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YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - Printable Version

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YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - tristitia - 10-20-2018

In all truth, the pup did not know of anyone around. As such, she needed to get to know them. After her crashing landing on the docks a few days ago, Cealica took time to orient herself with the place. She was walking around, and then suddenly sat down as she forced herself to speak English. "Uh hello? My name is Cealica. What’s your guys’?"
polvere di vita che ha
ricoperto tutta la bellezza

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - kaiors - 10-20-2018

You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard —

Now english was not in his language, the wolf was still learning it to the best of his ablities, or the lack there of.  Walking over with his wings folded neatly beside him, he was painfully aware that one he had to learn english, two he hoped someone could translate whatever he's saying for him.  Now coming to the situation before him, the wolf lowered himself onto the ground with a cautious wag of his tail. 

"Ciao."  he greeted softly, not really expecting a response back from the pup. Now if she did respond back, that would really make his day.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #550c18; font-size: 24px;"]— FIORELLO

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-20-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
The Shinigami didn't know a lot of faces, and that was self-explanatory. He had barely been here a day and he was confused about how the group really wanted to run itself. Having been the leader twice in his lifetime, he didn't know what to make of the group just yet. Majority of the creatures here seemed to be fairly okay in his eyes, but he wasn't going to take anything at face value. He had done that plenty of times before and nearly had gotten himself killed countless times. The over-sized cougar had yet to settle down into the area, as he wasn't going to claim a spot for himself just yet. Instead, he was trying to to know those that lived in the place such as this. He blinked his bi-colored eyes as he walked carefully through the camp. He was fairly certain that the wood underneath his paws were bound to give out sooner or later and he would end up drowning from the amount of weight on his body. He had plenty of powers that did indeed keep him alive, but that didn't mean they were always going to be used either. Half the time he only used his powers if they were absolutely necessary. Ichigo twitched the black tip of his tail before he heard a voice that he didn't recognize. That wasn't much of a surprise considering that he still didn't know anyone by name around here other than Infirmaryward.

English also wasn't Ichigo's first language, but having 5 years to learn it meant that he was pretty damn good at it, Japanese being the native language that he knew as well. The wildcat still had trouble from time to time describing certain objects but so far no slip-ups had happened as of late. He decided that he might as well track down the voice, and it wasn't hard to hear the armored cougar making his way over. His yellow and brown eye landing onto the forms of a canine, what breed he did not know, and a young wolf. They were both kids. Ichigo felt a small ache in his heart, and the Shinigami visibly hesitated whether or not he was actually going to approach the two before finally realizing he was being awkward by standing there. Cealica. It was a nice name. Where were her parents though? It was common in the likes of a clan for other animals to drop their offspring at the border, and this could have happened to both of them. Ichigo sat himself down, keeping himself a little bit away from the two canids, as his stature could certainly be intimidating to some. "Hey there kiddo. I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. You can just call me Ichigo. Where are you from?" Ichigo questioned, and the question was open to both of the animals as he looked between them both. The Shinigami looked tired, but that wasn't something that was ever gone.

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - rhosmari - 10-21-2018

Her sickness had been getting worse and a few days ago her eyes had slowly begun to turn black. The color had slowly begun to seep across the vivid green of her eyes, slowly like a leech before it had infested and taken over everything. The world seemed hidden in shadow, voices turning and shifting in her head. Her body ached, the pain leaving her almost disabled and hard for her to make it out of bed these days. Venus had come to see her but there wasn't much the Solbinder could do and that was what pained her the most. What had that thing done to her? Slowly the leader moved, jaws slightly parted and leaking that dark liquid upon the ground as tired pants left her throat. The sound of gurgling as she attempted to form words and try to at least talk or say anything really. It was difficult, like her body had forgotten how to make sounds and so she didn't. She just laid down and pushed her face against the floor, eyes half open as the darkness swirled around her thoughts and her vision. There was always this echoing scream that throbbed in her head and she pushed a paw against her cranium, a low breath issuing forth from her throat. This was a meet and greet and she couldn't even remain composed enough to even introduce herself.
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-21-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Whenever to came that evidently could change the body of someone, it usually was never good. At least from the experience that Ichigo had to go through majority of the time with his transformations that were usually extremely painful. His usually consisted of white liquid instead of black liquid like what Marina was going through. The wildcat had no reason to believe that other creatures could be infected unless it was a Hollow. He had never heard of the idea of a animal getting infected with a regular spirit or soul before. He knew that one could possess another, but infect them to the point of killing them? He didn't think it was actually a thing. The scent was the first thing that Ichigo was able to smell first. His rounded ears perked and the grin that had been on his face almost completely disappeared as he turned his head to look over his shoulder was a lumbering canine. One that was well larger than he was by several feet, but that didn't mean he was intimidated.

