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◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-20-2018

With Halloween quickly approaching, less than two weeks away, there were celebrations and events [sup]popping up[/sup] all over town. There were a variety of events, from kiddie festivals to Oktoberfests, but tonight was the night that the costume party would take place. Kids and adults alike were invited to the large house, presumably belonging to one of the more wealthier citizens. Friends invited friends and in the end, everyone in town was pretty much invited to attend. Everyone was bound to have a good time, right?

The house was massive, practically a castle compared to the rest of the town. Only a few people really knew the person who was hosting the person, but hey, who was complaining? There were different foods to go around, from small snacks to full plates to spooky-themed desserts. There were bottles and cans of liquor for the adults. Festive decorations were scattered around the house, including the vast backyard which included a patio, pool, and hot tub.

It was around six in the evening when people started arriving, some in colorful clothing but most in their Halloween costmes. Loud music blared from the speakers, the guests chattered with one another, and it was evident that it would be one hell of a night.

Tommy had, of course, somehow gotten word of the party and invited himself. He was clad in a plain t-shirt and a worn Yankees baseball cap, which he wore backwards on his head. He barged into the front entrance, confidently swaggering into the crowd and sporting a cheesy grin, "Someone order a pizza?" No, obviously, but he had just wanted an easy excuse to bring his own pizza to the party.

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - Grimm - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“Come on Daisy, it'll be fun.” Through the curve of a smile she had spoken, words edging onto a plea though both knew it would not need to come to such drastic measures. Her hands had been slight but warm within their own, fingers wrapping about their wrists, holding them in a gentle grip. Feigned was the annoyance expressed within a heavy sigh, head rolling back as they took a few seconds to contemplate. Easily she wore through thin defences, planted the idea until it flourished under gentle care, similar actions as had passed many times before. Over time they had grown accustomed to her wants, fleeting as they may often be, and indulged just to make her happy.

Still they could recall the night though a week had passed them by, the warmth in her laughter as finally they had agreed. An hour, all the time it took for fragile good mood to sour, fingers curled around a plastic cup. They were not an overly social drinker and so stuck to nothing more than the soft drinks set out for the younger, lifting it to take a sip. Quickly had their want to know the person – it seemed too much for one yet brief exploration spoke of the presence of one inhabitant – who owned this residence faded, replaced more with the want to leave.

Leaning against the wall Esma breathed a sigh, free hand raising to rub at their face. It was during this that a voice broke through, unfamiliar to them though the reputation of the speak proceeded him, nothing short of a bad boy, self titled as far as they were concerned. Wrapped up in their studies and all too busy for much interaction outside of minimal circles they had yet to meet the man himself, something they had wanted to keep that way. Looking through the spaces between their fingers they groaned into the palm of their hand.

“Yeah I did,” clear had been the nature of the jest but so too were they beyond allowing such, pushing off the wall and moving forward, smile touching upon their lips though never did it find root within dark eyes. “But I think I would much prefer you... pup” Encircling the other clear was the pass of eyes, lingering over a few spots and the smile grew, leaning closer.

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - miss ririchiyo - 10-21-2018


"he hasn't even been here for more that four seconds and people are already all over him." snickered lucerys as he leaned back against a wall, sipping his cup-full of.. what was this again? he was sure he had already drank three of these things- he didn't care, though. "hey- this is vodka, right? yeah? good." lucerys chuckled as the redhead lifted the red solo cup back up to his lips, muttering his words to an npc that was probably fed up with all of his talking at this point. what? he liked talking. it wasn't like it was a sin or anything- he would know.

what he did hear though, five seconds later- was the word pizza.

"yo! i heard pizza!" the golden-eyed male called out, his black cats costume tight on his body that was.. a bit too buff for a costume like this, but who cares! the male moved forward, a grin on his face, before he stood in front of the one whom held the precious cargo in his hands. pizza, such a beautiful thing.

"you gonna share, or are you gonna stuff face with esma over here?" lucerys rumbled over the music, more interested in the pizza than the actual hottie who had walked into the party. he didn't care for flirting unless they had shown obvious interest in him, or he found them utterly beautiful. marina was a good example!

