Beasts of Beyond
FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Printable Version

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FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Whisper - 04-14-2018

Welcome to my thread!!
o1. While i usually don't make a habit of makeing my own premade templates- I do know how to code- rather well in my own opinion! I tend to prefer simpler designs & It's probably the only thing I'll post around in my storage.
o2. [u]Do not post in my storage thank.
o3. You don't need to post here to tell me your using one of my codes! Feel free to nab one whenever! This thread is mostly to see if anyone is really interested in seeing me make more. So if you like them- please do coment! I would love to know if anyone is actually using these.
o4. [u]Do Not remove my watermark. thank you.
o5. feel free to edit these to your heart's content!
- i fact, i fully encourage it: there are secret messages in some of them so - enjoy! <3

Here's the thread!
here is one for bio's

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Luciferr - 04-15-2018

these be coolio c;

I can't make a fancy to save my life lmao, these are neato whisper

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Whisper - 04-18-2018

Thanks Luciferr! ^^

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - pallid-i - 07-07-2018


Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - XYLO - 07-11-2018

These are exactly what I needed- tysm!! I love love love the fade out gradient on the gif in 8. It's super useful


Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Luciferr - 08-01-2018

yo figured I'd drop in an ask about if its okay to post the modified for the char fancies in Charcater storages? If only because I wanna keep a kinda 'record' of my past fancies ? :3

I'm A-okay with a no if its not, just figured I'd ask first Wisk c:

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - HITOSHI - 08-02-2018

these are amazin', thanks~

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Seina - 08-03-2018

stealing one of your fp c;
this one are amazing by the way <33

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - Sympathy - 08-07-2018

these are so pretty aa using a posting fancy <3

Re: FLIMSY LIES || Premade Fancyposts! - freerunnerwolf - 08-09-2018