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i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
He. Hates. The. Ocean. Why was he doing this? Was the need to figure out which clans resided in this areas so damn important to him? He could probably just teleport to the end of the track and be fine with that but that would just mean he would still be around the water. From the looks of it in the distance the place seemed to be an island. At least, that's as far as he could really tell from it all. The oversized cougar had adapted to hating the water for the misfortune that he always seemed to have with it. The clan that he had called home seemed to have a knack for picking territories that were close to large bodies of water and it usually never ended well for him half of the time. Or for those that he knew on top of that. There had been a territory like this once where they had been on an island and there were train tracks that led into a tunnel where the clan lived. Ichigo didn't care about that territory all that much but he didn't hate it either because he still liked the ocean to some extent. Given the gear that he always wore across his body though, he would probably sink all the way down to the body if he really tried to without using his powers somehow. He knew that he didn't have the ability to manipulate water, while he had three other elemental powers.

The first instance to kick off his hate for water was the fact that he had been walking along the edge of a beach when a saltwater crocodile ambushed him from the water latching onto his left back leg. Hence why his left back leg was covered in several scars to show where the crocodile had torn into his flesh. He was lucky to get out without his leg being ripped off, and instead only had his leg broken. His clanmates had saved his life that day but it had certainly been painful when there was nothing he could do against it. That was the first omen that told him that he shouldn't be around large bodies of water. The next instance had happened to his sister, Yuzu being attacked at the waters edge by a spiritual beast that probably was going after her because she was related to him. It was this moment that his baby sister was rendered completely blind. It was certainly heartbreaking and Ichigo never forgive himself for being quick to be there for her. Then, Ichigo was nearly drowned when he thought he was swimming out to help save his friend in the waves. Only to realize too late that it was a trap that was set for him and he was taken underwater. It was there that the beast had gills and he did not, nearly killing and drowning him, but not without saying very specific words that would trigger the thing inside of him. Not being able to breathe and the thought of dying by drowning certainly started to frighten him quite a bit.

Next came the death of O'Fraiser. At least he consider the first death of his best friend when a cruise ship had gotten near their island for some reason. The humans took him away and there was nothing that the Shinigami could do to get his friend back. After the death of his best friend, the clan decided to move territory to get away from the humans. They ended up living in a castle on the cliffside to an ocean. A territory that he didn't have the time to enjoy before another set of tragedy struck the clan as O'Fraisers husband, Cambrian, killed himself by falling from the edge of the cliff to the rocks below in the sorrow of losing his love. It pained Ichigo greatly to watch the other die and look at his mangled corpse at the bottom of the cliff as his blood stained the ocean water red. It was from this moment on that he distinctly hated being around the ocean and would refuse to go around it. Acquiring a dragon body in the process would allow him to escape the idea of going through water. Only tragedy happens to the male when he's around water and nearly drowning made the fear even worse. And yet here he was, walking along the railroad tracks when there is no water on them, and instead only on the side. The Death God seems to be walking at a fairly brisk pace, trying his best to keep from stumbling in the water. He was too tired for this shit. As he got close to the island he was able to see the gate that probably was the entrance to the territory.

He was nearly the last couple of stretches of railroad when he couldn't take it anymore and ended up teleporting to the gate inside. Breathing slightly heavy as he looked over his shoulder, a shiver running down his spine. That was awful. He was just going to teleport the rest of the way when he went back. He wasn't going to do that again. A relieved sigh escaped his jaws as he sat himself down in the gravel to catch his breath, before opening his eyes again to look at the gate and noticing the sign with a skull on it. Well... isn't that reassuring. He flicks one of his ears as he has no idea if a group like this could potentially be violent or not. If someone didn't already hear him thanks to the metal armor that rattled with each movement he made and the large sword on his back, the scent of a loner would certainly attract their attention. His eyes would then turn to look at a basket that was also near the edge of the gate, and he looked into it only to lean back when he realized that there were snakes in it. He didn't have a bad time with snakes compared to water, and he had no idea what kind of snakes they were either. The Shinigami moved toward one of the bells that was hanging, and aimed to ring it.

The method seemed kinda embarrassing, as if ringing a bell to call animals to come pay attention to him. Ichigo didn't like it all that much but he was too tired to start yelling. His condition wasn't the greatest, as he was exhausted and hadn't been eating enough to retain the majority of his muscle that. His eyes were sunken, and his eyes were two different colors. His left eye being yellow with a black sclera and his right eye being the normal brown with white sclera. Ichigo had recently found the group of clans, and now he was interested in visiting each one of them to see what they were about and which ones to avoid. Was it rare here to have someone come for a simple conversation? He didn't know. Ichigo did have a faint scent of Sunhaven on him, but his loner scent would be the first thing that would be noticed and not Sunhaven. The reason being that he had only been in Sunhaven for approximately 20 minutes before hearing about the other groups in the area. He might as well get his traveling done now to get it over with. A yawn spread across the armored cougars jaws as he adjusted the wrist plates that he wore on his front paws as he patiently waited. He had nothing better to do, and the less he had to think about across the railroad again the better.

//Please OOCly state if it is fine for Ichigo to see your characters aura! And if he is allowed to, please describe your characters aura since that's just the easiest way for Ichigo to identify people because he's terrible with names

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - Grey - 10-20-2018

[ ooc ] he can see baku's aura. i'm not really sure what you mean by a description of his aura though?

The ocean looks calm today. The waters are cold, beginning to freeze with the coming winter. There is a reflective shine, twinkling like a starry night as they peacefully shift back and forth. The sea glitters back at him. They wink at his glassy hues - filled with serenity. The ocean holds a tranquil gaze as Bakugou strides across the beach, his earthly abilities causing the sand beneath his paws to compact. Perfect prints form behind him. A few grains dare to sprinkle over the delicate details of his steps, eventually becoming swept away by the brush of a gentle wind that strokes his cream-coloured fur. Calmness is not one imagines when pertaining to the memory of this particular Reaver. No, he was too loud and aggressive. There is a constant hostility that flickers from his tongue, a distaste upon his buds as if everything he ate was sour and bitter. For some time now, however, he's found himself on a record. He feels too serene to growl and snap now. It was probably because he needed peace. He needs more time to just let himself think. Perhaps it was why many pirates took up beach walks in their spare time rather than something more demanding such as hunting or blacksmithing. It was the sensation of doing nothing, letting himself be and exist for nothing more but the moment ahead of him. He has no plans for now, only that he wants to keep walking and walking until his legs refused to move.

He's never feared drowning. He knows how to swim and he's not particularly afraid of what's beneath the dark abyss of water. The creatures that lurk and swim within the depths are no match for him. They are unaccustomed to the taste of fire, unaware of the abilities he possessed and trained to the limit. He is familiar with his own combinations, always improving and evolving his capabilities that he feels comfortable with fighting just about anyone. And yet, after his ego had been shut down by his 'fellow privateer', he's also careful not to engage in battles in which a clear loss shone ahead of him. He knows better now than to pick fights with beasts before learning anything about them. It is good to assess and to understand. His intelligence, after all, seems to have been hardwired to the workings of battle. Combat is like a second language to him. There is a thrill to the way his body can move so swiftly, the sensation of being agile and allowing his body to twist and move throughout the air as he switches from offense to defense, or defense to offense.

Maybe he realises it's happier this way. If he hadn't built up such a particular reputation, he would maybe even smile at bypassers during his walk around the island. He can't do that. To attempt to drop all the history he's made so far would be a waste of his time and effort. No one will believe him, everyone will think he has an ulterior motive and that frustrates him. He's fallen down a hole that he can't get up from no matter how much firepower he has to keep lifting himself. Even after restarting in this wretched place, he's made enemies already. There's no going back now. No redemption at the end of the tunnel. It's endless, a circle, always in the dark and following the tracks that led to nowhere, never elsewhere. It's also his fault. He assumes he knows the end and will therefore never try. If others tried to be genuine with their shot at redemption, he wouldn't believe them either. Maybe it was his subconscious' way of telling him that he wouldn't like himself if he met himself. He would dread himself, hate himself, wish himself away and banished to the bottom of the ocean. Shackled, chained, left to drown in a dark unknown where no air can reach him.

Bakugou closes his eyes, stopping atop solid sand. He feels the tide circle around his ankles before being drawn back in again, shifting back and forth with no aim or purpose. His sanguine orbs open to stare bitterly and painfully at the white froth that forms, filling his pawprints behind him until evidence of his presence had been erased. His nose twitches as if there was a fly bothering him, continuing to stare indifferently at the shape the water made. Moments, seconds, minutes. Everything feels timeless. Slow and fast. He doesn't know how long he's been here, body still and unwavering. He doesn't so much as quiver at a particularly cold breeze. He forgets he's even here, he forgets why he's here. Bakugou pulls his eyes away. He feels like a fish, suddenly lured by a bright light because beneath the surface the ocean is dark and brooding. It's hard to know where everything is, hard to see the sun above because it is obscured by particles of water and packed air. Noise if muffled, suffocated by the water that fills the ears and embraces the body.

He winces and feels his body shudder back to life, breaking from his silent trance when he hears ringing from the railroad. Truthfully, he's never thought that one might feel foolish or strange for ringing the bell. He's always thought them to be annoying and impatient if they rung the bell more than once, ignorant and stupid if they rung the bell while shouting over it thus making any attempt at communication redundant. He's always thought it to the The Typhoon's inconvenience and not the visitors. The Reaver sighs, rolling his shoulders so to loosen his tired knots before laying his critical eyes upon the foreigner. He notices the trademark scent of Sunhaven, realising the male was not as much of a stranger as he thought he was. As Bakugou got closer too, he begins to notice just how large the cougar happened to be. It wasn't a mistake of his eyes. This was reality, feeling as if part of the reason as to why the other seemed so large was also because Bakugou was only a ragdoll of all creatures. Something about this male seemed to give off a powerful air...probably because he feels unsettled by the large sword upon the Sunhavener's back and the armour that he wore, imagining the other to be exceptional in combat. As Bakugou was a blacksmith himself, he could discern everything the other wore to be of good quality.

"What do you want here?" the Reaver asks, daring to lock eyes onto to the larger male. He wasn't intimidated. Bakugou refuses to feel afraid in his own territory, his own home. If he felt afraid here then he would feel safe nowhere.

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - Luciferr - 10-20-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
[ooc: he can see Luci's! Ofc if you want? It's a bun ha shadows around a singularity heart with some motes/crystals of light kinda motif (like his Ava) and shot through with some red void looks - if you want more ideas on running with descriptions, he has a buncha aesthetic word relations in his 'aesthetics' section on his tags]

Lucifer doesn't hold a hatred for water.

It's fluid and flowing much like his shadows can be - and they too can drown you just as easily -  the depths are dark as his own soul, in many ways water is familiar to him and of course kindred.

His younger sister has been water after all - water where he was darkness, the frenzied waves where his shadows choked, a tsunami kindred to an event horizon, the depths of the oceans and the dark space between stars - Kaelin was a dragon, a serpent of the water where he flew the skies above.

He remembered once so long ago, racing each other - who was faster? The sea's queen or the dark's King? - and the the raging battles, Kaelin drowning the cities below while the dark tore through the ships of the skies.

It felt like yesterday and yet an infinity ago.

But then time held little to h and his.

Lucifer eyed the calm sea below as his great wings tore through the air with languid grace - a black knife cutting through blue swaths of sky - before the distant yet instantly recognisable sounds of the bell ringing drew his attention.

Wings angled downwards and curved back - a single scant beat and his path diverged from the ocean's hold on his memories and towards the regular beats of the Typhoon's daily life.

Sometimes it felt strange that he'd gone from wars in the stars, a frontline general and prince in one to the fairly much more mundane life of the group's that inhabited this world - even the conflicts were so much more simpler.

If anything he found it more grateful - it felt nice to be able to let his guard down, to let people in again without worry of a traitor - and here he did not have to make such terrible choices their war had led to.

Here he could just be.

A thrumming sigh rumbled through his frame as he descended down behind Bakugou, landing softly on the sands - such contrast to his vantablack form - then he spies the form before him and he blinks,

Well, it's not every day he sees so familiar a face - especially one from much further long ago before - but he'd recognise that scarred cougar with his armour anywhere, unbidden days of long ago leadership before Typhoon but after his own wars - after he'd so violently been thrown through the verses - a black wolf weighted with equally dark armour and a comradery with a similar old soul.

Darkness looks at one of deaths own and raises a brow "Ichigo Kurosaki - I've not seen you in sometime"


Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - rhosmari - 10-20-2018

Bouncing back within a short amount of time was something that the child always had. Even if she was hurt she was always so lively and ready to go again after a good day of resting and that was exactly what she had needed. Even now she was moving, hopping between homes and staring at everything and even everyone. Perhaps they found it annoying of their newest addition but the little thing couldn't help herself. She was full of unbridled energy that demanded some type of release. Always moving and always dashing around, asking questions, pestering others. Wanting to help someone do something anything really. It was how she had managed to get lost on multiple occasions although she didn't understand that was the cause of her little adventures. Even now she was moving, shifting through the sands of the area as she sniffed around. Head held down close to the ground. She was following someone and namely that someone was Bakugou. Though she hadn't yet grabbed his name she was sure that she would eventually because of the simple fact that she liked the way he smelled. It was odd yes, but scents mattered a lot to her and he smelled of heat, of iron forged by flames. It reminded her of someone but she couldn't quite place who and it bothered her.

But the scent was comfort and so she was following him, tiny paws pushing against the form of the ocean that threatened to topple her over at any given moment. It surged against her tiny body and she almost toppled over, sputtering a bit when some of it got into the mouth, steam hissing off her hot form. No, she couldn't take that and she scrambled away from the water to avoid it but her trail was then lost. Huffing she sat down with a pout before he allowed her paws to dig in the sand. The young teen couldn't stay still for too long and she began to dig not really sure of what she was doing but just doing as she waited for something to happen. But the dinging of a bell made her head shoot up and her ears prick and swivel forward. They had a bell! Even before her mind had caught up with her she was running forward, body kicking up sand as she sprinted full force toward the area in which the sound had come from. She hadn't known that they had a bell and so she was curious about it and what it could possibly mean. Her eyes shifted constantly as she ran and it took her little time to actually make it to the scene. Oh! So that was where he had went. The mystery was solved and she chalked that up to her being a very good tracker. Nope, not even going to bother with the fact that she had actually lost him at one point. What mattered was that she found him. Yep.

Though her gaze was taken once more by the giant dragon and she crouched down, gaze wary of his large form as she skittered around his large claws. Leaping and bounding over them at such a quick pace that she was already on the other side of him. It was hard to see what was going on so she forced herself to be in the front of them. Placing herself their her paws jittered, a strange energetic dance as she looked upon who was there that they were talking too. At first she seemed to not recognize him, body shifting and quivering as she gazed upon the cougar. The black of his armor and the large girth of the sword on his back was something to marvel at and she breathed out hotly, smoke lifting up from her muzzle. Who! Her mind raced through so many thoughts that it was hard to filter through all of them, people, places, and things molding together but a face stuck out. Someone. In the blink of an eye the child was surging forward, little paws pushing against the ground as she launched herself at the cougar only to thud right off his chest and roll across the ground. Yet the recovery time was mere seconds as she sprang back up and happily hopped around. A memory was a fragile thing but it existed and she remembered him! "Ichichi!" The child spoke brightly tails fluttering behind her before she went back to him quickly and put her paws on his much larger paw. Oh, she'd forgotten how big he was compared to herself. "It's me! It's me! Remember? Technopaw." Did he remember? She found things hard to remember but at least she remembered him.

-- her aura is like fire, ever changing and flaring up because of her high amounts of energy and it's usually a bright neon blue with splashes of bright green

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
(Aura is just basically a fancy term to describe what a characters soul looks like and what colors it gives off!)

Family and friends meant everything toward the wildcat. He would be more than likely to protect those that he cared about than the likes of a new clan. He didn't have anyone that he cared about in Sunhaven yet, and the oversized cougar wasn't exactly sure how long he had planned on staying in the first place. He had a habit of moving from one place to the next, which was well known for upsetting those that he did know. But what choice did he have? He was basically a walking talking curse with the spiritual energy that was leaking outside of his body constantly. It attracted a lot of attention, and attention that almost always got him severely injured, or severely injured someone that was close to him. Most that knew him didn't really care about the dangers while he was constantly in stress whether or not he should stay around them or simply just leave. He was never the type to share his problem with anyone else that he came across. Why should he? He was more than capable of shouldering his own issues, and that was exactly what he did. And it was exactly what had almost got him killed in the process as well. He knew at some point that he couldn't do everything alone and would have to ask for the help of others. A rare occurrence that was for sure. Few animals actually knew the secrets of what he was compared to the rest of the animals that didn't have a supernatural background. The Shinigami made sure no one knew the secret of what he was because it was a threat to those that knew. The organization wasn't exactly a fan of figuring out that mortals knew about the afterlife and what controlled it. It was against the traditional rules that were set a long time ago to remain in secret and not get involved with mortal affairs all that much.

Ichigo wasn't a full Death God though, and instead he was half mortal and half Death God. Giving him two paws in different realms and worlds at the same time. All thanks to his mother and father, as he knew now that his father was a Shinigami like himself. He didn't know what his mom was, as he just believed her to be a regular mortal all things considered. There were instances that so-called 'gods' were able to figure out that he was somewhat like him. Everyone had their own idea of what the afterlife consisted of. Having traveled there himself as his job, he knew hat the afterlife looked like and it was his job to make sure spirits and ghosts were allowed to travel to the afterlife before they turned into something threatening. Ichigo didn't believe in immortal Gods, and he definitely didn't have a God complex thinking that he was higher than everyone else. One of the reasons why he was never fan of being leader was that everyone addressed him in a formal manner and it just felt wrong to him. He never knew how to react to that, and always spoke in a casual manner instead of being extremely formal. That wasn't the way he did things. It was also one of the things that the older Shinigaimi's didn't appreciate when he didn't address them with the appropriate suffix in their name. The cougar didn't care though, as they were going to have to torture him to change his mind. Either way, the few that had gotten the chance to know what he was didn't seem to last that very long. He knew it was a bad idea when everyone he was telling his secret to would eventually die in the next couple of months. The first one was Constantine, his niece. She wasn't really his niece though, as the domestic cat was part of the adopted family that he had been adopted into.

