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This had been a work in progress really and much of it had been pushed back because of the current affairs with the Ascendants but none of that was going to be mentioned tonight. Tonight it was a time of fun and activities and just all around good times. Because why not? Everyone needed a day off where they could just have some fun and they would be having their newest allies to join them. Marina had spent much of her time focusing on gathering up much of the materials they would need for the night, shifting between making sure that they had enough tents for both communities to be able to sleep within and to also make sure that they would have enough beverages and food as a whole. Tonight was a night of fun and she allowed herself a soft breath as she moved much of the contents toward the meadow. The wide space would offer much of what they needed and as she moved through the forest she allowed herself the moment to relax, a buzz of excitement hitting her as she thought of the fact that they would actually get to have some fun tonight. It may not be the most fanciest of things but it was rugged and had them outdoors.

As she entered the meadow one could already see that she had been hard at work having set up two circles of tents. Some were larger than others but that was because she knew that some animals needed more space than others. Already there was a fire going in the center of it all, flicking and yearning to be let loose but was held back by a thick ring of grey stones. With a soft grunt the hellhound would pull the large cooler closer to the pit of fire, shifting it open to look at the drinks that were nonalcoholic. It was red so that others wouldn't mistake it for the blue cooler she also had with her that she propped up on the other side of the fire that had alcoholic drinks in them. But just to be sure she made sure to label each one with black marker. It was easily readable close to the fire and the female sighed as she moved back. There was food on a low table filled with hotdogs, sausage, marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. There was even some pizzas lined up for others to have fun consuming. Mugs of hot chocolate, tea, and even coffee were standing and steaming, kept hot and warm with koozies. The woman also had some games in mind like truth or dare, spin the bottle and even seven minutes if they wanted to get saucy.

After all she wanted everyone to have fun and she turned to look around, the stillness in the air before she pulled her head up and began a bright and long howl into the night sky. It was to gather her group to the area and partake in the festivities. After all she wouldn't mind stuffing her face with some marshmellows as she took a spot by the fire that held some soft blankets to be laid upon. "Everyone gather round! Introduce yaselves and tell something about yaself. Name's Marina, I'm the Helion of Sunhaven. Um, I ain't been helion long and things have been tough but I think things will cool down at some point. Ah, I like tae make jewelry and I do sell some at me shop if ya are interested. I'm almost 3 years old and my brothers are Jericho and Cloud. My sister is Warsongs though I haven't seen any of them for a while...." She missed all of them terribly but she pushed forward with a light breath leaving her as she flicked her vivid green gaze, a smirk pulling at her muzzle. "I hope ya all are ready for a bit of fun taenight!"
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex was more than just down for a night of relaxation and fun. She desperately needed a night like this, where she could just chill out and forget about everything that had been happening with the Ascendants and such. Saying no to an event like this was nearly impossible for Bex, who just wanted to have a good time. The very second that the female caught a whiff of the wondrous aromas of pizza and coffee was the moment that she forced herself on over without hardly even realizing it. Those particular food and drink practically summoned her. She just couldn't resist! Bex had come for the food, but was staying for the party.

And by the looks of it, she could tell how awesome the party would be just by looking at the setup alone. It was like a fun little campout, with there being tents and a fire. After quickly grabbing her beloved pizza and coffee, the fluffy canine flopped down onto blankets near where Marina was sitting, and smiled. "I'm Rebecca Mack, but I go by Bex," she began to speak, as the helion had instructed them to introduce themselves. "I'm a Dawnguard here, and I love this pizza. Oh, and photography is cool too," she said, tapping the camera which dangled from her neck with her paw. She kept her introduction short and sweet, as she wasn't too huge on talking about herself. She didn't want to appear egoistic, and knew that she would much rather hear about others.


[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The petite sand demdji had been... Absent.  More in mind than body, though few probably had any clue to where she'd been holding herself up, since she'd not yet claimed a permeant place.  Still looking.  She'd gotten too used to sleeping under the stars in the desert and as such, been more likely to be spotted within the forests of the mountains, taking refuge there as she tried to settle things in her mind and heart, needing more space than a simple building could provide her.  Was there any going to her birth place after this?  Sunhaven was very nice afterall.  No need to worry about depurs here.

The sand cat flicked her tail as she approached, somewhat wary.  Though Tena maintained a friendly demeanor, the feline preferred keeping most at arm's length.  Easier that way. Still.  She could not avoid social interaction altogether forever.  It'd keep her mind off of things too. So, the former desert-dweller took a place beside the fire, her blue eyes luminous in the flames.  "I'm Tena Moonspinner," she offered, curling her tail neatly over her paws.  "I'm just a sunbearer and..." Her brows creased in thought, "I like stars I suppose, and tzai, which I can make if anyone ever wants to try it; it's sort of like tea." That was enough for her.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: MASK THE PAIN || MASS MEET AND GREET + CAMPING TRIP - toboggan - 10-20-2018

He hadn’t many friends in these parts, despite it being a month subsequent to his underwhelming introduction, and, when added to how on edge the wolverine was due to recent happenings, Wendell’s primary sentiment as of late had been discomfort. With great optimism, tonight would fluctuate that, as an escape from what ails you will often heal you.

