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BOM BIDI BOM && fight on the borders. - Printable Version

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BOM BIDI BOM && fight on the borders. - ONISION. - 10-16-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

Onision had chosen to sneak the fuck out of the Ascendants territory late at night, his body shifting into one that had more running power than he did in this one. Aloysius, the large wolf's breaths coming out in loud huffs as he rushed to the ocean, grunting in annoyance.

Passing the ocean was a pain in the ass, but he had managed so with a boat that he had found abandoned on a bank. Onision wasn't going to complain, just as long as he could see what the fuck Thea was up to, honestly. As much as he disliked the girl, she was still an Ascendant at heart, in his opinion.

Aloysius soon switched with Oni, the small felidae having grown a lot bigger since he had last seen Thea, a single blue eye burning into the gate ahead of him. Working his way into a bush, Oni waited patiently, before using telepathy to try to send Thea a message.

"Outside the gate, right now." Onision's voice was quick, desperate, as he tried not to get caught here. He had heard the raptors were all here, and he was pretty damn sure they'd eat him for a snack if they could.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: BOM BIDI BOM && private for now! - MirrorEdge - 10-16-2018

Thea's head lifted at the sound of a familiar voice ringing in her head. She had always been a light sleeper, often waking up every couple hours and going back to sleep a few minutes later. No way. Did Moon tell him about what she had done? To another Ascendent? She assumed he did. What leader in their right mind would not inform their clan that a murderer had been among them, and now with an enemy? Where Thea was currently doing her best to keep the lines from blurring between sanity and insanity, the little voices beckoning her to take her revenge, and in the back of her mind as she made her way through the foliage, the darkness helping her slip away to where the feline was. "Oni? What the hell are you doing here? More importantly, how did you find me?" Why would even want to see me after what I did? She hissed the words lowly, not wanting to wake anybody up, tails lashing, none of her cheerfulness there. "You do realize this is the Typhoon, right?"
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Re: BOM BIDI BOM && private for now! - ONISION. - 10-16-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Shut up. I have my sources. Plus, I could smell your ass. You should really bathe, The-ass." Oni snorted softly as he glanced over his shoulder, his fur fluffing up from the cold breeze drifting through the territory. He knew this was the Typhoon, he wasn't fucking dumb. "I don't know why you fuckin' left, but it doesn't make sense why you left after Sunhaven's raid on us. You left us while we were vulnerable." He growled, his ears flicking back against his head.

Let me out.
"No. You stay in."
Let me out, Host.
"You keep your brown ass, blue eye, fixing to get his ass handed to him headed ass out of my head for like two seconds. thank you."

Soon, the form of Onision was replaced with Aloysius, the large wolf leaning down to hide his body better. With a twitch of his ear to listen for any strangers, he turned back to Thea to speak. "Are thy Typhooners.. Treating rival infant well?" Aloysius asked cautiously, black and blue eyes focusing on the child before him. He was much larger than her, but had a soft spot for the girl now that he had his own control on his personality when Oni was calm.

Sorry, Host.

"I don't understand why thee would chooseth to leave her home, but Host has something to ask you. You mustn't speak of this." Aloysius began, a huff leaving his maw. "The Star-Home isn't doing so well. Host's sanity has been wavering, he wants what he was born for. You must talk some sense into him." He grumbled, wincing when Onision mentally kicked him in the head.

Then, the chocolate felidae was back, glaring up at Thea angrily. "I want to become the Astral Seraph, and I will have it. Moonmade has caused Sunhaven to become enemies, and Harland was taken, and I just.. Come back, Thea. Come back home."

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: BOM BIDI BOM && private for now! - MirrorEdge - 10-16-2018

Thea could only stare at Oni with a blank expression as both he and Al spoke, before a bit of laughter bubbled out of her. An inappropriate action, but still. Moon hadn't told him. Moon hadn't told anybody. "You really are an idiot, aren't you? You think I can go back? I was exiled. Or has Moon not told everybody that he couldn't keep one Fireball in line?" She paused, allowing this to sink in before continuing. "Moonmade isn't the reason we're enemies with Sunhaven. I am. It all started with Roy's murder, didn't it? And then me being the first one to find him, and placing the blame on Bucky." What little mirth that was in her eyes disappeared slowly, replaced by a solemn expression. Because she was sorry for what happened. She realized what she had done wrong, and regretted it every moment of her life.

"I got everybody caught up in my need for revenge, against somebody I didn't even know, just knew he had wronged me from some memories that didn't fit into my life. I hurt people because I was told to." Blood. Grief. She remembered the feelings, and flinched as they flooded through her along with the memories. A reincarnation. And saddled with whatever shit my former self didn't handle. Her thoughts were erratic, nothing stopping them from reaching Oni, nor the little whispers in her head.

You feel better now? Go on, tell him. The raid happened because of you. Harland was taken because of your actions, because you were weak. His dear cousin. And that if he kills you, then the cycle starts all over again, and you'll just be set for revenge in the next life. Shut up. "So there you have it. I can't go back, not unless I can find some way to make up for what I did. The hurt I caused. Now leave. Before I kill you, and whatever dreams you have of becoming Astral Seraph with you. The Ascendents are better off without a murderer in their ranks." It was true. As much as she loved and missed her home, she knew she could likely not go back, not unless she was prepared to have more blood on her paws. She wanted to go back, to the way things were before. No, she wanted it to be normal, where Oni had his eye still, Roy had never died, and Sunhaven was still allies with them. To not be terrified of ever having an apprentice, in fear of them taking after her, or even worse, having her own children, with them probably having the darker essences within her passed onto them. She wanted all that, without worry. But it was too late. She had already set fire to that pretty picture she saw as a potential future, because she had never been taught right from wrong, at least, not until it was too late.