She contracted a bout of cancer that would eventually kill her and he would never see her return. As a Shinigami, it was a life-changing moment as there was nothing in his powers that he could do to help her. He was mortal and his powers were limited to that of spirits. The young female had been concerned about how injured he would always end up getting from the job that he was in. It was there that he vaguely explained what he did and why it was extremely important he did it to keep others safe. The Shinigami had to watch as Constantine died in his arms, the first family member he had lost in the clans other than the death of his mother when he was just a cub. The next one to learn was Silverstrike, one of his best friends. She was the first one in the group to create a bond with Ichigo, and eventually, she became a Shinigami herself. However, he had yet to see her in the span of four years and had to assume the worst for his great friend. His adopted sister, who he just considered to be his sister, Harrierbeat, learned next. She was extremely headstrong and stubborn, but that's what Ichigo needed when he had the habit of lying through his teeth. Harrierbeat had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and eventually she came across a corrupted spirit that tried to kill her and he had no choice but to explain to her what it was and what he was since she wouldn't take no for an answer. Cactusbloom was an extremely close friend in a clan that was mostly water. They became friends due to the fact that the female had taught Ichigo to swim in the river that was there. He wasn't great at it, but that was before he had any of his armor. Cactusbloom became just like him, only to die in the clan that she loved, and Ichigo only finding out by listening into the conversations in the clan while he wasn't there.

His two best friends came next, O'Fraiser and Cambrian. The two didn't know anything about what he was from the beginning, but thanks to both of them growing closer together, they were eventually going to find out. O'Fraiser was dragged into it with the damn mask that he had found that was actually a mask that belonged to a corrupted spirit and a fight ensued later. Ichigo had no choice but to tell the strawberry leopard what he was. Cambrian as well was dragged into it as well when he was infected with a corrupted spirit and the only way to save his life was to turn him into a Shinigami. It wasn't an easy choice to make and there were several other issues that came with it. Both of them died in close intervals to each other. Everyone died. So was life. But he just wished at least once that he wouldn't have to go through the tragedy anymore, especially after the most recent tragedy of his adopted daughter died in front of him a year ago. A memory that he still wasn't over with yet. The list goes on and on of those that he cared for slowly disappear from him. As far as Ichigo knew, he was the last one of his family and that there were no longer any connections to him. His own children were killed after all. The oversized cougar had kept his enhanced senses on as he listened to the crunching of sand as he heard small pawsteps coming over to him. His bi-colored eyes turned in attention to a domestic cat that was walking toward him, Ichigo's clairvoyance turning on to inspect the other's aura and soul. This animal was certainly one, but the edges of the aura seemed to explode out in several different manners before coming to relax again. This probably meant that the other had some sort of strong temper. It was far easier for Ichigo to remember aura's of those that he meant than trying to remember their name.

The swordsman wasn't here to try and intimidate anyone, and he was glad that the domestic cat wasn't afraid of him. Ichigo raised one of his black and tawny paws and seemed to almost wave at the smaller male. "Yo. I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. I just arrived in this area, and have no idea about any of the clans so I'm going around visiting them so I'm not walking around blindly. Was wondering if you would be able to tell me what this place is and what's it about?" It was true. He was only curious about what group lived here and what kind of group they were. He wasn't here to cause any trouble, which probably would be somewhat apparent with his body language. The Shinigami's attention soon drifted when he noticed that there was a shadow on the ground. A massive one. His head immediately looked up just as the large form of a dragon came down onto the ground, Ichigo immediately making the stance of standing up. He didn't know if this group was friendly or the aggressive type. He was a stranger to them after all. It was when the dragon landed and he was allowed to see the other's spiritual presence, that his senses with flooded with a sense of familiarity. He knew this guy. He knew this guy way back in the day before he had the form of a dragon and a year ago when he had accidentally teleported himself to the clan that he was in. Ichigo couldn't help but let his jaw drop in surprise as this was the last guy he was expected to see right now. Ichigo knew that he was right when he recognized the soul that was inside of the dragon and when he spoke. A soul that was centered around one area, shadows branching off of each end and some forms of it taking the shape of crystals. At the same time, the shadowed edges tapered off into red edges as well.

"Lucifer? I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here. What are you doing here?" A small feeling of happiness just to see a familiar face that wasn't in the grave. Of course, the question he asked seemed to be a stupid once, as it was obvious that the other lived here. There was surprise expressed in his eyes as he looked between the domestic cat and Lucifer. They did both know each other, not on a personal level. Ichigo did know that Lucifer wasn't exactly the most normal guy out there, and the other probably knew that he was a Shinigami as well. Ichigo was so confused as to why Lucifer was here now that he had almost missed the presence of a small catsune. Ichigo knew what they were, and that finding them was somewhat difficult as they were usually centered around one clan. It wasn't her appearance that caught him off guard, but instead the familiar soul that radiated from inside of the small animal. Neon blue flames expanded well beyond her body before shrinking back to the normal size of a soul, flecks of green shredding off the edges of her soul before disappearing, probably absorbed back in her soul. At first, the Shinigami was shocked. He never forgot a soul that he came into contact with. He starred for a moment while he was standing up, a mixture of feelings starting to bubble up in his chest.

