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[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]"Get up, bloodsucker."

"Shh." A white, brown-speckled paw slapped at the other feline's mouth from where he was sprawled on the ground.

"Useless leech." Abandoning his hopes of catching a longer nap, Edee hauled himself up with tremendous effort so he could glare ineffectually down at the guy instead of up. Small victories. Not that it mattered- he wasn't winning anything with his fur in seventy different directions and a bit of drool on his mouth.

"If you're gonna insult me, do it well." Oh he was sobering up, wasn't he? Damn it. Sobriety was overrated and stale, and he'd been dodging a hangover for several weeks now. He felt like shit but- no hangover yet. Another small victory. "Call me a lamprey and you might hurt my feelings. Ugly bastards." The guy -who wasn't a blurry figure, unfortunately- scowled, and jerked his head in one direction.

"Walk. This is as far as I'm taking you."

"Is that what you were doing?" Edee bowed into a stretch, yawning widely. "I thought you were enjoying my company." He set off walking, glancing back once, and the guy had already left. At least he didn't have an escort anymore- not that he'd needed one, but the other feline had thought he could protect the innocent virtue of other people by taking Edee to his destination. Who had virtue these days? It all died with his mothers. Nope. Not focusing on that.

So this was where they'd spent so much of their lives. Open air, tall grass, and the sky pulled taut over it all- he hated it. But whatever, right? Didn't matter, and he didn't care, so at what he assumed was the border, Eden flopped down, curling into a ball with his tail across his nose. Even five minutes of sleep would be appreciated.


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Had Ren approached the Ascendant's borders on his first day without a concussion, such nonchalance towards his surroundings may've occurred at the bicoloured feline's paws originally. Even looking at the stranger try and slumber now, despite the tilted head he'd offer, Ren couldn't help but picture himself gazing at a reflection - albeit one that was a little... he didn't know. Normally the tom would've come up with a playful insult or boast by now, but truthfully the only thing he could gather from the fellow feline was that they were tired. The minute Ren opened his mouth, anything could happen, the way his leg muscles tensed and relaxed suggested that he subconsciously knew that fact. Regardless of the caution he should've been showing (and knew he should be showing), he quietly made his way closer to the curled up creature, ears flicking habitually in thought. How did he go about this?

Frowning, Ren lifted up one of his snow white paws, keeping his claws sheathed despite his awkwardness regarding the situation telling him to flex them. Figuring a voice may not have been enough at that point in time, the Observer would hope to jab the male's side with the raised paw, praying it was delivered with plenty of harshness to get the other out of that state. Perhaps he would've left Eden to sleep, but being out in the open with so many potential threats about didn't seem so wise. Talks of murderers ran rampant around the gossipers, he'd rather see the stranger alive but grumpy as opposed to dead. "You dying?" Ren'd ask, regardless of the seriousness behind aforementioned thoughts. Even with how stern his look and actions may've been, the playful jest of his words gave hope that he was still down to earth.


[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

Onision had thought that all of his siblings were either dead or gone, really. His mothers had died, leaving him behind. Feyre and Bastille soon left, and Harland had been kidnapped. He didn't know anyone else here that he was related to. He had taken it upon himself to carry on the Mikaelson name, burdening himself with the ideal that he had to do everything. He had to carry on the name, despite not being.. Able to reproduce. He didn't like women, so it was kind of hard. Still, he had Watson. He'd raise the kid himself, mentor him, and keep him under his wing, protected.

The chocolate felidae had passed through the territory, the sound of Ren's voice catching his ears from a distance. Dead? Well, he could certainly make a meal out of the dead body's blood. He was fond of being the vampire that just fed off of leftovers, afraid to kill someone. That's what Aloysius was for, right? After all, he was cursed with the damn werewolf genes his mother couldn't eliminate.

Stopping beside Ren, Oni glanced over the creature idly, a look of boredom on his face as enhanced hearing listened in for any signs of breathing. Soft breathing reached his ears, making them twitch in unison. "He's sleeping." Oni concluded, before walking a bit closer, poking the guy with his paw like he is dead.

