Beasts of Beyond
A return - October 20th meeting - Printable Version

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A return - October 20th meeting - Morgan - 10-21-2018

Morgan shuddered as a cool breeze blew through the quiet town square. His news was not all good, but he clung to what hope remained as he cleared his throat.
"I've returned for this week's meeting. I'm sorry that I was gone for so long, everyone. I... I really am."
He pawed at the ground,  getting an urge to just leave the square altogether. He had failed his people yet again.

"First, I do want to welcome Airin, our one joining Tangler this week. The state of our small group is not the best right now, but I'm sure things will clear up."
The samoyed felt his breath quicken as his thoughts of his next words entered his mind.
"Ophelia has disappeared, meaning she loses her position. And..."
He clawed at the dirt.
"Delilah was taken. Taken in a raid. I don't know if she's alive now... I wasn't even around to defend you all."

"This week, I'll be promoting Axle to the rank of Guardsman. As our group grows little by little, we'll finally be able to fill out the ranks..."
If the group doesn't just die on me first,
he thought.
If I don't let them down again.
Continuing on, Morgan said,
"I also want to thank my Vigenere for taking over my duties last week. I'd also like to thank Delilah, but I can't really do that since she isn't here. I'm sorry."

"There's not much left to say. The spirits have taken over most of the town besides the few blessed areas, so I believe we should ask for Sunhaven's help this week. Pack your important things and be ready in the next few days. I can only hope that we'll be able to come back and free our land soon enough."

"Otherwise, that's everything. I promise I won't fail you all again."
The General headed off toward his cave without another word; he had a bit of packing to do, and a plan.


Welcome, Airin!
Axle is now a Guardsman!
Ophelia has disappeared, losing her rank.
Delilah was kidnapped during a raid...
Most of Tanglewood territory has been taken over by the dead. We'll be asking for Sunhaven's assistance about halfway into the week.

Re: A return - October 20th meeting - DELILAH. - 10-21-2018

Tracking with kidnapped gorl!

Re: A return - October 20th meeting - Airin - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

The translucent owl, forevermore glowing a ghostly light blue, perched up on a sign within the town square, turned its head almost all the way around as it heard the approaching general clear his throat.  Granted, it was the first time Airin had witnessed the canine, but considering he was calling in the meeting, he was most definitely someone high up the chain.

Apparently, he was the only newcomer to their group, and their group was not faring well.  Airin wondered if there was anything they could do to help its new place of residence.  Regardless, it gave a short vertical hop, with the sole purpose to turn its body all the way around, and gave a short nod.

"There's not much left to say. The spirits have taken over most of the town besides the few blessed areas, so I believe we should ask for Sunhaven's help this week.]

Sunhaven.  That was not a group name the spirit was familiar with either.  Still, if they were going to get assistance with their spirit problem, the more the merrier, it reasoned.  Maybe the questions it had could be answered.  "Yes, yes... that sounds like a good idea." Airin intoned, the telepathic voice resonating to anyone near.  It watched as the canine went off with a slight tilt of its head.  It truly was not much.

Re: A return - October 20th meeting - HAMMOND - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Another week, another meeting. The male's efforts with gathering intel from them had been tardy recently, most likely because of his increasing comfort around Tanglewood. Leave tomorrow he told himself when he'd curl up in the trunk of a car, only to wake up and do jobs to help out the thinning group. You're getting hurt protecting the weak. Stop it. Still he led the fight against the Pitt when the slavers raided. They're gonna get themselves killed seeking out another group's protection. Don't die with them, stupid. Seems like he was still around even after initial talks of letting the dead win ran around. Now he was a Guardsman too. A singular ear flickered at the news, a head kept low by the dislike of crowds rising in surprise. How many times would be rewarded when he didn't ask for it?

A nod given, thoughts loomed in his tormented mind about what to do about Delilah. As Morgan turned to leave, Axle did too, until a twinge of guilt caused his whole body to whirl around. The Heeler had had a week to see how the Pitt worked, what they did with captives and where they took them, fury may have drowned out some of his senses but information had still been learned whilst shackled in the horrid plains. First and foremost - the fact that the group didn't seem keen to kill captives. Even with male's complete refusal to submit to what they were trying to get him to he had left without a scratch. "You should help rescue Delilah," a loud voice called out, normally devoid of such a dynamic delivery. If Morgan felt guilt for abandoning them in their time of need, at least leading a rescue raid would provide some sort of redemption for the Samoyed.

More redemption than Axle could ever get.

Re: A return - October 20th meeting - arrow - 10-27-2018

[glow=black,1,400]YOU'RE JUST TOO PERFECT FOR MY HANDS TO HOLD — 。+゚.[/glow]
"We've gotta get her, alive or...not. Arrow paced, having listened to the meeting and really only focused on that one small part. Not that everything else wasn't important it was just...she couldn't stay here, warm and comfortable while Delilah was in that shit hole. And she knew what it was like there. She'd seen it. The casual conversation she'd been forced to overhear about whether or not the Pitt was gonna chop her up and divide her body to be devoured made her sick, and not for the reason one would think. She was a piece of shit, a tough little asshat, Delilah was soft. She was already so nervous. They would destroy her.

She felt guilty, like Morgan. Arrow wasn't there for Delilah either, she hadn't even seen it happen. What if Delilah escaped and they were all in Sunhaven? The short fur along her spine raised as best as it could. "If she's not dead now, she fucking will be if we leave her there to rot. Those cactus fuckers get their rocks off with torture, where d'you think I was, comin' back all bloody and broken up? If you won't help her out, I fucking will, we'll see if they remember my face." Arrow spat, deciding she was done here. She wasn't mad at Morgan, nah, he was stressed enough. She was mad at the Pitt, mad at herself. She'd get Flower Girl back.

And so she left the meeting. That was that.