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why do good girls like bad guys? - Printable Version

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why do good girls like bad guys? - toboggan - 10-20-2018

guys, please help me with this one, i’ve been asking this question for a really long time.

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - OMEGA - 10-20-2018

i don't know, i've been a bad boy and it's plain to see that all the girls fall in love with me. wish i could help you more sorry.

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - axiom - 10-20-2018

lmao let me answer a probably joking question with a serious answer xD
also I will use any opportunity to talk about my bf bc I so rarely get to do so here on best catsite

when I met my boyfriend two years ago (let's call him John), he was typical bad boy. he had a shitty gpa (and I mean... he barely managed to get a good enough gpa to graduate from our prestigious university) and was a notorious troll. but he was damn loyal, because his friends were damn near the only thing he cared about. so he was basically a 'bad boy'

case in point -
it's midterm season, everyone's a fucking zombie from all nighters and too much caffeine. I, inconveniently, the night before remembered a huge piece of the trauma that gave me ptsd and was a fucking wreck. I have a ptsd episode after I finish a test -- hell, I had parts of the ptsd episode during the test. so I'm freaking out in the bathroom, my nose is bleeding from stress, and I text my current boyfriend (I wasn't dating John yet), he was busy and didn't see the text. bc. you know. midterm season.

I text John. give him a very vague freak out text that I need to see him and I'm crying in the bathroom and can't calm down. he gave me a time estimate of how long it'd take him to reach me (as he was all the way on the opposite side of campus) and asked me where to meet him.

exactly on time, he lets me cry into his shirt for like 10 minutes, getting snot and tears and absolutely soaking him in gross crying juices. he Waited for me to tell him what was going on. and he didn't rush me. we spent an hour on that bench outside my building, me crying and him teaching me some meditation exercises to decrease the severity of the trauma. when I calmed down but was still shaking, super faint and dizzy from the exhaustion that comes after a ptsd attack, I realized I forgot to eat that day. and half of yesterday. and didn't have any food at home. back then, I was prone to going days without food just because I 'forgot' -- looking back, I think I was so out of it with ptsd symptoms that I just didn't care about my body sensations.

so we go have lunch at a good burger joint close to campus. and we bond. I remember I'm supposed to be at work and start freaking out again. John laughs and says it's fine, he should've been working at his lab the entire time he was helping me out.

and that was shocking to me. I never met someone that cared so much about me that would completely throw away their responsibilities for me. but that's who John is -- he gives a shit about his friends, and it's easy for him to make the choice to help them, even at the cost of his own responsibilities.

and that's when I fell in love with him.

so that's how I, a traditional bookworm "good girl" with high grades and perfectionism fell in love with a trollish "bad boy" who had a 2.4 gpa at graduation and 'likes drugs' to keep it vague lol.

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - dreamiplier - 10-20-2018

hell, this is a valid question bur, honestly
also that's a cute story axi, i'm sorry about the ptsd episode though :,(

i mean, personally, i've never been a girl for the bad guys? it really just depends on the person. like i look for a guy in life more like me, but most of the guys i've liked i'm like "why the fuck did i like him lmao." but legit all the guys i've liked have been either outgoing or quiet.
but the reason good girls like bad guys, i think, might be because they can be someone they're not around them? idk, i couldn't really tell ya, but it could also be that bad guys are kinda cool tbh.

but what most girls really like is how compassionate and sweet a guy is. that's what every girl dreams of. to have someone who cares about them a lot and just... you know, really cares wow i thought i used to be good at relationship advice but what the fuck is this honestly im sorry bur

and you know how i like that kid from my church bur, matt. he's not a bad guy. he's really sweet, quiet, and funny. those are the types of guys i like. you just gotta find someone who likes you for who you are, and someone who just looks for those qualities in a guy, i guess. you're a very sweet guy, bur, so i wouldn't worry so much about this, if you're asking for real on this tbh

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - toboggan - 10-20-2018

i just memed on you guys and i got real responses help

thanks for sharing your stories i’m sorry for actually making this now

and thank you pyro for your bravery. this is a tough topic.

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - Orion - 10-24-2018

w...why are there actually good responses to this meme
i'm actually astounded

thank you for your thoughts peeps bc that was actually an interesting read

Re: why do good girls like bad guys? - miss ririchiyo - 10-29-2018

i'm sobbing
//hugs everyone here

well i dont really know? i'm lesbian, and i dont really find myself drawn to the "bad boy/girl" type? it just comes off as unattractive to me? i dunno. i have a think for geeky girls who like anime or art?

but if you mean kinda punk-rockish? (i cant believe i just said that), i guess that's attractive? i just like having someone who enjoys the attention i shower them in. oof.

this went off topic kill me
wait- did i even answer that question right?

ignore me. pls.