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Head Over Heels, Picture Perfect. - Printable Version

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Head Over Heels, Picture Perfect. - Masie - 10-15-2018

They were going somewhere today and Masie was so excited! Most days, Owen and Delta were intent on keeping her near the nest or scolding her for wandering too far. Little feet pattered across the ground as she ran swiftly to catch up to Delta, stopping to let the other get ahead a little bit, continually playing this game as they traveled. Masie was so excited to be going somewhere with Delta as most of her trips were with Owen or both of them. Getting to go somewhere alone with her big sister for at least a little while? Made the little creature so happy she was chittering the whole way as they went along, bouncy in her movements. "Food?" were they going to get something to eat, Masie would beyond love that, her stomach was grumbling again even though she had eaten roughly an hour ago. Considering she spent all of her time running, the infant raptor rarely stayed full for any decent length of time, unlike her sisters she could not just lay down, she had to keep moving. This instinct was to strength her long legs which were currently far weaker than the others.

"Delta! Delta!" she chittered her sisters name happily, running circles around the larger raptor as they walked along, occasionally ending up chasing her own tail like young animals sometimes did. Masie loved the larger female very much, and couldn't contain her exactment at this solo trip with Delta, it was the best thing ever. Sun filtered all around them, the tiny raptor pouncing on any sun spots she could catch moving in the forest, entertaining herself as they went along.

Little Masie had no idea what was coming, no idea that they were heading towards something dangerous. The sound of running water could be heard as they went towards a strange wooden pathway, nothing on either side of the wood expect for some ropes. At first? The infant was hesitant to follow her sister onto the bridge, but she trusted and loved Delta so it took only seconds for her to run in order to try to get next to Delta on the path. No clue what was coming.

Re: Head Over Heels, Picture Perfect. - - DELTA - - 10-15-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
//permission given to powerplay! And ready to open this when you are!

'Food.' Delta babbled back, and took a step onto the bridge, the old boards creaking under her weight, and the beta looked back, making sure Masie was behind her. Dark yellow optics stayed onto the younger raptor for a few moments, until she chose to trust Delta enough to step onto the bridge herself.

The pale green utahraptor was intelligent enough to lay a trap if needed, and now was the time. She didn't tolerate this new one's presence, only allowing her to live because she was under Owen's protection, like how the little feathered ones were under Lucifer's protection, and Delta knew that she couldn't handle fighting Luci on her own. Delta would come to a stop, looking down at the water below. 'Food.' She babbled again, waiting for Masie to come to a stop next to her, sickle claws tapping against the wood impatiently.

It all happened in less then a moment, Delta whipping around, long muscular tail slamming into Masie, flinging the young raptor into the water below, watching with a satisified purring as the brown raptor fell into the water, and to make sure she stayed down there.
© madi

Re: Head Over Heels, Picture Perfect. - Masie - 10-15-2018

So they would be getting food! Excitement riddled her body and she was nearly squirming while moving forward, steps larger than average. Trusting the beta of the pack was no trouble whatsoever, she barely questioned doing it. Far as the young raptor knew? Delta loved her the same way she loved the older raptor.

Rushing forward for the 'food' that her sisterhad promised, the loving infant had no idea that all of this was an elaborate trap set up by someone who only wanted her death. If she had the vocab? She would have apologized for making Delta wait causing the other to tap her claws in annoyance.

Everything was so quick that Masie had no idea what happened, she just felt her body move through the air as if she had mistepped and stumbled after a heaviness in her side. Masie wasn't even aware that Delta had struck her, only having seen her sister turn around. Barely a second in, this loud splash could be heard through the forest, followed by a brief struggle as if someone was drowning, before the forest went silent again.That 'struggle' had been the baby raptor breaking the surface of the water and struggling to climb out of the water before she realize that she could just float there and move around within it. This must have been the place for food Delta had spoken of, she had simply gotten too close to the edge and fell in, Delta's gaze downward was to see if she needed to be saved. Masie swam around, ducking her long neck under to grab something before swimming to the side and returning to the bridge to drop a living fish in front of the older female. Poor child had no idea her sister couldn't exactly swim the same way she could.

"Delta! Food!" she chittered happily, unaware her life had been endangered, happily offering the beta to eat the large trout she had snagged out of the water. Of course, she still really didn't know how to make a proper kill, so the thing was left alive flopping around in front of Delta.

Re: Head Over Heels, Picture Perfect. - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

Tracking to reply soon!