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thes code
Happiness hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her stuck still no turning back
[b]FULL NAME - Ichigo Kurosaki Marcavellio
  pronunciation -
  nicknames - Strawberry, Ichi, Berry, Dandelion, Orange, pretty much every type of flower, Fluffy Mc.Strawberry-flower face, chicken nugget, carrot-top, Ichibro, Ichibae
  name meaning  - 'the one who protects' / 'black sun'

AGE - 5 years
  mental age - 5 years
  date of birth - July 2014

  sex - Male
  pronouns - he/him
  sexuality - Heterosexual

ALLIANCES - Sunhaven
  past alliances - Hawkclan, Blizzardclan *striked out are from FF & BB clans)
  past ranks - WarriorHawkclan-Strategist (semi-hp), Spy, Warrior, Sentinel (assistant deputy), Emperor (x2leader), Guard (semi-hp), Regent (HP) *striked through ranks are from the FF & BB clans

  positive -
  neutral -
  negative -

DESCRIPTION -  Grumpy. Dork. Overprotective. Short tempered. Calm. Thick Headed. Those are few keywords to describe this animal. In his clan, he is regarded as being one of the grumpiest there is, not being the one to enjoy the fun like everyone else. He doesn't enjoy parties due to the fact that he is actually quite socially awkward when it comes to talking to others even. This is because, when his mother died, and his family vanished, he didn't exactly have anyone else to talk to other than wild beasts, which usually ended up snarling at each other. He has a hard time understanding what most people say anyway. So, if someone smart tried to talk to him, he would try to get some clarification due to the fact that he isn't the smartest person around. He is more likely to do some questioning rather than immediately going into action, because it regards his clanmates. Also due to his native language being that of Japanese, he often gets confused with some words that are addressed to him, especially certain English Nouns, which he will end up asking what the meaning of that is. He also doesn't know a lot of different types of food. The one thing that he hates the consume the most, is actually tea. One of his friends, Snapbean, had given him some tea while he was sick, and Ichigo came to found out that he hated it quite a lot. This cougar is also regarded as being over protective, whether he knows the person or not. When someone is hurt or injured, he blamed himself for not being there to help them throughout the situation and being able to protect them. This eventually builds up quite a lot time after time, pulling him into a depression in which he relies on his clanmates to get him out of it. Ichigo is also one to be considered incredibly short tempered and easily irritated. He isn't against cursing in front of those around him either, although he usually does it in Japanese since he resorts to his native language when he's sad or extremely pissed. Ichigo is also incredibly short tempered when it comes to those that don't treat those like they should be treated. If his friends are in danger, he isn't afraid of going into a rage and going after the attack, whether its against orders or anything. He won't usually kill the attackers, but there are points in his life where he doesn't care anymore. He might show a little mercy if this was the first time he sees them, but not without beating them to a pulp in the process however. Then, half the time when he's speaking to his clanmates, he says it in the a calm voice, and always has a permanent scowl across his face as well. He also isn't against lashing out when it comes to a touchy subject, however, he will usually end up apologizing after it had been done. Ichigo is also incredibly stubborn. He decides to do his own thing, and also doesn't like asking for help from his clanmates as he believes that he's tough enough to take care of himself. He wants to be able to show his clanmates that he's touch enough to deal with his situations. That is why he always acts tough, while on the inside, he is actually quite weak. Ichigo will keep on getting up during a battle, because he isn't the type to give up till he wins, but will only stop getting up if his legs are broken, or if he is knocked out. He'll do anything for his friends though, although there is certainly a limit to ridiculous stuff. When he is nervous or embarrassed, he has a bad habit of raising a paw and rubbing the back of his neck. Also, there is only a few things Ichigo is afraid of. Object wise, its the ocean. Too many bad things have happened to him near the ocean. The mauling of his sister, Yuzu, having his leg snapped in half by a crocodile, being attacked by an Espada, and many other incidents. So in his mind, he believes that the ocean brings nothing but bad luck and happily stays away from it. Although, no one knows about this of course. Another two facts is that Ichigo has never purred, or smiled, ever since his mothers death.

