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who we want to be - abandoned child - Printable Version

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who we want to be - abandoned child - no more - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Gentle squeak, broken sound drawn from cracked lips, weight slight dangling from jaws that have grown tired. He had not thought this the outcome of such things, a life lead into the pits of despair ending within a trip where it might all end, but then he had found them. Huddled together, trembling as they murmured above the head of a child too young for all of this, barely able to comprehend anything. Fear had been present in wide blue eyes, soft sounds escaping, almost pleading in their want to understand. He knew not what made him speak up, voice breaking and shuddering, age clear within syllables that broke into rough coughs.

“I'm sorry child but this is as far as I go,” around cinnamon toned scruff words rise, body held jerking as though surprised, the one carrying them forgotten within the eddies of a young mind focused on only a few things. Well did he know the pain of a life lead within solitude, the loneliness that nipped at the heels as you ran, always trying to be one step ahead when no such chance was present to do so. He had promised them the child would be safe, given a chance they might never have, accepting though hesitance had been there. None of them wished to think of what might happen to the child, left in a cage until the day they had grown large enough to be used or sold, a pet for one who cared not for them but only the status such an exotic animal would bring.

Groan escaped as he placed the small bundle at the gate, drawn further into itself, faint shiver taking hold. All too small did it seem, the heavy weight of shackle about their wrist only adding to such, the skin beneath chaffed and raw from where it had rubbed. “You'll be safe here,” lie, half truth spun for ears that are deaf to such, can no more tell the sound apart and give them meaning then he can speak any sort of truth to them. The elder bore no knowledge of this place nor the people here, nothing but the scent they left speaking of their presence.

Reaching up he hit the bell as hard as he could, a solid strike that left it rocking before he was walking back over the tracks, pace quickening for he had no wish to meet those that would heed the bells song. They would be better off here where they might have shelter and food, someone to care for them, rather than an old man barely able to keep himself going. And so they waited, this tiny cub with cinnamon toned fur bearing a shackle engraved with CCLIV, restless in light sleep.

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - Masie - 10-15-2018

Picked up in post due to note in bio saying peaceful action allowed, if that's alright?

The chime of a bell sounded and Masie had never heard such noise before, it was annoying but not unpleasant, leading the two month old to desire finding out what the noise was. Ever strengthening legs carried her as she ran across the ground near the entrance to the territory, happy their nest was so close to the location.

When she arrived at the scene, Masie was greeted with a sight she had never seen before another baby much like herself but of a different species. Carefully, she bumped her noise against the bundle, sniffing it slowly and from this figuring out one thing. "Child." which meant it was not food, but it should have parents or family somewhere nearby like she had Owen and Delta for herself. Minutes passed, and Masie came to the conclusion that for some reason this child had no one, so she moved her small jaws to pick the creature up gently by its tail the same way she picked up anything else. Nearing the size of a domestic feline, she had just enough mass to her that she could carry this other child.

"Owen! Delta! Child! Owen! Delta! Child!" the tiny raptor chirped out the call from around the tail of the other animal, figuring that since it didn't have any family, she should bring it to Owen in order to figure out what she was supposed to do. Thus, she started her attempt to bring the feline kitten to her father, so he could teach her what to do when she saw something like this. Or Delta, her sister would work too.

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - - DELTA - - 10-15-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
How Delta has not killed this child yet, she didn't know. The large utahraptor approached, lips curling back in distaste at Masie for a moment or two, more focused on the tiny kitten, who Delta had yet to determine was food or a threat, but was leaning towards the former, though still wary. She knew well enough even the most harmless looking creatures had strange abilities, creating fire out of thin air, or causing immense amounts of pain, as she approached, chuffing in curiousity.

After a few moments, Delta would raise her head, tail elevating a bit, and claws outstretched as she let out a shriek. A display of dominance. If the kitten showed any fear or aggression, they were as good as dead.

© madi

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - OWEN. - 10-15-2018


Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - no more - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]A pendulum caught in a loop, weight drawing it back and forth. Yet it was not metal encased within the protective case of wood and glass but flesh and bone, fragile little thing. Brief moment, heart lurching as breath rushes forth in a sudden exhale, the sensation of movement drawing back a mind caught beneath barren slumber. Blurry are the eyes that open, blue encased in the cinnamon and black of gentle features, gentle noise speaking of irritation escaping. For a short time they think nothing of danger believing it is he, the strange creature that had brought them to this place, murmur gentle words as if to reassure yet it had been noise falling upon deaf ears.

They harbour no knowledge of the sounds, no structure behind it though intent was there, short and sharp. There are no words to be found in such things and body is twisting as best they might, legs kicking out as they try to swing around, glimpse of the thing holding them all they are afforded. Slow is the trudge of thoughts, never quite piecing together the small portion they had been able to see, swinging back around until they are once more hanging limply. And then another was present, leather stretched over heavy body, sound drawn from it one they had never heard before.

Breath was drawn in and eyes widened, paws lifting until eyes were covered. Clear was the terror of the cub, drawing in as best it could, jagged scream escaping as leg was jostled. Lost to them was the knowledge of the break, sustained from hasty retreat, the ill effects of bad healing made apparent when it had broken anew only a few days prior.

