Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] - Oh yes, this was different from bustling cities. The scorching sands hurt more than sundried pavement ever could, sands crunching between his toes with every step. Ik'selsaer had walked beaches before, but never dunes this expansive. This empty. What sort of fool would call lands like this home? Ik'sael was seeking residence here for now, of course, but that did not mean the canine planned on calling it home. He was not born here, raised here, he would not die for its lifeless land. Pyramids loomed in the distance, shimmering in the heat as if the sun itself had crafted them. The only thing that signified this land could host life. Even then, those that had built the monuments were long dead now. This land was not hospitable. Was it brave of the Pitt to insist on calling it home, or truly foolish? So long as they provided food and water to Ik'sael, it didn't fucking matter. He wasn't here to serve whoever they called their current monarch, not here to worship their Gods - no, he was here to take their resources and ideally not get his tongue cut out in the process.

Small ebony paws pad across the dunes, ignoring the scent of the border as the shiba inu wandered further into the Pitt's territory. Equally dark eyes blinked in the harsh sunlight, flicking around him to decipher what was and wasn't a mirage. "Hello?" Ik'sael barked out impatiently, curled tail swaying against his back as he took another step forward, ultimately stalling a few yards into the Pitt's deserts. "I heard there's a group living here. The Pitt or something. Lookin' to stay here for a bit, cool? Good." Marching into a strange territory alone was scarcely a safe choice, yet that did not stop the arrogant boy. Despite his ego the canine did not progress further, either, filtering the arid atmosphere in sensitive lungs unaccustomed to the loose sands. Who made their home in a fucking desert?

/hasdfKJLHADS SO I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE DROPPED THIS KID directly after making him but i really!! want to play him!!! so im gonna repost his joining thread from 2 months ago and pretend the first one never happened so i can give him a genuine shot :')

Re: KICK THROUGH THE SHACKLES, BREAK THROUGH THE CHAINS // joining - ; albion - 10-21-2018

the desert plains were nothing but home to the fox. growing up in nevada with heat capable of turning an innocent man insane, benny had learned to develop and adapt strategies to survive it. he kept a watchful eye on water supplies. with the jungle returned to them, they had more storage of it. it was only accessible after fighting through the wastes for days, and benny was comfortable with their grueling habitat to weed out the weak.

some times it claimed unlucky ones; were bound to do great things with their life. the dice rolled the wrong way and they ended up buzzard food. it took the harsh and cruel to survive out here, and that's mostly what wanderers would find.

hearing ik'sael call into the carrying winds, benny was bound to show up at some point. the marauder lifted his chin, looking the canine. "care t'give a name, cutie pie?" benny offered with a slight smirk.

"'m benny, a marauder here. means I'm in charge'a keepin' everyone in place while our big guy stryker is busy. said you're lookin' t'join, yeah? think ya got it in ya?"


[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette liked to think of the desert terrain as a challenge. Some time earlier, she wouldn't have thought that way, instead agreeing with Ik'sael and his view of it. But, as her views shifted, she decided it was a good thing. Not only would their enemies find it difficult to reach them, it also proved who was worthy, who was going to be a good addition to the clan. If they could survive the rough conditions and find themselves on their border, then it meant something. There was a method to their madness.

She arrives next, face turning slightly sour at Benny's greeting before settling into a welcoming smile, regarding the newcomer with a warm expression. But it was only skin deep. Like the other had implied, they had yet to see if he had what it took, to see if he would be worth their time. She thought it unfortunate that it was like that, and she felt a small sting of shame at thinking in such a way, but she also couldn't deny that it was just how it was. She had tried to for long enough.

"I'm Cosette." the serval introduces herself, mouth staying open for a split moment before closing. She was about to offer water, but then she quickly corrected herself, mentally scolding herself and forcing herself to place her paw back down from reaching to grab her bag. He hasn't earned it yet. So she swallows, eyes flickering away.