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hopeless wanderer ⌲ agilities - Printable Version

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hopeless wanderer ⌲ agilities - rakue - 04-15-2018

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Re: hopeless wanderer ⌲ agilities - rakue - 04-19-2018

FULL NAME agilities
— litty, agil
GENDER cisgender male → he/him
AGE 11 months → unknown birthdate
— ages at roleplayer's discretion
RESIDENCE & RANK the ascendants → observer

agilities is a youthful first filial husky and coyote hybrid, standing a little over two feet tall. he is built thin, a testimonial to his name, with spindly legs and a boney frame hidden by lucicrous amounts of fluff. agil's coat is a dark grizzled brown with a cloudy white undercoat that easily shines through the peppered markings, a contrast to baby blue eyes. his chest and legs are splashed with white, a marking typical of his husky lineage. agilities is littered with small scars from roughhousing as an adolescent, neck and forelegs spangled with small nics. in the place of milky flesh and hairlessness, the scars sprout thick bundles of yellow-green feathers, the small and soft kinds usually associated with down.
— no current injuries or notable scars
— no current accessories

reserved and timid, agilities is usually the last to speak up in a public setting as he fears attention being fixed on him. despite his fear of speaking up his beliefs are unshakable; once agilities has taken a stance, he will not back down from his opinion. the pressure of others heavily influences his actions, as while he may strongly believe in one thing, if the majority does not, he will not speak out against them. agilities is a people-pleaser, wanting to dispel any uncomfortable tension and to do what is asked with him (normally) without question. his failure to perform as he believes he should have is incredibly upsetting to him, and even the thought that he failed someone will put him in a slump in which his negative mood snowballs into a depressive state. he recovers quickly enough, but may shy away from whoever was the catalyst of his mindset, whether it was intentional from them or not. this causes agilities to be difficult to befriend, as he's very cautious who he holds close knowing how hurtful he can make it on himself. nervous of confrontation and stumbling over his words, agilities often puts his thoughts into very simple terms; since he struggles to find what to say, he ends up saying the absolute minimum, and this can come off as rather passive aggressive.

to compliment his fear of being hurt by others, agilities has paper skin, easily affected by the words of others and taking them almost immediately to heart. when offended or hurt the coydog is almost silent, which can make reading him difficult as he's not much of a talker to begin with. agilities has a black and white view that prevents him from seeing the humor in many jokes, although he still understands when something is a joke and when it should be taken lightly so long as it is not aimed as a jab at him. only surefour's jokes leave agilities unphased, as often the hybrid will retort with dry remarks about his half-brother in return. surefour in himself is an exception to many of agilities' mannerisms, providing both a great sense of comfort and hellfire rivalry agilities is in no rush to get over. surefour, and others agiltiies feels comfortable around, will see a much more open face of his, easy to converse with and giggly at the smallest things.
— resting bitch face: usually just a concerned/worried scowl in reality
— uncomfortable chuckles™
— threads with him will probably be boring because of his reserved personality

RELATIONS unknown x unknown
— born to a small litter of hybrids, never particularly close to any of his siblings aside from his half-brother [member=324]surefour[/member]
— a strong sense of inferiority compared to his siblings, of which his wrestling hobby was borne; to prove himself an equal to the strength and fortitude of his purebred half-siblings, a subconscious desire he still carries in his new life
ORIENTATION asexual biromantic, polyamorous
STATUS single
— ½ of ship
— difficult to befriend because of how reserved he is, but not at all against the ideas of friends. connecting to agilities means a friend for life unless you irreconcilably damage his trust- generally quick to forgive
— agilities' romantic preferences lean toward females, but he will find himself fawning over males more often despite not wanting to any further than simple attraction. agilities views sex as a taboo, and any romantic relationship he finds himself in will be void of it

DIFFICULTY difficult physically & medium mentally
— no current offensive powers
— will kill in only the most extreme of circumstances
BATTLE can powerplay nonviolent & peaceful actions
— ask for injury & no capture, kill, or maim
— ping [member=272]Agilities.[/member] when attacking
POWERS air elementals, mental bond
— possession & telepathy in the future?

Re: hopeless wanderer ⌲ agilities - rakue - 04-19-2018

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