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◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - BABY — - 10-19-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Sunhaven's borders laid ahead, lingering in his sights and growing closer and closer with each step. Titan held firm, padding on and approaching it with little hesitance. He had never been to this place before, and he was sure as hell that he didn't want to stick around. This, admittedly, made the observer a little u n e a s y .

The lion flicked the tip of his tail, signaling the rest of the patrol that they had arrived and that they were to remain vigilant. The patrol didn't appear as if they were going to cross over the border, but they were close enough to inspect the area and check to see if everything was secure.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - FUBUKI - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Two big cats, two tiny cats, the sight of such a patrol was almost comical in some way. Yet as the Sunhaven's border grew closer and closer, and the tension began to seep into the air like someone's bad breath, it was clear that some things today wouldn't be a laughing matter. Having never been so far out of the territory before since his joining, it was with wide eyes that Ren stared at all of the different sights, blinking slow as to take in all of the different wildlife around the place. More trees, more dirt, but a less desirable smell. Unaware that it was himself that reeked of the bitter substance, Ren'd always associated the Ascendants with the aroma of coffee, yet here it almost seemed more fishy and primal... uncivilised, one might say. His stomach may've growled once upon a time at the smell of seafood, but he could hold back from submitting to that right now.

There were more important things than making friends with the enemy because he preferred their cuisine to the mice he consumed. The flick of Titan's tail brought the feline further forwards, dipping his head to take in the stench of strangers where it was strongest. A sharp pain rushed through his cranium, causing the slightest reveal of a wince as his body rocked to keep itself steady, leaving him to wonder what on earth that was. Was he allergic to dogs or something? Only stunned into his seated position for a couple of moments, Ren would move back to his peer's side once he got his bearings again, giving a cool gaze over the horizon. Deciding against small talk, the feline would look back towards his other two clanmates before beginning to pace, attentive for any disturbances.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-19-2018

Despite Marina's recent announcement regarding The Ascendants, Gordon couldn't find herself wanting to chase them off or attack them. The Ascendants was her former home and she, admittedly, still felt some sort of loyalty to them. What they had done hurt and shocked her and Marina's announcement practically broke her heart, but there was nothing she could do about it; the leader's word was law, after all.

Gordon was hesitant in coming so close to the border once The Ascendants's scent hit her nose but eventually, the munchkin gathered enough courage to approach the strangers at the border - which was a good thing. Hopefully, if Marina happened to come by, this could be used as an excuse. After all, why would she attack people who haven't crossed the border? "Ah, n-name and business with Sunhaven?" The she-cat squeaked out, trying to peer up at Titan as much as she possibly could without moving backwards.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - CLOVE. - 10-19-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — /clove's gonna discover she has electricity elemental in this thread so feel free to start a scrap with her and knock her around a bit!!

The Ascendants had been the first group Clove had come into contact with - but they had not been interesting enough for her to stay with them. That was part of the reason Clove's allegiance was now with an opposing group, but on the whole, Clove personally had no quarrel with the star-orientated clan.
The same could not be said for Sunhaven; and thus, as was her duty, she would follow Marina's orders.

I do not want any of them even close tae our border and if they do as one has already attempted tae do I want them attacked on sight, killed, wounded I don't care because they don't deserve any mercy from us. Ya have my permission as they are all open season now.
That was what the Helion had said, and that was what Clove would do.
Her only problem was the fact her fighting skills were not, well, adept. In addition to this, she was half the size of a lion at best. Not well equipped to tackle them.

Clove had been resting in a tree a few metres away from the border, lazily opening her eyes every ten minutes to see whether anyone had strolled by; and as such, was prepared to leap down and face off whenever necessary. Tensing her muscles, Clove spread her wings and-
Halted. Because Gordon had arrived, and was apparently making light conversation with them. Clove wasn't sure whether she should disobey Marina's orders and launch an offensive, or follow the example of the current higher position and lay off.

