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She had not said anything for a while now, she hadn't told them officially what they were going to do. What the plan was or what their stance was. Well, she hadn't been here for a couple of days to tell them, having spent a while in medical care over in the Typhoon, that after the raid and she sighed softly before shaking her head a little bit. Though she knew that Sunhaven was a semi peaceful group they would have to rise and defend themselves and their own values in the face of such injustice that had been given to them. The hell beast moved with slow steps toward the found, eyes focused on it for a moment before she allowed herself to sit down against the raised edge of stone. Flicking her tail once the woman would breathe in and then exhale before shaking herself and allowing her gaze to settle on nothing in particular. This would be a short announcement all things considered and she supposed she better just get it over with. "Sunhaven, gather for an announcement concerning the Ascendants!" Her voice rang out and she pulled her ears back just a bit, tails shifting behind her form before she laid down and waited for members to show up.

Her eyes watched as paws gradually came and she allowed a huff to escape her nostrils, jaw a little tense before she pulled herself to sit back up and from there she decided to release this crucial information. "As ya all know by now. We have had some problems with the Ascendants, namely when they decided tae listen tae a small child who accused Buckingham of murder. This happened over a month ago where one of their own flew in and attempted to strangle Buckingham to death. After this conflict ended Buckingham decided tae allow for Bastille tae look into his mind even though he denied him the first instance." She still thought he shouldn't have done that but it was already set and done. "When we went over there we were met with insults and disrespect once again. Our so called 'allies' treating us as if we could hardly matter tae them. But we went ahead with the mind trial to prove that Buckingham was innocent." She didn't want to go into detail what happened then but she supposed she should in a way. "Shite went down and we left but Bastille before he decided tae up and leave from the Ascendants told me that Buckingham was innocent, that he hadn't killed anyone. So me and Bucky decided it was high time for them tae own up tae their mistake and give us a simple public apology."

Her muzzle almost curled into a hateful and malicious smile, aimed at the thoughts that were swirling in her mind before she took a deep breathe. "Ya can guess what we were met with. Hostility, threats, insults and that same disrespect. They treated us like neutrals, or even tae an extent enemies. We'd come there peacefully tae solve this problem and fix relations and they couldn't even take it seriously. They made a joke about accusing an innocent man of murder who would have been put on the chopping block for it. For that we dropped 'em tae neutrals. Didn't wish tae have anything tae do with them. I never thought that the Ascendants would stoop so low." Her chest swelled with grief before she tried to compose herself. "A day later we discovered a half eaten corpse of one of our own in his own home. His partner shortly died of fright from the experience of what he had seen but he managed tae tell me who he saw. Ascendant's scent was all over the area, they murdered one of our's because of their pride and because we dropped them tae neutral. The leader had come and killed them." This was all Moonmade's fault and she would see to it that they suffered for his mistake.

The raid was because of his poor choices in life and now she wouldn't have any problems striking them down. "We raided them because of this which means one thing. The Ascendants are enemies. They will remain enemies till they can get off their lazy ass high horses and apologize and give us payment for what they have done. I do not want any of them even close tae our border and if they do as one has already attempted tae do I want them attacked on sight, killed, wounded I don't care because they don't deserve any mercy from us. Ya have my permission as they are all open season now. We attack first and ask questions later. I want my warden and goldenbloods tae start training sessions for any possible raids that might be launched at us. We wary and I want day and night guards along the borders. Patrol if ya want though it will be hard for them tae get in en mass with the palisades up." Only by ocean could they bring in a large force and they'd see them coming from miles away and she knew that Sunhaven was defense strong at this point. "This concludes the announcement unless someone has something tae say."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


Gordon hadn't gone to the raid but she definitely knew about it. Not only was she a pacifist person in general, The Ascendants was also her former home. No matter what happened, the munchkin mix couldn't help but feel some sort of connection to the place. So when Marina called the clan together to announce things that went on with The Ascendants, Gordon was quick to make her way over.

Of course, she immediately regretted doing so. Marina announced that The Ascendants were now enemies and Gordon's heart skipped a beat at her words. "W-wait, have you tried talking to the leader privately?" The she-cat asked. Her mind screamed at her to run as far from here as possible, and maybe even try talking to Bastilleprisoner or somebody she knew in The Ascendants, but she stayed where she was, trying to ignore her pounding heart. "I-I know most of The Ascendants are prideful, but-but surely their leader would talk about th-things privately." At least, she trusted Bastille to choose somebody responsible and understanding to replace him. "I-I just don't think declaring them as enemies is the right decision..." She went on, biting her lip. "I-I mean, this seems like it's all j-just a big misunderstanding."
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: ACHING SOUL - POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT - Hope Arcanium - 10-16-2018

Wow. That was... a lot to take in. Holy shit. The small white feline listened closely, giving a nod in understanding as Marina spoke. Well. Assuming it was Marina, as Leona had never seen the Helion in such a body before.

Regardless, it was her voice, so the Solbinder trusted her. So the Ascendants were now enemies? That sounded reasonable given the treatment Sunhaven had recieved. The healer would have to hold a first aid session and make sure she was ready for any incoming attacks.

"Understood, ma'am."


Bloody hell.  All this and a barrel of apples, Fin came into the territory or rather the clan between a shit storm.  The merchant of sorts inwardly winced at the now barred chances of doing any sort of trade towards the Ascendants, well that wasn't going to stop them, but they were going to have to be careful from here on out, for who knew what anyone was thinking these days.

" Noted.." they echoed with a faint hum.


[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
It hadn't even been that long since the Ascendants had been declared as neutrals, but now they were being dropped all the way down to enemies? While making enemies was never anything that Bex ever enjoyed, she couldn't help but agree with this decision. Sure, she didn't mind it when anyone messed with her directly. She could take it, and quite honestly, she really didn't care. But the moment someone messes with some else - well, that's when they've crossed the line. The Ascendants messed with some of her clanmates, and that just wasn't right. Nobody in Sunhaven even did anything wrong to deserve this sort of treatment. "Got it," Bex woofed with a nod, her gaze sweeping curiously toward Gordon as she heard the other female oppose. Bex didn't necessarily agree with her since the Ascendants leader had been involved in treating Bucky unfairly, however she did admire whenever someone spoke up against something that they were against. The collie stood silently, wondering what Marina's response to her would be, though she was sure that she wouldn't give into it, since she seemed confident in her decision.