"Oi, wake up. Name's Onision Mikaelson-Folie. Oni for short. Wake up before I kick you." The short-tempered were-vampire growled, his tail lashing behind him in annoyance.

all you give me is a heartbeat —



[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]He might not have minded being left to murderers and the like. Eden had been in...similar crowds when he left his mothers, thinking he knew everything he needed and that nothing could faze him. Hadn't gone that well for him, but he'd found out that being drunk was a great way to figure out people's intentions- if he could remember them after. Some people would ignore him, others would offer help. A couple times he'd almost been adopted after bumping into the wrong old lady. She could probably smell the need for parental affection on him, which was in all likelihood just the booze. Others were less warm and were either disgusted or willing to attempt to take advantage of someone drunk off his ass. Maybe the same could be said for sleeping. Assholes woke him up. Whether or not they were actually assholes didn't matter- he lost Zs to the prodding, so yes, he was cranky. "I'm trying to die, thanks," he mumbled, disgruntled, and he smacked at the other paw approaching his side.

"Onision. They sneeze when they were naming you?" He peered at the feline, slowly unfolding and momentarily sitting up straight before falling into his slight slouch. "Thought Margy's manners would've rubbed off on someone." He hadn't called her mom in a...while. When Edee found out they'd both passed -together, of course- their names were easier to use. He didn't care to analyze why. "Edee. I'm gonna do the older brotherly thing and not talk about this. Got any alcohol?"

Re: ADDICTIVE TENDENCIES // JOINING - agathe. - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]"You have no class, do you?"

No other words marked the arrival of Agathe save those, her burning golden eyes locked upon Oni with a bright gleam of disgust. Attitude like that would be a death sentence where she came from and, as the former executioner, she knew that many witchlings had died for saying far less. Shoulders rolling, the graceful creature would shake her head. She felt as if she would never truly feel at home among these people, not with their strange practices and even stranger personalities, but at least Ren was a welcomed sight amidst her blossoming anger towards such insolent comments. "My apologies for his impolite greeting," The snow leopard murmured, finally addressing Edee, "My name is Agathe Ashyver and-" She paused. Alcohol? He wanted alcohol, of all things?

It had not yet dawned upon the red-cloaked girl that the boy before her was related to the person she had just scolded, too transfixed by the thought of him seeking out alcohol before anything else. She had never understood its undeniable allure, but had never actively fought against its consumption. To she and her sisters, blood was her wine and possessed the same ability to cause her to descend into a drunken stupor. Regaining her composure, Agathe merely drew her cloak closer then her rosetted form, the frown that decorated her pale maw the only indication of emotion upon her face. "Wouldn't you like some assistance settling in first? Or is it really so important that you drink?" Was her inquiry delivered a bit bluntly? Unintentionally, yes.

Did she care?

Of course not.


[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]"Nope." Wait that wasn't- she was speaking to Oni, by the glare Red Riding Hood sent the kid. He'd call her Little, but she wasn't exactly small, and those bracers seemed like they'd be pretty handy for beating a not-drunk-enough bastard into a coma. Well, regardless of who she addressed, it was still true- he had no class whatsoever. Edee wasn't suave like Margy, couldn't convince someone to do the exact opposite of what they wanted to do. If anything, Edee just reinforced what they wanted to do, namely kicking the shit out of him. She didn't seem like she'd do that, even with the bracers. She was polite. What a...weirdo. Not that he was complaining. "Not your fault," the feline answered easily, and he watched as she abruptly cut herself off, probably puzzled by the behavior of jackasses. Maybe the red hood was fitting.

Yeah, she chewed on that for a little bit, and she finally asked, essentially, what the fuck he was doing with his life when he prioritized alcohol. He stared evenly at the snow leopard for a few seconds, dark eyes steady. "Wait. Do you actually want me to answer?" Edee had kind of taken it as a rhetorical, "what the fuck," not one that was more literal. "Drink helps me settle in. I'll probably pass out somewhere and call it good. Don't worry- I've been in worse situations." Like that time he'd woke up and found he'd fallen asleep inside an elephant skull. Plastered him thought that was a great idea, less-drunk him less so because that was a deadass skeleton.


[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

This is my brother? Oni wasn't impressed with what he saw in front of him- In fact, now he had a reason not to drink, thanks to this fucker. He annoyed him, but maybe that was his goal, to annoy him and play the 'older brother' role like he totally hasn't been fucking gone for his whole life.

Onision's eye hardened coldly as the familiar female scolded him indirectly, and the male quickly turned his head faster than he thought he would. "I don't apologize- You're not welcome here. Go back to whatever Hell you came from." Spat the werevampire, his cheeks reddening as he turned his gaze away stubbornly. He didn't mean to say that, Gods, he meant to welcome him in, damn it. Why couldn't he ever be honest about how he felt?

His older sister was here, and he was happy about that, but ended up blowing her off in the end, too. He felt like shit after though, just like now. He could never say what was on his mind because of this damn pride of his. He was ready to crawl into a hole and die.

"Don't fuck up your liver, dumbass. We have alcohol in the Observatory. Bring it to your room and lock your door." Oni grumbled, paws trembling as he tried to be a little less of an ass right now.

all you give me is a heartbeat —



[size=9pt]Her name was what got his attention. Hovering at the border the same way the rest were, Moon was so completely embedded in his thoughts that he didn't realize he'd completely passed a group of voices 'till their voices, fading behind him, mention Margy. That gets a reaction out of him.

"You knew Fangs?" Says the lion, blunt, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Moon's rocking his final form today, complete with a mane that defies gravity and bloodshot, glazed eyes. Usually, he might find it in him to stitch on at least a smile, even when he's like this, but the mention of Marg is enough to make him forget all that. Frowning, he looks the stranger over, and it seems like he's late to the party, because Onision is already on Act III of his typical bullshit. As tempting as it to keep staring at the unfamiliar feline that's rambling on about drinks and whatnot, the child of Margy himself - though Moon doesn't know how the fuck that happened - is intent on sending shit spiraling, and Moon can't fucking put up with this shit-- "Onision." He says, harsh, a touch of a snarl. "Do us all a favor and fuck off before I take your beloved rank and shove it where the sun don't shine, would you? And find some fucking self control while you're at it. Asshole commentary isn't in your job description."

Looking several types of exhausted, Moon turns back to the stranger and makes a good attempt at trying to mend what Onision had just taken a sledgehammer to. "Ignore him. Trust me when I say he's the worst we got. You can have the drink, and whatever the fuck else you want, but I can't let you in that easy." Wars, enemies, corpses, yada yada yada. Moon had reasons for his hesitance. "Where'd you come from?"


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]As soon as Ren poked the stranger, all the conversations around this sleepy creature seemed to run a mile a minute, to the point where he could've been left in the dust if he waited any longer to pay attention to his surroundings. The simple depressing retort probably would've been enough for the feline to leave him alone until he came to his senses, but more and more creatures seemed to gather around Eden until eventually Ren had to take a step back to line himself with the growing crowd. They could handle the drunkard now, his work was done, but the one trait that could kill any cat prevented the tom from retreating to an afternoon ridden of discourse. Curiosity. The way Onision talked down to Eden, the way the stranger seemed to blame Ren just as much as Oni for being discourteous, but most of all, the way Moon scolded the one technically responsible for all of these talks.

Ren himself had grown fiery at the younger's bitterness from time to time and whilst he had been keen to show the other up, the tom had always been able to hold back. Even now as his brain begged him to tell the other to quieten down before exiling Edee to a lonely life, his tongue was held firmly between his teeth. Adding salt to the wound when the boss had already spoken up seemed unnecessary, to tell the truth, and there were more important things to focus on now - the fellow feline. He nodded his head in a signature greetings now that the other's eyes were open, smile less devious now. "Apologies for waking you, I didn't want anyone taking advantage of you in that state," he admitted with the flick on an ear, words far less jovial now that attention was on him. "Name's Ren,". Now he could stay silent and watch.


[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]While Onision looked...constipated -he was probably thinking about something but Edee could neither confirm nor deny brain activity- some other guy showed up looking like he was the one hungover. Stealing the limelight, was he? There was only room for one too-sober drunk in any given area, mostly because more meant more drinking. Like an echo chamber. Of booze. That didn't sound half bad, actually, except there were enough red lines in the lion's eyes to fit the wall of a conspiracist. "Both sets. Even have my own. Genetics, or something." What else could it be? It wasn't a lifestyle choice, though Edee was lucky to live without constant self-loathing of his digestive requirements, and he wasn't a raging dick. What a picture. Honestly, Onision and dick in the same sentence? Not exactly something he wanted in his brain.

"I'd crawl back into the womb if it weren't, y'know, dead. Not a hell, either. Pretty nice place." Could he remember? No, but he didn't need to. "Though maybe not for you. Probably hit your head on- something." Where the fuck were babies? An anatomy question for another day, when his honor wasn't being undeservedly defended. Sort of. It was mostly just the lion threatening Onision, but it was for Eden, kind of, so he was flattered.

He spaced out for a bit, and came back to the tail-end of the conversation. "Uhh....I was schmoozing for a bit from this little family until the sister got frisky and I might've almost drank from her and then big brother took me here." A miracle he wasn't dead, honestly, but that was thanks to the sister admitting her part in it. For once they believed it when the lady spoke.

He blinked a bit, glanced over at the first guy. Taking advantage of him? "That's...nice. But don't worry, I'm very resistible. Nobody wants to take advantage."