QUIRKS - When he becomes embarrassed, or nervous, he usually raises one of his paws to rub the back of his neck. He has a constant scowl on his face, and only gives a couple facial emotions. Rarely does he ever smile as he has yet to be presented a reason to smile recently. He twitches his tail behind him when he's either agitated or just thinking. His eyes become glazed over when he starts to space out and think about his past. He shuffles his paws when he's nervous, or telling a lie at times.





PET PEEVES - Others taking advantage of the weak, someone attacking someone while they can't fight back, those that enjoy torturing others for the fun of it, those that enjoy killing others

BODY MODIFICATIONS - Ichigo wears metal and leather armor across his back, including cufflinks on the wrist of his two front paws.

REFERENCES- click crowns

APPEARANCE - Due to his first death, since Ichigo was a Shinigami at the time, this meant that he was reincarnated into another body. He was lucky to be put into another cougar body. However, this one looks a lot different than his original one at all. He doesn't have any of the numerous scars that he used to have. Instead, his pelt is almost completely clean of scars up to this point. Another thing someone will notice about his pelt, is that it doesn't have the slight orange hue like it used to. So it's now just a straight tawny color that helps him easily blend into the forest of Hawkclan. He is almost just as muscular as his former body, which is getting him to his max weight that he is used to having. He is almost 250lbs, but he isn't quite there and that is due to one reason. This body is younger than his original body that was torn up by his enemies. He looks like a adolecent, but at the same time he looks somewhat older at the same time. He has the markings of a regular cougar, and has a white and black face, black on the back of his ears, and he also has a black tipped tail. Ichigo does indeed have some new scars thanks to his recent injuries, and one of the scars is located on the bottom of his back left paw, where a spear had been impaled there as well. He also has a scar on the side of his neck where some enemy had bit deeply, but he doesn't remember who injured him int he first place. He has plenty of enemies to say the least and he could list the possible outcomes. Ichigo still has his armor with him, as he had visited Hawkclan's old territory where his friends had left his armor in his former room when he had died. The black leather armor still in pristine condition, although the color is starting to fade. His blade, Tensa Zangetsu, was a black bladed katana that had a soul sealed inside of it. A Shinigami's sword is supposed to die with them, and so he wouldn't really be surprised if he couldn't find it. The sword along with its black blade has a black and red hilt with many teeth marks in it. Right now, it is completely into pieces. Ichigo also doesn't have his dark green bandanna that is usually around his neck, due to the fact that was on his other body once he died. Another thing someone will notice about his appearance, is that if they use the Sight on him, he simply has a regular soul. This means that Ichigo doesn't have a Death God soul and is a simple mortal with same mortal powers. He also doesn't have access to his Hollow form, which is probably for the best. Overall, Ichigo looks quite young in his new body, and can't yet do anything else because he doesn't have access to his powers due to the reincarnation of his entire soul onto another body. He is also having a little bit of a hard time with control of the bodies muscle due to the previous owners soul that had once been inside of it.
bodies he used to have

Other Bodies:

    species - Cougar
    scars - has plenty will mark down later

POWERS - Ichigo is only capable of using certain powers in certain forms, and even then the majority of his powers are limited. Ichigo also has certain attacks that he is capable of doing, and instead of regular physical attacks may resort to them. Each attack in each form has a different level of power to them.

          Normal form - Fire elementals (offense and defense), Earth & Air elementals (only for lifting and carrying the sword he has, no offense or defense capabilities), Teleportation, Shape Shifting, Clairvoyance, Mental Manipulation & Communication (Only uses for communication) and Enhanced Hearing or Sight
                  Attacks/Abilities in normal form - Getsuga Tenshou: Ichigo lets out a 5ft vertical line of blue flames and almost seem to take the shape of a half crescent moon. The fire is extremely hot and can burn flesh if it comes into contact with it. Minimal environmental damage.
                                                                        Covering sword with fire: As an offensive technique, Ichigo can cover his blade in blue flames, and once he is close enough to his target he can release those flames in close range. This can sometimes be considered a point-blank Getsuga Tenshou
                                                                        Offensive teleportation: It is extremely common for Ichigo to teleport to his target. Due to his bulk and the size of his sword it means that he can be considered to be somewhat slow. Ichigo usually teleports above or next to his target, but he has to be in viewing distance. This ability is sometimes considered shunpo.

