Beasts of Beyond
LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - Printable Version

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LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - rhosmari - 10-19-2018

There was no where to go but forward, nowhere to turn to, no one to turn to. She couldn't really remember anything and the instinct just to keep moving forward had been too strong to ignore so she didn't. Even as small as she was the young catsune just kept walking forward without so much as a pause for days at a time. Her tiny paws dragged against the ground, ears dropping and tails dragging behind her as she flicked out her glowing tongue to try and swipe the drool that often leaked out of the torn flesh of her mouth that showed way too much teeth. Her eyes were no more a glimmer than the rest of her body was as she forced herself to keep moving forward. There was no notion that she was walking along a metal railing, the sounds of water all around her and as out of it as she was the young female probably wouldn't even realize it if she walked into the ocean and drowned. Each paw step seemed to leave behind and burning print even against the metal, smoke lifting up into the air from each quiet step that she took. The teen was no bigger than perhaps the average house cat maybe even smaller and she coughed softly, puffs of black smoke lifting up from slightly parted jaws.

Water splashed up and hissed against her body, steam issuing forth for just a short moment and she stumbled. Paw clipping the railing as the terrain changed again. Though she didn't utter a cry as she felt, bracing with what strength she had left before she hit the ground. Her chest shuttered body processing pain for a moment before she shakily got up, the strain showing across her face for a moment before she continued on through some kind of gate. At first she seemed unconscious of her behavior before she suddenly paused and looked around herself, some semblance of self awareness coming to her eyes as she slowly sat down and swallowed against a dry throat. "H-hello...?" Her head began to lower, not having the strength to lift it back up before she slowly dragged her body to the ground to lay there.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - no more - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Span of a few days, time wearing on, ceaseless flow. That was all that had passed them, time accumulating though they had no care to mark them, minimal vocabulary limiting such things – a week,their mind might have supplied if it was there, yet it wasn't. Upon the child had exhaustion lingered heavy, mind slipping beneath the waves as the one who brought them had gently settled the small frame by the gate, different but holding unmistakable similarities.

Dusted with cinnamon, small prints pressed into the soft top soil blending with grains of sand shed from the small frame, paws taking a slow pace but within a slight bounce. Weight, slight was it was, rolled forward and popped up before settling once more, action repeated until suddenly momentum was drawing to an uneasy halt, another step stumbled as widened eyes took in the other. Even amongst the multitude here, life odd and yet wondrous, some given second chance for the clutches of earth seemed unable t hold them, the one here was strange in her own ways, set apart for it.

“Hello..." Quiet voice, edges breaking about want to roll the letters, hitching breath speaking of a stutter they struggle to hold back. Rare is it to hear the voice of the child, risen only within the company of those known, not out of dislike for the way their words broke apart and their tongue tripped, but simply because they struggled with putting thought into coherent structure. Moving closer CCLIV says nothing more, blue eyes seeking to meet that of the brighter tone, yet away theirs flick, unable to take looking upon such a bright shade for long. “Hurt.” Unease slips into single word, spoken without thought, small paw reaching with want to gently touch upon muzzle just above the nose of the other.

They lacked any skill in healing, though the faint want to help was still there, working through the beat of a heart picking up, cry caught behind their teeth. There were no words for none beyond the one they had deemed mother had helped them with injuries, minor in comparison to this, and so it simply continued, this waiting game, wondering if the next to approach may in some way assist.

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - Grey - 10-20-2018

Walking. Always walking. His own strides remind him of the shifting hands of a clock, twisting and turning from a centrepiece. There is a purpose to it but he wonders if the mechanical device even knew what it was. Life was absurd. They were all walking in circles, not knowing what future lied ahead of them, not realizing their truest potentials and reason for being within this world. Eternity lives with each of them. His own walk was a reminder of his insignificance. He feels small looking out into the sky, tired and heavy. Time was mosaic. It was fluid and ever changing, unsatisfied in one form, refusing to be contained no matter the jar or bottle. Somehow, he feels okay with this. To accept that time would never stand still was perhaps the most reassuring thing anyone could tell him. The world, after all, was a place that he felt too lonely in. It was nice having company but his company never seemed to stay. It wavers more than time, uncertain with frequent flickering realities. To rely on others would leave him loud and void of any knowing.

