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THE PITT'S GUIDE - Printable Version

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THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 10-16-2018

[align=right]— TERRITORY
The Pitt resides within a ragged jungle surrounded by a hot desert that voids off it's visitors. Those that travel through the hottest desert are worthy enough to join their clan and seek shelter within their sheltered jungle during the harsh weather. After all, if the desert heat doesn't get to them, the Pittians will eventually. Who knows how far their brutality will go. Meanwhile, their jungle is collected and calm. Unlike the desert, the land is moist and often is well-hydrated due to the rain that passes through. This flourishes the clan life and its environment. It's colorful underbrush and winding trails lead to many popular spots of the clan, but also may lead to dead ends. Someone is bound to get lost. They are bound to reach the capital eventually after adjusting.

Within their territory resides three pyramid-shaped temples where they reside. There are also attractions to visit, such as their blood-stained river, the intertwining cave systems, or their fantastic underbrush.

THE LEADER'S TEMPLE — The smallest temple, but most beautiful, goes to the Ardent of the Pitt. From the ground floor, it appears to be in a pyramids shape made out of many quadrants of rectangular formations. To reach the entrance, there is a steep flight of stairs littered with moss. Going through the entrance, the temple's overgrown stalagmites rummage throughout and the jungle underbrush litters the area which may cause trouble navigating to the middle of the temple. After navigating throughout the cave-like hall, a room comes into view. With cobblestone walls and a purified watering hole in the middle, the Ardent personalizes this area to their own degree. Also included is a skylight hole on the top of the temple to provide light to the room, along with an entrance into the underground cave system.

At the base of the pyramid-shaped temple lies a stage where meetings commonly take place. Its base is firm cobblestone, while the curtain behind the set up is a crimson velvet. Truly, it's more for dramatic effect.

THE STRATEGIST TEMPLE — The interior of this temple is one massive room found at the end of a short tunnel, four dragon-like pillars marking the corners of a large sparring area. The space is generally used for private or group-wide training sessions, spacious area granting the opportunity for extensive battles.

THE EVENT TEMPLE — On a full moon, this pyramid points directly to the lunar body, illuminated in a silver glow. Multiple rooms make up the interior of the structure, dominated by a large room containing a single altar that used to be used for sacrifices. These days, the the altar room is used as a medical bay by the erudites, and they use the smaller rooms as bedrooms or personal laboratories.

THE CENTRAL MARKETPLACE — The triangular area between all three temples is where you will typically find most of the Pittians on a day to day basis, whether in the jungle or the cooler cave directly underneath the ground. Members are free to set up shops and parties in the area.

THE JUNGLE TREEHOUSES — In the jungle terrain outlying the area around the temples, many treehouses of assorted shapes and designs stand tall aboveground. Most members make their homes here, if they do not have the prestige and/or desire to live in a temple.

THE ANCIENT CITY'S ASHES — Ashes of the ancient city remain within the depths of the desert. It's demise was caused by one of the Pitt's finest foes, The Typhoon. Though their former territory was mourned heavily, the jungle suited their needs better and prevents further fires in the future. Many members experiencing loss tend to reminisce here, though it is also used by members looking for a secretive spot.

THE CAVE SYSTEM — Within the Pitt resides a glorious underground cave system that begins within the clan's temples and ends at the desert border. Some Pittians also live here, if they dislike the treehouses and cannot live in the temples. Along with this, the cave system is an easy escape and clever battle tactic that the Pitt can use throughout their raids if they choose to do so. After all, the system so big that every major landmark within the Pitt has at least one cave entrance and exit near it.

THE BLOODBATH RIVER — During the Harvest moon of September, this river tends to run red for unknown reasons. It snakes throughout their territory, from the middle of the jungle and throughout the clan's deserted border. The water is unsafe to drink and can often cause drowsiness, along with dehydration. Instead of using this as a reliable source for hydration, they often deposit corpses in its midst. The larger aquatic animals will devour the evidence of their dastardly deeds.

They are considered warbound, as they actively enslave other animals and refuse alliances with other groups. Those who live amongst the Pitt are free to live by whichever morals they choose; though the group as a whole operates under the general rule of 'Might Makes Right.'

Raids, captures, and tortures occur often, and violence a staple event of many celebrations. Any member can host one of these, though in the instance of raids, they tend to be a personal affair rather than a group effort unless an invading force threatens the group as a whole.

Parties and events are held often and highly encouraged, jovial gatherings often accompanied with alcohol and other mind-altering substances. These can be held by any member, though official celebrations are generally held by high positions.

Slavery is common and is a staple of the Pitt's wealth. Slaves do the majority of the grunt work around the group, leaving more free time for the full members. Anyone can be kept as a slave regardless of age, ability, or alliance - a masterless slave defaults to belonging to the ardent, but slave trade freely happens between members and outsiders.

Members are often challenged to battles or other competitions. If something can be taken, then it can be challenged for - including high ranks. There are only two rules: the challenger sets the time of the battle and the challenged sets the rules of the battle. In practice, this leads to challenges being rare occasions; though when one does occur, it is a highly entertaining spectacle.

While the Pitt does practice slavery and acts as warbound, they have few rules and allow free members nearly limitless freedom. Each member is entitled to their own moral code and may do whatever suits them best. There are a few simple ones to remember though.

— The Ardent's word is final. Direct disobedience will be met with a suitable punishment.
— The Pitt has no allies or neutrals, only enemies. Everyone is fair game.
— Murder and torture is permitted within the Pitt. The only exception is on fellow free members of the Pitt, in which case the Ardent is expected to step in and settle punishing the aggressor.
— Rape is highly discouraged. Anyone who commits such a crime will be punished accordingly.

ALLIES — Nonexistent.
NEUTRALS — Nonexistent.
ENEMIES — Everyone.

ARDENT — The glorious ardent is the brute leader of the Pitt. They are mostly in charge of deploying war, providing promotions and demotions, along with hosting the clan's main events. They ardent is someone who has shown a high level of dedication and hard work for their clan, ultimately leading them to gain this position. Simply, they are the best of the best. Their word is practically law and they are to be respected. Any disregard towards an ardent can and will result in punishment.
[member=3615]JERVIS[/member]  — roleplayed by [member=1]Orion[/member]

VICAR — This rank is the Ardent's right hand man. They have control over any rank under them and can host events, along with raids, at any time they wish. Though they have plenty of power, they cannot declare all out war or promote and demote anyone without their Ardent's permission. Vicars are next in line when the Ardent dies.
Undecided — roleplayed by ???

ERUDITES — Countering the Marauders, Erudites are known for their intelligence in the medical field. Their strong will and ability to maneuver around the battlefield without being seen are cherished. Plenty of passionate members will take up this position, aspiring to heal others or explore the animal body. They are equal in rank to Marauders.
Undecided — roleplayed by ???

guide provided by orion, information by pallid-i/orion/carkus

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - guts - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]tracking!! looks good

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - pallid-i - 10-16-2018


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - COSMIIX - 10-16-2018

tracks uwu

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - goodsprings - 10-16-2018

trackies owo

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - axiom - 10-19-2018


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - tikki - 12-05-2018

tracking ~

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - Kodiie_ - 12-06-2018


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 12-19-2018

Guide cleaned up a bit! Territory, ic rules, and traditions updated slightly.

- Axiom

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 12-19-2018

Updated with rank changes from the meeting!

- Axiom