Beasts of Beyond
.:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - Printable Version

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.:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - guts - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//gore warning; the very last bit is rlly the only part that matters

Each step sends waves of pain through her body. Cosette trudges on, paws sinking into the sand as she searches, glazed eyes scanning the landscape and not seeing anything except large dunes and the occasional bushel being blown by the wind or the form of cacti. Her wounds ache, tan fur stained with oozing red. She curses the whole of Typhoon, their sneering faces haunting her mind, their smart remarks and jabs cutting her deeper than Pincher's knives had.

The desert felt like a sea, stretching on for miles with nothing but herself and the heat. She was going to die out here. But so what? She felt like light headed, her ears buzzing and darkness playing at the edges of her vision. She still forced her tired legs forward, no matter how they hurt and stung, screaming at her to rest. She couldn't, she couldn't stop. Not until she got back.

Why was she even trying? There was Yes man, Benny, Ninazu, Quill--she was fond of them all. But what did they feel towards her? Either way, they could go on without her, she was easily replaced. Her knowledge, her abilities, none of them were hard to find in others. These thoughts sent her legs buckling, finally giving in and leaving her to collapse to the ground. Sand kicked up around her. The blackness that had stayed to the corners finally enveloped her.
When she wakes up, the first thing she notices is that she isn't in the desert anymore.

Instead, there's grass under her paws, tall trees sprouting up all around her. Sunlight filtered in through the canopy overhead. It was beautiful, certainly better than the wasteland she had been living in. Then she notices the one in front of her, another savannah like her, fur white and dotted with black. The grin is unmistakable.


He doesn't recoil at the sound, doesn't snarl or back away. If anything, he seems pleased to hear it, his face brightening when he meets her eyes. But there's something off about him.

When she gets closer, she tilts her head, studying him closely. This didn't feel right. "What's wrong?" she asks, taking a hesitant step back.

He only cocks his head to the side, not blinking an eye as blood seeps between his teeth, trailing down his chin. His eye twitches.

Suddenly the ground underneath her shifts, breaking apart and paws rising up from the dirt, sharp claws digging into her, dragging her down. They tore at her skin, tearing it away from her face and exposing flesh and bone. All she could do was scream.

Faint laughter echoed all around her, familiar faces surrounding her as she was dragged down, their mouths grinning and sneering at her.

The serval wakes with a start, sweating and chest heaving with gasps of air, panicked eyes fluttering about the small enclave. Where was she? She didn't recognize this place, orange rock surrounding her and only illuminated by the fire in the middle of the small space. In front of it, a coyote sat, watching her through narrowed yellow eyes. She stared back, shuffling up until her back hit the wall behind her.

It was silent for what felt like an eternity. The only sound was the crackling of the flames, shadows dancing across the floor. Then the other spoke, amused by her fright.

"Bad dream?" they ask, though they obviously already knew the answer, picking up the stick beside them and poking at the fire. "You can stop eyeing me like that, by the way. I'm not gonna eat you--too lean, not enough fat on your bones." she isn't sure how to feel about that, but nevertheless, a wave of relief washes over her. Finally she relaxes and breathes out at the comfort of resting her tired body.

Then they fall into quiet again, Cosette awkwardly shuffling her paws as the emptiness began to unnerve her. "Um, what's your name?" she eventually asks, wanting to fill the space. Plus she was curious about this stranger who had pretty much saved her from dying out in the desert.

"My name?" they look up from the fire, studying her with a cold eye, then grinning around the stick they still held in their teeth. "Nothing important. Not yet, anyways."

"Well, what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask the same of you. You live here or something? People don't really come here on a walk or some shit like that."

She shrugs, unsure whether to tell the truth or not. She had learned better than to trust people off the bat--but considering they had saved her, she decided she might as well put a little faith in them. "Yes, I do. I was looking for my group, but um, I guess I got lost." she admits sheepishly, ears pinning back against her head.

A toothy smile spreads across their face. The glow of the fire adds to the malicious glint in their eyes, face shadowed as the flames dance between them. Wrong choice.

She watches in fear as they grow closer, standing up to their full height and looming over her, staring down at her and reveling in the way she shrunk away. It was only now that she realized how much bigger they were, stronger with muscles flexing under their copper fur. Their snarling grin reminded her of the faces she saw in her dream: mocking and disdainful.

"Is that so?" their tone sounds like chalk on a chalk-board, yet it was muffled as her head buzzed, suddenly feeling as if she was swimming. Their mouth continued to move, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. They were overpowered by the whispers.

Run. Get away.

