Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The cold went unnoticed.

If it hadn't, he would have found warmth in the blood on his paws, in his mouth, his belly. There was no need for runarounds as he had done in Sunhaven, and so it was relatively clean, swift in comparison. But he was still hungry, and the longer he stared at the deceased leopard, the longer he wanted to have another taste, and another, and another still, because it was insatiable. It wrung his stomach and his insides, like twisting water out of a rag, his self-control teetering dangerously. His appetite was already written over the leopard's body, signs of the meal he'd made of it.

The lion took a step back from the cooling corpse. The Ascendants' scent he left easily, with no need to twist it as he had in the past to suit his objective. His tracks were unnecessary to remove, and he marked off another bullet on the list. It was possible they would need further goading, unlike Sunhaven. They had been so simple to deceive, had chased after the bone Reaper had thrown like dogs starving. Snowbound was not led by someone that...eager for violence.

If he needed to return for more, he would. His hunger would not complain, and with a final glance at the scene, Reaper disappeared.


somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Indeed, Snowbound was not lead by someone who was quick to violence, but Atbash had learning that being assertive and putting her tribemates' protection above her own was something that was needed. With The Pitt taking over, the savannah learned how to take matters into her own paws instead of relying on everyone's opinion of things. If somebody hurt her tribemates, then action was to be taken immediately and she needed to stand by her decision, whether or not it she actually believed in it.

The scent of blood is what drew Atbash to the scene, her ears pricked as she followed the scent trail. There was a determined yet concern look to her face as she went forward, finding herself upon the body of the leopard. Atbash's heart skipped a beat as she realized that this had been a Snowbounder, murdered for what it seemed purely for sport. The Hailcaller opened her mouth to taste the air, trying to catch a whiff of The Pitt. However, to her dismay, she realized the only other scent around was The Ascendants, one of their allies.

Atbash looked around, trying to search for the perpetrator as much as she was able to with her limited field of view. When she didn't catch sight of anybody, she sighed and returned her gaze to the murdered Snowbounder and frowned in thought. I'm going to have to talk to them about this. She thought to herself, her short tail flicking as she moved to try and drag the leopard back to camp as much as she could. After all, they needed a vigil, did they not?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: white; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]❝ LA VI EST DROLE! ❞

The scent of blood is a sharp tang. Bitter yet sweet like the sweetest honey, and it clogs her nostrils and sits heavy in the back of her throat.

Her distaste is clear when she approaches with the soft pitter patter of padded paws against smooth, alabaster snow and soft crunches. Her nose, as pink as a rose's petal, wrinkles at the glaring scent of the Ascendants. Her dislike comes not from the kill, but at the blatant waste of food. Displeasure rippling beneath fiber-woven skin that ached for the blood of the body before her, Nui clamped her square teeth down on her tongue to stave her hunger. If Atbash wasn't adverse to it, perhaps the body would not go unused after all?

But the Icestriker would rather find the perpetrator, and stuff the abandoned carcass down their throat herself.

It was such a large carcass as well. To see it discarded in such a way made her blood boil.

Her sapphire gaze, glinting with hidden devilish intent, flickered to the form of Atbash valiantly attempting to drag the limp cadaver back to camp. She tuted gently, clicking her tongue against her mouth as she moved to assist, butting the head of her cranium against the other end of the jaguar that Atbash was not carrying. Perhaps it was a somewhat futile effort-- her body was miniscule in comparison to the predator before her.

"What shall we do? Surely we can't ignore the stench of our allies. This is unacceptable-- their actions, foolish at best." Grunting with effort and curling her lip with a serpentine hiss unbefitting of her current body, Nui goaded for a response from the leader. And then she resumed a moment later after a ginger pause.

"Shall I deal with the body after the vigil?"

Her methods for 'dealing' with the body were vague at best, the desire to utilize the skin in cruel ways breathing gently against her spine.



somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Even if Nui couldn't offer much help, it was at least something rather than just her lugging a much larger creature than her around. Atbash grunted her thanks out to the Icestriker as they moved towards camp and once they reached it, Atbash released their fallen tribemate and took in a breath of air. "Please," She huffed in response to Nui's question, her word practically a breath of air. Atbash looked down at the leopard that had been slain, her gaze clouded for a moment as if she was thinking. And she truly was - what were they to do? "I'm going to go talk to The Ascendants myself." She replied, looking over at Nui now. "What happens next will depend on how their leader acts." Bastilleprisoner wasn't their leader anymore, was he? Atbash had yet to meet their new leader so this was definitely going to be interesting, to say the least.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi