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A Newbie Emerges - Printable Version

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A Newbie Emerges - bleedinglover - 10-19-2018

Let me state that I joined this site because I saw it in Imagination's signature on FeralFront. I also do not write as animals unless it's like shapeshifting or something. Don't hate me!! I am not sure how well I will be writing as an animal and have never attempted it. So, if you want to teach me, I'd be willing to give it a shot. Also, forgive me for this but I just copied my introduction from FeralFront. It's rather late here and I updated my profile first but it's mostly the same thought process. c: So sit back and relax and enjoy.

I also suck at introductions because I never know what to put but here goes nothing.

So, obviously, I am new to the site and did some browsing as a guest before finally deciding to join. I am liking what I am seeing so far and I hope to delve deeper into the site during my time here. I am mainly here to write, roleplay and hopefully make some friends along the way. I should point out that I really only roleplay realistic humans or the supernatural genre. I also prefer and like Modern, Medieval or Historical, Romance and Superpowered genres, too. I tend to very nice, respectful and polite to just about everyone. I am hardly ever rude or mean to someone. Like hardly. I'd like to find some roleplaying friends, as well or just friends in general. I know I might've already implied that bur just making a note again. I hope to have lots and lots of fun on the site and hope that you guys are accepting to me. ♥ I love conversations so do not hesitate to hit me up.

I think that's all that I want to put on here for now. If you have any questions, comments or concerns then do not hesitate to express them. Smile Hope to hear from and get to know you guys!!

Re: A Newbie Emerges - toboggan - 10-19-2018

welcome to the site, new blood! i’m toboggan, often shortened to tobo, or sometimes referenced as burrito or bur (from a past username). i too discovered this site through that same signature, and i’m very glad that i did. these people are some of my best friends, on site, and even off site (in the discord servers). i thought about roleplaying a human at some point, but my time is dedicated to the three characters that i have, and another upcoming one (even though i can only handle one ha). though i might not interact with you roleplaying-wise, i’m looking forward to seeing you around the boards!!

Re: A Newbie Emerges - Waylon - 10-19-2018

Hi! & welcome to BoB, lover!
I mostly play "animals" here on this site since I rp humans on other sites (albeit I play animanga humans most the time rather than realistic roleplay). I would totally give pointers on rping animals but honestly I may not be the best to ask since I do not play real "feral/realistc rp" and probably couldn't.
If you want to plot or chat feel free to message me! I need friends on BoB too. <:

Re: A Newbie Emerges - tempest - 10-19-2018

hey! im tempest, and im kind of new to this site as well! i rp animals, though currently, not here on this site! if you ever want to chat feel free to HMU c:

Re: A Newbie Emerges - bleedinglover - 10-19-2018

(10-19-2018, 12:36 PM)tobo the burrito slayer link Wrote: welcome to the site, new blood! i’m toboggan, often shortened to tobo, or sometimes referenced as burrito or bur (from a past username). i too discovered this site through that same signature, and i’m very glad that i did. these people are some of my best friends, on site, and even off site (in the discord servers). i thought about roleplaying a human at some point, but my time is dedicated to the three characters that i have, and another upcoming one (even though i can only handle one ha). though i might not interact with you roleplaying-wise, i’m looking forward to seeing you around the boards!!
Well, I, too hope to make some friends, as well. c: Thanks for welcoming me.

(10-19-2018, 02:39 PM)Platonic link Wrote: Hi! & welcome to BoB, lover!
I mostly play "animals" here on this site since I rp humans on other sites (albeit I play animanga humans most the time rather than realistic roleplay). I would totally give pointers on rping animals but honestly I may not be the best to ask since I do not play real "feral/realistc rp" and probably couldn't.
If you want to plot or chat feel free to message me! I need friends on BoB too. <:
I will honestly take anything I can get. Any pointers, tips, dos and don'ts will do. I can be your friend. Big Grin I love making new friends!!

(10-19-2018, 02:51 PM)tempest link Wrote: hey! im tempest, and im kind of new to this site as well! i rp animals, though currently, not here on this site! if you ever want to chat feel free to HMU c:
I will keep that in mind, thanks.