Camping had always remained an exploit that the mustelid was skeptical of. Why leave the comforts of your insulated walls, warm floors, and protective roof, merely to deliberately hang about in a tent for a night? Some saw it as an adventure, others saw it as a chore, and Wendell saw it as both. Though, precious commodities such as food and drink were to be administered, and that was unceasingly a good thing. Upon arrival, the quivering wolverine was pleasantly dazed to see that, not only was chow provided, but warm chow, the discovery of which transmitting a shockwave of relief throughout his chilly frame. The eves had not taken their time when ranked with cooling down, which affected Wendell notably - the fact being an ironic one, as he had spent a month in hiemal Snowbound. Perhaps he had gotten used to Sunhaven’s climate already.

Ensuing a good glugging of tea, and waiting for his turn, the Brit encroached. "My name’s Wendell Harrowsmith, and I know most of you," he’d begin, offering a reassuring glance, ”ahhh, I enjoy fine food, good drinks, and laughter. I was thinking about writing a book at some point, but I’ll wait ‘till things aren’t exciting before I do that.” Likely saying more than he needed to, he’d bow his head, before concluding with ”I’m looking forward to see what becomes of us, as a group”, afterwards finishing up his cup of tea. He was anticipating whatever festivities Marina had planned - oh, he hoped she was feeling better.



Camping was like a doing something a person liked or hated, if you were a outside person you would love the experience.  If not well it was best you stayed indoors and enjoy the virtual verison of it.  Fin themselves hated leaving the comforts of home, their nice warm nest piled high with blankets of various colors, and textures.  But hey here they were wearing a scarf for one, spending the night out here in this bleak fall weather was not going to sign them a early death.  No sir.

Seeing that the discussion of the meet and greet had fallen on their shoulders, the feline leapt up onto a picnic table and curled their white spiral tail around their paws, comfortable in a quickest of moments.  Now what were they going to say, they didn't know, hell introductions were always their worst thing that ever had to do.  So, they normally winged it, it had served them well up to this point. 

" I guess it's my turn huh?  'ello my name is Infirmaryward, please call me Fin.  I like baking and such. I make scarves and sweaters, and blankets.  I am a merchant if anyone wants me to get ya something, i'm your cat."


[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — "I'd like to try some tzai." Clove commented in response to Tena, offering the small feline a small smile as she padded forwards to join the group of people. Having already claimed a tent for herself, Clove had brought a couple of blankets and a small pillow with her to the meet and greet - and now she shifted the plush items off of her back and onto the ground, spreading them out neatly so she could lie upon them comfortably.
"My name is Hae-ran, but Clove is also fine." the kitsune began, her amber eyes reflecting the fire as she spoke.

"I've only recently joined. I...come from somewhere far away." Hah, more like somewhere she couldn't remember. However, introducing herself as an amnesiac wasn't something she really wanted to do.. so somewhere far away would have to do.
"I grow plants and herbs. I find gardening quite therapeutic, so come find me if you'd like to grow your own roses or something." hummed the femme, spreading her wings slightly and allowing them to relax on the blankets around her.

"So, is camping something Sunhaveners do a lot?" Clove asked, turning her gaze towards Marina, the self-confessed inexperienced Helion.
[align=center]bio + tags


A camping trip. Now, wasn't that a damn brilliant idea? It was no raging party or "night out with the boys", but it was... something. A social event that he could appreciate, given the murky political climate and overall mood of the vibrant trading town. What used to be a bustling and thriving fun group of merchants was no longer, seeing as the recent murders and attacks have put everyone on edge ( which he couldn't exactly blame them for ). Although he was well-aware of the dangers of this situation, his rebellious mentality had not been hindered. He'd go out at night if he damn-well pleased, he didn't care. Let them try and lay a hair on him -- he'd rip their heads clean off and shit down their necks.

So, no. It wasn't common. Turning towards the one who had just spoken ( who just so happened to be Two-Tails ), he commented with a shrug, "Not that I know of. At least it's a change from the political bullshit." His brain was, quite frankly, drained from hearing about the bad news.

Well, he supposed that it was now his turn to introduce himself in front of the class. The tuxedo tom raised a paw, mimicking a brief wave, and he chirped, "Ah, m'name's Jerseyboy. I've been sober for about, uhh, four hours now and I'm aboutta' make it zero." He proceeded to take a swig ( for comedic effect ). "Fun fact? The way into my heart is bringin' me homemade pizza or pasta. I'd love you foreva'." Although the last part was a bit of a lie, it was true that homemade pasta brought him great joy. It reminded him of home -- the bustling city streets, the wet and rain-soaked sidewalks, the cracked and faded roadways, the rancid alleyway dumpsters. And always, somewhere in the mix, was the a l l u r i n g aroma of fresh garlic bread and spaghetti noodles cooked to perfection. That was one thing that he missed about his hometown. The only person he knew that could whip up the familiar dishes near and dear to his heart was Jacob, and he obviously wasn't here. He hadn't seen him in months.

Now that Jersey was done speaking, he craned his head back to look up at Clove and he murmured to her, "Hae-ran, eh?" This earned an amused smirk from the tom. "Sounds exotic. What's it mean?" It sure as hell wasn't an English name, so he was intrigued. Maybe this was partly out of sheer curiosity, maybe this was just a scheme to admire the fire's glow shining in her eyes. Who knew.