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IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - Printable Version

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IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 10-13-2018

male | 20 months | sunhaven | member

While he was proud of Sephirath for getting Pharoah, Lucerys just couldn't see himself or his sister doing anything in the Rosebloods. He was loyal to his house, and for his house's sake, he needed to find a clan where he could make a name for himself. His sister was gone for now, but she'd be back, she never strayed too far from her dearest older brother.

Lucerys had been flying for a very long time, the smell of ocean underneath him as he noticed land not too far away. It was beautiful, and he wished he could talk to Epione about it, talk about just how amazing the sea is, despite them having flown all the way from Valyria to these lands. They had already crossed the sea to see this land.

Claws tapped on the sand as the large, amber-eyed griffin landed on soft soil-like mineral, his talons scraping through the underfoot sand curiously. It was unusual to see a griffin this big, he supposed, as the others in the Rosebloods had gawked at him when he saw how large he was. Five feet wasn't big, in his opinion. He'd seen bigger.

Sitting down on the sand, the back paws of the griffin stretched out to rest his muscles as his wings folded in at his sides, the tip of them barely touching the ground.

if you find this u are awesome

Re: IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - venus - 10-14-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

wow, what a sight to behold. for the grounded venus, to be a griffon or even witness a griffon in flight was akin to watching a fairytale come to life before their eyes - enchanting. it was an experience that venus both hoped they might enjoy and simultaneously never wished upon even their worst enemy. what if they fell? from a height so far above the pitiful ground most certainly if it wasn't death's hand coming down on you, then it was the wraith of multiple broken bones and countless fractures. ouch. no, as much as venus adored the many ways of lucerys, his life was not for faint-hearted. such as venus.

"what a show! form was amazing! your wings too, they're very intriguing. unashamed of their infatuation, venus came bounding over to the group's borders to make peaceful conversation with the man. something venus supposed they should get in now before some of the more by-the-book members were to ruin the moment. "my name's venus, what may i call you?" a name would be a useful to place on the man's elegant frame.

(welcome to sunhaven!!! Smile)

Re: IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - Grimm - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Select few were the numbers, those permitted appendages that may lift them within the air. They had thought little of such when they had been but a child, tales spun of things that seemed serpentine, bodies elongated and given the structure of wings, bones like fingers connected by a thin membrane, fire caught in the throat. Little was there, however, nothing to attract them towards thoughts of dragons for they seemed little more than lizards given extraordinary size, even the wings they boasted given only superficial means, many within the stories all too lazy to arise from the mounds of treasure they gathered about themself.

But the griffon. Feelings had stirred within their chest upon first hearing of such, this creature that boasted a mix of an avian and a felidae, as unlikely as the draconic beasts they scorned but fantastical in a way their mind revelled within. Though time had tempered such things there was no lack of feeling, wonder caught in a heart grown cold to such ideas, ever lingering want.

“My, what do we have here,” silken words, lips curling though those eyes, dark depths alight with something almost cruel and wanton, spoke volumes above false friendliness.

Re: IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 10-14-2018


It seemed in these lands, English were a language that was the dominant tongue, wrapped in a gift wrap and thrown at him in tandem. While Lucerys could speak and understand it, it was still unfamiliar to him. After all, whom would know Valyrian tongue? That was his mother tongue and he could speak it better than any other language he knew.

Soon, someone much smaller had arrived, and the griffon seemed to ruffle his feathers at the compliment she gave him. If one would have asked, his sister was afraid of flight. She would have to be picked up by him soon, and ride on his back and carried to their new home. A gift, he was. A good older brother. "My name is Lucerys Velaryon, my sister.. She's not here yet, but her name is Epione." Lucerys introduced himself with a brief chitter from his beak, adjusting his legs so he didn't topple over and land into the hot sand. His feathers shifted, wings fluffing up against the winds on the beach.

When the other Sunhaven member arrived, Lucerys dipped his head in greeting, ears twitching as he listened to his voice. His own was smooth, silky, elegant, but this man seemed a bit more.. Darker? No, he wouldn't say that.. Well, he certainly didn't get a good vibe from him. "Lucerys Velaryon, at your service. I'd love to join this.. Sun Haven."

Re: IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - rhosmari - 10-14-2018

"Oh, ya would, huh?" The voice of the leader sounded out with an amused and teasing note to it. She'd seen the hybrid being coming as he had made his way across the sea. Hard to miss especially with the way that Sunhaven was positioned and the woman allowed herself a dip of her large cranium as she made her way over to the area that had also gathered many of of their sunbearers as well. Lightly the hell beast sat down and she allowed her jaws to stretch wide in a yawn before her eyes focused on the male once more. He had a sister? He wondered if she was as big as he was but then that thought vanished as she took a deep breath. Caution was as caution did and she couldn't allow for herself to not ask questions because at the end of the day with all that had been going on she knew that she had to protect Sunhaven from the worse of it. "This ya first stop or did ya come from somewhere else? Ya are permitted tae stay as long as ya don't have any ties to the Ascendants."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: IF I WAS A BOY && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 10-14-2018


A hell creature, kissed by the hellfires of Hades and sent to live upon Earth. She was a magnificent creature, and had lucerys intrigued the moment she dipped her head a little. he could just notice the cautiousness in her very moves, and it was well- thought out. Lucerys couldn't blame one for being cautious; he himself was cautious around everyone here, deep down.

still, the sound of her voice seemed to lull him into a daydream for a moment before her tone shifted. wary, angry. was she angry at someone? then, she mentioned the ascendants. "i come from the rosebloods, i have no ties with this.. ass-cent-dants." he chirped out, tilting his head to the side in confusion. what was that place? were they having issues with them? if so, he could just.. help them, couldn't he?

large paws began to push him forward, and lucerys bowed his head to marina. "from the sounds of it, you are the.. queen, lady, or leader of these lands? it is a pleasure to meet you, m'lady." lucerys cooed, ears twitching as he moved to fluff out his feathers once again.

maybe this was an attempt to flirt, or an attempt to soothe any nervous anxieties, one may never know. it was always in the eyes of the beholder.