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SO TEACH AND TELL ME || Meeting 10/15 - Printable Version

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SO TEACH AND TELL ME || Meeting 10/15 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-15-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
With the wind blowing about, it was an awfully chilly morning. Atbash almost didn't want to venture out of her cabin to go to the Banquet Hall to hold the meeting. Unfortunately, duty called and her cabin wasn't large enough to hold the entire tribe inside. Atbash cast one last glance at the egg she found at the border, double checking to make sure it was near the fireplace and getting as much heat as possible (as well as not burning down her home). With reassurance that everything was going to be okay while she was gone briefly, the she-cat went off into the cold, closing her door as quickly as possible to make sure it wouldn't freeze the egg inside and rushed off towards the Banquet Hall.

"Snowbound, gather around for a meeting!" As usual, the Hailcaller tried calling out to her tribe telepathically, making hot chocolate as quickly as she possibly could before they arrived. As her tribemates came into the large cabin, she begun handing out the cups and sat down, a chill going through her spine. "I'll try to make this as quick as possible," She begun, trying to keep a smile to her face as she spoke. "Tamaghna has returned to us this past week and Miluina joined us. I also found an egg by our border in which I decided to keep. It's in my cabin right now." And I hope it doesn't burn it down. She added to herself, mentally snorting. "I decided that I'm going to call whatever pops out of the egg Obsidian." After all, the egg itself was black and hot to the touch, so presumably the creature inside would be the same color, would it not.

Rolling her shoulders, Atbash went on, "Dimitri is demoted. With as small as Snowbound is, I really need my high positions around and supporting the tribe." After all, what was a leader without people who helped her out? "I would like to give Nui a shoutout however, for some exciting news." Sort of. Snowbound was still small and Atbash worried about that, but now wasn't the time to worry about that.

"We... obviously still have our ghost problem." Atbash went on quickly, her charred ear flicking. "So I've decided to use Delilah's suggestion from the Mass Gathering - to put salt outside and around our cabins to try and ward them off. I... honestly don't know if it will work," She let out an embarassed laugh before going on, "But it won't hurt to try, y'know?" She paused, trying to see if there was anything else to announce. Not thinking of anything, she finally said, "Meeting dismissed unless anybody offers any ideas to chase off the ghosts or has any other announcements."

- Atbash made hot chocolate for everyone!
- Welcome to [member=2497]Miluina[/member] and [member=2558]egg[/member] (whom is named Obsidian by Atbash)
    - [member=2169]TAMAGHNA D.[/member] has returned!!
- [member=1172]dimitri.[/member] has been demoted. Thank you for being apart of Snowbound and contributing to things!
    - [member=1463]NUI HARIME[/member]  gets a shoutout!
- Atbash is trying Delilah's suggestion of using salt as a way to keep ghosts from entering the cabins.
- OOC Prompts are up, don't forget!
- Don't forget about the October CDC as well! You can still type up your prompts no matter what day it is, although you can't post past whatever the current day is.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi