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OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - Printable Version

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OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - TSUYU. - 10-14-2018

One would never know when she would wake up, the frog hybrid encased in ice and hibernating. She had suffered from an injury, her hips needed to heal, but she had enough already. She wanted to sleep, wanted to just take a short nap and recover like that, but yeah.. No. Her body was yelling for her to get up, to awaken.

With one crack, then two, the ice that had encased her body had shattered into pieces, dissolving and slipping into her water bottle. She noticed how there were marker bits everywhere, they must have pulled pranks on her, but Tsuyu merely remained calm.

It was like she had shed her skin, her fur glistening with newfound feeling as she stretched her limbs out. With a loud croak, Tsuyu's tongue slipped out of her mouth, wiping away any sticky substances left from her little.. Hibernation.

Then, a voice caught her attention, and the green frog hybrid turned to see who it was. "Long time no see, Froppy." Dabi, the dark blue wolf, stitched up in an ugly fashion. He looked like a scarecrow. Seems he had been sleeping in her cave, waiting for her awakening.

"Where have you been?" Tsuyu asked the canine, moving towards the male to roughly grab his stitched up chin, checking him off. Last she heard, he was dead. "What's dead never truly dies, hun." Dabi murmured through a grunt of pain, yanking his head out of her grasp.

What have I missed, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked the lupine, and the blue-eyed male grinned up at her. "Stryker is leader now, your little enemy Valkr is gone, he ran off like a little bitch." Dabi muttered, a lazy smile on his face. Meanwhile, the look on Tsu's face was making him uncomfortable. She looked fucking crazy, her pupils dilated in ecstasy as she imagined her ex-master being on a throne atop blood and bones, venom dripping from his toxic fangs. 

How.. Attractive.

//feel free to reply before he does!

Re: OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - ;;bryn harbringer - 10-16-2018

bryn did not know who tsuyu was, as the girl had been around only after she encased herself in ice. there was no mention of her either when she went on her brief outings to socialize before returning home. the girl was curious though when she heard the cracking of ice echo from the other side of the canyon. she hesitantly stepped out of her nest, carrying her elephant blanket around her neck and leaving to investigate. the sand broke out in broken swirled patterns behind her, though she didn't seem to realize.

the ragdoll peered in, looking between the two creatures. "who... are you?" she asked both of them, a little uneasy by both their appearances.


Re: OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - COSMIIX - 10-16-2018

The recently promoted Marauder came over but only because he had heard the goice of his daughter, the striped beast would twitch his whiskers hovering behind Bryn in a protective manner. The tiger hadn't seen Tsuyu in a long while and her sudden reappearance made a soft snort escape him recalling when he had drew something lewd on her shoulder yet he didn't let any of the amusement show up on his face. "Hey, you two. Welcome back from your sleep, Princess Frog." Hell, Quill was hoping she would have stayed asleep so he could have pulled a few more pranks yet that didn't seem to be the case and that was fine. At least, they had the psychotic frog back but the way she was drooling over Stryker made the tiger want to hurl. Blegh. The tiger would blink his mixed gaze to both Dabi and Tsuyu "Is he your Prince Charming? I can only assume especially with you being awake now," A sly grin tugging at his maw but he kept Bryn close to him not wanting any of those bastards near his daughter.

Re: OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - TSUYU. - 10-16-2018

Princess Frog? Sounded good to her, in her opinion. Tsuyu shifted her body slightly, a grin taking up her features as her tongue drew out, flicking ice from her shoulder before she took a few steps closer. With a disgusted glare towards the child under Quill, Tsuyu let a croak of her voice escape. "He fuckin' wishes. I see you've been busy fucking for offspring, huh? Must be nice, ribbit." Tsuyu meowed, a look of annoyance on her face as Dabi put his remark in.

"I've already had a piece of her, man." Dabi snickered, ducking when the frog hybrid flug a needle of ice towards his face, missing when he did so. While it was true, Tsuyu couldn't have kids. Being sterile was the price of being a hybrid of two breeds that shouldn't have procreated, but did anyways.

"How's the group under Stryker's rule, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked, her demeanor going back to normal after her ruffled fur flattened once more, webbed paw pads scraping up damp dirt on the ground idly. Her muscles were sore from not moving, maybe she'd go and kill someone, or chase them? Or.. Sleep with someone, that worked too.

Re: OUT OF ASHES && waking up. - ;;bryn harbringer - 10-22-2018

bryn had gladly taken the chance to cower behind quill's foreleg at tsuyu's burning stare. she didn't understand her anger towards her or quill, and glanced up to see his reaction. she wasn't allowed to say swear words so... flippantly. was tsuyu allowed to?

"papa had me because he loves me!" she chimed in, her tail curling around herself as she held her blanket closer to her chest. she didn't remember much about her mother, mainly quill and lily throughout the three and a half months she had spent with them here. any and all memories of her mother were now just blurred images of what she had looked like, though not even her voice had been able to remain.