It was only when Techno bounced off of his chest that he came back to reality, Techno calling out the abbreviated portion of his name. Ichigo wasted no time and aimed to scoop Techno up into his arm and bury his face into the crook of her neck. He made sure not to crush her due to her small size, but relief fell across his body. He wasn't alone anymore. One of his nieces was alive. Littlestar's daughter. "Techno! My god I thought I had lost you!" Ichigo said in a worried and shocked tone, almost to the point where it sounded like he was to the point of crying. His daughter was dead, and he had been fairly certain that Techo both hated him and feared him for the experiences that he had gone through. She had left the clan that they were in to go into a group that tortured children and killed anyone they didn't want at the border. It broke his heart, but he still loved her and wanted to be there for her. He would make sure to constantly visit and try to bring her back. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing her as well. It would be there that he would lean his head back and look at her. She looked healthy, and the scars were still there. He couldn't see any new scars at least from the angle that he was at, and that was good. "Techno, how did you get here? Are you okay? Do you know where your brothers and sisters are?" Ichigo questioned with obvious concern. Had she been alone this entire time?!

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - MirrorEdge - 10-20-2018

//It's fine for him to see Thea's, and possibly recognize her aura or her even if she doesn't remember him much. It's a clouded red, with bits of black licking the surface, which are the darker essences trapped in her aura.

The kitsune was next to approach, pupiless eyes settling on Ichigo, who seemed quite a bit familiar with Lucifer and some others, flitting over to his sword, tempted to ask if he was a fighter, or just carried that as a deterrent to ensure people thought twice before attacking him. "You're in the Typhoon, mister. I don't know whether we've met before or not. I'm Thea!" She chirped, starting off with an answer to his question, ignoring the images in the back of her mind, moving too quickly for her to even consider deciphering them and their importance to her. Did she know him? Or at least, had she, in some other life? She was never really sure how many lives she had lived, it could've easily just been her past one, or countless others, so it was difficult to place where he fit into those extra puzzle pieces. Hence the reason her greeting wasn't 'It's a pleasure to meet you', yet also wasn't, 'Hey, here's my life story, and you'll sit and listen to all of it, then tell me if you knew me in a past life, because I think you're familiar'. Surely, if these memories were correct, then they'd know her, if they knew her past self well enough? Or maybe it's all fabricated. I don't even know anymore.

It frustrated her to no end, knowing that she had some knowledge on this person, but couldn't access it. It teased her, not knowing what she had done. If she was ever a good person. She certainly wasn't, not in this life. But was it possible she had made people happy with her presence at one point.

"Uh, the Typhoon's got a bit of a pirate-y feel, and I don't know much about allies or enemies, or much else, really."
Template by Quill

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - rhosmari - 10-20-2018

She was scooped up into his arms, the feeling of warmth surrounding her and she couldn't help but to press her head against his head as he buried his head into the crook of her neck. Her little paws held on to his face and she nuzzled, the fluttering of her heart probably audible to the cougar considering how close he was to her chest. She was so happy to see him and she wiggled a little bit as he moved back to look at her. Her bright eyes looked over his face and she saw the strange eye, and though it was a big scary she didn't allow for that to stop her incessant purring and kneading of his face. He looked tired and she wondered if he wanted to sleep over with her so that he could get a good rest. She hadn't really recuperated all the way from wherever it was that she had traveled from so she was just finding any old place to lay down and take a nap. Be it in a cave or in the grass or on the beach. Nothing bad ever happened so she figured it was fine. Maybe they could go and pick some coconuts together! Her eyes lit up at the idea but she was quickly brought back to the situation when the other began to speak. Oh no! She'd upset him and she lightly pressed her head up against his muzzle, tiny form wiggling for just a moment as she looked up at him. "Ah! I'm sorry!" Well, she hadn't meant to do that and her eyes looked own for a moment before she pressed her paws against his arm.

His questions came pouring forth one after the other and she had to collect them altogether before she could answer. Flicking one of three tails she tried to remember things, foggy memories showing nothing but an expanse of pure white that gave nothing way. It made her head ache and she winced a little before she looked down at the arm that was wrapped around her. "I don't know. I was walking, and walking, and walking then boom flash of white stuff. I don't remember how I got here. I just was." It was the truth as far as she remembered and she sniffled a little bit, lifting a paw to lightly wipe at her eyes. The young teen didn't know when she'd started to cry but she was so happy to see him right now and they were tears of literal joy. "I'm okay, papa. I've just been really tired but I've been resting like they told me. I promise." The next question though made a wave of sadness leak through her and she hadn't seen any of her siblings in a long while. She hated to tell her grandfather the bad news but there wasn't much she could do and she didn't want to lie to him. "I haven't seen them. I don't know where they are...."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - bubblegum - 10-21-2018


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
(Thanks guys!)

