Beasts of Beyond
We're in need of guides! - Printable Version

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We're in need of guides! - Orion - 04-15-2018

Any ideas?? They'll be moved over to the Guide Archives accordingly.

Re: We're in need of guides! - tikki - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width:50%;overflow:auto;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]We could always use a guide for how the money on the site works, such as how to get it and how much you get per post, etc.

Re: We're in need of guides! - Orion - 04-22-2018

hmm good idea! i keep changing it here and there to see what works, so this would be a good way to track it.

Re: We're in need of guides! - tikki - 04-23-2018

If you need help with one, lmk! I made one a while ago on a different site, so I can take inspiration from that if need be.

Re: We're in need of guides! - Orion - 04-23-2018

if you'd like to make some guides, sure! that'd be amazing. <3 just let me know of your ideas.

Re: We're in need of guides! - vellichor - 04-23-2018

Maybe a guide for herbs and whatnot? Or maybe a guide about getting involved with a clan/group or various ways you can do character development?

Re: We're in need of guides! - Orion - 04-23-2018

ahh yes!! that'd be lovely. i'll take a look at some herbal guides for the territories we have as of now.

Re: We're in need of guides! - vellichor - 04-23-2018

alright! let me know if you need any help with the herb guide! I have a bunch of guides/notes saved after playing medics and whatnot so I have some resources that might help with that. Also would you like me to make the guide about how to get involved and whatnot in a clan? I should have some spare time tonight and tomorrow so I wouldn't mind typing it up.

Re: We're in need of guides! - Orion - 04-23-2018

If you’d like to share those notes + make those guides, that’d be awesome and very appreciated!!

Re: We're in need of guides! - skypher - 04-29-2018

I could make a list of name suggestions

I could also make a guide to like... characeter development... as i have multiple textbooks on the topic.