Maybe the muchkin was simply not attacking because, well, she was a muchkin - and severely outsized. Clove stood a better chance, and could, at the very least, make enough noise for other Sunhaveners in the area to come running.

Since she had nothing to lose in terms of position in Sunhaven, Clove didn't mind being the rash one in this situation. We attack first and ask questions later.
The smaller cat was a better target for Clove, but that would leave Gordon exposed in the presence of a lion.

So, the twin-tailed kitsune would have to bite the bullet; and with leaves fluttering around her as she moved, the Sunbearer stepped off her branch and aimed to land on [member=2137]TITAN[/member] 's back while he was distracted by Gordon, and if successful, would move to dig her claws into the soft spot of flesh beneath the larger animal's elbows, just above his ribcage - and sink her teeth into his thick neck.
[align=center]bio + tags

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018

Oh shit.  Oh shit oh shit. Of course normally Infirmaryward was for asking questions, but since they were given the grace to give hell than ask, the domestic feline came up to the sight to see Clove already attacking Titan.  They were in no shape or desire to fight, but they would defend if needed be.  This was going to turn into utter madness.  Walking over towards Gordon.  " I don't think been civil is the right choice right now mar'm. You might want to get out of the way before that tussle gets bigger." they spoke towards the munchkin.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - BABY — - 10-19-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan had sensed that someone had hesitated and fallen back in the formation that was the patrol, and he slightly swiveled his cranium so that he could glance backwards. Ren, it seemed, had stumbled and had to regain his balance. The lion had slightly creased his figurative brows, but didn't immediately say anything.

He was going to speak up and ask if his fellow clanmate was okay, but that was when a Sunhavener appeared. He hadn't interacted with one directly since, well, the raid. That had been the one and only time that he had. Hopefully, this time things wouldn't end as messily. Besides, this female seemed calm and passive enough, and with that, Titan would show her the same decency. The lion wasn't looking for a fight — both of the clans had things to do, and none of them had time to settle petty border disputes. It would just be best if they acknowledged each other and left in peace. "We have no business here. We're checking our borders." Titan answered Gordon, his neutral gaze settling onto the Sunhavener. His voice was monotonous and void of emotion, fit for talking with the likes of them. "We'll be on our way shortly." The lion explained, sincerely trying to avoid any conflict.

That was when an attack was initiated.

Not by Gordon, but by an unfamiliar offender. It came out of nowhere, and Titan hardly had time to react to the blur of cream-colored fur that came flying towards him. Titan let out a surprised grunt and tried to twist his head in attempt to get a look at just who ( or what ) was biting into him. A sharp jolt of pain shot through not only his side but also his neck. The attacker was in his blind-spot, indeed, and what a wise target. There was only so much Titan could do from underneath.

So, what did he choose to do next? Titan reared up onto his hind legs and let gravity pull him down to the ground, and if he was successful, he would attempt to crush [member=1356]CLOVE.[/member] under his weight.

So much for remaining peaceful.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018

Bloody hell.  Bloody fucking hell.  Their ears twitched and they also winced at the sound of bodies thudding against the ground.  That was going to hurt, if they were trying to remain peaceful so why did Clove attack?  Forget what Marina had said about attack without question, which at this very moment sounded completely brainless, yes there was a reason but as of right now it didn't make sense. " I uh apologize for that... Since it was a patrol than an ambush."  their single eye glanced at where Clove would be.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - ONISION. - 10-19-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Are you fuckin' kidding me. On our side of the border, too. Pitiful." Onision's voice rang out as the felidae followed up behind Titan, before a flying ball of fur landed on the patrol leader, his fur fluffing up. "Fuckin-!" He snarled, backing up before his eyes scanned the area to look for more Sunhavenners hiding, waiting, to attack on their side of the border.

I suggest you take your bitch and bring her back to your side before I brainwash her." Oni threatened, glancing around for Moon. Where was Moon? He needed Moon. If Moon wasn't here in 2.5 seconds he was going to open a can of whoop ass.

