Beasts of Beyond
I KNOW I'M A WOLF / SCALES, 100TH POST - Printable Version

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The tiger hadn't been feeling too great something bothered him heavily but he couldn't put a paw on it, he was unsure of what it was that was bothering him. Perhaps it was the sudden, unexpected departure from Valkyr. It left the Marauder feeling odd, he didn't know if he held any romantic feelings towards the other but it felt as if a part of him had been taken away from the striped beast, the moment Valkyr had left. It left him feeling a bit empty. The other had been one of his closest friends and there was often times that someone would fall in love with said friends but that didn't seem to be the case for Quill. No. He had mixed feelings about the sha creature especially how the other had acted out the moment they were removed from slavery. Emotionless and only wanting to get himself out of dangers possible snare. Just the thought of it caused the tiger to feel a bit uneasy yet he managed to push those thoughts away, he opened his jaws to release a soft breath not uttering much of a word. He often found himself staring in a random direction for no reason and his eyes glazing over or so, that's what an NPC had once told him. It was really odd and he couldn't imagine what it was so, he decided to ignore it and brush it off with a joke.

He probably should have gone to Azu and Cosette, he started getting these horrible headaches and he was uncertain of what to do about them. Then he began to have random nosebleeds, it often made the newer members of the Pitt concerned about him but he always brushed it off "Sorry haha," He wiped away the blood from his nose afterwards going back to his cave wondering what was wrong with him, he let out a subtle 'hmm' thinking it was probably because of the stress. Perhaps. It wasn't easy being a leader one day and the next he was still some kind of high position, yeah, that must be it. He was trying to do better for the both of his daughters, he was trying to make sure these sudden migraines and nosebleeds didn't often happen but they often popped up out of nowhere and he had to hide from both of his girls so they didn't get scared. He didn't want to possibly explain to them that he was possibly dying or something. Dying. A slow death. It was a peculiar thought.

Right now, he was laying in his cave with a paw over his muzzle having finally fallen asleep. Sometimes, his thoughts got in the way and didn't allow him to rest. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking as a bit of sunlight peeked into the mouth of his cave and he supposed that it would be just another day. He stared at his paw noticing there was something on the back of his paw and when he proceeded to remove it from his face, it felt as if something rough scraped at his snout "Ow, what the fuck. . ." He squinted to get a better look only to realize that there was some black scales forming there, it made his eyes narrow for a moment. "What the hell?" He slowly sat up to get a good look at the scales watching as they shone in the sunlight and he frowned realizing that there was a patch of scales on his chest, where his beating organ would be located. It didn't seem to stop there, no, it had spread up his neck curling around it yet the scales were smaller and narrow. They felt uncomfortable when they brushed against his flesh. He wondered if this was all his forms or just this one, well, he didn't feel as if he had the power to switch forms as of right now. He swallowed slowly with both ears pinned against his cranium slowly making his way out of his cave to glance around the desert.

The tiger decided to go grab a bite and well, he hasn't realized there was a few patches of scales on his belly and hind leg, the places near the scales didn't seem to have any fur yet luckily for Quill, these mini-bald spots weren't all that visible. Not yet anyways. He slowly breathed out. 'God, I'm so hungry.' He thought quietly trying to pick something to eat, ugh, there wasn't anything big enough to fill this powerful hunger of his but he eventually picked a desert rabbit soon finding a place to settle down and eat it. He suddenly felt himself snarl, a few scales were prodding at his lips. God, where had it all came from? It was bothering the living hell out of him. He chose to ignore it for now as he tore into the rabbit hungrily, sure, he was used to being really hungry since his birth form required a lot of sustenance with how large he had gotten. He finally paused realizing that there was nothing left of his rabbit, his ears flicked back as his tongue swiped over his lips and a bit of the scales. He let out a soft frustrated growl. He hated these fucking scales.