What surprised him though was the health that the creature was in. Black liquid dripped from her body, which obviously wasn't healthy. At least he hoped that this wasn't a common occurrence. As the large female got closer, Ichigo got up onto his paws and his mouth opened slightly with concern. The armored male watched as the other couldn't even form words and looked as if she was about to die at a moments notice. Concern was spread across Ichigo's face as he took a couple steps forward, but didn't dare touch her in case she became violent. He usually did. "Hey lady are you okay? What's happening is this normal for this place?" Ichigo asked in a confused manner. He had only been here for one day, and he didn't know what was considered normal compared to the other clans that he had resided in. Looking around, he didn't look at the children before he called out to anyone that was nearby. "Medic! I think someone is extremely sick!" The Shinigami called out as there was nothing in his thoughts that would give him an idea of how to help her. He had terrible medical knowledge. He was a warrior, not a healer. 

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - REBECCA MACK - 10-21-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Oh, now who was this little cutie? Bex always loved seeing kids running all over the place, they were much more enjoyable to be around than prickly adults, and this little pup was no exception. It did make her miss her daughter more than she already did, though, but she tried to not let that get to her. The last thing she wanted was for her personal issues to keep her from enjoying life, no matter how tough it was. It was like no matter what Bex did, nothing ever turned out perfectly happy for her, so why spend so much time worrying when she could be enjoying herself instead?

Of course she would never be able to fully get over it, but at least she could always act as if she was, right?

"Hey kid, I'm Bex," the collie woofed as she strolled up, flashing a bright smile in the young pup's direction. "Cealica is a a very pretty name, by the way," she added with a quick wink. Quite honestly, it sounded pretty similar to her own mother's name. Huh.

Suddenly startled by Ichigo's sudden call for a medic, Bex turned her head to see him as well as Marina, who was very ill. But Bex already knew this... most of Sunhaven did. "Hey, Marina, you okay? Shouldn't you be laying in bed or something?" Like Ichigo, Bex was no medic either, but she knew enough to know that if someone was sick that they should be resting... not wandering around like a zombie. Rather concerned, the female scooted closer to Cealica, hoping the child wouldn't end up too worried about the helion's current condition.

Re: YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER // o, m & g - buckingham barnes - 10-21-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky couldn't imagine himself speaking other languages. Throughout his whole life, the only langauge he ever learned was english. It was his parents native language, and Bucky lived in areas that spoke it as well. There was no real reason for the Asset to learn a different language, so it didn't. Now and again, there are times where the maine coon wished he learned another language. But, he knows that he's far too old now- surely if he began to learn it, he'd never be fluent. He might be able to say simple phrases and understand easy conversations, but he'd never get up to a level so complex. And little Cealica here- she was just proving that it's better to learn new languages young. He heard about her little crash at the shore, and how she was speaking in an entirely different language. And when he heard Cealica speak English, it was a sign that she's intelligent, and a quick learner too.

The former assassin was the next one to pad in, entering after Bex on silent paws. The male barely made a sound against the boardwalk, his gaze landing on Cealica for a moment. "Hello, I'm Bucky," He meowed with a flick of his ear, "You're catching on quickly to speaking English." Bucky wasn't so sure if she still learning to speak it, or if she was already fluent in it. Either way, both would be quite impressive. Bucky wished he spoke two languages when he was a kitten!

His ears pricked up at Ichigo's voice, his head snapping over to the cougar as they called out for a medic. For a moment, Bucky wondered why they needed a medic here- and then he saw Marina. Marina, who's sick and definitely should not be out and about, here right with them. Bucky blinked a few times with surprise, the last person he expected to be here right now was. And honestly, that concerns him. Marina is their leader, and Bucky's good friend- he's felt worried for her the moment she fell ill, and even more now. She should be resting, saving up her energy to fight off her illness, not use it all up on duties she shouldn't worry about right now! "Marina, what are you doing out here? You should be resting!" He meowed as his ears pinned back to his skull, looking at his friend with a concerned gaze. "I'll go grab Venus," He said with a sigh, knowing that Bucky was probably the last person the Solbinder wanted to see right now, but Venus will have to get over it.