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crying out for more - sand castles - Printable Version

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crying out for more - sand castles - darci - 10-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]He was, to say the least, rather bored. The lack of excitement in the group was almost stifling for the male. However, where boredom lie was creativity not far behind. They did not have sand like this back home, so Victor and his siblings always built forts out of the snow. Their snow ball fights got pretty tense at times. Fondly, the husky could recall a time when the siblings had got into an argument and got a little rough with the snow balls. That was, until their father stepped in. His father's lecture was short lived for Victor got a little ballsy and decided to turn the fight to his dad, his siblings following shortly after. In the end, their father ended up pelting them with more snow balls than the three of them could turn out and the children made a hasty retreat. Victor smiled at the memory. His father was a good man who loved his children more than anything.

The memory brought and idea to his mind. While there was no snow here, there was sand. He always wanted to build a sand castle. The oceans he had grown up around where made up of mostly rock and lacked room that was required to build a proper sand castle. Having found a nice spot on the beach, the dog was quick to get to work. Being kept company by a few friendly crabs, Victor was hard as work reshaping and working the sand. While he lacked hands and the proper tools to create an actually good one, it did not seem to phase him so much.

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - Grey - 10-16-2018

It's nice when things become quiet and, perhaps with his age and coming wisdom, he was beginning to understand the natural peace of silence and stillness. He has always known himself to be more aggressive than most. He used to take any opportunity to make things a challenge, a struggle to the finish line because otherwise it was too easy. Bakugou has never liked taking things easy. There must be a struggle for existence, a true test of strength to reach the top. It was one of the only ways he could confirm his place, sitting at the top of the ladder, eyes staring mockingly at the ones below him. Now, any moment of balance was enough for him. It allowed him to work on his other skills, refine his blacksmithing now that he had acknowledged his earth elementals - allowing him to move one step further, and practice his combat with both. He also became curious with other possibilities that led him to sometimes sit outside on a high branch, staring at nothing in particular but in the direction of the clouds, silently considering how he would go about them. He realises that with both his fire and earth elementals, he could possibly manipulate lava providing he didn't burn himself in the process. This was powerful and he never saw more of an opportunity for undeniable strength than now.

Still, the thirst for power is something he plans to ignore. It is no less chaotic than the Pittian mindset and Bakugou refuses to agree to any of their ideals. They are bloodhounds, senseless and monstrous beings he would prefer to leave locked up, never to see the light of day. A structure, a giant building of stone. He needs one to trap them in, leave them to all starve and fight themselves, succumb to their primal cannibalistic tendencies and disappear. It still angers him with what happened to Goldenluxury but he supposes that these thoughts make him no better than a Pittian. On the topic of structures, though, he does recognise Victor along the beach attempting to make what he assumes to be a poor excuse for a sandcastle. He wonders briefly if he can compress each of the granular particles closer together, allowing for the creation to take a more defined form before deciding he was disinterested with the idea, dismissing it upon arriving. He stops with a halt and a stiff stance, looking down on Victor. He's clearly unimpressed. "You're such a child."

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - FELIKS - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Feliks recalled a time in his life where he would've destroyed the castle and the other's hopes of having a creative outlet. He'd been apart of a place that hadn't treated him well due to his outspokenness, and with an unwillingness to leave he'd vented his frustrations out on the warriors. Calling them out for being subservient, fighting with them and spitting at them, it was all messy business that he believed had been necessary... eyeing up the sand structure par of him still thought it was. There were problems in the Typhoon that an older him would've poked at until they got fixed or he got exiled, growing lazier with age certainly was a problem when every bone of his body screamed at him to work hard like he used to. I don't want to though, he'd help the clans in some ways but Feliks was done breaking his back in search of change.

For once, the gryphon found himself disagreeing with Bakugou's statement, a short chuffing noise escaping from a smirking beak when he came to a standstill. The group's getting softer, it was a sentiment he made clear when dealing with alliance business and allowing this to go on almost seemed hypocritical but truthfully... Feliks would've done to same to get his mind off of the nasty stuff going on. Childish or not, everyone needed an outlet to deal with stress and he'd rather it be something innocent than going on a murder spree. It was certainly less harmful than Feliks' way - he tended to just visit groups to piss them off. "You ever see that super fancy art on the beaches where people make massive turtles and shit? I'll get you whatever the hell you want if you make one of me," he encouraged daringly, curious to see whether or not the other would take the challenge.

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - no more - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Mundane – activity worn until distinct is the lack of intrigue or real want to go about such things, muscle learning the behaviour necessary for such things to become second nature in a way. Ingrained within bone, caught in tangled thought that swirls about complex lines, driven towards something less within those moments. Basic is the stimulation behind it, enough to keep one going about each task, moving between each, but the monotony grows until it seems a stone.

Is this how you feel Sisyphus, caught in routine with only the burn of muscles driven to the brink to speak of life, caught in perpetual loop.

