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i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
He would be lying if he said that he was going to do better alone. Considering his track record it would be more than likely that a beast would kill him first, or that he would go insane and take his own life. He never wanted that for himself, and he was pretty sure that O'Fraiser would be mocking him in the afterlife if he let something like that happen. The former clan leader didn't really know what to do with himself now that he was old enough that everyone around him had basically died off and there wasn't a chance that they would be returning to life. All of his family was dead and he was the other successor to the Marcevellio name. Did that even mean anything anymore? Probably not with the way with the world ran itself. No one probably even remembered what the name actually meant. Everything would eventually be forgotten, and he would be no different. He would be lost to the wind and there would be a point where no one would remember him or even miss him. That was life wasn't it? Then why was he so distraught about that thought? Was he afraid of dying alone? That was probably it. He was old, at least for his species he was quite old. He had Shinigami blood running through his veins, and god knows what else, so he aged a little bit slower.

But with age comes tragedies and he never seemed able to escape any of them. There was no one for him to turn to with his thoughts and ideas, albeit he rarely shared those in the first place. It was still nice to share the option. It had been around a year since the last time he had set foot in a clan. Or a group for that matter. He thought it might be better to give himself time to think. To grieve. To grieve the death of his daughter that he had left to do his job for almost an entire year. Missing the entire time where she had grown up. Sure, she was his adopted daughter but that didn't change the view he had on her either. Ichigo should have been there for her. Everything he was around died, and he didn't want that to repeat again. His job basically dealing with death meant that one would think that he was used to it. When it came to those that he loved and cared for though, it never changed. Ichigo hadn't bothered to ask around the area if anyone was around. It didn't take much effort to know that there was a group around that had this territory from the sights and sounds that he could hear. His enhanced senses letting him listen to what he was going to walk into instead of being completely unaware. Ichigo wasn't one for stealth in the first place, his leather, and metal armor that he wore across his body for years now rattling with each step that he took.

Ichigo knew that he was losing strength as he didn't have the same powers that he used to have. He couldn't lift as much as he wanted, and so he had to resort to using his earth and air elementals to carry the blade that was on his back. Although, his species was capable of carrying double their weight and his sword wasn't that heavy. It was a fairly thin blade, but it was a special blade as it had a soul that was attached to it. He was tired. When wasn't he? The Shinigami had noticed a barricade that was probably at the beginning of the territory. He was looking for a place to rest, and for some food to eat. His old bones not making him the greatest of hunters and he absolutely refused to use his powers to help him hunt anyway. The oversized cougar walked through the sand, memories flooding his mind the last time that he had been near an ocean. He remembered the redwood forest that he had claimed as their home. A place that Cytus helped him find and establish after taking command over the clan. Ichigo didn't know that eventually the territory would be littered with the death of familiar faces.

A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as a headache raked the back of his head. Ichigo obviously wasn't healthy, and that wasn't exactly great for him. Looking at his eyes, one could see that two were completely different colors. His left eye taking on a yellow hue, the sclera of his eye being pitched black. While his right eye was a regular brown. There was always the constant creeping in the back of his head, but he knew that he was powerful enough to fight the sensation off if he really wanted to. The thing inside of him was currently the only companion that he could talk to, even if it did drive him insane a little bit. Eventually, the swordsman stopped at the wooden barricade, looking up at the gate. His heavily scarred body was easily able to be seen across the ground as he twitched the black tip of his tail. His body showed how exhausted he was, his eyes sunken into his skull, and his ribs slightly showing. Yet despite this, he always had an intimidating aura to him, and always had the permanent scowl that spread across his face.

Re: VOICES IN MY HEAD AGAIN | JOINING - venus - 10-19-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

the cruel fate, inescapable to all, was the eventuality of obscurity. no matter the mortal or immortal powers one held - at some point the world would simply forget the name, legacy and face that you held. that was most scary to venus; they feared being forgotten. feared it just slightly more than death, for death would hurt, but being forgotten was permanent. all that time, all that effort the silver-toned teen put into their works, the sleepless nights and long days, if venus became dust in the wind they'd hate to think they've wasted all this time. 

when the blade-clad cougar came wandering around sunhaven's borders a pair of sapphire optics had been wandering across the horizon, locking on to his taller form as soon as the teen had noticed. paws, awkwardly shuffling from herb-collecting mode to investigative mode. a mode in which venus did not excel in. "he-llo! what is it that you have come to sunhaven for?" drawling out an obligatory query of intentions, venus' gaze became restless as soon as it hit the man - his sword upon ichigo's back something of an oddity to the kitsune. interesting. "neat sword, i'd ask to hold it but it's actually bigger than me and would probably crush me. still neat." bemused tone accompanied a grimacing smile.

(welcome to sunhaven!!! Smile)

Re: VOICES IN MY HEAD AGAIN | JOINING - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018


Sweet merciful mercies.  From apperance, there was one thing that Fin could agree on which was that Ichigo was powerful as he was deadly.  The neck hairs on they spine threatened to stand at attention, the closer the merchant padded over to get a closer look at the death god or should they say war god? 

Once they got close enough to stand at a comfortable lenght, the feline sat down on their haunches, and looked upwards finally seeing the blade that the cougar was carrying. " Some weapon you have.  Er welcome to Sunhaven, I suppose."