            Second Form - Fire elementals (more advanced usages), Air manipulation (offensive), Earth elementals (slightly offensive properties), Electricity elementals (defensive/confusion tactic), Water elementals (slightly offensive), and Enhanced sight, hearing, touch or taste (He can choose between 2/4)

                    Attacks/Abilities in second form - Black Getsuga Tenshou: In this second form, Ichigo has more destructive control of his fire elementals. Similar to a regular Getsuga Tenshou, a Black Getsuga Tenshou creates a 10ft tall flame attack in the shape of a crescent moon. This attack is more deadly because instead of just simply black flames, it contains fragments of extremely hot plasma, which can allow the attack to slice through objects and limbs. Environment damage is high as craters are created where this attack is used (Fire and Earth elemental combination)                                                                      Air manipulation: Due to the strength of Ichigo transforming and the power that it takes, it means within a 15ft radius around him, the air in that area begins to push downward with force. Depending on the strength of whoever is within that radius, they may be able to continue standing, while smaller animals will be crushed to the ground. This effect can only last a couple seconds after his transformation and won't last during the entire battle.
                                                                      After image projection: Ichigo still has use of his teleportation, but he also has a tactic that can confuse his opponents (Credit to Persia). Every time that Ichigo teleports, he discharges a small amount of electricity from his body that creates a short after image where he was with moments ago. The afterimage cannot hurt if touched, and can only be used to distract the enemy and try to create an opening.
                                                                      Hainawa: As a Shinigami power, Ichigo is able to do almost what can be considered spells in this form. This uses electricity elemental, in which a rope of electricity is sent out and is attempted to wrap around the enemy's appendages in an attempt to restrain them. The voltage isn't high enough to cause pain and instead is just there to restrain them.
                                                                      Sekeinton: Essentially a smoke screen, the user places their paws onto the ground where with the use of air, water, and fire elementals are able to condense bring up water from the ground, then fire elementals is used to then create steam as the water is instantly heated, and then air elementals dispersing the dark cloud. Allowing for a escape in a dangerous situation.
                                                                      Shakkaho: An entirely fire elemental based attack, the user focuses energy into a certain portion of their body (usually around their limbs). Mixing plasma and fire together, they blast the attack toward a target, the attack usually able to melt through most objects and even flesh. This attack can also be expelled from the mouth but must be done carefully to avoid harm to the user.
                                                                        Soren Sokatsui: ICHIGO WILL BLOW UP IN AN ATTEMPT OF TRAINING THIS ATTACK. An improved and more devastating version of Sokatsui, where instead of one attack of blue flames, two different blue flames come out from the user's appendage, attacking a target at two different angles. The range is smaller than a regular Sokatsui, but the destructive power is more condense making it even deadlier.

                Mask form - This form can only be used for a total of 3 turns at Ichigo's current experience. Ichigo conjures of a mask that covers his face and gives him an extra boost in power. After the 3 turns, the mask will break and Ichigo's stamina will almost be completely drained leaving him vulnerable the rest of the fight. The mask can be broken in battle, and it almost seems to be delicate. It has the consistency of thin plaster. ALL of his powers are busted in this form. Fire elementals (expert), Air manipulation (offensive), Earth elementals (slightly offensive properties), Electricity elementals (defensive/confusion tactic), Water elementals (slightly offensive), and Enhanced sight, hearing, touch or taste (He can choose between 2/4)

                        Attacks/Abilities in mask form - Black Getsuga Tenshou: In this masked form, Ichigo has more destructive control of his fire elementals. Similar to a regular Getsuga Tenshou, a Black Getsuga Tenshou creates a 20ft tall flame attack in the shape of a crescent moon. This attack is more deadly because instead of just simply black flames, it contains extremely hot plasma with the black flames, which can allow the attack to slice through objects and limbs. Environment damage is extreme as craters are created where this attack is used (Fire and Earth elemental combination)                                                      Air manipulation: Due to the strength of Ichigo transforming and the power that it takes, it means within a 20ft radius around him, the air in that area begins to push downward with force. Depending on the strength of whoever is within that radius, they may be able to continue standing, while smaller animals will be crushed to the ground. This effect can only last a couple seconds after his transformation and won't last during the entire battle.                                                                                       
                                                                                          After image projection: Ichigo still has use of his teleportation, but he also has a tactic that can confuse his opponents (Credit to Persia). Every time that Ichigo teleports, he discharges a small amount of electricity from his body that creates a short after image where he was with moments ago. The afterimage cannot hurt if touched, and can only be used to distract the enemy and try to create an opening.

