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MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - Printable Version

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MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Deserts were shit, jungles were even shitter, so one might've been thinking, what made the snow leopard want to travel so deep into hostile territory? Was it the rush of seeing an enemy face to face with him? How about the glory he felt when he made some fancy old fruitloop his bitch? Truthfully, it was neither, to think otherwise meant that they were putting thoughts into his head. Helios had absolutely no reason to be wandering about in the scorching heat, only that it seemed to make sense at the time and he had no where else to go. A long gash was visible on his head, going from the area above his ear to the back of his skull, wound festering in the unforgiving environment that he found himself in. His posture was boisterous as he traveled along the lonely lands, his eyes burned with fury, yet the rest of his body was being punished for such recklessness. Sand was sticking to his paws from sweat, rubbing between his toes and causing a subtle limp as the pain bit through his disposition.

After minutes that felt like hours, and hours that felt like days, Helios had rid himself of the desert, taking shelter under the much appreciated shades of the jungle. Like a bullet the stench of blood and creatures hit him, the male lifting his head up as if he hadn't dipped it from exhaustion moments before. Who the fuck decided to make their homes surrounded by sand and more sand? Someone who didn't want to be found. But, if they didn't want to be found, why not hide out in the desert as opposed to sticking out like a sore thumb against the creamy contrast? A sharp pain ran through his head, a warning that overthinking things whilst going through a hangover-esque state was just gonna make him miserable. He could smile and grin though everything else like a Cheshire Cat, but using his head? Eh, that was a bit much for one tired feline to handle.

"You're alone, but what's new?" he talked to himself in a hushed tone, not liking the way his voice cracked from dryness. Sooner he got to sit down without the worry of some tribe taking in him as a sacrifice, the better. Helios moved closer towards a tree, running his tongue against the dirty trunk as he tried to get some moisture from it. Trying not to think about how many bugs had fornicated on that very tree, Helios would move away once he got his throat wasn't feeling totally as burned out as it once was. Alright, now it was time to get down to business - some crazy motherfuckers were living out here, and he had to find them. "ALOOOOOHA!! I HATE TO INTERRUPT YOU FUCKS AND YOUR PEACEFUL MORNING BUT I WANNA KNOW HOW THE FUCK I CAN CONTINUE MY JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH!!". It was like a banshee's scream to get attention, grinning despite the way his body told him to stop wasting energy.

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - guts - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The last thing she expected was to hear someone yelling out in the middle of the desert. Most people knew to be quiet, to conserve energy, but apparently not this guy--whoever he was. Despite knowing she wasn't supposed to be up and about, Cosette still hobbled over, her wounds taking their time in healing. She regards the male with a warm expression, but hidden behind it was a critical eye, making her assumptions about him. He was loud, seemed like the outgoing and crazy type, but who here in the Pitt wasn't? She thought this bitterly, but didn't show it outwardly, still keeping a soft smile.

"Um, hello. Name and reason for being here?" she was a healer, not a greeter. Plus she wasn't exactly the most intimidating type, despite the encouragement to be somewhat uppity towards people who came onto their border. Oh well. She was the first person here, and she wasn't going to keep them waiting.

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It hadn't taken long for company to arrive, of course it hadn't, he would've waked the dead with his cry if he'd tried hard enough. a mottled ear flicked as the smaller feline approached him, expression growing static and almost dead despite the way he showed off his teeth in his grin. Instincts told him to pace, but for once he'd listen to his brain telling him that the less he moved, the better. Even flexing his claws had consequences, area between toes almost rubbed raw. Fuck sand. Helios would get that out the way before figuring out a way to respond to this stranger. For despite everything, despite a trespasser and a loudmouth on their territory, Cosette remained calm. Irritation briefly flashed across his face, natural given the preference he had for more emotional creatures, thankfully such impatience didn't result in action this time around.