There is little to find of surprise when one seeks a way to break through it, ending what seems only to encircle, running back into itself. Childish may such a remedy prove to be, simplistic acts through which one may derive some sense of pleasure, breaking apart events that have grown tiresome, but such is little more than a footnote. Yet for the child toned in cinnamon they bore no such want, mind left drifting between simplistic structure of each thought contained in the small skull. All about them had proven too new for such a need to rear its head, caught, for the moment at least, in a desire for exploration, wonder in paws sparked with a want for adventure.

Warmth curled up short legs, slight the burn within muscles that tightened the further they wandered along the stretch of beach left a shimmering golden hue, brief contact of one apparent. Step is uneasy and rolling, drawing them slowly closer to where the three had set themself though few more seconds passed before the youth picked them out, easy sound of curiosity escaping parted lips. The structure was loose and held little in way of integrity, easy to destroy if such was the intent, but something within the child deemed CCLIV wanted not to destroy but make. Moving closer there was the slight flick of eyes directed towards the others present, unfamiliar in a way Victor was though slight was the memory, fuzzy from a mind caught in the wake of sleep.

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - Masie - 10-16-2018

CC was a curious little thing, different from the other Minnows around them considering that she had found the little feline herself. Apart from the clearly obvious things that made the small feline different? Masie could have sworn she heard the little thing trying to speak to her a few times, thought none of it was ever smooth enough to be understood. Of course, most of her early learning that let her speak perfectly now, involved mimicking Owen and Delta obsessively. Thus, the little raptor was wondering if maybe her kind weren't the only ones that could speak their language. "CC." she chittered the tiny felines name again, trailing after the cat and trying to see if she heard anything correct chittered back. Of course, the other was feline not raptor, so Masie had no idea how unlikely it was that they would ever be able to speak to each other short of maybe if CC one day became a telepath. Even than? Did raptors think the same as the other animals around them, who knew, they should be hundreds of thousands of feet underground.

Luckily she was observant even while focusing on CC since she was not in hunting mode, not even knowing that sort of insane single focus was possible for her. Masie easily realized what Victor was doing as her 'friend' stared at what was going on, tilting her head in curiosity, a low sound escaping her as her mind processed what was seen. Apparently, Victor was making some sort of nest, weird looking as it was. Did CC know how to make nests? The tiny raptor turned to her friend, opening her mouth in another noise angling her head down and scraping one foot across the ground. Once she had done that motion? The small creature wandered over, shoved her muzzle into the sand and tried to push more sand onto the nest that Victor was building. Everyone deserved a great nest, even if the location was wrong, the material weird and the shape alien. 

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - suvi. - 10-16-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Growing up surroundedy by fields and flowers, Suvi never built sand castles.  The ocean remained a foriegn entity, and the sand beside it unique as well.  The direwolf pup adjusted quickly however, and the unfamiliar had became familiar.  Her father's home was her home... Even if her siblings were across the massive body of water somewhere, worried.  Maybe da and I can send a message.  Across the ocean.  Past the waves.  Back to the grass and tall oak trees.

The pup slowly approached, her golden fur shining in the sun.  Her chocolate hues blinked curiously at the structure Victor worked on, head tilting over to the side as Maisie made an attempt to assist.  The child's brows creased and she turned her gaze upwards, towards Feliks and Bakugou, taking in their remarks carefully. So whatever Victor was doing with the sand it was 'childish' but... Artistic.  Something Suvi definitely could get in on.

Tail wagging, the minnow began to burrow into the sand beneath her own feet, and walked about, until she had a circle of higher sand in the middle.  This felt... Right.  Sort of .
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - raziel - 10-16-2018

"Sand castles?" The faerie tried to recall if he'd ever partaken such an activity.  Would have been before the war... He hummed softly, brows furrowed as he followed his curious daughter.  Whether he'd done it himself or not, Raziel understood the activity quite well.  Indeed, it fell under the creative arts.  Truthfully, the canine did not see such as childish; all were entitied to create art, regardless of age.  Even then, sometimes it took thinking like a child to produce something beautiful.

He tossed his gleeful child a smile, amusement gleaming in his eyes as he regarded her mannerisms.  Imitation as a way of learning.  "I suppose you've got a good moat there, a leanbh." A good place to start.  "Perhaps you can connect your castle to Victor's." Stars knew she'd need a bath to wash off all the sand at the end of this endeavor.

Re: crying out for more - sand castles - OWEN. - 10-16-2018

"Yeah, make one of those sand shapes and you'll have a deer for dinner, hunted by moi." Owen snickered in amusement, moving towards the group as his form settled down in the salty water instead, the cool waves washing over scalding hot scales. His child and her friend- CC, right?- were watching Victor make sand castles like normal children would be, but Owen wanted to make one himself.

So, reaching his long, powerful arm forward, the indominus rex began to dig into the sand with a single large talon, easily scooping up some sand for everyone to use. He could be useful for this, especially with how sharp his claws were- quite easy shovels, honestly.

"Come on, Bakugou. Don't be a party pooper, come make some sand castles." Owen snickered to the Reaver, a cocky grin on his face as his tail lashed around, attempting to spray Bakugou with sea water.


Re: crying out for more - sand castles - bubblegum - 10-16-2018