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RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - Printable Version

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RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - tristitia - 10-14-2018


Run. Run. Run! That’s all the pup thought to do. That’s all her legs would allow her to do. The pup was a mess. Her white, her cream — even her brown fur was mottled with blood. It didn’t look right, it didn’t feel right. It was not even her blood. Somehow, this precious scarf avoided the blood.  It was the one thing to not have the red liquid on it. The rest of her, on the other paw, did. She remembered how it got there so clearly.

She used to be part of a mafia. Where people would get whacked, where crime was rampant, and there were strict hierarchies. But one day, just as she approached a month and a half, a human that wore black and red took her in. She was trained, as a Carabinieri dog. She saved her owner in a sense. He was so, so lonely. And deemed her a gift from Heaven. Cealica mia.

March. March. March.
Do your drills correctly, march in step. Life in their military-police Force fit her. She was used to hierarchy, but she was safe for the most part. She watched him wear his uniform with a teal scarf — and get yelled at. Because he wasn’t in proper uniform.

Walk. Walk. Walk.
That was, until one day, her human grabbed her, and walked away from his post. Despite her barks and protests, nearly trying to run away, they hid out for a couple days. In a cave, with a fire and warmth. Everything they needed to survive. Eventually, she enjoyed this and her trainer’s company.

Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.
That’s what happened. Other officers stormed into their cave. It was an overwhelming presence. And then, then... they shot. Loud bangs echoed in the pup’s ear as the officer fell. Her trainer. Her master. She whimpered, laying beside him. He wraps the teal and pastel blue scarf around her, and whispers one last thing. "Che Dio vi protegga."

Run! Run! Run!
And here we are. He was gone. Up in Heaven. And she would have the same fate if she dared to stop. She would crash into the waves below. She makes a turn, too sharp and falls upon the boardwalk that Sunhaven calls home. Fear rushes through Cealica, and she tries to get words out, in English. But they come out in her native language."Aiutami!" Her scared voice is a cry, a cry for help. The pup is not in danger, yet it feels like it. And now she’s in a place that she does not know.

polvere di vita che ha
ricoperto tutta la bellezza

Re: RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - rhosmari - 10-16-2018

The sound of scrapping paws against the boardwalk seemed to pull the woman out of her sickened stupor. Her head shaking as she lifted it up from where she rested, that black ooze dripping from her nostrils. Her weakened form shaking and shivering as she looked toward the door. She had no idea what it was but she knew she had to see what it was. With what strength she had left the hellhound pushed herself from her bed, stumbling forth and almost falling as she leaned heavily up against the door of her home. Forcing her way out she could barely stay on her paws as her vision shifted and moved, tails just hanging behind her as she lifted a paw to try and wipe off her nose but that left her imbalanced and she felt the world tip as she fell against the boardwalk. A light groan left her throat but the very sickly leader pushed herself back up to try and figure out what the situation was here. The sound of fear, the smell of it lingering harshly in the air made her head lift up and she swallowed thickly before turning her snake like gaze around the area and that was when she saw the child. Her chest seemed to tighten as she noticed the blood that dappled her pelt and she sucked in a soft breath as she attempted to go to her. To at least comfort her in some way but maybe she would catch her sickness and she didn't want that. Forcing herself to stay paused where she stood the woman would lower herself so that she was eye level with the disheveled pup. "Oi, it's alright. Ya are safe and in Sunhaven. It's okay..." Though she sounded heavily tired she swallowed once before pressing on. "Name's Marina...what's ya's?"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - Aelios S. - 10-17-2018

Now Fin wasn't all that familiar with Italian, but they know the basic structure of the language. Since it came from the basic roots of latin.  The feline sauntered over hearing a cry of which they could easily translate judging from the tone it certainly came from was help.

Small paws hit the boardwalk carefully, they hated the feeling of wood under their paws, towards where Marina, and the unknown child were.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance? I don't think the child's strength is in English. I only know Latin. But she did say help." they said softly has they lowered themselves down onto the creaky board walk.

Re: RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - tristitia - 10-19-2018

The mutt did not expect someone so... weak looking to help her. It wasn’t in a bad way, but she did not look like she should be out. In another sense, she was so, so tall. Much taller than she expected. Cealica’s ear’s flattened as black ooze dripped from her nostrils. What was that, that could not be healthy. The pup walks over to the hellhound, not knowing she could get sick, and tried to wrapher scarf around Marina. Despite understanding English, she could only respond in Italian. "Me chiamo... ma chiamo Cealica. Um... Chell-ee-ca."

The small child looked over at Infirmaryward and offered a smile. Though she knew Latin, she much preferred Italian. Still... they could get bits and pieces from it.

//sorry on mobile + phone dying
polvere di vita che ha
ricoperto tutta la bellezza

Re: RUNS IN THE FAMILY // o, joiner - Aelios S. - 10-19-2018


Now Fin was not that good with languages when they were first learning them, took them ages to learn latin, even longer to learn Greek.  The feline nodded their head bobbing for a brief moment, they were going to try no matter what come hell or high water,  it took a good moment to realize that Marina was not in the exact physical state that they would propose for them or anyone to be in.  " Er me chiamo Infirmaryward er you can call me Fin. Me chiamo Fin."  Oh dear this was going to be a while. 