Oni seemed to teeter on the borderline of 'pissed off' and 'annoyed', and it was stirring Aloysius up inside of him, the second persona pulling on the Host's consciousness. He wanted to take over, and Onision wasn't complaining. Soon, Oni switched places with the large brown lupine, ghostly eyes moving over the terrain as he moved to stand between the Sunhaven members on their side of the border and Titan himself. The guy could fight his own enemy, Aloysius wouldn't play dirty, but he wasn't going to let anyone else close to the patrol leader either.

"So much for border patrols.." Grumbled Aloysius, his ear twitching as ghoulish blue eyes glanced around.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - buckingham barnes - 10-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham's nose flared at the scent of the Ascendants, which he picked up from the seatown entrance. Buckingham was just about to start a patrol of his own when he picked up on the scent he grew to despise. Did he catch the Ascendants on their way for a raid? Were they finally retaliating back? Buckingham didn't put much thought into it, as the Warden quickly followed the scents on light paws. As he got closer to the scene, his ears picked up sounds of fighting, quickening his pace.

When the maine coon finally arrived, his gaze landed on three of his clanmates, and three Ascendants members. From the looks of it, it was Clove who started the fight- but he didn't blame her. Marina declared them enemies rightfully so. And they were free to attack their enemies- the Ascendants should have known better than getting this close to the Sunhaven border. They're practically asking for more problems. "You three better get your asses away from our border before I make you!" Came the hiss from the Warden as he made his way over, tufted ears flattening to his skull. Bucky was ready to attack any of them if they continued to stick around, metal claws flexing into the ground.

So, originally Bucky was going to wait and see if the Ascendants members were going to be stubborn and stick around despite his warning. But then, that annoying as fuck Lunar Lieutenant decided to let his mouth run wild. "I suggest you take your bitch and bring her back to your side before I brainwash her." When that sentence reached his ears, the male's blood boiled with anger. Bucky knew that the Ascendants were piles of shit, but was Onision actually serious? Has Onision ever dealt with brainwashing before? Does he know how horrible it is? Brainwashing isn't something to joke about, especially when you manipulate someone to adopt radically different beliefs through mental manipulation and other forcible pressure. Brainwashing ruins lives, would Onision really dare to stoop so low?

Buckingham's eyes fumed with fury, the bridge of his nose scrunching up as his lip curled into a snarl. His tail lashed angrily behind him, gaze locking on Onision. "You ignorant piece of shit!" The Warden yowled, as the former assassin suddenly lunged forward, attempting to latch his claws into [member=1268]ONISION.[/member] in order to pin the younger male in the ground. "I don't give a rats ass if we're enemies, never threaten to brainwash anyone, especially my clanmates! You have no idea how catastrophic it is!"

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - REBECCA MACK - 10-19-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex's ears pricked, picking up on the sounds of her clanmates yelling and growling, as well as being able to detect the scents of the Ascendants. Rather worried, the collie hurried over to where the situation was taking place - near the border. Great... just when she had finally been able to relax too, and now she had to deal with this. Quite honestly, Bex had missed the entire thing up to this point. The Dawnguard had simply been wandering around the territory, snapping photos to hang up in her home, and had only arrived on the scene to hear some Ascendants member that she didn't even know threaten to brainwash Clove, and that was not okay with her. Normally she wasn't the one to jump to conclusions, and typically was calm in some of the most chaotic situations (and always tried to lighten things up with a little bit of humor), but this just wasn't one of those times. "Excuse me?" The canine growled, her tail now lashing angrily as she stared down the Ascendants animals with disbelief. Yes they were enemies, but even when it came to enemies, Bex was never fine with anyone being threatened like that. And now, she was only feeling protective, but unlike Bucky, didn't attempt to attack anyone. But boy, she sure was tempted to, if the situation were to escalate even more. "You should all just turn around and go home before you regret it," she grumbled, knowing for certain now that Marina and Bucky and everyone else who had run into trouble with the Ascendants were right. They were just so damn awful.