Beasts of Beyond
I'VE FACED IT ALL | VISITOR - Printable Version

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i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
//Please OOCly state if it is fine for Ichigo to see your characters aura! And if he is allowed to, please describe your characters aura since that's just the easiest way for Ichigo to identify people because he's terrible with names

He didn't like sand. That much was a factor on why he wasn't enjoying this journey to whatever this place was called. He just knew this place was a clan and he needed to know about the clans in the area. The wildcat remembered the last time he had been in a desert and that had been during a raid against the group that had killed his daughter. They had lived in a desert for the majority of their lives and he had never been a fan of it. Sure, his last mate had lived in a place like this so he had bared it for her even if it was just for a short time before she finally died. Cougars weren't necessarily built for deserts per say, but they could withstand a range of temperatures. Did that mean he could withstand temperatures while also wearing black armor and carrying a sword on his back? Not likely. Yet here he was, slaving away to just gather information that wasn't completely biased if he was going to ask about a place and if the group didn't end up liking him he could get his own experience first hand. The Shinigami doubted that he would run into anyone he knew in places like this since he was so far away from the clans that he existed in.

This world just seemed to be somewhat different in general and he wasn't sure how should really take a place for his own. Sunhaven had been the first place he had ended up finding if he had ended up finding any other group he probably would have resided there as well. The over-sized cougar wasn't extremely picky when he just wanted to have a place to sleep and rest for a little bit. Sleep wasn't something he got all that often thanks to his insomnia and nightmares that he had developed over the years. Sinking the sand was probably the worst part of all of this, frustrating Ichigo slightly as he didn't have time for all of this. He also didn't want to have to teleport and waste his energy using his powers either. He was told to keep walking until he found an oasis. Something that he used to jump in with a friend that lived in a group like this. He remembered her name and she was also a cougar like himself. Blair. She was extremely nice, and actually, have feelings for him, but with everything on his plate, he couldn't give her the same affection. He didn't even remember the last time he had seen the female, but that was beside the point right now. He had been to the Ascendants, and was still forming an opinion on them. Did he know the name of this place?

Nope. He probably should have asked but he also wasn't the smartest creature that existed out there and usually acted spur of the moment with most things. The Shinigami groaned as he lugged himself out of the sand and noticed the oasis that was in front of him. It was either that or he was about to die from dehydration, he wasn't quite sure. The wildcat finally decided that he couldn't take it anymore and teleported to the edge of the jungle. Flopping on the shaded ground, his leather and armor rattling underneath him as he did so. That was so much better. He moved back up into a sitting position and looked around. His left eye was yellow with a black sclera and his right eye looked normal with a regular brown hue. Ichigo knew that the appearances he had probably wasn't the best, but he wasn't here to start anything. He just wanted to learn about this place. The majority of the scent that came off of him was loner, but there were small sprinkles of Ascendants and Sunhaven. Having only spent a couple minutes getting to know the members in each before moving on again. It was obvious that the cougar was exhausted, a yawn spread across his jaws as he sat there patiently. God, he could really use a nap. Luckily the two souls that were inside of his body were quick to keep him awake and alert in case anyone actually came across him.

Re: I'VE FACED IT ALL | VISITOR - ; albion - 10-21-2018

//tracking!! will post soon promise <3

Re: I'VE FACED IT ALL | VISITOR - TSUYU. - 10-22-2018

/permission granted for him to see her aura and soul! hers is quite complicated. it's a dark green with black igor seemingly dripping from the corners and sides, signifying her unstableness and insanity that is overtaking her. faintly, there is traces of soft greens, the last of her purity. also a warning: tsuyu is incredibly unstable, and will react to any signs of aggression. he can have permission to sense this within her as well. ^^

Long hind legs carried the frog hybrid closer- closer to the beast which had remained at their borders, a large sword holstered on his shoulders. She wasn't too fond of weapons, mainly because she knew she could fight without them. She could destroy people if she wanted to- a good blood bend and she could snap his neck with a hard enough pull.

Her long tongue hung from her jaws, the frog-minx hybrid hopping up to the cougar with cold, almost empty charcoal eyes. "Who are you, what is your business here?" Tsuyu growled, the bottle of water on her side jiggling as she shifted her hips.

Her breaths came out in heavy pants, desperate, excited. She wanted a fight, she wanted to feel something again- thrill, bloodlust. Something.


Re: I'VE FACED IT ALL | VISITOR - guts - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]/it'd be fine for him to see cosette's, too! her's is mostly a dark blue, with muddy red and black spots.

She didn't trust people who came to the border, and if they weren't looking for more members, she would have avoided greeting them altogether. But, since their numbers were growing quite small, she supposed she might as well try to be friendly. Though that was actually not in the clan's nature, unlike all the others. But still, she felt it could lure in a new member or two in the future.

Cosette pads up next after Tsuyu, keeping distance between her and the hybrid as she studied the male, slightly wary of him. She was often on edge with strangers, but the large swords definitely weren't helping, nor the way he towered over her in height. If he turned out to be unfriendly, she would be in for it. Adjusting the satchel wrapped around her mid-section, mostly full of herbs and water, she'd wait for his response to the questions, keeping a close eye on his movements.


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Never judge a book by its cover. It was a phrase that Ichigo took to heart in regard to meeting those that he didn't know. Majority of the time Ichigo tried not to make assumptions about someone from the very beginning. Although over the years he remained quicker to judge than he would like to admit, it was just instinct at this point. the need to protect those that deserved to be protected and to keep himself alive for a litlte bit longer were certainly strong at least. The wildcat had no intention of dying anytime soon when there was so much about the world around him that he wanted to explore in the first place. Back when he was younger, the wildcat was a lot more niave then what he was now. Ichigo had no reason to think that those that he met would in any way try to manipulate him. He didn't even know that there were powers that were capable of invading his mind and making him do whatever they wanted. Luckily, he had ended up developing his own abilites to block the mental attacks from others, but that power wouldn't come along till later. Now, he had never been mind controlled before, but he had been possessed a handful of times. At least he believed so. Ichigo wasn't capable of really remembering any of that after all. Either way, Ichigo trusted those that he thought were friends only for them to come and stab him in the back later for their own selfish methods. Ichigo wasn't really one to hold grudges, but he was one to go out and demand to know why they had done something like that and ask for an apology. If his friends were involved as well and they were taken, Ichigo was usually quick to hop into action and would do everything in his power to get them back. No one messed with his family or friends. Or his clan for that matter, as he had been a clan leader twice before, having contained all of his memories from the previous group of clans that he had come from.

The most recent betrayal that he had been through, was when he was trying to get his powers back after his death. Ichigo had no idea how to get his powers back and the Shinigami Organization wasn't about to help him along the way either. He had no means of contacting or even seeing them if they came into the world of the living. But, he came across someone that was willing to help him. How they knew so much about him made him incredibly suspicious, but he was able to get past that as desperation to get his powers back and actually be useful for his friends and family to protect them. That was when his trainng had started with the female, and he worked with trying to summon his powers with a badge that had been given to him a long time ago. One that he had always carried with him everywhere that he went, and for some reason, his spiritual energy had been slightly sealed in the device. Ichigo didn't bother to question it when it seemed to work, but the progress was incredibly slow. He wanted nothing more to have his sword back and get back up to strength. He lost rest to continue training while there was no one looking. It was difficult and it was as usual near-death training for him too. This meant that if he messed up, his life would be in danger, but it was the type of training that he was used to. If he spoke about the way he trained now, the wildcat could almost guarantee that everyone would call him suicidal for it. Either way, he got so close to getting his powers back, only for the animal that was helping him get his powers back to impale him. She was able to absorb the powers that he was able to acquire through all the blood, sweat, and tears, and he was left with nothing again. He was furious. Upset, and he demanded that the other give him his powers back. Ichigo was lucky enough that the Organization hadn't forgotten about him, and he was stabbed for the second time that night, but instead of killing him, it restored his powers.

He had never been so relieved and happy, but at the same time, he was pissed for the one that stabbed him in the back. He was fairly certain that the animal wasn't able to move after all, and the Shinigami Organization needed to remove the powers that were absorbed. Ichigo went through a lot to get what he had now, and he shuffled his black and tawny paws on the ground as he heard someone approaching him. Enhanced hearing giving him a little bit of an interval to react to another's presence. Ichigo wasn't really what he was expecting with any group that he came across. Ichigo flicked one of his rounded ears as he saw what looked like to be a feline of sorts but not completely either. As she neared him, Ichigo was able to look at her aura, and he couldn't help but let a frown spread across his facial features. That wasn't good. Ichigo had seen what auras looked like to the point where they would break and there would be nothing left. This allowed Ichigo to get an idea of the mental state of those that he was talking to and what he should anticipate. Whatever was going on inside of the hybrid's mind wasn't even remotely good. Black covered the majority of her aura, dripping from the sides with small flecks of green that appeared only to disappear. The edges of the aura were jagged like a serrated edge waiting to cut something in its path. This creature was violent and that meant he was going to have to be careful. The inky way her aura moved reminded him of how his soul looked. The corrupted spirit part of his soul taking on the same shape and texture like that. Was she possessed? Ichigo wasn't sure, but there was obviously something trying to consume the small bits of green that were there. His analysis was done once she was standing in front of him. He watched as her aura flexed and branched out in an aggressive manner, but Ichigo didn't seem to try and show his own aggression toward her. He remained calm the entire time. The standard question that he was used to was asked, at least that was somewhat familiar.