                Hollow Form - This is not a form that Ichigo will enter willingly. This is usually when he either becomes possessed or gets close to death where this form will come to light. Ichigo has access to ALL of his powers in this form in all offensive manners, although it usually sticks to certain criteria. Physically, his fur turns completely white, and his eyes turn yellow. Two red stripes will run down the front of his face while black stripes will run along the rest of his body. All elementals powers, Clairvoyance, Enhanced Senses, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Shapeshifting, and Teleportation. THIS FORM CAN BE DEFEATED BY CUTTING OFF ONE OF HIS HORNS THAT APPEAR, OR BY KNOCKING HIM OUT
                    Attacks/Abilities in Hollow form - Cero: A massive combination of fire, molten rock, and plasma will begin to form in front of his face. It will reach a fairly large size, before being fired off using Air elementals to help quicken how fast it is fired. This attack has a LONG charge up time. It will take an entire turn to charge up. Those usually caught in it have a chance of being completely burned to death.
                                                                      Rock shrapnel: Ichigo will have a chance of slamming his blade into the ground, causing several different sized rocks to be thrown into the air (Earth elementals). Hitting them with his sword again, and using his air elementals, he uses the sharp shrapnels as projectiles that are sent toward the attacker.
                                                                      Black Getsuga Tenshou:  Ichigo has more destructive control of his fire elementals. Similar to a regular Getsuga Tenshou, a Black Getsuga Tenshou creates a 20ft tall flame attack in the shape of a crescent moon. This attack is more deadly because instead of just simply black flames, it contains extremely hot plasma with the black flames, which can allow the attack to slice through objects and limbs. Environment damage is extreme as craters are created where this attack is used (Fire and Earth elemental combination)

  belongings - A large broadsword on his back he always carries, dark green bandanna around his neck, and metal and leather armor

  belief - He does believe in some religions, as he knows there is an afterlife.
  political stance - He prefers pro-clans as he isn't one for killing or torture.
  strengths -
  weaknesses -

FACECLAIM - Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach

HISTORY - answer

FAMILY - Kurosaki and Marcavellio Family *Everything with Slashes is from FF
  parents - NPC's
  siblings - *italics means adopted
Yuzu Kurosaki, Karin Kurosaki,Thurio, Noirscape, Harrierbeat, Hollyburst, Quarternote, Chastsentience, Bertolt, Glorystar, (all presumed dead)
  nieces & nephews - *Slashed through means deceased/presumed dead *italics means adopted
tyrion, nikobellic, huntingkit, bariumpaw, constentinapaw, stereopaw, Vintagequotes, Jinora, Glasspaw, Blue, Flute, Garlyn, Cameo, Magnoliablossom, Tsunami Milehigh, Liquorwhip, Aubrey, Nathaniel, Technopaw
  pets - A pygmy owl named Kon

  friends - *slashes meaning deceased/presumed dead
Silverstrike ( bestfriend) (Missing)
Vintagepaw  (deseased)
Tinypaw (Missing)
Constentina (deceased)
Toshiro Hitsugaya (deceased)
Harrierbeat (adopted sister) (presumed dead)
Garrett  (missing)
Cactusbloom (deceased)
Keylime (deceased)
Felix (disceased)
Kupfernickel (renamed at Tsunami) (presumed dead)
Jorm (presumed dead)
Yuzu (deceased)
Karin  (presumed dead)
O'Fraiser (missing)
Cambrian  (disceased)
Glitteringgold  (Unknown whereabouts)
Balaur (deceased)
Oswin (presumed dead)
Byakuya (missing)
Bariumglow  (missing)
Jay (presumed dead)
Hourpaw (missing)
Quarternote (missing)
Aspenkit (missing)
Ginny  (missing)
Odessa (missing)
Prism (missing/deceased)
Rin (missing)
Cytus (missing)
Magnoliablossom (missing)

  acquaintances -
  enemies - lots

THEME SONG(S) - answer
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father! Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers

thes code