Somehow he notices CC's moving across the ground before he recognised the stench of blood. Maybe it was because he had only recently stopped to take a break from his blacksmithing. The smell of burnt metal sticking to his fur was similar to the smell of the red liquid but there was a quality about blood that differed to Bakugou's own, rather unique, smell. The Reaver quietly follows to hear the child speaking in a tongue almost inaudible, ears straining. It isn't, however, difficult to decipher or guess what the feline was saying to the other. His eyes finally land onto the pitiful and injured form of the catsune, recognising just how frail she appeared as if she had been mauled by the ocean. His sanguine gaze checks around him, nose sniffing for any offender but unable to pick up anything but the bloody smell and the saltiness of the ocean. His ears lean forward, Bakugou clicking his tongue in annoyance and concern. He doesn't know CC so is hesitant to ask the child to go fetch a medic. Perhaps, he realises, he can use his earth elementals to lift part of the ground beneath the stranger and bring her to Junji. That way he will not disturb her too much.

"Uh..hey," he finds himself saying, suddenly questioning his own motives. He knows he could leave this fem out here and alone, leave her to bleed out or freeze to death. He continues to convince himself that the reason he is doing this is because he's a hero, because he would never hear the end of it if he chose to look the other way. He doesn't even know how much earth he can carry, not even sure how heavy the girl is. "Hang in there?" He feels insensitive not knowing what to say but he knows it's useless talking to her. All he needs to ensure was that the catsune stayed conscious, awake. He looks to CC: "Do you know who Junji is? Think you can fetch him and tell him someone's injured? Or maybe you can find your 'ma' and tell her to find him. He has big feathery wings." He doesn't know the extent of CC's knowledge, unsure if the child would even understand him considering how little she said around him. Hopefully there was no language gap or difficulties, the male trying to speak as slowly as possible along with trying to make it as easy as he could. To be completely honest, this was already frustrating him.

[ ooc ] oof rushed

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - Luciferr - 10-20-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
Lucifer had time in abundance.

Never Aging, never ending.

Yet everything existed in a sleep decay around him - there was something infinitely sad about knowing those he cherished in the now would be star dust in the blink of an eye to him if he didn't anchor himself into the present - if he didn't strain and constrain that evervescent shadow of his form to the timescale of his newfound home and comradery.

Time is not an enemy to him - but yet it takes a price all the same.

This is why he'll resolve to remember them when the then becomes now.

This is how his wondering thoughts take his flight track towards Bakugou and Cc - the beast hovering above spares a brief glance before speaking up "no need Bakugou - I'll go find junji" and in a Wingbeat he flies to find the healer - it's faster and leaves ten stranger a chance with his fellows watching until he can get Junji here.



Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - rhosmari - 10-20-2018

Her eyes that were partially open shifted, glancing around the surroundings before a soft voice lifted up into the air. At first she puzzled and wondered if it was just her mind hallucinating. It would be plausible and she was about to ignore it when suddenly a small paw touched against her muzzle. Her gaze widened ever so slightly as the words hurt slowly pierced through her slightly pulled back ears and she released a breath she didn't even know she had been holding but then what did she say now. Her head slowly lifted up, shaking but was holding still even though she was partially confused. Her tails shifted against the sand breathing light and she attempted to focus, just focus on anything that might be close to her. This one was a child and she watched before she remembered what the little one had said to her and her paw lifted up to the torn flesh of her muzzle, remembering the old wounds that were now scars that had long since healed over. She patted along her muzzle just to make sure that they had not possibly come open again but a sigh of relief left her when he felt nothing and didn't smell the iron tang of her own blood. "M'okay. Not hurt just old scars.." Her own voice sounded rather tired, a soft gentleness to it that was not explainable for the time being.

But she hadn't realized she was starting to grow a crowd and her tired form shifted, body tensing up as another came forward. He looked hesitant but concerned which left her wondering why. Hang in there? Did he think she was dying? Was she dying? A rush of panic struck through her form, eyes widening as she looked down at herself, paws curling and uncurling as she debated over this. She did feel really bad and what if that mean she was on her way out? Tears began to prick at her eyes and she sniffled, body shuddering to hold back small tears before she looked at Bakugou with strain and utter fear in her gaze as the tears began to leak down her face. "A-am I dying!?" Her voice was raised, a high pitched squeal that might be uncomfortable for some but she couldn't force the volume down and when she turned her head and saw the massive dragon she could do nothing but squirm back.

The beast was so huge compared to her below average cat size and she pulled herself further into a ball. Where was Grimoire when she needed him. Her head tucked under her paws then as she tried to calm her breathing. Forcing herself to take in deeper breathes as she waited. No, she couldn't be dying. She' did she get here? Slowly paws fell and those strange eyes lifted up, gaze roaming over the area before she pipped up again. "Where am I? I home?" She didn't know, she couldn't remember and a lethargic feeling was starting to settle in, head dipping low to rest on her paws.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - bubblegum - 10-20-2018

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - OWEN. - 10-20-2018

Owen shifted his body slightly, his spines rippling as the indominus rex listened to Bakugou speak from a distance, waiting for any opportunity to chip in and help. While he normally just went up to the joiners, this one looked kind of weak and tired, and while CC was there, Owen still didn't want to scare the kid.

