Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - BABY — - 10-15-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
A training session. Why Moonmade had entrusted him with this week's training session was still unknown to him. Perhaps he had taken note of his aggression and strength in Bubonicplague's training? Titan didn't want to necessarily proclaim himself as a powerful, masterful being, though. Wasn't Bubonicplague just as capable for this week? Perhaps he needed a break for some reason, or perhaps Moonmade was testing him. Testing his leadership skills, his own fighting abilities, who knew. The lion wasn't going to refuse his orders. He had never hosted an official training session before, but he had been involved with many throughout his cubhood. As long as no powers were involved, then he was confident that everything would run smoothly.

The lion stood in the observatory's grasses, the slight daytime breeze whisking past his mane. Thankfully, word had gotten around that his training session was being held at this exact moment, because he didn't take too well to aimlessly yelling and hoping to get the attention of his clanmates. If anyone cared to attend, they would be arriving here momentarily.

"The training session is starting now." Titan announced, sweeping his gaze over those gathered ( and in the process of gathering ). "We can't deal with Sunhaven if we're ill-prepared. So, I'm going to have all of you pair up. Whether you're outsized by your opponent or not doesn't matter; it certainly doesn't matter in a real battle." He would hope that these people knew better than to actually injure each other, but he also believed that trying to match sizes was pretty unrealistic.

Titan blinked, and added, "But first, take a lap around the Observatory." The area was pretty vast, though he felt that just one lap would be enough for a warm-up before beginnng.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - agathe. - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Side freshly bandaged and yet still sore, Agathe wondered if she'd be allowed to participate in this little training session. She supposed that her long, red cloak hid the evidence of her injury relatively well, the only real indicator of her discomfort the slight limp on her right side, but she still worried that somebody from her joining would remember that she was slightly incapacitated and shut down her hope of engaging in a fight. She had endured far more in far worse conditions though, and was prepared to argue for the sake of burning her own killing-edge off, heart thrumming in her chest as adrenaline coursed readily through her veins.

"Yeah, I'll participate," Agathe informed, teeth flashing as she stepped back in search of a formidable opponent. She had been idle for too long, a mere bystander to the world as she ran from her clan and her grandmother's wicked claws. "Who wants to be my partner?"

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - FUBUKI - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]After last week's apathy towards training, Ren should've been smart enough to no-show and pretend that he missed the call. More calls in regards to the other clans potentially showing up had been the thing to pique his interest and well, it was true when they said that curiosity killed the cat. Shrinking his bicoloured form through slouching and crouching, the tom was limiting how much he stood out against the green backdrop, and for good reason. Running when it was so early in the morning (it wasn't that early) felt like a death sentence on legs already beat up by a poor sleep schedule influenced by the elders of the group. These 'training' sessions were instead used as a wits test by the feline in order to see how well he could manipulate what was being said to get out of chores. Take a lap could've just meant walking, or gracing one's tongue against the surface of the observatory - even with a sandpaper-esque tongue, the latter almost sounded worse than sprinting though. Even as the newcomer called, eyes flashing with a competitive spirit, the male's passion for idling about didn't change. 

Finding a perfect place to sit down, far enough away from the others to look like a rock but close enough to watch the different battle styles, Ren would curl himself up into a ball, ears barely poking out from the tall grasses. His vision may've been blocked by wet glades of grass, but the male figured he could see and hear enough to get an idea of what everyone would be doing. Whether you're outsized it doesn't matter since it don't matter in real battles he found himself repeating mentally, rubbing his cheek against his own alabaster forepaw. He'd disagree but also digress, there was no shame in backing off and regrouping if one turned out to be too hot to handle - how else would Ren've survived against a tiger? Amorphous power aside, he was still dwarved by the striped creatures in his other form. It always seemed smarter to just retreat if things got hairy, justice was important but was rarely worth throwing your life away for.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - MOONMADE - 10-16-2018

[size=9pt]"Hold the fuck on." Says Moon, sporting glassy, painfully sleepless eyes and the attitude of someone who's experiencing caffeine withdrawal like no other. He stands a couple of feet from Titan and gives him a look so disbelieving it's almost concerning. Running? Absolutely not. "You want us to do laps?" Again, with the melodramatic emphasis on words. "Jesus, Titan. I knew you were some breed of demon, but I didn't realize it was the type that'd make us do cardio." A long pause, and then he waves his paw in the air and turns away. "Training session cancelled. I'd rather be served up as Filet de Lion in a Sunhaven Deli than run."

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - BABY — - 10-16-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Hm, there was not much of a turnout as of yet. There were people lingering around, perhaps wanting to simply observe for now or not participate at all. One of the newer members had also shown up, determined to spar even if she was freshly bruised and bandaged. Casting a glance towards her, the lion flicked a rounded ear and said, "You're sure that you want to do this? It wouldn't be too good if you re-opened your wounds." He wasn't going to force her not to fight, but if she somehow injured herself, then he wouldn't want to be held accountable.

The voice of the leader also entered his ears, and so he swiveled his large cranium towards the other. Titan could obviously sense Moonmade's sarcasm, though it didn't not gain a laugh or even a chuckle from the observer. Eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement, however, and he replied, "It's one lap. I'm not asking for a lot." The ground area was pretty large, yes, but one lap around should be enough to get blood pumping. "Besides, stretching and warming up your muscles prevents pulling or tearing them." Titan had remembered his mentors telling him that, and the apprentices in his pride would always participate in some form of a warm-up before the training session officially began.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ every single night we fight ﹙ o, training session ﹚ - EROS - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Training of the body was not something that the blight had ever really done. It had not been permitted back in the Pitt when he had been a slave so he had no proper training of anything really. His mind was what he trained the most and what he attempted to gain from. The idea of physical training had made him curious and that was the only reason the emaciated looking male made his way over. His pink marble gaze looked over Titan for a moment before he looked at his paws debating if it was wise to participate considering his body. He wouldn't call himself fragile and even with his size he was no brute. He knew that he bruised easy and broke bones easier than some but perhaps that was because of his upbringing and poor nourishment. A frown pulled at his muzzle for a moment before he grew enough resolve to step forward toward the group that was already there. They seemed to be talking about the training and he allowed himself to breath in before he settled down with the rest of them. Glancing at Moonmade he allowed a soft chuckle to leave his throat at his antics before he forced himself to become quiet and listen to Titan. A lap around the Observatory. Well, that was easy, he could do that and he pushed himself to his paws before stretching out his legs and taking a deep breath in. "Will someone run with me? Just to make sure...I don't slow down or anything like that."