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SILVER SUN | Joining - Printable Version

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SILVER SUN | Joining - Luciferr - 10-19-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angelus Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeline (which range from 4 to 6ft) - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
A shooting star passes overhead - strangely hued an almost pink-ish white, hounding after it are several more before a pulsing flash in the night and suddenly it as if nothing in the heavens above was ever disturbed - save then the distant noise as the first star fell to earth.

something strange crawls from the crater before a shimmer and the strange black aura vanishes - replaced by a monotone feline of unusual size wearing ornate silver-black armour pieces heaving their self up from the impact site, breathing heavily.


eerie slitted blue-hued eyes glance across the grounds before the figure opens their mouth and says to itself "♩#♬#!♭/♭\\♮♮" in what sounds musical in language but it's harsh like a curse.

Cryptic does not know where he has ended up - only that it is the mortal plane - hounded as he had been by his once brethren for abandoning them and their 'just' cause - he grimaces - feh, just cause, it's genocide with a prettier name and he knows all to well they'll backstab him soon enough - or try.

and if he's ever to find Vanta, he'll need to be alive and without a cadre of watchers.

but first - where is he?

he shifts out of the crater, aware of the small purple-black flames still dancing in the embers behind him - a sweep of his tail extinguishes them and night eats up the minimal light they once cast - his ears prick forward and catches the distant sounds of civilisation - or at least a small group.

he rolls his shoulders - relieved his armour is intact but then forged as it was it wouldn't be so easily harmed and noting his sword is still secured to his back despite the fall - heh, fall, he supposes thats what they've labelled him as now but he brushes the thought away moving towards the sounds of minor activity - it is night after all, it would make sense not many would be out and about, unless this was a colony of solely night based activity.

[align=center][glow=purple,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: SILVER SUN | Joining - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018

If there was one way to say that crash landing was one way to gain attention, espeically when Infirmaryward was star-gazing as they do when the sky was clear enough.  On the coldest of nights, the sky was clearer for some apparent reason, so they saw the comet come a a blurring speeds, but they were not expecting something to be what they suppose was a rock, an actual person. 

Arriving at the crater, the brown tabby with lynx point flicked their white adored tail carefully. " Hello? My name is Infirmaryward,"  they called at first, seeing a shape moving from the crater, now picking up speed they came close but not to close.  " You are in Sunhaven. May I ask of who you are?"

Re: SILVER SUN | Joining - Grimm - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Some may have deemed the former doctor – or might they still be such, a title unneeded here yet held, caught in the chest with want to be spoken aloud – a night owl. Nocturnal had their habits become over the years of their life, finding more within the hours of dark over that the light may ever offer. It had become as such they contained their work to the night where it proved a possibility, beginning before sunset and ending only minutes after the sun had risen. Though the scenery had changed, streets lined with cobble, the patter of rain across it all and the shuffle of others seeking shelter given way to the wide space of beach extending out, melding with the edge of a meadow, habits prove difficult to break.

“It is better to be prepared than offer pleasantries to someone that may be an enemy,” lips curled, curved teeth exposed within a look one may think a grimace but it fell just short of such an expression, the tight draw of lips and the narrowed eyes set upon the tabby. For once angular muzzle was free of the weight of leather, though something with them wanted it, the heavy press of the buckles on the back of their head, the slight restriction of the beak, and the reflective panes of glass to hide eyes that move towards the other.

With some interest they had watched the trajectory of the stars, set apart of their tone was not the cool white of the other points and they seemed too large for such, even amongst the comets mistaken for stars, trail nothing more than dust. Close already they had come upon the crash site with a weary sense of suspicion, unsure what to think as the creature rose, adorned within armour and baring a weapon familiar to the fox. Monotone colours adorned what fur was visible, the eyes with which he took in his surroundings holding a cool colour of this land yet they too felt strange, everything off in some minor way.

“I would ask if you were of the Ascended but they are nothing but mortals, you...” Words fell away, steps touched with a certain confidence as they moved closer. By the feline – if one may call such anything akin to the creatures that inhabited this world – Esma was small, stature only a small bit above that of a domesticated feline, but the dark eyes narrowed as they lifted. “No mortal would survive such but to be a star. Might I ask what are you and that language, I have never heard of it.” Other questions lingered but the most pressing rose. They had heard the strange tongue, almost a song given a sharp edge, and when Fin glossed over it thought to ask themself.

Re: SILVER SUN | Joining - Aelios S. - 10-20-2018

There was two types of people, one who didn't care of what a person was, and the other who wouldn't dream of putting whomever under a blade.  Fin glared at Esma for a good second before lifting their gaze from the morbid fox.
"I propose you wouldn't want nothing more to experiment on him? You sir are nothing more but a madman." they muttered slightly.

Fin hoped that the madness that Esma had wouldn't spread out to consume others. For the madness of curiosity was terrible thing to possess.

Re: SILVER SUN | Joining - Luciferr - 10-20-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angelus Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeline (which range from 4 to 6ft) - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
He walks barely a scant distance on this earth and already someone approaches - then again he shouldn't be surprised, a crash landing is hardly subtle but he doesn't falter, he can handle a potential enemy if this stranger proves hostile - though he'd rather a peaceful encounter to gleam some information on where exactly he landed.

and the smaller stranger that approaches - he catches the scent of vampirism, akin and alike to the Daemoni albeit thinned in the strain - gives away this basest of information with nary any prompting - sunhaven, hm, there almost an irony in that - and a name for this one, Infirmaryward, a strange name perhaps moreso given his nature, theirs at least were abstract, it seemed strange to name a child for a place of hospitalisation.

another approaches before he speaks an answer - and eerie slitted eyes slide to the other and he finds he agrees with the first statement but then he does not know the state of this land and his own agreement stems from centuries old paranoia, perhaps their own mortal scuffles have led them similar.

he shifts idly on his paws, silver to black slate gauntlets gleam idly in the low light as the feathered styled swaths of fabric adorning his armour shift idly in an unnatural sway responding to their wearers state while the idler tatters flutter slightly in a light breeze.

he notes the way their eyes gleam in interest - and raises a brow, of the ascended? another name for their kind? no, of course not merely another group it seems given how they retract that statement, and one with a rather, ambitious, name it seems - and as they come closer, Cryptic stands unmoved merely watching, hearing him out - and glancing to the first, Infirmary, when the other mentions experiments, ah, mortals, ever curious and ever wandering in their attempts to play god.

but he's seen his own and the daemoni do worse - this is nothing new to him.

It would be unwise of the small fox to attempt anything, he has no qualms with dispatching a threat if one raises a hand against him.

still he answers, eyes flicking between the two "my name is Crypticwhisper" his gaze flicks to the fox "and I am of no mortal race" he inclines his head, but does not elaborate, as much as he is a renegade among his people now, he will not pill their secrets open handedly, he is loyal to his people, but not their leadership, not after everything, but he will keep this confidence.

even the smallest grain of sand can tip a delicate balance after all - or perhaps his paranoia on the run has gotten to him, either way.

his eyes flick to Infirmary and a moment passes as he thinks to himself - weighing his options - before he asks "I would ask for a place to stay - at least for awhile if you would oblige me?" it would do best to lie low for awhile, none in the heavens match his caste class in power but they vastly outnumber him and if they wish to continue hounding him, they can do so no matter how many he dispatches - and even he tires eventually.

the hounds set on his heels have not an idea where he is - for all they know he crossed this galaxy in that flash disruption - and to rest among mortal kind, they would think it beneath him and thus not think to look.

[align=center][glow=purple,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: SILVER SUN | Joining - Aelios S. - 10-20-2018

Fin nodded on the question of having a place to stay. "There are many empty places here in the territory. I live in a cabin not to far from here. Perhaps somewhere would take your interest?" they said with a careful tone.

Yes Crypticwhisper was the most unusual person they have ever came across, but again Fin was more understanding than most. Open minded I'd you will.  Especially when a person calls another person mortal, as in they could die at any given time.

How unusual.