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - rhosmari - 10-21-2018

Parties? She loved parties but Halloween wasn't much of her favorite when it came to the holidays. Still, there was nothing like a good party and it was good to get out and at least have some fun away from her studies. Her custom took so much work and the brunette would had to not be able to show it off. After all being a sea hag was a lot of work. Her contacts she had in made her eyes look completely white and her hair had the image of being sea washed with pieces of debris in it. The dress she wore was mainly white, ripped and tattered with fake mud splattered all over it. It looked like she had been caught up in a storm out sea and had just been able to get back to shore. It was the look she was going for with make up that made her look overly pale and her face look sunken in and shallow. Flicking her fingers she smiled to herself as she left her own home to attend the party and when she got there she was pleased with the set up. Red painted nails that were chipped lightly tapped against her hip as she looked around before she grabbed herself a drink when someone barged in afterwards. Turning she looked at the other before a small smirk pulled at her lips and she casually walked over hearing Esma's words. Seemed someone was already starting the party with being a little fresh. Ugh, that sounded so old in her mind and she shook her head before she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "If ya do have some, I'd love tae have a slice if ya don't mind."

The woman couldn't help but laugh at Lucerys words because honestly it was pretty funny. Her fingers played over the back of the couch she was leaning on and fingers lightly tapping at her cup before she glanced back at the guys that were here. "I mean, I'm all for ya doing what ya want. But I'm pretty hungry." Considering she had decided to skip eating. "Ya look good as a kitty, Lucerys."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - Aelios S. - 10-21-2018

What on God's green earth was Fin doing here at a halloween party?  They weren't even dressed up for the party, putting on a oversized sweater, some slacks and converses.  Oh here was the reason, they were here for the trick and treaters.  That was their main reason, and that was about it.  Somehow they got dragged into the party, wedging a basket full of home baked goods that were somewhat warm, and wafting it's delicious scent towars whomever that wasn't plastered, baked, or both all together.

Dancing small circles around the crowds of people, Fin navigated through the crowd towards where they hoped was either one a bathroom, or two a empty room.  Empty as in no one was there in the process of getting laid or making out.  You could never tell with parties, emotions ran wild.  The ginger just hoped they would vanish in the crowd, but something told them that their red as fire hair would not allow them to do such a thing, hopefully they could a book within this madness, and stay in a spot reading.

Which begin the question, who the hell reads a book at party?  Apparently Fin does.

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-22-2018

// super tired, excuse this

Tommy had turned towards the first man to address him, and almost instantly, he had recognized his suggestive tone of voice. He made a visible sick-face, wrenched with a scoff of distaste and disgust. Rarely was he flirted with by men, and while he knew that he was a good-looking fella, he never expected any men to flat-out admit their attraction to him. "Hey hey, cool it pal. I don't swing that way." Defended Tommy, furrowing his thick eyebrows. There were chicks at this party, and how embarrassing would it be for them to witness a random dude giving him bedroom-eyes? He definitely wasn't going to rip off his tearaway pants in front of this horn-dog.

Now, he fixed his attention onto another guy wearing a... rather tight black cat costume. Oh well, at least he wasn't hitting on him too. He gave a frown at his little jab, and he set the pizza boxes onto the counter. "Hm, that all depends. That'll cost ya' five bucks a piece." Tommy told Lucerys, maintaining a dead-serious expression. After a few seconds had passed, however, he cracked a smirk and said, "Just jokin'. Go nuts."

""If ya do have some, I'd love tae have a slice if ya don't mind." Tommy recognized that voice, and it was obviously that of the local Scot, Marina. Sporting his devilish smirk, Tommy glanced over his shoulder at the woman. "Go ahead, Mari." It was then that he noticed her... interesting costume. Knitting his brows, he set one hand upon his hip and guessed, "And you're supposed to be a... zombie? No wait- a homeless lady. It looks good on ya'." If he was being honest, he really couldn't tell what she was going to be. If the costume wasn't as plain as day, then there wasn't much of a chance that he would get it.

