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DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - Printable Version

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DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - Character Graveyard. - 10-13-2018

It had been early in the morning when the large yet young male had walked into the camp, carrying a large egg in his jaws, carefully. He didn't want to accidentally kill the dragon, so he was trying his best to be gentle with it. All he knew, it was a large reptile and he was intending on raising whatever it was. Kirishima would set the egg down and he would protectively wrap his entire body around it, before he had ended up fallen asleep.

A couple of hours later, when he had awoken, he had been surprised. The egg was broken and a small creature was huddled up against his side, though it was awake. She was adorable, with her blackish-brown scales and her olive-colored eyes. "Carmen." He named her, and he put his tail in front of her body, so nobody would bother her if they happened to approach either of them.

Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - MirrorEdge - 10-14-2018

For some reason, seeing the tiny creature's head poking out and the remains of an eggshell brought an odd feeling to Thea, the beginnings of a headache beginning to surface, and a strange feeling in her chest, as a couple of flashes of a little baby dragon who would bite at ankles came to mind, though it was flashes and one word, which frustrated the kitsune to no end. "Lime." She muttered lowly, as if it would help keep the images in her head, before brightening a bit, more of her usual self showing.

Since she realized exactly what she had done, and the mistakes she made, she tended to avoid interacting with children for long periods of time, going out of her way to ensure she wouldn't cross paths with them, like they were the plague, mostly because she didn't want them to think that she was a good role model. She really wasn't. Here, it was mostly the same, especially since she was only here to try and tear this place apart. But curiousity got the better of the young kitsune, and she approached, trying to get a better look. "Is that a baby dragon?"
Template by Quill

Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - OWEN. - 10-14-2018

Eggs seemed to be popping up everywhere, was it nesting season for the creatures around them, or something? Owen himself had found an egg not long back, but it was a raptor, not a.. Dragon?

Shifting his body slightly, Owen followed after Thea with a neutral expression on his face. The indominus rex watched patiently, the egg cracking and revealing the creature inside. "Good name." Owen rumbled, amusement glinting in his single amber iris.


Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - Masie - 10-14-2018

Speaking the of the baby Raptor she showed up swiftly behind Owen with her tail swinging back and forth behind her looking a bit large for her body. "Food?" she was hungry again, considering that she was growing still while the rest of the pack was full grown already. Masie could smell a freshly hatched egg, she remembered that scent considering she had also hatched. Delta had been the first to speak after she hatched and one of those words had been food, so Masie just automatically assumed food was involved somehow here.

Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - MARCELLUS - 10-14-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
The number of eggs popping up around Typhoon territory were almost alarming to the point he grew more and more concerned every time some new creature seemed to pop up. First the Venandi pack, then the raptor pack, and now this little dragon that Kirishima had seemed to claim for his own. The Typhoon was definitely becoming quite the immersive and diverse bunch. Quietly his paws dragged him over to the scene as to which he would look to the others before allowing his eyes to land on the small body of the baby dragon and Kirishima who seemed to be protectively curled around it. Silently he listened to it's name as to which he would give a gently nod of his head. "A pretty name." He spoke, voice almost a whisper before he sat down. "Need me to get anything for it?" He wouldn't mind running a quick errand after all. That dragon was now a member of the Typhoon and should be treated as such.

Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - Grey - 10-14-2018

To be honest, when he had bodyguard, he was slightly hoping Kirishima would decide to hang around him more. Bakugou could be his friend's protector. But he supposes he's never been good at showing his affection appreciation for the Privateer that the ragdoll understood the male's decision to go snag an egg from that nest. He's not always around, after all, and his near-death experience followed by his coma was enough proof of that. He wasn't invincible. He wished he was but the Reaver was just as vulnerable as the rest. On the topic of Bakugou, the cream-furred male was taking a walk when he realised a significant number of pirates beginning to crowd around the reptilian form of Kirishima. He looks on quietly from the distance, not quite able to decipher to murmurs of each person when he finally, after giving up trying to be discrete, walking over towards the male. "Yo Eijirou, did the egg hatc -" he cuts off, landing his sanguine eyes over the pieces of cracked shell dappled along the ground. Then he raises his gaze just a little higher, catching the form of...

"I thought it was gonna be a dragon," he says, disappointed but happy that the male had at least found a companion. He hopes it doesn't bite him. Should it even dare to eat Kirishima, he would probably incinerate it while it was still small. Still, instead of focusing on the newborn caiman, he looks to the other member who had arrived, all expressing glittering interest. He does, however, feel a little uncomfortable at the baby raptor who had arrived, noting it was also featherless. This means it must have been one of Owen's rather than the Venandi who had seemingly disappeared from the island, perhaps terrorising other groups or drowned somewhere in a swamp to become fossilised. He twitches his ear at Marcellus. "Uh, food? Like meat?" He wasn't sure why he was attempting to ask a question directed to Kirishima. Maybe because subconsciously he assumed himself to be almost like the other dad of the reptile considering he had helped his friend retrieve the egg in the first place.

Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

Oni shook his head at Masie, a loud huff of his breath leaving his nostrils as he babbled softly back to the young raptor. "Child. Egg. Like Masie." Owen rumbled, his tail moving slightly to point towards the scaled creature. It was a baby, just like Masie was.

With an apologetic stare towards Bakugou with his good eye, Owen then turned back to his child, focusing on the little creature Kirishima had hatched.


Re: DYNAMITE / egg discovery & hatching - Masie - 10-15-2018

Masie was far too small to really be anything to cause damage at the current moment. What would have actually been something to worry about? Was if the tamer had not been there for the orphan to imprint on and Masie had ended up being left to grow up on her own. Considering she had tamed elder sister's alongside Owen the small raptor could easily become the least dangerous of the pack apart from Owen himself, she was already proving to be a quick learner. Currently, even the tamer had no idea of how keen a learner the small raptor really was, the things she could and likely would become capable of understanding about the world around her and its animals. Yet, she was still an Utahraptor, and she did even at her small size have the capacity to become dangerous if pushed to the point she relied soley on her instincts.

Briefly after Owens explanation, Masie vanished back into the woodland around, remaining gone for about a good five minutes, before she returned. When the little raptor came back? She was carrying a crushed mouse by its tail in her jaws, its smooshed state being proof she had killed it as she failed to realize the use of her fangs and sickle claws yet so anything she hunted was just crushed by her repeatedly jumping onto it. Masie pranced over to the newly hatched reptile, dropping the mouse as close to in front of him as she possibly could. "Child. Food." once she had dropped the object she made this small chirping noise, looking expectantly between the mouse, newly hatched being and the 'parent' figure curled around it.