Beasts of Beyond
I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - Printable Version

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I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - EROS - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]It had been a while and he'd thought long and hard about putting himself out in the spotlight, allowing for others to come forth and just talk. It would be more of a conversation then just handing out tasks and others leaving to go and possibly do the jobs that were asked of them. Truly they weren't jobs just fun stuff he thought others would like to do when they had the spare time. The canine still hadn't really chosen a room to stay in and he didn't know how long he would be here in the Ascendants but he was hopeful that perhaps this would be a permanent stay. Something that would allow for him to branch out a little and see more of the world. After all he had only been to two group territories before and finding out more would be an experience he didn't want to pass up. Taking a deep breath the male had worked a bit hard on what he would do and spent the day rehearsing how he would gain attention. The small prickly pears he had brought with him laid out in slices on a small place. The purple fruit giving off it's sweet aroma and he placed it on a small blanket so that it wouldn't get dirty because it was an offering to the other members of the Ascendants. He was trying and that was what mattered in the end. He had some small cups of water and juice to go along with the item he considered a treat. It was the only fruit he knew of that grew in the Pitt and he understood how to get rid of the spines and make it edible for others.

The sha lifted his head up, a paw brushing against his long rabbit like ears as he took a deep and steadying breath. Well, here went nothing and he could make the most of it. It wouldn't be so hard and he allowed his gaze to roam over the area he had choice. It was the main area of the Observatory, light filtering in from above to illuminate all and cast him in a surreal aura of light. His body was pulled inward as usual, head low but eyes seeming to hold a more excited energy than normal. "Um...hello. Does anyone want to try a slice of prickly pear?" His voice was soft like a misplaced breeze and he pushed the plate forward gently, maroon pads just barely brushing it as claws clanked against glass. "Ah, for those that don't know me...I'm Valkyr. I used to live in the Pitt and um...I think I'm over a year old. I'm open to questions if anyone has them...."

Re: I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - BABY — - 10-18-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan was trying more and more to push himself to engage in these so-called "meet-and-greets". He still wasn't all that comfortable with being extroverted and being a social creature, but Titan could admit that he was getting better at it. The Ascendants was slowly but surely breaking his outer shell.

A few things had drawn him over to this interaction. There were two creatures that he hadn't met, and one was offering "prickly pears". The lion slightly furrowed his brows and he padded on over, observing the fruit before taking a slice for himself. "I've never heard of these." Titan commented. Regular pears, yes, but prickly ones? The name was humorous in itself.

Now, for questions. Titan, too, was curious as to what Valkyr was. He gave a glance to Halo, who had worded her question rather bluntly ( but to the point, he supposed ). "... I guess that's a fair question." He hesitantly agreed.

Re: I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - EROS - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Long ears twitched slightly as the question came forth and alighted up on his audits, pink marble gaze lifting up to examine the first individual to approach him. She didn't seem upset that he was calling attention to himself and he felt a bit more relaxed at the situation in general. It was nice to not have angry eyes on him and he swallowed thickly before he allowed a more even smile to form upon his muzzle. Though he could say he was surprised at the fact that she did not know what a prickly pear was. In fact, the second individual named Titan from what he had heard also didn't know what a prickly pear was. Curious. They were a commodity in the Pitt, something they looked to for food and for when they just needed something sweet. Cacti ran rampant in the deserts there and they were often used for both food and water especially when the water situation was as stressed as it had been when he had left the place. So he was perplexed about the whole question but he would take it with ease and answer the both of their inquiry. "It's a fruit...I often eat it and it's really sweet. You can try if you want..." He ate it typically because it was a deep purple red hue and it tricked him into thinking that he was fed. Though it didn't often work all the time he tried his best to keep himself under control.

But the other question that came forward made him flinch a little, a surge of embarrassment lifting through him and making him look down at his paws. If he had to be honest with himself he didn't know what he was just as he didn't know what his own birthday was. It was perplexing and he hadn't really thought about that until now. His parents, such darkened figures in his life....what had they sounded like? What had they looked like? "I don't...know that. I'm sorry..." It was the honest truth and he sighed softly, rolling his shoulders a little bit before he looked to Halo as she had introduced herself as such. "But it's nice to meet you, Halo."

Re: I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - EROS - 10-21-2018


Re: I MAY B.I.T.E - open; prickly pears + meet and greet - CLEMENTINE P. - 10-21-2018

▹▹▹▹He looked... Weird. Clementine knew that it was a horrbile thing to think of someone, when she herself had so many issues surrounding her own appearance and demeanor, even at such a young age, but Valkyr was unlike anything the young, sickly serval had seen in her life. In fact, the shy, stuttering man before her reminded her of some creature in a story book, unnatural, unreal, something you weren't supposed to see with your own eyes; something that wasn't supposed to be real, like how some people claimed that ghosts, spirits, and demons weren't real. But then there he was, proof in the very flesh, an oddity amongst a crowd of relative normalcy. Was Clementine afraid? It was not fear, per say. It was intrigue, curiousity, and uncertainty all the same.

The little girl carefully took a few steps forward towards the creature as others gathered around him, very much echoing her own inner thoughts; but unlike her, theirs were not silent, they openly questioned his body and his appearance. Her gaze flickered between the man and the fruits upon the plate, and back; forth, considering. A prickly pear. It sounded exotic. Clementine was certain she had a pear once in her life- or so she thought- but this was something new. The flesh of the fruit was red and bright, something that seemed as equally dangerous as the man before them- but he wasn't dangerous, was he? "I-i'll try," she offered a little uncertainty at first as she took the last few steps towards the plate, carefully picking up a piece of the soft fruit before she retreated a few steps back. "Thank you," she offered next, taking a faint breath in. "I'm Clementine," she offered next, hesitating on the fruit still a few moments longer as she looked to the man, then to the others that had gathered before sinking her little teeth into the piece she had taken, pausing as she very carefully chews it before her eyes start to light up. "It's really good!"
