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INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - Printable Version

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INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-17-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Nui hadn't visited The Ascendants that long ago, but that had been to invite them to Snowbound's Mass Gathering. This time, however, Snowbound's leader decided to visit, but unfortunately she wasn't really here on good terms. While The Ascendants were allies, the Hailcaller was not happy about what had happened in her own territory. Atbash's facial expression held slight anger as she made her way towards The Ascendants's border, though luckily for them, she wasn't exactly quick to anger. Nor to declare war on somebody. Atbash was understanding and thoughtful, though murder was absolutely not something she believed was excusable.

Atbash waited for an Ascendants member to make their appearance, deciding not to call out and introduce herself first. No, she needed time to think about what she wanted to say. She didn't want to ruin the alliance they had, after all, and she had to say her words carefully to avoid any sort of fight breaking out.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - FUBUKI - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The female's scent was an unfamiliar one to the male. Over the course of a few short weeks with the Ascendants, he'd tangled with plenty of groups, yet Snowbound had managed to avoid his radar. Their mass gathering hadn't fallen on deaf ears, but truthfully he'd been too tired to go, at least now there was no worry about not having the chance to see what the cold group was all about. Growing accustomed to making solitary border rounds, Ren thought he'd been quick to spot the Hailcaller, approaching the Savannah with his typical stride. White paws were still tainted with batter from an earlier weekly task baking session, but with a stomach treated to sweet treats, the felidae was quicker to offer a smile to the stranger. When close enough, his expression grew static, ashen eyes slowly blinking as he tried to process the other's look.

Something seemed wrong. Not terribly so, but it was enough for the male to drop his jovial facade. He was back to his normal frowning self, though instead of showing off neutrality or boredom with such a gesture, it was concern. Many who came to the Ascendant's borders had problems, he'd noticed. From abandoned children to injured joiners, there were a plethora of those who needed help to the point where Ren found it difficult to rest, but this time the one who needed assistance seemed... subtle about it. As performed in his typical greetings, the tom dipped his head politely, briefly looking back to see if others had followed him out yonder. No, seems they'd be alone for a while yet. "Are you alright?". A simple enough question, the male would shuffle his paws in anticipation of an answer.

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - MOONMADE - 10-17-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's only met Atbash once. Or rather, he'd seen her from afar when she'd visited their border, some time ago. He'd promptly turned tail and headed the opposite direction-- Politics had never been his thing. Ironic, wasn't it? "Atbash," Greets the lion as he approaches, and though his voice is welcoming, it's wary, too. She doesn't look like she usually does - all sunshine and rainbows - and the closer he gets, the worse he feels about this whole thing. "What's up?"

/extremely rushed rip

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - BABY — - 10-18-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Foreign relationships — enemies, allies, and everything in between. Titan was familiar with such a concept; his own pride had upheld such relationships with neighboring groups. There was hardly ever war, considering they all seemed to harmonize with each other quite well. As for the Ascendants? They seemed to have a lot of alliances and enemies — probably more-so the latter, these days. Titan had joined at a bad time, it seemed, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. Whether he was aware of it or not, the inhabitants of this place were starting to somewhat grow on him. The observatory fascinated him, considering his interest in astrology, so that was something that he would definitely try to defend from enemies.

The lion ( or the other lion, at least ) was the next to arrive, his amber gaze settled onto the vaguely familiar Savannah cat. She was a leader, yes? She had been the one to host the mass gathering. Titan could decipher her features, and it didn't appear that she was pleased at all.

Quietly he would stand by, prepared to take action if needed ( although hopefully this interaction wouldn't amount to violence ).

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - ONISION. - 10-18-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"She's pissed about something. It's written all over her aura." Onision spoke up from behind Moonmade, waving to him with his tail idly before settling down to listen to what the hell his clan had gotten into once again. Shit was really draining, wasn't it? Damn.
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-19-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," Atbash huffed at Onision, her charred ear flicking as a response to his comment. The she-cat's one-eyed gaze went over each Snowbounder that was currently there, recognizing Titan from the Mass Gathering. "I'm personally fine." She went on to reply to Ren's question before finally settling her gaze on Moonmade, The Ascendants's new leader.

"One of your warriors slaughtered one of my own last night." Atbash stated, just wanting to get this done and over with. She was pissed yes, but she was naturally understanding - so long as Moonmade would look into the issue. "Unfortunately, I have no idea who it was specifically, however there was a clear scent of The Ascendants in the area." Her short tail flicked at this statement. 
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - EROS - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]There had been murder? The male had been watching from a far and had seen how the other had looked upon her movement toward the border. Although he figured he was not the one to advance and ask questions. He still wasn't a true residence here and he didn't want to cause any problems that might come with him prying into their political affairs. Really, in the Pitt they had not had many coming to the border, at least not friendly visits anyway. Normally they were hostile and he allowed a soft breath to leave him as he moved a bit forward, deciding to at least listen to the situation. As far as he could say there had been a murder and the scent had been left. Clear Ascendants. But could there had been scent that was planted? It was a possibility right? The sha creature did not and could not see any member here as a murderer and it just didn't sound right. Glancing over to Moonmade he looked at the lion with curiosity but quickly he downcasted his gaze as he didn't want suspicion moving over to himself. A soft breath issued forth from his muzzle but he understood that he didn't have much say here. After all he was simply here to watch and he curled his thick forked tail against his body, ears slightly pulled forward as he waited to see what would be done about this situation. Hoping and praying to whatever known god that watched his meager life that everything would be okay.

Re: INNOCENCE BORN OF FLAMES // Snowbound visitor - MOONMADE - 10-20-2018


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-- "I'm sorry." Says Moon. He stares, blank, at the cat before him, and struggles desperately to calm the voice in his head that's steadily convincing him that everything is falling to pieces in his paws. "That's not-- I can promise you I didn't know anything about this. Snowbound are our allies. We have a lot of respect for your group. We wouldn't fucking dream of messing with you." He's stopped trying to calm the voice. It's right. Things were falling to pieces. "There's been deaths in the Ascendants, too. I--" A pause. This was hard to admit. "I have no fucking idea what's going on. But I can swear to you I'll find out. Whoever's behind this shit won't stay kicking long, once I do."

Now to fix this. The last thing they need is another Sunhaven on their hands. "Until then, if there's anything we can do to fix this, tell me. Supplies, protection--" A moments hesitation before his next words. As much as he wanted to make it up to Atbash, their own territory wasn't exactly the epitome of safe, at that moment, and he wasn't so eager to send any fighting members away, just yet. Still, he wasn't in any position not to at least offer. "You have my permission to take some Ascendants to Snowbound with you until this mess blows over. They'll guard your border. Give you some peace of mind."