Laying his massive head onto the ground, Owen watched as Luci went to fetch Junji, his tail sweeping over the ground in a bored tandem.


Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - Grey - 10-21-2018

Luciferus - he's an Officer now. Seeing the dragon, black scales and all, is a constant and dark reminder of his coma. He hates remembering those bitter details, the abyssal creature's brother. Bakugou only bites the bottom of his lip, holding himself back from any look of annoyance when the ancient male turns to look for Junji himself. Although he should have appreciated the other for making his life easier, he felt uneasy in the pit of his stomach. He didn't want to feel settled with this, eyes eventually returning to the young girl's form when she begins to speak again. Old scars. But the words that left her tongue were stressed, likely weakened by exhaustion. If he tried to get her to move to a safer place, maybe situate her in a house to get better, he would likely be too rough. He has never been known as gentle, far too aggressive with everything he did. As he looked at the dry injuries upon the catsune's body, he briefly wonders if the angel was able to remove them with some sort of herbal remedy. Medicine has never made sense to him. The idea that plants or different combinations could have healing qualities was delving into the realm of mystics and imagination.

Her squeal made his ears fold back on instinct, Bakugou wincing at the pitch of her voice. He wasn't expecting such strength from her vocals. He looks back, twitching his whiskers when he observes Lucifer's shadow, realising just how intimidating the reptilian beast was to frightful strangers. She begins to babble more words now, asking where she was and clearly in a state of panic. "He won't... he won't hurt you," Bakugou murmurs, beginning to feel pressure on his temples as he tried to think up words, "I won't let him. Promise." The Reaver releases an uneasy, hot breath, claws digging into the soil beneath him because he wasn't good at comfort. It felt too foreign and, to his own ears, sounded rather fake. Although his intention was good, hearing his own voice say such words made him angry. He doesn't usually say these things so although he was telling the truth, being rather genuine, he still felt artificial. Thankfully, to his rescue, was Goldenluxury. She had always been the reassuring type, the one everyone wanted to take good care of because she was so giving. The ragdoll, seeing that the bengal was probably doing a better job, takes a step back.

He notices Owen, fur prickling upwards when he tosses a threatening glare at the 10 foot dinosaur. Considering her reaction to Lucifer, he doubts she would take Owen's form as well either. He was sure, however, that the indominous rex wouldn't come any closer. After all, with his head lied down, it seemed like he was maintaining his distance on purpose. Bakugou knows that if the stranger looked too much to one side, she would clearly notice him for Owen stuck out like a white moth over ashes. The ragdoll moves to the other side of the girl, swishing his fire-coated tail and tilting his head slightly. He was lost in thought, feeling himself swallow his pride when he sits down. The foreigner is curled up into a ball, stressed. Bakugou doesn't feel any pity for her, unable to muster any empathy for a stranger but he summons a blue ball of flame, a colour that took him a while to master. "Hey - uh, what's your favourite thing?" He hovers it close by, careful not to let it burn too strongly. It was warm...for now. He manipulates the blue fire to manifest into several forms - a bird, a shark, a frog, a few types of flowers. He even stopped to let the crackling images form a waterfall. All he wants to do is calm her down and distract the girl. There were too many big beasts in The Typhoon for words to make meaning.

Re: LAST ACT - open; joining/exhaustion - Masie - 10-22-2018

Not scaring the kid, well with CC's presence if the kid was scared of raptors they were about to get terrified. Most times? The young creature would appear behind her alpha and father. However, she had made friends with the small feline and now sometimes showed up in a manner that made it clear she had been tracking down that exact feline. "CC!" the chitter was clearly heard, though almost no one there could understand it since she spoke raptor, talons scraping against the ground as she skidded to a stop beside the wild cat, holding her arms close to her chest happily. In delighted greeting? The raptor bumped her head against the other girls arm, tail lashing to the side briefly before she looked to actually see what was going on. In this brief looksee? The raptor narrowed her eyes and huffed out at Baku, hoping he would keep his mouth shut she entirely despised the noise that came from him. No matter what she did? Someone that was supposed to be on the same side as her family, kept sounding as if he was some threat to them!

Purposefully she made sure to stand so that Baku had no sight of CC to keep her close friend protected from the threatening male. "CC. Cat Hurt? Fish?" when she had found Blue hurt giving the other raptor fish had seemed to work! Thus, the small creature nudged CC and nodded towards a nearby stream hoping she could get some help carrying the fish she would catch for Techno back for the injured party.