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BULLETPROOF | o, spar - Printable Version

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BULLETPROOF | o, spar - FELIKS - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Unfortunately in the raid against the Pittians, Feliks hadn't been able to get his talons as dirty as he would've expected. The Pitt's cowardice in not wanting to tackle the gryphon and the big fuck-off dragon burning their shit up had nothing to do with his own laziness as soon as he'd killed one or two. Since then though, he'd been quieter around the group and for fairly good reasons. As he emerged from his cabin, the male had a spring in his step and a grin plastered across his beak. For a time, he had been calm around the group, one taste of old habits had totally messed up his zen though, and if he wasn't confidant enough navigating new lands to visit the Pitt in their sandy homes, then that pent up energy had to be released elsewhere. "Yo Captain Hookers, gather around!". Hah, that was a new one. "I'm gonna be sparring one of you lucky lads and ladies so if you wanna fight me then come on over,". Though just a simple game, he intended to win. If he didn't, it'd give the wrong idea about him as a creature of authority - the gryphon didn't want to be walked over because he lost a friendly duel. "Now my talons can't be sheathed so there may be blood. I'll make a deal though, you don't be a dick and try to kill me and I won't try to kill you. I can take a claw or two but I'd rather limit my damage in case the ArmPitts want revenge ya hear? No other rules though, go nuts. So, if anyone wants a crack at me then go ahead,".

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - no more - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Some cruel twist of luck, smiling upon the gryphon though about the expression was not the light touch of good humour but the cruel turn of something more bitter, or possibly a mere matter of being within the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way one might care to put it there was little about the one that approached, moving closer upon small paws toned in a golden shade of cinnamon, that would prove worthy for such things.

There was no want to fight within CCLIV, rather they had grown curious, close proximity allowing them to hear the chatter of words that had touched upon their mind but bore no meaning. Clear was the lack of understanding as head tilted some, curl of lips drawn down as fictional brow did similar, the soft sound pulled through parted lips one of interest. The creature before them was unlike any they had seen, though it was easy to place nearly all within that category, too short a time giving way to minimal experience with the world at large. Moving a little closer they reached out, made smaller standing by the towering figure of Feliks, seeking to gently pat his feathers.

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - Masie - 10-16-2018

Masie was following CC today, curious about the tiny feline she had found sometime before today, many things about the other creature ignited the curiosity of the raptor. However, as of current there was not much to be found out about the tiny feline who smelled so faintly of gun powder, not that the infant knew what that scent was. Following CC instead of Delta, Owen or running around on her own? Actually served to be difficult, she could not run around the feline since their bodies were so different that she would leave the feline in the dust, since she was used to keeping pace with creatures so large in spite of her own small size.

As of current, the small raptor had not fought anything expect for the ocassional mouse which she simply squished by jumping on repeatedly, plus fish which she brought to Delta and Owen alive. So far, she had even been unable to kill bugs, since she hadn't realized the purpose of her jaws yet outside picking up food and eating it, she hadn't been on her first hunt yet. Masie didn't understand everything, she didn't yet completely understand the language others were speaking outside of the raptor tongue. Yet? The small creature understood noise, she comphrended noise very well, it had been what led her to depising Baku these days. Masie was fully aware the bird wanted something from someone, and the tone of noise sounded to her a bit similair to when Delta confronted someone only lesser, much sweeter and more gentle. Thus, the raptor was the first to approach, circling him with her head bobbing and tilting in curiousity, trying to see if he'd give any other hints to what he wanted, if she could do what he needed of someone.

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - MirrorEdge - 10-16-2018

"I'd love to, mister!" The excited chirp of Thea could be heard as the small kitsune approached, pupiless blue eyes holding excitement in them. "You don't mind if I make things a bit fair, do you? Since you're bigger than me right now?" Without waiting for an answer, bones would shift, the form of a dragon taking her place.

Shapeshifting was a bit new to her, and while the pain wasn't as bad as it had been before, it bordered on agonizing whenever she did so, and the soreness that accompanied it was also an issue, as Thea moved, joints cracked, bringing a sharp burst of pain and then relief as she did so. "There, see? Now I have claws that can't retract, and am the same size, about, too!" The grin on her face was still there, and she tilted her head. "This is okay, right?"