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Re: BOM BIDI BOM && private for now! - ONISION. - 10-17-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

It was like those desperate thoughts that Thea had worried herself over were sent to Onision, making him frown in response for once. "I killed someone for their blood, someone who had kids, had a family. He was a clanmate, Thea. Besides.. Roy is back now, you can't just.. You can't just continue to blame yourself. It'll eat you alive." Oni meowed, hating himself internally for the words he spoke. He should heed his own words, in fact. He blamed himself every day, starving himself of the blood he needed to survive just because of the past.

His ear twitched, the thoughts and voices in Thea's head making his fur rise on its ends. Calm down, Oni. Calm down. "OI! FUCKIN' VOICES! SHUT UP, WILL YOU? IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING, FIND YOUR OWN BODY AND DO THAT SHIT. THAT WAY I CAN KILL YOU INSTEAD." Onision growled audibly, before stiffening back up. He hated hearing the thoughts of others, he hated hearing everything he did. He knew everyones opinions about him, like it was something he could control. The only thing he had control of was his telepathy!

When Thea told him to leave, Onision's eye narrowed slightly. "Once I become Astral Seraph, you will be coming back home. Home is next to me, where we can kick each others ass. Let's not forget that the only one who can treat you like shit and kick you down is ME, Thea!" Oni hissed, before turning around. Hesitance.

"Take a chunk of my ear, Thea. Can't let them know you were seeing me willingly." Oni meowed telepathically to his rival, scuffing marks into the ground to make it look like he struggled to escape.

Once blood splattered onto the ground, and fur was left behind, Oni took off into the night after a loud yowl was let out from his jaws.

//after thea replies to this, feel free to post, everyone!

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: BOM BIDI BOM && fight on the borders. - MirrorEdge - 10-17-2018

"Just leave. Now. And never come back here." He thought it was the same? No, while he had two entities inside of him, it was Thea who had made the choice to kill Roy. She couldn't place the blame on anybody but herself, and claws shot forward, taking a chunk of his ear, droplets of blood beginning to stain the silvery fur on her paws, and pupiless eyes would simply bore holes in the younger male's retreating form, daring him to come back and spew more on how when he became Astral Seraph, he'd let her back in. It didn't work like that. What was he going to do, expect her to sit here, wait, and when time came, just say, 'Hey, so I know I killed somebody here, but it's all good now. Water under the bridge.' Moon wouldn't accept that, the rest of the Ascendents wouldn't. Not likely. And she knew it all too well.

She didn't even understand why he had come here. The only plausible reason she could think of for Oni coming here was to try and kill her, now that he could.

Blood stained the sand beneath her, the delicate flesh of Oni's ear beneath her paws, tilting her head. I swear, next time he decides to show up here to try and drag me back, I'm killing him.
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Re: BOM BIDI BOM && fight on the borders. - darci - 10-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]The yelling had been what caught his attention. From where he lurked, the silver male was unable to tell what the occasion was for the yelling. Nonetheless, he made haste to see what was going on. Being rather non-confrontational, Victor generally avoided arguments and fighting. Despite this, there were times where he had to cast aside his moral beliefs just the sate the expectations that were, well, expected of them. The only actual fight had he participated in had been a raid that occurred here with the Pitt. While he was a bit fearful, he managed better than he expected. Even though he was a rather good fighter, it did not mean he enjoyed it. Victor would have preferred if everyone just got along, but he knew that was a far-fetched idea. Even if that was his mindset, he was far from someone who ran around protesting about world peace. 

He arrived by the time Onision had left, but he recognized the scent rather well. The silver male had met the other one or two times. Even if the other belonged to a rivaled group, Victor had taken a small liking to the feline. Noticing the blood, he quickly examined Thea with his eyes, searching for any wounds. "Is everything alright? I heard yelling," spoke the striker, concern evident in his tone.

Re: BOM BIDI BOM && fight on the borders. - MirrorEdge - 10-18-2018

Thea simply moved a few feet forward, letting the seawater that lapped at the beach wash away the blood and chunks of ear on her paws. "Just somebody who didn't understand the meaning of the word exile. It kinda scares me how stupid he is." And it did, left her conflicted as well. The world wasn't so black and white, not anymore. It used to be, in her eyes. Everybody had a label in her mind, and if they didn't fall under any of the categories, she chose to ignore them. They were just outliers, in her eyes. It was a bit like somebody not liking another person because they were too different, except she just refused to acknowledge it. Now, it had left her a mess, mentally and emotionally, something she never could recover from.

In those ways, Oni was still the same innocent child who thought he could fight the sun, who had been knocked on his ass multiple times after picking a fight with Thea as a kitten, and still seemed to beg for his face to be reacquainted with the ground with every encounter she had with him. From all the pain she had caused him, he should be looking for ways to be hurting her, like she had tried to do with Bucky. Hell, he had even more reason to. He actually knew the reasons. So why try and help her? Thea had always assumed that as soon as he heard she was exiled, he would be first in line to try and kill her.
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