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opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - Printable Version

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opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - sephiroth - 10-20-2018

hello!  im reaaallly trying to get the rosebloods out there but we don't have too many members at the moment and i really wanna expand it!  this group is super special and interesting to me and i wanna make it the best i can

soo uhhhh throw your suggestions and opinions and critique at me!!  i'll listen to anything, i really wanna make this group as great as it can be so people want to join us.  don't worry about being too critical or long or in-depth or anything, i'll take any suggestions to help improve the rosebloods~

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - woody - 10-20-2018

track on main

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - woody - 10-22-2018


Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - Quill - 10-22-2018


So I'm not part of the Rosebloods so I just went through and took a look at everything objectively and honestly I think you have a great Clan idea and I don't think there's necessarily anything more to improve on, it's just a matter of a lack of members. I know for me personally, how slow Rosebloods is, is a little bit of a downside for me wanting to join and getting involved with a character. Maybe you could try some mass adoptions and plot some things out with other clans? I think the exposure of Rosebloods would help a lot honestly, though I'm sorry I can't offer anything more specific than that! Maybe having something like a plague or a sickness (given the halloween season) and offering that as a plot to other clans could draw in some interest and some characters.

Additionally, though I'm not sure how much of a factor this might be towards it, I find that "evil" clans are typically slower because playing strictly 'evil' characters takes a lot more consideration and planning and can sometimes be limiting. Maybe expanding on some of their aspects into traditions and giving moral reasons why they're so evil or why they believe in these things might help? I think from a writing standpoint alone, it's hard to discern one specific reason for why people are evil or are willing to do bad things. I think in order for the Rosebloods to have that sort of reputation would be to basically sell them out as mercenaries. They're people who are willing to do other people's dirty work and to do honestly horrible things to people, yet when it comes to their own group and their own loyalties, they are a family and they are 'nice' to one another and are capable of interacting with other clans without just being the 'evil' group in the corner, for lack of better words; it's simply that trust and their morality is different from the mainstream idea.

Idk that kinda got rambly sorry XD Just kinda my weird two cents on it

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - sephiroth - 10-22-2018

[member=125]Quill[/member] we have a mass adopt open as well as hp tryouts, the problem im guessing is just the group isnt attractive enough for people to wanna join

i reeeeaaallly like the mercenary idea and thats probably what im gonna overhaul the group into.  i am gonna try and set up events and such this week and stuff with other groups to encourage activity and joiners

[member=1260]miss ririchiyo[/member] im trying my darndest to set things up ti inspire threads and muse but i guess just isn't as inspirational?  again gonna work on the overhaul soon enough, hopefully throughout the rest of the month the group will overhauled and better.

again the mercenary idea really appeals to me, my inner skyrim dark brotherhood member must be showing lol.  i think a system where people can post 'contracts' and roseblood members can accept them.  again im really digging this and will probably be refining it and i hope that helps

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - pallid-i - 10-31-2018

bumping this so i can get fresh opinions before i join tbh

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - axiom - 10-31-2018

tbh the rosebloods doesn't stick out to me -- the territory is almost the same as the pitt's (and i know the pitt had the desert / jungle thing going on back when the rosebloods first started) and the ranking system has counterintuitive names to me.

i'm gonna be blunt, when i look at the rosebloods, the first thing i see is egyptian-era bloodclan mixed with the pitt. it seems to have lost its 'distinctive' edge that drew me to it when i played charon mortem.

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - sephiroth - 10-31-2018

[member=207]axiom[/member] YEAH i only noticed the territory thing recently akjfadhklad.  i'll see if i can come up with some way to fix it though

we did drop the egyptian theme a little bit ago, and picked up a new religion.  only thing is that the main rb account needs a change to reflect

i am working towards making the rb more neutral-ish and also giving them the mercenary system.  uniqueness is defs something i wanna strive for and if literally anybody has ideas im open to them!

Re: opinions on/how to improve the rosebloods? - axiom - 10-31-2018

awesome, i'm really glad to see you guys try a different direction! for the territory, maybe go with a mountainous forest them? you could use yellowstone or the sierra mountain range (which are beautiful with the redwood trees) as a jumping off point, maybe throw in an old castle/mansion for the group to live in.

since you're thinking of going with a mercenary system, will there be a currency / trading system put in place to support that? i've seen that done sometimes and work out well (like in the cartel).