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
template by #punki-chan
He was never the type to look for fame and fortune. That wasn't what he was about. He was just a casual guy that wanted to go through life the way he wanted to. He had once been a loner when he was younger after the disappearance of his family and the death of his mother that he had blamed himself for. The wildcat had nearly gotten to the point of being feral before he was finally shown that there was more than he could do to help the world with the way he was. He wasn't just a regular mortal, but he was far from immortal either. Ichigo doubted that there was anyone that was actually immortal since he had seen other Death God's like himself die and never come back. There was a chance that they could be reincarnated, but no longer have any of their memories left. That was one of the more common occurrences. He had died himself roughly two years ago. It had been a tragic experience and he had been fine then and there to leave everyone behind and die. Was he ungrateful that he was still alive? Not exactly. Although he wished that life would at least give him a little bit of a break from time to time because he was getting older. There were rarely any other animals that were probably around his age, and if there were, he probably knew them to some extent. The lifespan of a cougar like himself could range between 8 to 13 years.

Depending on the lifestyle. Thanks to that he always had the knack of getting himself into trouble he knew that his lifespan wasn't exactly long and bound to end short again in battle. It always happened after all. In the beginning, he was taught that the clans existed and decided to pay them a visit out of simple curiosity when he was younger. He didn't really care about the rules in a clan and didn't think twice about interacting with groups that were considered enemies. It was because of his casual nature that he was actually able to make friends in those groups, without caring what the clan he was in thought of him. He was mostly there for a job anyway, and nothing could be said to make him feel bad about what he did. It wasn't like he was giving out precious information after all. The Shinigami had no reason to cause any conflict when he just wanted to talk to someone. Even if he did look threatening from time to time. Ichigo did have a little bit of anxiety about coming back to a group that was similar to that of a clan. He had lived in a clan the majority of his life and had led two clans of his own to greatness. Not that he had ever really asked to be leader anyway, but some could say that he had done a decent job. The cougar had a tendency of attracting trouble to himself thanks to the power that he had in his soul, and that could mean that anyone that interacted with him had the potential of being a future target. Which he hoped wouldn't happen, but he was at the end of his rope with the options that he had.

If he stayed alone for much longer, he would probably be driven insane, which wouldn't be the first time. Maybe he had been insane from the very beginning and just didn't know it. Ichigo was fairly certain that he heard a chuckle in the back of his mind at that thought, causing him to close his eyes and inhale deeply. The Shinigami would then open his eyes again, and roll his shoulders so that the sword that was laying on his back moved into a better position that was more comfortable for him, that being in between his shoulder blades. Ichigo flicked one of his ears as more words flowed inside his head. [color=darkgrey]"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A familiar voice spoke, causing Ichigo to let a low sigh from his maw, shaking his head slightly. The voice belonged to the entity inside of the sword that he carried on his back. Anyone with Clairvoyance would be able to see to an extent that there were two aura's coming from the inside of the blade and one coming from Ichigo himself. It was the reason why his sword was so important to him, a comrade that had been with him from the very beginning. Partner in crime. "I don't have much of a choice Zangetsu. I'm tired of being alone all the time. Its like there's a scraping in the back of my head that won't stop. I need to do something. Even if this turns out to be a dumb idea." Ichigo would state back toward the spirit in his head. He uses mental communication to talk to the spirit, although the spirit was also connected to him in a very complicated way. Good thing that he had remembered to talk to himself inside of his head instead of out loud so that he didn't seem insane to everyone else.

His enhanced senses heard small pawsteps that were making his way toward him, giving him the only signal that someone was approaching him. The armored wildcat turned his head in the direction of a kitsune. Huh. He hadn't seen that species in a while. Ichigo could turn into a massive one himself, although he preferred his dragon form. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen really anyone for at least a year. Ichigo shifted his tawny paws as he was given the name of the place that he would hopefully be able to stay for a little while. Sunhaven. Interesting name. It reminded him of another clan he knew from the area that he had been in. The former leader let the kitsune finish talking before he finally started talking himself. "Name's Kurosaki Ichigo. I'm looking for a place to reside for the time being." Ichigo would state calmly, wondering if the group would consider that to be suspicious. He didn't have any clan scents on him after being alone for a year. Ichigo twitched the black tip of his tail before responding to the other's comment. "It is pretty heavy. Took me a couple years to get the hang of it. But thanks. Its rare to get compliments other than just getting stares." The cougar would say with a shrug of his shoulders. He was used to getting stares when he had first arrived in the lands with a katana that he had originally had. After getting his power back, the blade had turned into a broadsword, he was lucky that his powers helped him lift the damn thing so he wouldn't have to turn into his other form.

His attention turned to another animal, one that he was familiar with seeing. A feline. His own species had been incredibly rare find where he was from, he only knew a couple creatures that held a cougar form, but none really kept that form. The Shinigami noticed the tenseness in their body language as they approached, and that was expected. Ichigo wasn't one for really causing trouble, at least intentionally. He rarely ever used the full extent of his powers in battle just due to how destructive they were. His multi-colored eyes looked at the feline as they sat down and mentioned the weapon on his back. Maybe he should store the blade somewhere when he got the chance to draw less of an attention. He knew that wasn't an option though thanks to the dangers he always faced. Ichigo gave a small nod of his head to the feline in the response to the weapon and the welcome. He doubted the welcome meant that he was already accepted as each group is different. "Thanks. And your name is?" Ichigo questioned, knowing that the other would have heard his name. If the other didn't want to tell, that was up to her. He was never one to try and force anyone to do anything. Especially when he was leader.

Re: VOICES IN MY HEAD AGAIN | JOINING - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018

" Infirmaryward, but I go by Fin."  The feline said with a wave of their paw.  Fin themselves felt their unease melt away from holding a conversation with Ichigo, the cougar was not has bad as they first assume them to be.  None the less a fight against him would the least thing one person would want.  For death would come to them or anyone who was a object of his rage.

Fin liked meeting others, made for friends and bussiness deals.  That was what they did, and they were proud of it.