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

Children, dropped off at the borders directly next to a feral raptors nest. It was stupid to do so, especially with Delta lurking around every corner, but Owen knew Masie was the balance the pack needed. She knew the difference between child and prey, and children were not to be eaten. They couldn't defend themselves.

So, the large figure of Owen pushed through the trees, massive arms carrying him as he bent down to walk on all fours, a soft rumble leaving his throat before he chittered towards Delta gently. "Not food." He gently scolded the older raptor, before leaning his large snout down for Masie to climb onto his head where the blanket was rested. He had decided that the blanket could stay, he didn't mind giving his girls rides. "Masie. Up. Bring child." Owen babbled to his youngest daughter, his english soon coming out to soon the scared cub.

"It's alright, little one. The small one won't hurt you, and I'll protect you." Breathed Owen, his voice rough from disuse. It'd been a few days, it was unfamiliar to him almost.


Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - Masie - 10-15-2018

The tiny raptor had been calling for her family to learn what to do about another child without any family of its own, for them to tell her what to do. Instead of any instruction? Delta hissed with stretched claws at the feline dangling from her jaws as if this was some sort of threat or prey. However, Masie was smart enough to imply from past lessons given by Owen that children were not food. What was causing her sister to act so weird, didn't she know that their alpha didn't deem children food, thus they shouldn't? Amber optics showed their confusion as she slowly backed away from her sister with the small feline held in her mouth. Whatever was going on with Delta, she looked dangerous the noise she made wasn't right for this, something wasn't right and Masie wasn't just going to let her sister kill another child knowing that children were not food.

Owen showed up, calling back the older raptor who seemed to for some reason not be able to tell by scent that this was a child not food. If she had the vocabulary? Masie would have asked why the mistake was made, but instead worked on getting onto her father with the small feline. Simply leaping up, seemed unwise considering she had seen mice die when she shook them up too much and this thing rocked with her movements. Eventually, the child would turn herself around, place her front claws on the ground, stretching her back legs out to set them on his nose, scooting them back slowly to drag the rest of her body up but try to keep the child from moving too much or being set down entirely due to her sisters behavior. Getting onto him? Took a good five minutes due to the strange method she used, but not long after she settled herself to sit on the red blanket, still holding the feline by it's tail, though at this point its back was likely also against the blanket. "Masie, Child, Up." she chittered after she had settled, only knowing what he wanted since this was not the first time she had been on his body. Considering she slept on him? She had to have heard up before.

"Child, No Owen, No Delta, Child?" it was the best way she could figure out to ask why the child was all alone, why no parent or sibling was watching after this thing. Honestly, it seemed dim. What if Delta had found the child before she had? The older female would have eaten the kid from how she had been behaving.

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - - DELTA - - 10-15-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The confusion on Masie's face and her backing away didn't help, not at all. Delta had never been taught that children were any different from food. Only food or threats. She could recall a time when Owen had been allowed to take Delta and her sisters out of their enclosure, when they were young, taking them to an abandoned building. Back then, Owen didn't have much say in what happened to them, unlike with Masie, who he was free to train her as he wanted to. It was just test after test, whether behavioral or physical.

She could remember when Owen would pretend to show weakness, gauging their reactions to their leader. Delta had attacked him, along with Charlie and Echo, and he was swift to prevent little teeth from tearing chunks out of him. But Blue had been the only one to show concern, empathy even, trying to comfort Owen. Delta remembered pausing from her chewing on the toys provided and snapping at Barry, the handler she had been assigned that day, to watch this in confusion. It simply didn't match up with what she knew, and if Blue hadn't been able to overpower her, she would've seen Blue as weak. Masie was fortunate enough to never have gone through that.

A loud snort could be heard from Delta, who stared for a few more moments before backing away. Testing how much, no matter how little it was, she could get away with.
© madi

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - darci - 10-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]What a wonderful way to be greeted, especially with such a young child being the victim. He held a slight distaste for the raptors, at least, even since Owen had threatened him with the dinosaurs when Victor had joined. They were too large and too wild, a rather bad combination. He hoped the Typhoon had some type of island insurance. Carefully keeping an eye on the dinosaurs, the oh-so-normal husky was quick to arrive no long after Owen. "Awful young to be here alone," mused the male. Surly there had be a parent of some sort around, but upon investigation, he did not scent nor see one. Were they abandoned? If so, he prayed they got shredded alive by a bear - The ultimate form of a terrible death back in Alaska. That, and drowning. It was not very pleasant itself either. Maybe they would be attacked by a bear and then drowned. They seemed like the better option. "Where're your parents at kid?" He was fearful that he already knew the answer, but he was not one to jump to conclusions so quickly.

Re: who we want to be - abandoned child - suvi. - 10-15-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The little direwolf pup popped up behind the husky, chocolate hues gleaming with curiousity.  Not too terribly long ago, she'd been on her own.  Rocking on a little boat in the ocean.  Scared out of her wits.  Sure her family would rescue her but they were so far.  At least her da lived on this island she'd found.  A new pack.  Albiet one with frightening creatures such as raptors.  Suvi frowned lightly, a soft amber glow emitting from her golden fur.

The child watched Victor quietly, brows creased as he inquried the important question.  A concerned whine rumbled in her throat, tail low.
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