Beasts of Beyond
「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - Printable Version

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「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - ATLAS. - 10-18-2018

The first memory Atlas has of his father is falling asleep on his book. Great old pages that smelled musty in a comforting way — it was all he'd known for the first few months of his life. The library always smelled like decay, but it was where he'd learned almost everything. He learned about history and health and the end of the world (or many possible ends, he supposes). It was where he had learned about things both important and not, but things changed when he was too big to fall asleep on the books. That was when the real learning began. Atlas and his siblings had drifted out in small packs, bumping shoulders with each other and bumping their noses on everything near them in their curiosity. And that really was his last, wasn't it? The last thing he remembers of his dad, his siblings, anything. They separated with time as the world broke down the trust between them, or when it was better to stop sharing resources. He didn't mind all that much, it was the way of the world. (It was the way of his, at least, and he has no bone to pick with the way of the world.)

It was, after all, his origin story. He had returned home exactly once, to a place that was silent and dusty. Nothing there for him anymore except a few books, and every few months the dog goes back just for that. Or maybe — maybe he's looking for something there. But every time, it's just more of the same. Dust and cobwebs. Dirty, creaking floors and collapsing shelves.

After every trip came an adventure. Atlas walks away from the library with a satchel full of books slung over his body. It's worn now, he'll have to replace it soon, but the straps are comfortable around his body and there are no holes for now. He'd taken a light load to accommodate it, and that in turn makes the trip easier. This place is the farthest that the canine has wandered, his paws hardened by concrete and packed dirt instead of the soft, high grass and gentle forest floor. Atlas can't help but be overwhelmed by the smells assaulting his nose, or the shades of green in front of his eyes. It... flickers the way that fireflies do, sunlight through shaking tree leaves. It's beautiful yet unfamiliar, and the spotted dog pauses in the middle of his search with his head turned skywards. He doesn't say anything, not now. The hero has to find his own way, right? But after these last few months, Atlas knows he's no hero.


Re: 「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - EDEN. - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]Edee could remember much of his parents. He just preferred not to, all things considered. He knew he was lucky to have two people care about him so much, so unconditionally, but these days it just made him realize how much of a piece of shit he was. Not that he didn't already know it. Edee was very consciously aware of it, thank you random people who liked to insult him when he was drunk.

Which he was, at the moment. He could hold his alcohol well, but even he had a threshold that he'd reach eventually. He didn't make great decisions while drunk, so he was stumbling around the border, flicking random rocks about and swatting any fireflies who got too close -if they were fireflies and not just sparks of light concocted by his intoxicated mind- and occasionally humming a broken melody. Which was how he found the large, spotted canine with some kind of heavy bag, staring at the sky like a fucking dork. He'd fit in well with a place all for star-gazing. Astrology. Astronomy? Whichever.

"Ey. Polka. Sky's free real estate. Where you're standin'-not so much. You're...under arrest. For transgressing. Tree passing. Trespassing."

Re: 「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - ONISION. - 10-19-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Trespassing, useless fuckin' brother." Onision spat as he walked up to the scene of his drunken older brother and a.. Huge fuckin' canine. Wow, never seen that before. It was kinda hot- nope, he had Alex. If he wanted to bone, he'd go to Alex. Thank you very much. Bless.

His eyes wandered over the male's form, glancing at the bag for a bit before sitting down. "What's your business with the Ascendants? Ignore this fucker." Oni meowed, paw reaching out to swat at his brother's nose. He should have drank in his bedroom and stayed there, Oni didn't want to smell the alcohol that this idiot reeked of.

//ic opinions!
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: 「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - agathe. - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]With every passing day, Agathe found herself liking this 'Oni' individual less and less. He was an insolent brat who seemed to say what he pleased without fear of repercussion and it made the part of her that had been trained to kill for far less itch to sink her teeth into his flesh. She maintained mainly stoic though, even as she joined the trio. She didn't want to waste her breath trying to reprimand him for insulting his own blood, instead shooting Edee a sidelong glance that contained a mixture of apology and mild disgust towards the words that were so crassly directed at him. Perhaps she was being unnecessarily hard on the Lunar Lieutenant, perhaps she wasn't. Until she understood the full extent of this family's issues, she'd hold her tongue.

And that was when she found her gaze falling upon Atlas, a newfound curiosity towards him replacing the anger that glowed like two, hot embers within her eyes just moments before. "What's in the bag?" Agathe inquired, deciding to skip on welcomes and introductions in favor of figuring out the contents of the satchel that accompanied his person, "Are you a trader?" She had had some experience with traders in the past, though her matron often ordered her to take their wares without offering them anything save a quick death in return. Finally, did she decide to nod her head in something that resembled welcome, the faint smile that decorated her pale lips mostly hidden in the shadows her cloak cast over her face. "I'm Agathe Ashyver, by the way. Welcome."

Re: 「 HELLBENT. OPEN / JOINING 」 - ATLAS. - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Pretty sure he said trespassing," Atlas murmurs mildly as he straightens up and turns his attention away from the sky. The three creatures he sees are somewhat small, particularly in comparison to him, and he slowly lowers his head, long legs sliding outwards to bring his chest closer to the ground and his head with it. Agathe is larger — he doesn't have to lower his head too far for her — so once he is satisfied with his new height, he takes a moment to scan them each with more attention. He couldn't imagine Eden and Onision as family, were it not for the similarity in their colors. One seems dazed and out of it, ambles through simple statements, and the other snaps and and swats, seems a little tense. This world is certainly full of strange contradictions, but he supposes his own siblings would be as far removed from him as these two were from each other. So he huffs and blinks slowly. "After a few tries."

The dog straightens up now, limbs tired of holding his weight in such an awkward manner. Too many people saying too many things, Atlas isn't sure where to start, so he just sort of skips over the brothers. Were these people usually this bothersome? Were all people like this? They sure weren't back home. With a dry sort of smile, Atlas turns his head to tug the flap of the satchel, revealing the books he's got inside. "Not trading them, no. What is this place?"