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018


"Ooh. Ouch. Cold burn, Esma." Lucerys snickered under his breath at Tommy's response before leaning forward to take a slice of pizza for himself and Marina. He was a gentleman, after all. Sitting down on the couch but keeping a tiny bit of distance between himself and the overly attractive woman he constantly flirts with, Lucerys cocked an eyebrow when she mentioned his costume. "Really? Why thank you. Well, if I knew you looked so good with your clothes shredded, I would have asked if I could shred them myself? Y'know, into.. Nothing. You look good in anything, though. " Lucerys muttered, golden eyes focusing on his cup of vodka. Maybe he should have laid off of these drinks- he could have just.. Behaved like a normal 21 year old dude who has a major crush on the very woman who could probably beat his ass in a second?

"Five bucks says that Esma gives up." Lucerys Chuckled lowly, leaning his head back onto the couch, watching Tommy inch back from their local gay with a sense of.. Was that disgust? Well, Lucerys couldn't judge. You liked what you liked. Lucerys was very happy with the sight he saw. Genders didn't really matter to him, it was more of the personality and how they reacted to him. Lifting up his wallet from his way too tight back pocket, Lucerys pulled out a five dollar bill and placed it on his lap.

Briefly, Lucy caught a brief look towards their local book nerd (they had a lot of locals, okay?) Before calling out to them. "Fin! Come on over here, you're legal to drink, right? " Lucy called out, scooting over a bit closer to Marina to allow Fin some space to sit- as well as maybe get closer to the woman. Slick move.


Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - Aelios S. - 10-22-2018

Fin came to an abrupt stop, someone had called their name, asking that they were of the legal age drink. Yes, they were. But they sure as hell weren't going to.  Placing their basket down, and snatching whatever was in grabbing distance thankfully a can of soda, unopened mind you.

"Yes I'm of drinking age. But I'm not getting trashed tonight. Not wanting to spend tomorrow nursing a hangover and regretting it afterwards." the ginger spoke over their shoulder back to Lucery.

Local book nerd eh? That was really funny but also very true. They would rather spend their evening at home with a book or a movie. Preferably not a horror film, since now a day movies at least in their opinion had lost their creepy factor.

They really didn't want to back to the living room, sauntering back to where most of the group was, the ginger stood close to the walls, edging towards the door, in case of anything came up.

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - rhosmari - 10-22-2018

The woman couldn't help but laugh, pulling back her messy hair so that it didn't get too much in the way. Well, she supposed it did look kind of plain but then again she had a hard time making the idea come to life. Oh well, she supposed she would try harder next year with her costume, maybe be a Spider Queen next time around. Regardless she was pretty humored by Tommy and she allowed her green gaze to stay locked on the male before she leaned forward a bit. "Ya are close there Tom. I'm a sea hag and ready to drag ya down into the briny depths." Her voice was a teasing coo before she moved back then and glanced over to look at Lucerys whom had grabbed her a slice of pizza. Easily she took the slice from him and was about to bite into it when he spoke about her outfit. Her eyes widened but then again she should have been used to the way that Lucerys flirted with her and she chuckled sweetly before shaking her head a bit and looking over at the kitty man as she chewed on a small bite of her pizza debating on what to say back to him. Well, it was all in good fun and she smirked a bit. "Well, maybe if ya weren't getting tae that trashed point, hmmm."

Crossing her legs a bit she looked over to Fin, a familiar face and one she knew from time to time and she lifted up her hand to wave toward him as he spoke to Lucerys. So this was a party and she wanted to do some party things. Pushing to her feet the woman put her hands on her hips and she looked at all of the guys that were here. "Are we gonna party or not? Come on then, either we play a game or someone is gonna dance with me." Her glittering gaze was very much playful as she stepped back from the couch.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ◜ . dead man's party ┊halloween party au . ◞ - Aelios S. - 10-22-2018


" Sorry I got two left feet, I don't dance." Fin was quick to bail out, right now they just want to find a quiet spot to read.  Call them a buzz kill and a bore but they weren't really interested in parties, it was just not their thing, but they were here for the sake of conversations.  As games, perhaps as long as it wasn't like seven mintues in heaven or some kind of random blush invoking situation.  They would rather die than deal with that.