The voices echoed in her brain, warning her, whispering to her.

Idiot, stop sitting there. Run away!

They were close enough that she could smell their rancid breath, the stench of decay sticking to their tongue. Cosette couldn't hear anything, couldn't focus on anything but the voices, growing louder and louder as her heart raced in her chest.

K̶i̸l̷l̵ ̷t̵h̷e̶m̶.̴

She shook her head. They were going to hurt her, maybe even hurt the others if they got what they wanted out of her. But she couldn't kill them.

K̵͚͍̈́̈ì̶̩̦̚l̵̦͖͝l̵̦͈̉̑͠ ̸̠͝t̵̗̿͛͗͜ẖ̷͔̒̔ê̵͈̞̇͆m̸̨̖̳̓̃͐.̵̬̈́ ̷̗̘̿͠K̴͇̥͔͋ï̵͚͚̂̽l̷̼̆̆l̷̲͗ ̷̦͆̿t̵̛̟̝h̴̡̺̭̓ḙ̶͍͗̋̀m̷͚̪̲̊̈́.̶̺̫̬̍͛

Suddenly it was a shout, the voices all telling her to do it, to fight back and kill her. She could see their face, contorted into an angry expression, as they shouted at her.

D̶̝̿o̸̮͒ ̷̑ͅĩ̷͈t̶̲̎.̶̲̔ ̴̝̌Ḏ̶̓ỏ̶͉ ̶͎̔i̸̇ͅť̵̼.̵̦̃ ̵̻͆D̸̠̒o̷͔̓ ̷̠͛ȋ̵̬ẗ̸̟!̵̡̊

With a loud cry, Cosette lunged forward, taking the coyote by surprise. They may have had an advantage in size, but she had speed. She caught them off guard, sending them stumbling back a step, but it was already too late. Her teeth clamped down hard, catching their throat and feeling blood fill her mouth.

Her ears filled with the sound of flesh being torn, ripped away as she turned her head, leaving a chunk of meat in her jaws. Blood spurted, mingling with the old and dripping down her fur. They fell to the ground with a thump, landing in a bloody heap, a look of shock still on their face.

She was tired of walking, of futilely searching. It hadn't been long since she left the cave, but out here in the middle of nowhere, minutes felt like hours.

Finally, finally, she could see the temples rising up over the horizon, a weight lifted off her shoulders at the sight. She was back--but she still wasn't sure. Did she deserve to make it back, to survive being captured by the Typhoon or being held up by the person who had saved her?

No, you didn't. You should be dead.

But she wasn't. Death didn't even seem to want her.

Taking a seat, covered in blood that was both her's and others', she waited for someone to come along and discover her. She couldn't walk another step.

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - Stryker - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Doing his daily rounds (more like monthly in his lazy-ass case), Stryker had found himself wandering in the desert. With every step, he grew more annoyed. Everything around him was sand and to him, it seemed like he really was in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, there was a figure in the distance. The lion trailed towards the darkness across the horizon out of curiosity, hoping that this was not a broad cactus being a prick. Prick... Hah. He liked to amuse himself. It was quite boring out here anyways... As he approached though, this was no cactus. The black silhouette faded into a golden spotted figure, fur sleek and ears pointed. At first, the Ardent barely recognized them. Though as he traveled closer, the smell of the blood came apparent and their facial features glided into his view.

Stryker quickened his pace. The look of exhaustion was obvious. With every step, their Erudite appeared to lose another minute of life within them. Growing close, he aimed to move towards her side so that if she fell, she would land softly on his pelt. "Cosette," he breathed. Seeing that there was no opportunity to grab someone else to help, the lion used telepathy to spread the message throughout the clan. "Someone grab [member=2040]ninazu[/member] , her colleague is down." He would be hearing about it later though... No one liked a fucking all call.

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - ninazu - 10-16-2018

© lexasperated
Ninazu took to wandering the sands when she could -- with the fear of sunlight etched into her uneasy mind, she cherished the twilights and full moon nights. In early moments of sunset, the spotted wildcat already took to the wasted lands outside the pyramids. She intended on getting a moment to clear her head and gather a few herbs; her thoughts on that were blotted out, as she felt Stryder's crackling words burn through her head. She wished he bothered to include directions.

Regardless, she smelled the scent of decay and saw two figures in the distance. Raising her pace to a steady trot, she hurried along with her satchel banging against her shoulder. Uncomfortable, but she heard the urgency in Stryker's call. So, after a few minutes, she managed to reach the two of them; huffy and out of breath, she tore her satchel off her hot body and grabbed a waterskin out of it. "Cosette, drink. What happened?" she spoke, handing the waterskin to her fellow erudite -- or, failing that, to shove it in Stryker's paws.

