice reached his ears, and Titan looked down towards one of the children who had tagged along on this adventure. Goodness, she was quite enthusiastic. "Oh, no no. I'm not scared." Titan reassured her, shaking his head. "Uhhh, yeah, we could hold hands." Was he going to? No. He hadn't exactly accepted the little girl's offer, as he didn't really want to hold hands with everybody. Wouldn't holding hands make things more difficult, anyhow?

"I-i'll go first with you!" Before the long-haired man could react, another little girl had stepped forward and grabbed onto his empty hand. He hadn't been expecting that, to say the least. Trying to [sub]suppress[/sub] his flusteration, he vocally buffered, "I- uh..." Titan looked down at the little girl. She was quite cute, wasn't she? How could he say no to her? Damn his soft spot to hell. Shaking his head, Titan decided, "Okay, okay. Let's go first, then."

He glanced over towards Agathe, giving a shrug and answering, "Looks like it." The kids had been the ones that wanted to go in the first place, right? What adults had the time to go to a fake haunted house attraction? Whatever, there was no going back now. "Let's just go in, okay? It's not gonna be scary. Promise." He was more or less addressing the whole group now.

And with that, he took the first steps, parting the ripped, black entrance curtains and proceeding down the dark hallway.

Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - MOONMADE - 10-26-2018

[size=9pt]'Promise.' "He's lying." He's absolutely fucking lying. They're walking headfirst towards their own deaths and his palms are sweating like a bitch and Titan is lying. Moon doesn't understand why the fuck people do this shit.

They step in and there's blood on the walls. The hallway is lit in a way that leaves you with just enough light to make out vague figures in the corner and wonder if it's some disfigured possessed child with a knife and red stained clothes or just a lamp. There's the sound of screaming in several of the rooms surrounding them and, as they creep down the hallway, Moon latched onto Titan's shoulder like the parasite he is, it's looking less and less likely that he's gonna' make it out of here with his heart still functioning.

"We could've gone trick or treating." A door in front of them creeks open eerily. "We could've gone trick or treating." He repeats, almost to himself, increasingly high-pitched. A floor lays out before them, stained with various bloody hand prints. The sound of a chainsaw starts up. "We could've gone fucking trick or treating."

Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - ONISION. - 10-26-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Moon's gonna wuss out!" Onision snickered as he walked in behind the male, obviously rubbing his palms together nervously as he pushed his way through the house with his little sister on his arm. With every minor scare, Oni flinched slightly, scooting away from the source. Fuckers had already scared the shit out of him once, now he was paranoid about anything paranormal or scary in general.

Fuck it, he only loved Halloween because of trick or treating. As Moon repeated the sentence over and over again, Onision could only find himself silently agreeing with Moon. Gods, why did he agree to this? "We could still go trick or treating! Who cares if we're waking people up at 12 am. I want some fucking candy!" He shrieked out from behind the three, pulling his sister along to safety.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ◜ . spooky scary skeletons ┊haunted house au . ◞ - Owlie - 10-27-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]// it’s time

The next room the party would enter was dark and cold. Nothing happened until the happened until they all filed in and the door slammed shut behind them.
There was a heavy presence in there, as they could hear hard footsteps in the room. They were thick, weighted boots slapping against the floor.
Then the steps would stop. A few more steps.
KSHHHHHH KUHHH Repeated, unsettling wheezing. KSHHHH KUHHH Two steps. It was louder! KSHHHH KUHHH More steps!
KSHHHH KUHHH It was behind them!

The fake sword ignited, showing a hulking, caped figure illuminated in red. His outline was like a samurai, and his figure was illuminated by the sword. He hulked over them, his grip tightened on the sword. He raised an arm and an empty can from the shadows flung at the group. A tusked mask pointed at them and the massive figure looked down, raising his sword.