Before he spoke, another animal made her way over, this one seems less aggressive than the hybrid in front of him. Ichigo wasn't all that worried about being attacked because if he really needed to get out of a situation, he could always teleport away. The scent of herbs caught his attention, a scent that he was accustomed to having on his own body considering how many times he got injured over the years. A medic maybe? Either way, that wasn't enough information at him, and he was quit to look at the female's aura. Multiple different colors were expressed along her aura, but it was a lot more calm and stable compared to the hybrid. The central color seemed to be that of a dark blue, which could mean many things in the end, but there didn't seem to be a split in the aura either. The black and red spots didn't seem to be moving in a concerning manner, at least to him, so he relaxed a little bit more at the serval's presence before turning his attention back toward the hybrid. "Yo. Name's Kurosaki Ichigo. I was wondering if you could tell me what this place is? I'm new to this area and I'm trying to get the lay of the land." The Shinigami stated calmly as he looked between the serval and the aggressive hybrid. There were no lies in his words, and the swordsman just wanted to know at least the name of this place. If they didn't want to tell him that, that was fine as he would just start asking around until the description would eventually sound familiar. 

Re: I'VE FACED IT ALL | VISITOR - TSUYU. - 10-25-2018

"The Pitt, ribbit." Tsuyu replied almost immediately to his question, not feeling any aggression in the air from this male, deeming him safe for now. "You can't go further than this. Though, To put it short, we're a group of criminals, ribbit." The hybrid croaked, before turning dark charcoal eyes towards Cosette, a menacing glare in them as she turned back to meet the cougar's own gaze. Her muscles were tense, eyes wary as her pupils shook violently. With a soft grunt, Tsuyu shook her head side to side, before backing up. "Can't handle this.. Is- Is that all you need? If so, please leave." Tsuyu's voice this time was a bit hushed, feeling the spikes in her instability rising. It happened at random, her fits, I mean. Fits that had her wanting to suffocate those who were innocent.

Kill him- Wait! Don't, he's innocent- KILL HIM!

Tsuyu struggled with the arguing voices in her head, her ears laying back before she shifted to stand a bit behind Cosette, trying to avoid the gaze of this man. Stop frowning- don't look at me like that. I don't need to be pitied- I can handle myself! I'm perfectly fine!


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Ichigo was used to being threatened on a daily basis. It happened plenty of times with the corrupted spirits that he dealt with. The over-sized cougar had learned to ignore them with his growing age. If he was younger, he would probably shout an insult back just to get the better of them. He had better control of his anger even if it was just a little bit here and there. He had no reason to try and get onto the bad side of others if he just wanted information. He also had no idea how long he would actually be staying in the area and how long it would actually end up taking. He was using up most of his energy reserves just to travel around here and there. Ichigo himself had been captured once by an enemy group. This didn't really make all that much sense to him considering that he had only been in a clan for a very short time and didn't really associate himself with them. But he knew what enemies were, and against a tiger and him having no powers, there was little he could do agianst the larger animal. He also didn't have any armor on his body at that point and just had his sword which had been taken away from him once he was captured. It was there that the tendons in his back legs were severed almost completely making it impossible to walk. At the same time, the wildcat had to deal with other threats that were spat at him. Ichigo tried his best to continue to fight as just because someone was stronger than he, didn't mean that he was going to give up immediately either.

The wildcat had no reason to give up int he likes of those that captured and tortured. Ichigo hadn't approved of the idea of capturing someone when he was the leader of the clan that he was from. In fact, he as completely against it as it just put more fuel to the flames at the end. Torture was even worse and something that only coward partook in to try and do. There was no respect or honor in any of that. Not even a sense of pride either. What was the point of trying to hurt someone that was outnumbered and couldn't fight back? If he could save anyone from getting tortured he would save anyone that was in the process of being injured against their will. No one deserved that after all. The hybrid was the first to talk, and Ichigo flicked one of his ears at her words. The Pitt. An interesting name he had to admit, and he didn't say anything as the other continued to speak. He never intended to go further unless he was considering himself to be a joiner. The wildcat could say where he wanted and not have any issues, at least that was hoping but with the way the female's aura was fluctuating, he wasn't sure how long he would last in an area like this. He was easily larger than her so he had the size advantage, but he knew that these clans had powers just like from the clan he came from.

At the mention of being a criminal's, Ichigo's facial expression didn't change. So, this was probably one of the more problematic group. It reminded him of a group that did whatever they wanted and only had a sense of making enemies instead of making allies. And because that they were usually at the brunt of everyone's sword and didn't really stand all that much of a chance. They did make a name for themselves though, and that's probably what they wanted in the end. "I didn't have any intention of going further than the border. The Pitt is an interesting name, do you guys have any enemies or allies?" Ichigo questioned calmly as he raised a nonexistent eyebrow. After he said that, he watched as the hybrid began to back away, shaking her head just like he did when he had been unstable himself. His bi-colored eyes watched carefully as the other asked him to leave, and he made a movement stand up instead of sitting down, but he wasn't going to leave just yet. He was probably pushing the female more than he should, but any sort of information would help him at least. "I don't plan on staying for long. Can you at least tell me what groups border your territory?" Ichigo questioned in the calm tone again. The Shinigami didn't make any threatening movements, and the black tip of his tail twitched behind him.