There was a point where the Shinigami just wished that everything went back to the way it was. Originally he had hoped and prayed that he would just become a regular animal again. Have nothing special about him and move on from there. Without his powers, it would mean that he wouldn't have to deal with Hollows and Ichigo was perfectly fine with that. He was tired of everyone dying around him and just wanted to be normal. Ichigo had wished that when he was just a cub as he was able to see ghosts and spirits while he was a kid while others were not. It was considered to be very strange, but for some reason, his parents didn't really think it was all that strange at all, and never really commented on the things that he saw. Eventually, Ichigo got his wish when he died for the first time. It had been the first time he died, which almost sounds normal for someone that worked with death as almost a job and calling. When Ichigo thought of death, the wildcat believed it to be final and that there would be no way of coming back from it all. The wildcat had no reason to believe that he was going to come back from the dead like the majority of his friends. If his friends died, they usually stayed dead and didn't come back. If he didn't see his friends, the wildcat figured the worst and considered them to be dead. A harsh thought, but it meant that he wasn't kept at the edge of a cliff thinking and believing that there was a possibility that they were alive when they weren't. It helped with dealing with the pain for the loss. When he was reincarnated, Ichigo woke up without any of his powers but was lucky enough to have all of his memories.

Then Ichigo finally got his wish and realized that he didn't have his powers anymore. He didn't have the voice in his head, and he didn't have his sword either. A blade that had meant so much to him at the very beginning. As time progressed without his powers, he realized how much he needed his powers just to remain sane. He knew that without them he wouldn't be able to see the ghost-like entities that were out to try and get him. It was worst case scenario, making him think that every broken twig behind him was a Hollow that was going to try and devour his soul. Considering his past condition meant that it would have been fairly easy to kill the cougar. Ichigo never wanted to lose his powers again. Ichigo relished in the warmth of his granddaughter. The wildcat almost completely relieved, and the voices in his head seemed to do him a favor and quiet down a little bit so that he could actually reunite with her. It seemed like he was gathering quite an audience, expected when it came to clans unless they were small. The number of animals around him meant that they were a larger group for certain. The Shinigami raised his gaze from looking at Technopaw to look at the female that was making her way over. A kitsune. He hadn't seen one of those in a while, although Technopaw was part kitsune, while the domestic cat part of her was her mother's side. Having kept his clairvoyance on the entire time, Ichigo seemed to look at the kitsune, a small grin still spread across his features after talking with his granddaughter. A red soul greeted him, a red soul not exactly meaning anything bad could be happening inside of it, the bad portions of the soul could be seen. Black small and fleeting, but still the presence in the female's soul. Despite the black color that came from the female, Ichigo's eyes seemed to widen slightly as it was somewhat familiar.

The kitsune commented on the group that he was near. The Typhoon. Pretty fitting for a group that lived near the ocean. A substance that he was terrified of. Then after that, she introduced herself, and his grin faltered. Thea? What was she doing here? Last he remembered she was with the group of clans that he had left, and she had been a dragon. She had been there during Littlestar's death, but considering her reaction it was obvious that she didn't remember him. What had happened to her? There was obviously something inside of her that he didn't know and couldn't accurately pinpoint, but she had to at least remember him right? "Thea? Do... Do you not remember me? It's Ichigo..." The wildcat's voice seemed to drift off as he spoke, now a frown spreading across his features. He knew those that had lost their memories only to return home. It happened time and time again. Toshiro was one of those examples when one of his great friends had returned and didn't recognize him. He had felt like he had been struck in the heart when Toshiro didn't remember him, but there wasn't much he could do other than to try and get the other to remember or forge new memories with him. The kitsune continued to describe that the group was like pirates. Ichigo had no idea what that meant. He had never heard of the term pirates before and he was fairly certain that there was never a group from where he was from that described themselves as such. His bi-colored eyes blinked obviously confused, and still filled with worry and concern before he spoke again. "What's a pirate?" The Japanese male questioned, as he wasn't really that well educated. It wasn't his fault that no one considered themselves to be a pirate. He knew what sailors were because of O'Fraiser, but pirates weren't one of them.