Masie's appearance was finally noticed, Thea more focused on the pain she had been going through, and pupiless eyes settled on the tiny raptor, who probably could be crushed if Thea sat on her. Still, if she was anything like those other raptors that hung around here, she couldn't wait for her to grow up. It'd be a nice challenge to fight with her. Or maybe all of them. "You look like somebody could sit on you, and win." She muttered, trying to tease the little raptor.
Template by Quill

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - Luciferr - 10-16-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"whether I sit on the sidelines or such is up to you, though I'm content either way" he shrugged, he'll admit to being wary of sparring - it's a brief panic he gets sometimes that he'll misjudge and hurt his friends or, or something else will intervene and often he likes to reserve his violence for the actual opponents he doesn't have to watch for, it's so much easier then if that otherness steps in when its an enemy decimated rather than a friend - he's already seen that outcome and he doesn't like the nearness of it again.


Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - Grey - 10-16-2018

Bakugou had missed out on the rescue raid because he was regenerating and in a coma. The knowledge of this annoys him and yet, at the same time, the male is hesitant to try out anything chaotic for now. He would not want a repeat of last week, disappearing beneath the earth only to wake up weeks later with the sensation of rage, confusion, and other sorts of angsty teenager emotions. For once he's happy to fill his time with peace. He's comfortable going about his day in routine, calmed by the sound of clanging stones and relaxed through the thought processes of battle. It was a breath of fresh air. It let him think things through more rationally because Bakugou has always been the type to cope better when he chose to clear his mind and calculate his odds. To jump amidst his fury threw him into a sea of impulses, sometimes natural and functional, other times dangerous and threatening to his health. But, when it comes to spars, he wouldn't mind joining in one. It lets him learn the styles of others, recognise patterns without them being lethal to experience.

Once again, he is late. His eyes trail along Thea before flicking towards Lucifer, twitching an ear. He'll sit on the sidelines usual. It's hard not to look grumpy for having missed out but he also sees the benefits in watching spars take place. He can understand things through an outside perspective, things that adrenaline would often cloud away.  "I'"

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - FELIKS - 10-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It seemed that quite a few had chosen to let the hybrid grace them with his presence. Almost instinctively he puffed his chest out, feathers adorn the back of his skull raising to make a crown-like formation as all the eyes were settled on him. A fitting audience, there was some alarm when the first to approach chose to touch his feathers as opposed to punching his lights out. Though it may have been nothing more than a tickle on the puffed out coat, Feliks still found himself sharply looking down, a huff of amusement offered. As soon as he wanted to spar, the youngsters came crawling out, now wasn't the time for their curiosity though - there was a reason it killed the cat. Begrudgingly he kneeled, scaly forelimb resting against the floor as he gave the other a better reach of his plumage. "I sure look like an intimidating opponent," he smirked to himself, holding back on pride's warning to cease his pandering. With such internal bickering, he almost missed a circling raptor, tiny enough to not cause any concern within him, but the lack of verbal communication between the two suggested that something was up.

Figuring the creature seemed curious moreso than anything else, Feliks plucked out two of his feathers, only cringing mildly at the ripping sensation. Both long and golden, he'd hope to give one to CC, and place the other one on the ground in front of him. Blowing on it, the action whipped it up into the air, the gryphon gesturing to it in hopes that it'd attract Masie's attention so she'd have something to chase. The two would get trampled if they stuck around, and whilst it'd be their own damn fault, another child's blood on his paws was something best avoided in this group. At least now he could focus on the more mature members. Standing himself up, dusting himself off, the Striker gave a look up and down as Thea shapeshifted, cockiness returning to him. "Nah it's not ok, you gotta be two feet smaller than me and wear claw caps for me to ever stand a chance," he teased sarcastically, extending red tinted wings. "It's whatever, spar in whatever body you feel comfortable with,".

