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KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Printable Version

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KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Aelios S. - 10-14-2018

Normally the coast line was cold, this place was different.  It was warm, Infirmaryward felt out of place.  They were carrying blankets and a load of scarves that they had made beforehand.  All this space it was taking was becoming a problem so they knew their crafts were going to better homes.  They really needed to stop making blankets and scarves out of pure boredom, but it kept their hands er paws busy.  Besides it was really relaxing towards them, especially living in Sunhaven, of which they wished could stay in that fall season.

But this place was beautiful, from what they could already see.  It was something to behold,  and it was really humid.  Good lord was it humid, they were glad that they shed off their sweater before getting closer to the border, wherever the border was.  Probably where they get to something that might be a scent,  they took into account for them to start perhaps collecting those green bunches that were dangling from palm trees, those look interesting, perhaps they could use them in their baking, of which they have brought supplies for that.  Baked goods did not manage in travel conditions, unless they were made to be sturdy and break teeth when chewed a upon.

Finally coming to place to stop, the feline carefully laid down the bags that held their wares, and huffed a sigh.  The trek was tiresome, but so worth it.  “ Whew! Seven seasons of slaughter it’s warm!  How does anyone manage this climate? So different from back at home dat’s for sure.” they muttered slightly as much as a person could mutter with a mouth mask.

Now they just had to wait until someone spotted them onto their border.  After all first impressions, and they hoped the person wasn’t an arsehole.


Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Masie - 10-14-2018

Home was the nest near the entrance to the island, where she mostly played with the bones of prey the pack had killed in the past which happened to be still be nearby. Oh! She also chased plenty of bugs, which was why she had strayed outside her packs sleeping area. However, while she was pursuing her latest butterfly, the two month old spotted something that she deemed shouldn't have been there, it didn't smell like them and it didn't look like anyone who had been deemed alright. "OWEN! DELTA! OWEN! DELTA" her hoarse and rough call could instantly be heard as she scrambled around a few feet away, calling for her pack because this wasn't someone she knew. Masie was young, but thanks to the way Delta was attached to Owen she had a concept of stranger danger. This creature wasn't like them or their group, and she was tiny still, not big like her sisters.

Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - rhosmari - 10-14-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FILL ME UP WITH NOVOCAINE AND NOW I'M JUST NUMB — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The strange screeching was what caught the white doberman's attention, gaze widening ever so slightly considering he had never heard anything like it before. It almost pained his ears how it continued over and over again but he understood it as some sort of calling perhaps. Animals had instincts to recognize sounds but perhaps not the true meaning of them and he was confused and curious all the same. Flicking his bobbed tail slightly the male would slowly and carefully make his way from the Bay, risking the journey to see what was going on. Or rather, attempt to understand what was going on. His body was rigid and tense as his paws spread over the ground with careful steps that would very much allude to his poor eyesight but he couldn't rush it or he would most likely end up hurting himself in the long run. Gaze narrowing a bit he allowed himself to pause and look toward the gate where the noise was coming from and he also tilted his head as he noted a different scent, something new altogether. He'd never encountered it before so he guessed he would go and see what was all the fuss.

Taking his time though the pale creature would make his way toward the area, lightly tapping his paw against the ground where he stopped and looked at the strange blob who held a different smell then what he was used to smelling. "And who might you be?" He spoke with his usually deep yet smooth tone as he settled himself down on his haunches, one ear pulled back to hear the still screeching of the other that he couldn't identify yet. He had heard that there were raptors in the area and he hoped he didn't become a meal for them. The idea along was not appetizing and he sighed before he caught a whiff of what seemed to be baked goods. "Are you a traveling salesman?" Smelling the sweets had his teeth already aching.

Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - darci - 10-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]"Hello. Can we help you with something?" He made sure to keep a bit a distance away from the dinosaur that managed to beat him here. While he had yet to see any of the larger raptors he had been warned about, he was sure the baby one would be just a scrappy as the others. Thankfully, this one did not attack the visitor. Even if she did, Victor was not sure if he would even be able to fend off the raptor. His blue eyes drew to the blankets and scarves and his interest had peaked. While the island was far too hot for such items, it occasionally got a bit chilly here. Despite that, Victor was a sucker for fashionable scarves.

He knew very little of Sunhaven, but he had heard a few groupmates talk about them here and there. While he was well aware of what they were, he was still naive about who was friend and who was foe. Either way, Victor saw no reason to be stern here for he saw no immediate threat.

Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

It was like the very moment the massive indominus rex had heard the call of his child, Owen had shot up onto his feet, a loud clicking resonating from his throat as he called for Delta. The ten feet tall rex wasn't feral, but he could still speak the same tongue that his girls did, and a broadcasting call from Masie meant there were strangers at the border.

