Beasts of Beyond
LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - Printable Version

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LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - kaiors - 10-18-2018

You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard —

One would never understand the saying  ‘ locked out of heaven’, until it officially happened.

It just how it happened, happened so quickly.

Clear liquid rolled down the cheeks of the accused wolf, lips quivering in their muted protest.  Words that could clearly determine their innocence but alas no one would listen to them.  These words were now turning hot as the sobs racked their body.  Eventually words slipped out, pleading, begging, crying, screaming even for mercy, for forgiveness, for something, anything to make this nightmare cease.

Normally when a angel fell from heaven, they had their wings ripped off their bodies, and they were flogged in the worst possible way for any celestial body to endure.  Perhaps the archangels were merciful in this situation, and they were quivering weak from exhaustion and fear for the their fate.  But of now their leads were dragging them towards the very edge of heaven’s gates,  the young wolf gave yet another scream of pleading ripping his throat raw from each attempt, claws digging into the ground whatever the ground would have preventing him from falling onto the ground below.

Before he knew it, he was airborne. 

And he was gaining air real fast. 

Twisting as fast as his body would allow him, and trying to move the heavy leads off his wings, the wolf spread his wings,  pearly white in complexion into their normal height to gain air.  He tried hard to flap to break the momentum and not end up a bloody splotch on the ground beneath but no avail, he had more chances with landing amongst the trees beneath him.

Tree branches hurt as as much as broken glass,  the branches scratched, scraped and poked the young wolf, causing a few yelps of discomfort as he made is his way down from heaven to earth.

Not knowing that he had ended up in Sunhaven in his attempt to not die from that freefall attempt, the young wolf slowly rose onto his paws from when he landed with a heavy thump onto the ground, hoping that he hadn’t broken a few limbs or worse sprain something.  Just everything hurt, a lot.

He wanted to go home.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #550c18; font-size: 24px;"]— FIORELLO

Re: LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - calliope - 10-19-2018

♥♡ She could never really recall what drove her out of her old home. The stress of the situation had, most likely, made the entire ordeal a blur. She most likely just left, deciding to make a path of her own. Despite working feverishly, with little to no sleep, she was still replaceable. It was probably best to just leave before the inevitable happened. The one day she'd screw up would be the one day they left her in the dust.

Despite the fact that Sunhaven wouldn't replace her, she wanted to work as hard as she could. She didn't want to be useless, and she didn't want to disappoint anyone. Although, there were still times she'd just wander the territory to relax. It was just nice to be alone every once in a while since sometimes her interactions were just as draining as the work. She'd been out on one of her own routine walks, taking in the atmosphere.

Sunhaven was quite peaceful; despite a few incidents, she honestly had never felt so relaxed by just the scenery alone. She felt safe and calmed, emotions she rarely felt in the past. Although, the feeling of peace wouldn't last long, as someone came crashing down through the trees. The girl had jumped in shock, fur bristling. She rushed over as soon as she could, in order to make sure he was alright. She could ask questions later; after all, he could be seriously injured.

"H-hey! Are you okay?" she called out, before skidding to a halt nearby the stranger. Before getting closer to him, mostly out of caution that she didn't throw too stress at him at once, she tried to check for any major injuries from further away. She didn't have any supplies with her, but she, or any of the actual medics, could probably bring some over soon. She couldn't quite tell if anything was broken, but he clearly took a beating from the branches and the fall. Whever he fell from, it had to be pretty high, and it honestly had to be a miracle that he was still alive.

Re: LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - kaiors - 10-19-2018

You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard —
The wolf gave a startled yip, scrambling back in his fright. Words unfamiliar to him, they didn't sound like the language of home. No they sounded different. He wanted to go home. He didn't like this.

His wings expanded in his fright, whimpering slightly as it came to surface that he sprained one of the many delicate muscles in his wings which stung from the apparent usage.

"Chi sei e dove sono? " Fiorello demanded trying to sound brave while he was totally panicking on the inside.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #550c18; font-size: 24px;"]— FIORELLO

Re: LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - JERSEYBOY - 10-20-2018

Would Jerseyboy ever get the chance to witness the pearly white gates sitting upon the mountains of fluffy clouds? The answer wasn't looking too positive. While Jerseyboy believed in God and the afterlife, he wasn't the most holiest of believers. In fact, he could be considered a filthy sinner. Not that Jerseyboy even gave a shit. He knew he was going to Hell anyways, so he'd might as well make the most of life before Satan called him home to the underworld. You could call it pessimistic thinking, but he saw it as simply facing reality.

That thud didn't sound too good. It had been preceeded by snapping of branches and c r i e s of pain, and it was no wonder. This guy looked like he had fallen from the very [sup]tops[/sup] of the trees. How the hell had he gotten up there, anyways? Wolves couldn't climb trees. It looks he like he could have flown up there and gotten stuck somehow, however.

This guy was scared shitless, and not to mention he spoke in a different tongue. Either he was far away from home or he had hit his head and now he spoke a language other than English. Fortunately for him, Jerseyboy had picked up on his speech and had recognized it as genuine Italian. His mother had spoken it, though Jersey tended to simply stick with the simplified dialect. "Chi sei... who are you." That was really all that Jerseyboy could decipher. He also knew that "sono" was a personal pronoun. It was clear that he was very lost. "You speak English, pal?" Asked the male.

Re: LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - kaiors - 10-20-2018

You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard —

This language barrier was going to the literal metaphorical death of Fiorello, the wolf did not understand english.  Perhaps maybe a chance in hell, he might learn english with a lot of trial and error.  But other than that, he was innocent as lamb, dangerous territory for those who were up no literal good.  As of right now, he was frightened and wanting to go home, expect home was not here.  More importantly, the angels that were like him might just kill him if he dare venture back to the pearly gates of paradise.

Now would be a good to calm down, the wolf forced himself to take a deep breath.  Yes the sitation was scary as all hell, but now is not the time to seem a huge baby about it, yeah that was going to last about ten minutes, tops. Somone else asked if they knew english, and Fio shook his head in response. " No Ingelse..."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #550c18; font-size: 24px;"]— FIORELLO

Re: LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN| Joining+injuried - JERSEYBOY - 10-20-2018

No English? Well, fuck. That was going to be difficult for him, then. Jerseyboy raked through his brain, gathering up all of the Italian that he knew. Something that would be useful.

The tuxedo tom thought hard for a moment before composing, "... Questo è, uh, Sunhaven.[sup]1[/sup]" He hoped that he had said that right. After, he followed with, "You gonna... restare[sup]2[/sup]? Stay here? Or go?" He made a visual gesture towards the border. Hopefully that would be enough for him to understand him and make a decision.

1. This is Sunhaven
2. Stay