Briefly turning his head to Lucifer, the male would tut. "First come first serve my scaly sidekick, I'll let your mini-me take me on and if you're lucky, you'll get the winner. That sound fair? Well, not fair as in competitively fair but... eh fuck it, you get what I mean,". Baku just wanted to watch, which was fine as well. The more creatures the male got to perform in front of, the better. Showing off was like a drug to Feliks, one that he at least wasn't too dependent on. Taking a few steps back, presuming the kids would back off now that they had their toys, the gryphon would begin to pace. "Ladies first, m'lady,"

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - MirrorEdge - 10-18-2018

Pale blue optics would watch and wait for the raptor and CC to move, and as soon as they were out of the way, Thea shot forward, aiming to slam her paw into the underside of Feliks' jaw, hoping to catch him off guard. "So bruises and scratches at most, right? Maybe some ripped out feathers?" She asked, resisting the urge to continue with her attacks.

It probably wasn't the best idea for Thea to participate, with her barely understanding the concept of holding back in spars. Before, for her, it was win or lose, even if it meant maiming somebody or being maimed, or even death. Spars were no exception, and she could still remember the feeling of claws tearing through the soft tissue that made up Oni's eye as they traveled down his face, causing him to lose it. But then again, maybe the best way to learn restraint was through sparring. Learn when to stop. She certainly couldn't do that in the middle of a real battle.
Template by Quill

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - beck. - 10-18-2018

    Too accustomed to taunting words being spat back and forth as blows were exchanged in a matching fashion, the onlooking boy didn't wince as the challenger accepted the other's offer with an uppercut. Beck only stumbled upon the amusing scene by chance, distracted from his hunt to feed a demanding flytrap. The gutted lemur clenched in his stained jaws was not enough for Audrey III, but it was the best he could do. Refusing to drop his catch, he found himself rolling back onto his haunches with his hind legs stretched out in front of him. The street rat in him itched to join in on the scuffle, maybe out of the desire for entertainment or defending himself. Yet he wisely didn't intervene and settled upon what he did best: observe.

    His presence only announced by the occasional tic or rasping breath, his glowering stare passed over every individual equally, hungrily searching for minute details of personality interwoven into their behavior and physiques. The main spectacle looked as though he had sprung right from a medieval tapestry, eagle's head and lion's body in all its glory. What were they called again... it didn't matter. This one seemed just as vain as the expensive threading of those very tapestries; cocky, more like a rooster than an eagle. His nose wrinkled in humor at the thought. At least his feathers were pretty, catching his attention as the wind whisked the glittering tufts away with two little ones meant to chase after it. An outlandish cat and a bipedal mockery of a lizard -- a dinosaur if he remembered correctly from those animated programs he saw once. They were young, too young for his liking. They didn't seem to speak either. They would make terrible friends. Cracking his neck to the side, he lifted his glare back to the others, squinting at the vaguely familiar blurs of two natives. The monstrous dragon certainly wasn't forgotten from their first encounter, despite Beck's ignorance of his name. Not that he wanted to speak with such a beast anyways. The feline who burned his nose with his scent of smoke and flint didn't seem friendly either. And so, he tore his eyes away from the fellow spectators to lazily blink at the attacking dragoness, slumping over to lean his disfigured cheek on a paw and ignoring the dribble of chemicals leaking onto the frayed bandages encasing his arms. Maybe he would get a shot to sink his teeth into someone today, but he didn't count on it.

Re: BULLETPROOF | o, spar - FELIKS - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]As soon as Thea came charging towards him, the sounds and sights around him became drowned out. Gone was the clanmate that he'd grown accustomed to and in came a training dummy, blood within the body turning into nothing more than straw. It was a vile illusion created by his mind, but the moment he'd chosen to spar someone with violent tendencies normal etiquette had gone out of the window. The Gryphon had to be careful, else his health would be sacrificed. Spreading his weight out as evenly as possible between four mismatched feet, Feliks aimed to grab the outstretched paw in his beak, hoping to drag the female towards him and headbutt her if he succeeded. That was proof enough about how 'gentle' he was going to be, his beak wasn't as blunt as it looked. "Ya heard right," he rasped to her in response.