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HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - Printable Version

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HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - OWEN. - 10-14-2018

It wasn't every day that you came across dead utahraptors, to be completely honest. The scent of feral utahraptors had caught the indomnius rex off-guard, making him race towards the source of it. It couldn't be one of his girls. Never, no. He wouldn't let them die on his fucking watch.

When he arrived at the massacre scene, there were two full-sized raptor carcasses, and with a close look, Owen established it wasn't one of his girls. These two weren't apart of his pack, they were wild. It was rare, almost impossible to find wild utahraptors around. Not that his own weren't wild, but they were more tame than these were. They had obviously been torn in two by something, but he couldn't tell what did it.

Owen shifted his large body, catching another scent that wasn't familiar to him. Moving through a shade of trees, Owen pushed his snout around debris, chuffing as he tried to figure out what the Hell that smell was. With a loud rumble, and a heavy toss of a patch of overgrowth overhead, Owen caught the source of it. An egg, just one egg, but he knew exactly what the species was. Utahraptor, home grown and born in the wild. The raptors must have been protecting their young here, Owen mildly cringed at the thought. Something must have eaten the other eggs.

With a soft clicking sound, Owen called out to his girls. Soon, the clicking turned to a broadcasting call, warning them to be cautious and quiet when they come. If they come.

Owen shifted his large body to hover over the egg, nudging it with his large snout as he tried to test whether or not it was still alive in there.

Well, they'd see.


Re: HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - Masie - 10-14-2018

Some species of birds could hear from within their eggs, being distantly related it followed suit some kinds of raptors could. At least in this instance, the unborn raptor had been able to hear clearly expect for the muffle of her shell for a few days now, so close to hatching. Over the last few days as she began to ready herself to emerge, the female raptor had become aware of noise from others of her kind, several around her own size and two much larger. However, within the last few hours of this day, everything had suddenly changed when she heard another noise that she knew nothing about, yet it seemed to alarm the larger raptors outside her egg to the extent they left the nest. Clearly, the unborn had been able to hear louder bits of the fight, but she had no understanding that the two had been fiercely battling some creature whom desired to get at the eggs contained herself and her siblings, the unborn didn't even know what the other faint noises around her meant yet. Sadly, this also meant that she had no idea what it meant when those noises one by one suddenly caused, nor what the accompanying noises happened to be.

The danger passed her by unaware, the beast looming over the final egg in the nest intending to devour it shell and all, being scared off by the noise of something much larger moving through the undergrowth nearby. Owen had been just in time, nothing could be done for the adult raptors nor the missing consumed eggs, but there was one left, for her the rex was just in time. She didn't even know it. As the world went silent, so too did she, ceasing the moments she had been making at her egg the last few days, simply laying there within it. Eventually, the footfalls of a large creature could be heard to her, it was of no interest to her.

What  got the egg contained infant moving again? Was the clicking sound Owen emitted to call for the other raptors in his pack, she knew what that noise was. Almost immediately, in response to that call he had let out, she moved again, crawling at the inside of the egg, trying to get her bearing. Warmth spread across her egg, something she had felt a few times in the last few days, instinctually she moved towards that, pressing against it from the inside. Seconds ticked by and his first clue the egg was alive would be some small prick against his snout as her egg tooth broke through the egg. Hatching was built into most creatures who did it, her tiny claws instantly hooking to the hole her muzzle made, as she kept pushing at the weakened area. It was only seconds on the outside before the egg would splinter and shatter against her efforts, revealing the small brown downy infant Utahraptor.

Bright golden amber optics flickered open as the infants head turned upwards, gaze falling onto Owen as her own small chirp emitted in response. Weakly the new born attempt to stand, tumbling and stumbling out of her nest to fall against one of his much larger legs.

Re: HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - - DELTA - - 10-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Delta was not what most would consider motherly. She had been raised to be a park attraction at first, before plans were made to make her a military weapon. There was no room for motherly instincts there. The closest thing would be the fact she was a bit less aggressive than her sisters. It was clear in the way she barely tolerated the younger feathered raptors already here that she was not going to be easily accepting of this creature who thought they could barge into her and her sisters' lives, and disrupt the lifelong bond they had with each other and Owen. One might say it was like an older sibling throwing a tantrum at the arrival of a baby in the household.

Dark yellow optics narrowed as she approached the area where the broadcast call was made, and sickle claws tapped as she lowered her head, wondering if she could snap the child up now and end her miserable life while she could. 'Food.' She babbled, tail whipping back and forth. 'Not pack.' If anything, Delta sounded almost stubborn in this assumption, and a low hiss could be heard.
© madi

Re: HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - OWEN. - 10-14-2018

Owen seemed to grumble in soft irritation when the moment that Delta had walked over, she had taken a stance on eating the poor child instead of accepting her. While it made sense, due to her not wanting to extend the pack they currently had, Owen wouldn't leave a child behind. Not when he could just as easily train and raise her from an egg with no issues.

A soft rumble left the indomnius rex's throat as he felt the small raptor attempt to stand and walk close to him. Amusement glittered in a single amber eye as he shifted his head to nudge the girl up further, helping her stand. When the word 'prey' came from the jaws of his Beta, though, Owen shifted his body protectively around the child.

'Not prey. Pack now.' He growled back, the last sentence more of an order than a mere statement. Delta had no choice, Masie was now apart of the Raptor pack whether or not she liked it. 'Name.. Masie.' He babbled to both the older raptor and the newborn one, the quills on his spine shifting as he nodded his head. Good name.

"Can you stand, little one?" Owen mumbled aloud, standing up to stand over her, his tail down for Masie to climb onto him if she needed.


Re: HAVE YOU EARNED IT? && finding egg/hatching. - Masie - 10-14-2018

Children learned what their parents and surroundings taught them, or rather what they were capable of teaching them. Considering that she had no reason to believe these were not the two larger raptors she had been hearing the days before she hatched? The infant assumed they were and promptly considered neither any threat to her, but instead creatures she should trust without question. Large honey brown gaze looked over at Delta while the larger raptor made her noises. "Food!" that sounded good, she liked that noise, since clearly she hadn't any clue it was in reference to eating her. The only thing she knew? Was that the word food sounded like she could eat it, and something within her stomach was rumbling, badly. Thus the infant chimed in baby blabble after the grown female, craning her head upwards as she shuffled from side to side, still slightly struggling to stand.

Nudged to her feet, the small raptor was much more mobile now, waddling along the ground clumsily in a circle around Owens large leg. The infant was no where near as cooridinated as any of the other animals around but that was alright she was afterall, a baby. "Masie!" the small creature repeated her name, spinning herself in a circle as she discovered her own tail.