Trees seemed to part awkwardly as Owen thrusted his way through the forest, the large dinosaur letting out an answer to his daughter. 'Calm. Not prey.' Owen grumbled to Masie, holding his tail out for the smaller raptor to climb onto his large body to rest. Safety, he would protect his girls and this territory.

"The name's Owen, this girl is named Masie. Uh, I have another daughter who should be showing up pretty soon.. Her name is Delta." Owen introduced himself calmly, turning his large head to look at the creatures below him with a single working amber eye.


Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Masie - 10-15-2018

The trees parted against the greatness of her father and Masie scrambled to meet him. Once she united with the Rex she perched on his foot, staying there for what seemed to be a decent length of time. Delta hadn’t show up yet and that made her sad for some reason. Owen was enough though, father big as he happened to be was still sweet.

”Not Back?” she had shaken understanding of certain words due to the occasional times Delta needed to keep her from messing up. The way she chirped showed a good recall and that in spite of the fact she chased everything that moved it wasn’t always about food. It actually seemed masie had been concern there may have been danger.

Once the large male gave his okay, the tiny raptor would stumble forward to the pile of blankets and instantly attempt to climb them.

Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Aelios S. - 10-15-2018

What in the name of all that was holy and unholy was that?  Their neck hair stood at attention at the sound that sounded like a banshee’s and a dying frogs croak mashed all together.  Fin just hoped that whatever it was, it wasn’t going to make a meal out of them, after all they were here to unload their crafts to anyone who wanted it.  Also on a personal note, they have never seen a dinosaur before, so they were even more cautious, what the hell was that thing? It wasn’t a mammal, it was more reptile, but not like your traditional reptile, it was way faster than a lizard.

Of course they were going to stay by their wares, they worked hard on this stuff.  Dino or not, they were not going to budge, but they would like to learn what the fast reptile like creature was, and how to be careful around them.  Since they were of course going to be on probably scent to scent basis, at least towards the raptor to Fin.  “ It’s small.  Pretty small from what I can see, pretty sure that one just called for backup. Oh dear, I do not want to become chow.”

A upon the arrival of others, one been a dog, the other been whatever the hell it was.  Fin nodded their head, and took a deep breath.  “ Oh your fine.  Er what exactly are they if you don’t mind me asking?” Fin asked waving a paw towards the smaller dino.  As for Victor, the feline felt themselves straighten.  “ See something that tickles your fancy sir? Handmade and vera comfortable if I say so myself.” 

“Oh I am Infirmaryward, you can call me Fin or whatever you fancy.  I’m from Sunhaven.”   they finally remembered to add that additional information incase someone else asks.

Fin hoped that their hand held pies, er paw held pies managed to stay intact through the trip.  Heaven knows a sticky sweet mess was not in their favor to clean right now,  the feline tilted their head towards Latterday,  “ Hello? Interested in a blanket, sweets? Or a scarf sir?” they asked, before a very subtle chuckle escaped them watching the baby raptor attempt to ‘climb’ their blankets,  not possible since they weren’t exactly rideable.


Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

With a sigh, Owen nodded towards Masie, allowing her to go adventure and scent just the many fabrics. He just hoped she wouldn't ruin any of the blankets with those sharp talons of hers. "She's a raptor, a dinosaur of sorts. We both are." Owen informed the male, gesturing towards a reddish blanket that had 'tickled his fancy'.

"Mind showing me that red blanket? It looks pretty nice, could be a good little addition to the girls' nest." Owen rumbled, babbling soft praises to Masie as she shuffled through the blankets and scarves. He couldn't reach down himself, he was much too big, but he was sure with his tail extended out for the other to set the blanket down, they could pass it over to him.


Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - Aelios S. - 10-15-2018


Raptor he says, Fin had never exactly heard of raptor.  Thank god for books,  they knew they were going to spend a good enough of time reading on whatever a raptor was.    Nodding their head in understanding, they weren’t too upset if the baby raptor did end up damaging their wares,  things happened,  moving on.  Picking up the said red blanket they handed over to Owen, draping it over his tail.   “Fine choice.” they would murmur nodding.


Re: KING AND LIONHEART| Visiting - the trash man - 10-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]"what's going on here?" intrigued by the sounds and scents of a mixture of groups, the small girl trotted idly up to the border to investigate the foreigner boy. dusty pink gaze drifted over those gathered, resting on the boy handing out blankets and other warm related items. jealous. linux liked the look of some of those items and the child wasn't sure what to do - typically linux stole things. there was no way in hell that linux could steal from someone in plain sight, but couldn't let go of those thoughts about how soft those blankets were. "got any.. any pink blankets? or white ones? fluffy? sparkly?" excited by the choices, the girl's enthusiasm was evident in their elated tone too.