Rolling with a group would probably be fun, no matter how stick in the mud his first host seemed, he could refrain from acting on a violent temperament if it meant getting something more valuable. "Name's Helios, after the Sun God y'know? Had a massive statue in his likeness on some fucking Island, Rhodes or something, I know Geography as well as you know me. You could always make a statue of me if you want, I'd eat that shit right up," he talked and talked, laugh indicating that he was teasing... somewhat. How fucking cool would it be to get a statue? Even if the Colossus of Rhodes ceased to exist, there was no denying that the snow leopard's statue would live on forever. He'd slap the hell out of anyone that dared deface it with their grimy paws. "In terms of business? Eh, I don't fucking know to tell you the truth. Saw a jungle out in fuck knows where and wanted to check it out. I know a group lives here, tell me about 'em,".

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]bump.

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - Felibri - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]There was one thing, that never ceased to amaze him. And that was the Pitt’s lax border policy. Hell, he was sure if this leopard wanted to join, the Pitt would accept him, despite his rather rude yelling at ungodly hours. The five-foot black wolf padded over, standing next to Cosette as he studied the stranger.

”I’m probably the least qualified person to tell you about the group.” Rozovsky snorted. He was still rather new. Obviously he didn’t know the Pitt’s history and politics like the back of his hand. But he had heard snippets of rumors throughout the camp, so he’d just use that. Of course, he wouldn’t care if any other Pittian dropped in to correct him. Nationalism was not his strong suit. ”It’s called the Pitt. We’re pretty aggressive, I heard that the leader just murdered the mother of a Typhoon girl because the Typhoon was able to rescue her. We are also fighting against Tanglewood, god knows why.” Much to Rozovsky’s delight, Kemmerich was not interrupting his thoughts like he used to. ”My name is Rozovsky, by the way.”

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]His gaze, dulled by the wait he'd had to endure between a question and an answer, flickered towards the newest creature on the scene with renewed interest. He was a big motherfucker, bigger than the snow leopard could ever dream of being, but he did not censor himself for self-preservation. It was good he got the information out of the least qualified member, that way if he did anything wrong blame could be pinned on the wolf for not telling him enough. There was plenty of meet on the lupine to satisfy any torturer's desires, Helios even bet he'd feed an entire clan if they fancied cannibalism. Whilst he couldn't knock it until he tried it, the tired male would most likely avoid that feast if it ever did happen. Rubbing his paw over the gash on his head, gazing at the drying blood that tickled the tips of his paws, the snow leopard looked back up once Rozovsky was finished.

Pitt, aggressive, revenge murder, fighting battles on two fronts, sounded like an absolute shitshow. So much show he was smiling again, as wild as a feral. "Mother and daughter both alive huh? Ever think how much fucking shit you could get from makin' a ransom? Some dumb fuck'd want to save her, you wouldn't even have to give her back,". Prey, so their warriors didn't have to work. Kittens, so they would have future soldiers, the possibilities of demand were endless if one was persistent enough. Most of those captured escaped or were rescued anyways but damn, it didn't mean they had to be so modest about it - be fucking cheeky! Worst that happened, your captive got away, best? You got shit. Realising he was trying to give advice to a group he didn't care about, his gaze hardened and narrowed again.

"You already got my name hermano, but... nevermind, fuck it. Desert's a bitch and I ain't crossin' it again soon so I'm just gonna chill in this jungle for a bit. You got any problems with that Rover?". Admittedly he'd forgotten the other's name already, but Rover sounded close enough for now.

Re: MEET YOUR MAKER | o, joining - Felibri - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]A quirky smile tugged at the large wolf’s lips as he listened to Helios’ rant. The snow leopard had a point. It was really all for show. Who would murder a foreigner in front of his own Clan? Wouldn’t it be much more effective to murder the foreigner in front of the foreigner’s own group?

Rozovsky has a natural distaste for powerful rulers, especially rulers who used gore and public executions to solidify their power. He had been choked by propaganda once ... he wouldn’t be strangled by it again. If it were solely up to him, he’d leave this place altogether, but Kemmerich was drawn to powerful leaders like a moth to the flame. To keep the peace between the two entities, they agreed to stay here until they could figure things out.

”Me? No. Of course, I cannot speak for the leader or others. But, I hope I will see you around, Helios.” He meant it. It was no surprise to Rozovsky when Kemmerich started invading his mind again, complaining that they shouldn’t burden the Pitt by letting someone who wasn’t going to be a Pitt live so close, or in, their territory. Was the jungle even a part of Pittian land? Fuck it, Kemmerich. They’re not like our nations. Obviously.