She sniffed, but couldn't discern the injuries through the thick scent of blood. Couldn't see the wounds through the thick globs of clotted blood, flaking off her fur and congealed thickly where -- those were probably the cuts. Her stomach churned as attempted to pour water on what she estimated the worse cuts were, to see what she was doing. The smell of hydrated blood hit her like a punch to the muzzle, but she tried not to think about that. Ignored her own quivering muscles. Ignored the want that pressed so sweetly against her logical mind.

[ injuries? o: ]

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - guts - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Vision growing hazy, she could see the blobbed white form of someone approaching, her name a whisper on their tongue as they came closer. She couldn't see them well, but she could only assume who it was, knowing no one but one person with that fur color. She normally would have flinched away from the touch, but she barely had the energy to do even that. Instead she slumps up against Stryker, taking in breaths that rattled as they entered her lungs.

Then someone else comes over, her mind clearing just enough that she can make out who it is, can decipher what she was asking. What happened? What had happened? A lot, too much for her brain to recall now. She only focuses on drinking, taking gulps of the water with droplets leaking down her chin. It felt good to finally wet her throat.

Slightly rejuvenated, Cosette manages to speak, though her voice is low and weak. "The Typhoon." it's all she can say, not wanting to reveal what had happened between her escape and getting here. Right now, her brain wasn't even allowing her to remember, the memory replaced by a foggy haze. Then the serval slumps forward, falling onto her face unless Stryker catches her, out cold.

//just some deep cuts and gashes all over!! are likely infected

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - ; albion - 10-18-2018

cosette's disappearance had been.. unsettling, to say the least. benny didn't want to believe she had disappeared as melantha or dante had. faded into irrelevancy like so many others that had since benny's arrival. unfortunately the fox had no leads as to where to go looking; though it probably shouldn't have been an excuse...

she was covered in blood. she was dying.

she's covered in blood.

he thought it was hers, it had to be. she didn't fight.

paws heavy, drowsy with lack of sleep and stress, stumbled toward cosette. had this been months before, where he didn't feel any attachment to her. when she was still a silly game to tease and play with; he would have been able to cover up his concern. now, though, it was written clear on his face.

"cozy..." benny murmured, muscles tense as he heard her tell of her capturers. he should have guessed, but he hadn't wanted to believe it. baby blues looked up from cosette to stryker, ears folded back. "I want the son of a bitch who did this to her." it was an indirect plea to march onto their shores and obliterate the ones who had done this. he could feel himself begin to tremble as his blood boiled thinking about what he would do to them.

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - Stryker - 10-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — No surprise. After they tustled with Pincher’s daughter, The Typhoon was bound to strike back again. Stryker had hoped that their playing field was level after their raid on The Pitt, but seeing that Cosette came back in shambles, it was very unlikely that the newly made ardent wouldn’t strike back. Obviously, he had no plans in mind right now. There were other stimuli to focus on, but later he’d have a discussion to figure out what they would do back to their enemy. With Benny throwing a fit, it was best that he’d talk to him and Quill. After all, the marauders were his most trusted allies. Plus Benny was out for revenge. That’s exactly the mindset he wanted for his reign and if that could continue on, they’d be thriving in no time. With a skilled warlord and a ravishing brute by his side, The Pitt would rise... but not until Cosette was healed. It was all or none.

On instinct, Stryker dove forward a few steps, catching Colette on his neck before she slammed her skull into the ground, possibly causing more damage than needed. A huff left him as she landed. Slowly, he lowered to the ground with her on his side and laid her out so their fellow erudite could take a look. ”Benny, gather [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member] , we’re out for blood,” he growled. ”We’ll be discussing this as Ninazu takes care of her and if needed, I’ll go through Cosette’s mind later to scope the area.”

//mobile, assuming you wanted her to be caught?

Re: .:*☆ BLOOD ON MY HANDS — RETURN - TSUYU. - 10-19-2018

"Ooh, damn. Everyone's getting hurt, huh, ribbit?" Tsuyu croaked as the frog hybrid glanced Cosette over, tilting her head to the side and tapping her chin with her paw, as if in thought. Really, was it that easy to nearly die? Tsuyu wanted to feel that once. Just once.

"Tsu will come with Benny! She wants to fight, too!" Tsuyu's ribbit was barely audible as the cheerful hybrid watched her clanmates get all hot and fumy. Stryker was hot when he was mad, Tsu noticed. Huh.