His attention was dragged away from Thea when he turned back toward Technopaw. A small amount of happiness seemed to return just at looking at his granddaughter. Ichigo hadn't even thought about the effect that his strange eye would have on his granddaughter and had honestly forgotten about it entirely. The last time his eye had been in such a way, the wildcat had attacked almost everyone in the clan and Dimitri had kept him from killing them. He had been possessed, but that didn't mean he felt any better. Ichigo listened as the other had apologized, the young apprentice noticing his change in emotions that weren't exactly happy. It was strange to feel another's touch or even loving affection for his family. It had been almost two years. Years. It was far too long. The Shinigami shouldn't let that happen again, he couldn't bear it. As the other pressed her face to his muzzle, Ichigo did the same. "It's okay kiddo. There's nothing for you to apologize for." Ichigo said in a soft tone to reassure the catsune. Ichigo noticed her gaze look down and she seemed to flinch. It looked like she was deep in thought, and this caused more concern to spread across the Shinigami's face again. Was she trying to remember something? Then she began to describe how she ended up in this place called the Typhoon. A white light from the sounds of it. It didn't sound like what some animals mentioned the white light when they were approaching death as the rest of her body seemed to be fairly fine. There wasn't a whole lot to go off when it came to the aspect of a white light. He didn't know of any Hollows that could produce a white light either, so he figured it was same and some strange occurrence. Trying to figure out how she had gotten here from a white light made him get lost in his own thoughts until he heard a sniffle.

He had heard too many of those and his back seemed to almost stiffen and straighten out. He was quick to raise his left paw that was previously holding her to wipe her eyes while she did. "Hey hey, kiddo it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Ichigo tried to reassure her and he seemed to hold her a little bit tighter to himself. He would vow to protect her. With his life. No matter what happened. Determination would seem to flash in his bi-colored eyes. Ichigo was never good with gauging whether someone was happy or sad crying about something, as when he dealt with crying someone was usually in distress. The Shinigami watched as his granddaughter's aura seemed to shrink at the mention of the rest of her family. His heart clenched as it could mean many different things. She didn't know where they were. This wasn't a surprise considering it sounded like she was teleported here. It was there that he would begin to use his paw to slowly rub her back in a comforting manner before speaking again. "Its okay, we'll find them and I'll be looking for them? We gotta have faith that they're fine, Chīsono." A nickname that really came out on the fly. He wasn't even sure if it sounded well but it described her perfectly a mixture of the two Japanese words for 'little flame'. Finally, another animal arrives, and its a species of domestic cat that he is able to recognize. His attention is drawn toward the other when she starts to speak, raising his head from clutching his beloved granddaughter to looking at the other Typhoon member. The armored wildcat seemed to have his attention trail toward the bird that was by her side. A tradition of having an avian companion where he was from. Ichigo having his own in the form of an owl, but Kon wasn't around at the moment so who knew where the damned bird went.

He listened to what she said, and it made sense from her perspective, but if he had wanted to cause trouble he would have done it long ago. He certainly wasn't expecting to see so many familiar faces around here. "May seem like that to you. But as a longer, getting to know the area and who to avoid is a good way of preventing one from being killed by accidentally walking into the wrong area. I'm not here to try and get to know literally everyone's secrets." The wildcat said calmly, knowing that they had their reason to avoid information given out to him. That was their own problem, and if they didn't give him information, then he would simply ask around. "If you don't want to describe this place that's fine. Although it just means I'll go around other loners and other places to get an idea of what this place is about." Ichigo described, and that may think the others would try their best to describe their group so that he didn't get the wrong idea. But now that he knew that his granddaughter was here, he would be visiting quite a bit. He didn't care if the group didn't decide to like him. Ichigo had kept a neutral tone the entire time that he was talking, and after saying the words he was able to take time to see her aura. He had to admit that it was incredibly bright. Bright auras usually held a lot of light to them. An almost white-ish gold hue spread across her aura, taking the shape of almost like wings. Reminded him of the one being that was inside of Sunhaven that had a slightly similar shape, but definitely not a similar aura.

The guy certainly had a sinister looking aura from his perspective. Other colors could be seen throughout her aura as it flickered with her emotions. He could easily tell the other didn't trust her, but Ichigo was used to that with the years that he had experienced going to groups that never really liked him. He had plenty of enemies over the years, one that could easily be more powerful than him given the chance. Blue and gold shifted and moved through the slightly projecting wings. What was curious to Ichigo was the red aura that was lining closer toward the female's neck. Another frown spread across his jaws, almost in embarrassment as he the term pirate was used again. "I... still don't know what that means sorry." The Shinigami said with a small shrug of his shoulders. The wildcat then listened when she said that they were free. The hell did that mean? He had never really heard of a clan not letting their clanmates be free before. It didn't make a whole lot of sense. Ichigo didn't comment about it until the other introduced herself. "Kurosaki Ichigo. I'm Technopaw's grandfather." A former clan leader said calmly with a small dip of his head as he introduced himself. He would probably forget the majority of their names, but he would be able to recognize their aura's and their souls at least. Ichigo didn't ignore the fact that the bengal had bandages that covered the majority of her body. "What group did that to you?' Ichigo questioned calmly, only asking so that he would know what group to look out for.

Re: BURST THROUGH EMBERS | VISITOR - bubblegum - 10-24-2018