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Argus history dump here - Printable Version

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Argus history dump here - ARGUS - 10-18-2018


here is something no one really asked for but Im still dumping here in case anyone is interested in what Argus has gone through since i made her September 14, 2012 - the first post i ever did with this little wolf and i just.

It's not even all of it- but the last part- the more "recent" happenings is the most import to look for because it will play a large part in future roles and the current role she is playing during spooktober- so without further ado--- !

Argus' full (very abbreviated) history! (that is still a wip!) -.-"

Will probably go into more detail as time goes on- different characters and how they have affected her development because boi d i have a long list of that- heheh- but um- anyway.
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: Argus history dump here - ARGUS - 10-18-2018


history, and other unknown mayhem
IN THE BEGINING - there was sand. tons of it, everywhere. It got everywhere. and that was probably why everyone was so angry and bloodthirsty. She was born to a mother and father - under the guise of an alliance litter between the sand-tribe: sangriento ruins (bloody ruins) and the wind tribe Ventoso plains (windy plains) between the deputy of the plins, and a high posiition in the ruins. Jasper and Commander (NC x NPC) - with a brother Kryll. Her brother and father left for windclan not too long after their birth - with Jasper: the mother following not too long after Whisper was weaned off. HER FIRST NAME was once whisper, but that is a secret- one she never tells, not even to the most trusted of friends.

While living in the ruins, it was mostly alone. Learning how to hunt, and fend for herself when Jasper left- scrounging up prey and water through any means necessary. When four-five moons old she grew wings and practiced how to fly. It was only around this time that she finally ventured into camp. Even hardened by the sands- and her own need for survival, she was surprised at her home- tribe's ruthlessness.

HER FIRST AND FINAL breaking point as whisper, was when she was 6 months old. Whisper was sad- and living alone- even in a clan- she grew to hate being alone. So on her birthday- she cried to herself; and it was a great surprise to her that she actually still had a family- from her mother's side- another predator named Jace. He was her first role model, taught her a love for sweets and how to relax- and inexplicably- how to have fun- the ruin's way of course: torturing innocents.

Even at a young age, she grew up to the sight of blood. Hand in hand of survival of the fittest, and the perspective that justice, vengeance- was wrong. The only right thing in the world was death. She took this on as her philosophy, as her code, and learned how to fight and began training herself to better the tribe- to protect her father figure, even against her old father's and mother's clan when they finally turned against them.

At a young age she was impressionable, and somewhere along the way- she was taught loyalty. She clung to it as salvation, anyone who wasn't loyal was to be killed, and anyone who disobeyed was nothing more than traitors. She took her role in the tribe seriously- growing during her time, becoming more ruthless, more cunning- more monstrous as time went on.

OF COURSE, there was still more to learn, more to understand about this world she found herself on. It wasn't uncommon to find someone with the ability to wield fire- or the enter the mind's of their opponent's at will- Whisper took to explore biology in a rather gruesome way. Taking prisoner's in the name of science- testing poisons and tempering her body to toxins all along.

Of course, it did not take long at all for whisper to forsake herself entirely- During a realization of her own making whisper abandoned her name- and took on the name Obscuro. The next morning- a hairline cut across her neck could be seen just under her chin- scarred. No one openly discusses it- but the motive is clear- Obscuro had attempted to take her own life- but life it seemed- had other plans in store for the wolf. This would be the first and most notable scars- the one that 'killed' whisper and all innocence she once had. Even the name Obscuro was a prophesy- a curse unto herself. Unintentional as it may have been at the time. She paved her own demise with a name like that.

Argus' desperate nature never ended, and in means of protecting her tribe she began to infiltrate other's- under the guise of "calla" She learned many things- but not as much as her first mentor- could give. At 12 moons old, Obscuro was introduced to sorrel during a spar, and taught how to kill, hide, and assassinate professionally.

Between 12 moons and 16, she stayed close to her tribe, and closer still to her enemies- creating allies within different clans. Meeting a smaller group that had similar powers as her- could see spirits and hunted them just the same. She took a role among them and donned the tittle "shinigami". hunting corrupted spirits named "hollows" who are inflicted with needless hunger; spirits who are plauged by desperation and sorrow. Along with the rest of the shinigami- helping other non-hollow spirits "pass on".

At 16 moons old- was a truing point for Obscuro. During a winter festival, she fell in love with another ruin tribe mate; Hecate- and battled another rival for her affections. It wasn't long before three kids fell onto the pair's laps. Compassrose, Feitan, and Kanato. Everything was finally settling into place, Obscuro stabilizing- becoming a parent that she never had.

BUT NOTHING GOOD CAN EVER LAST, CAN IT? After four months, her youngest kanito was taken by a pro-clan at the time. Their mad leader making a public torture of her pup. When he returned home, there was little that could be done, and he eventually died of his wounds.

The rest of her family, followed soon enough, and Obscuro lost all hope for stable.

Her powers turned against her, and her shinigami status turned. Not fully into a hollow- but never fully shinigami either. Consumed with hunger, desperation and loss, she abandoned her home- set fire to her den, and was caught in it's wake. Her wings- once a glorious status of her freedom caught flame- and she had to rip both off to get out alive.

Frail and brittle , sanity crumbling- she stumbled into a cult rebuilding itself, and took on the blood name Zactov. In this group she walked a path of insanity- and fell onto herself- committing bloodshed for no other reason than enjoyment. Taken under a totem demon- Famori- her insanity became the core of who she had become. Unstable- unpredictable, she rose to power, and planned to corrupt the world.