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BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - Printable Version

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BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - MOONMADE - 10-13-2018

[size=9pt]"Ascendants," Comes Moon's voice, not as loud as it is clear, washing down the hallways, seeping into every nook and cranny. The lion carries himself to the platform with all the grace of a crooked old man who's seen one too many wars, the slightest of limps to his paws, the obvious tension in his muscles as he leaps up, settles down to look over the base of the Observatory. "We got another Meeting. I'd appreciate it if you all listened up; this one's important."

His words are severely lacking his typical joviality, the sloppy charisma that always pours thick from his grinning maw. There's an uncharacteristic rigidity to the way he sits. To anyone that wasn't well-adjusted to his ways, it'd look like nothing more than the regality of a Leader, noble and kingly as he should be, but anyone that knew him would pick up on the difference instantly. The set of his shoulders, the way his head was held high and taut, was foreign on him. It made him look almost unrecognizable, alien. But there's anxiety fluttering in his chest and pulling his throat in on itself and if he were to let himself droop now he doubted he'd recover. There were certain times you couldn't let yourself look like a crashing and burning mess of a creature, no matter how much you were, and Moon was going with his gut on this one-- Now was one of those times.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - BABY — - 10-13-2018

[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
The lion padded over quietly and took a seat in a mobile track post.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - ONISION. - 10-13-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
8 months old

physically varies
emotionally hard
mentally easy


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

With the call of the Seraph, Oni had walked over slowly, holding he and Alex's door open with his tail to see if he'd follow behind before he began to walk into the meeting room. His paws lightly scraped at the floor beneath, a soft clicking of his claws against metal as he settled down to listen.

It was moments like these that Oni noticed the stance of the lion, when he wasn't acting like a cocky fucker and acting.. Strange. Foreign, new. Oni didn't have a good feeling about this meeting.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - GABRIEL - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]They were a pair, weren't they? Both trying to appear like they weren't in over their heads, like they had more than an hour of sleep under their belts, and as though they weren't in a complete fucking mess. Gabe'd give kudos to Moon, though, for pulling it off fairly well. He didn't look quite as close to keeling over, which was...a godsend, considering what went down with Sunhaven. With Peri absent, they didn't have very much in terms of medics, people to patch them up before they could pass out and die. With everything as awful as it was, he'd say Moon was doing a damn good job of going with it, albeit in a less flexible way- similar more to an anchored stone than a rolling stone. Didn't mean he was free from wear, though. Pretty much the exact opposite, and despite the rank difference, that Moon was his superior, Gabe still saw him as a kid handed too much too quickly, who deserved to be picking herbs and making eyes at Peri instead of falling beneath the claws of a behemoth. Gabe would spare all of them if he could, but that was just it, wasn't it?

He couldn't.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - BUBONICPLAGUE - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]another week, another fuckin' meeting. they were getting more and more tolerable, slowly but surely, but moon just sounded damn tired now. christ, he sounded like him. exhausted, beaten down, but still kicking. was spite what fueled him, too? bubonicplague sneered slightly. no, the boy was too... righteous for that, in a sense. he was far from the grace of god, but he was further from being such a wretched thing as he.

the dire wolf lumbered to the meeting in relative silence, deciding just this once to give moon a rest from his bitching. bub slumped down in a corner and settled sightless eyes upon the young lion and simply awaited what he had to say.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - FUBUKI - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Ren was there in a tracking post.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - MOONMADE - 10-14-2018

[size=9pt]"Sunhaven raided us, Monday." He begins, and then sits, quiet, for a moment. "It happened in the middle of the night. If you missed it, I need you to hook me up with whatever sleeping meds you're on." He wasn't joking. "I have no idea what possessed them to do it. Tried to get it out of their crazy bitch of a leader, but she's fucking feral, so that didn't work. She's got some weird fuckin' dialect, anyway; doubt anyone'd be able to understand even if she did spill. All I know is they're scum who crawled in during the night and stole Har." A tension in his muscles, pulling taut and staying like that as he flexes his claws, digs them against the stone of the ground. His jaw sets, molars grinding against molars until he finds it in himself to speak, again. "I'll get him back. Believe me. But for now, it's open fucking season." The words were flat, painfully genuine, and they spilled from his mouth and sat, heavy, over the Observatory. "I don't want to hear shit about our peaceful, passive roots. That was then, this is now. You see one of those slimy fuckers within a ten mile radius of the border? You have my full permission to kill on sight.

"Until this blows over or their cesspool of a village burns to the ground, I want increased border patrols. Go in groups. Fireballs and Dwarf Stars, don't go past the Bunkers unless you're in groups of three and you've been given the go ahead. I'm calling a curfew, too. Make your way back to the plains around the Observatory by sundown. I don't give a fuck how hardcore you think you are; we're neighbors with two manic Clans who seem dead set on killing us off, right now. We need to be careful." Some would call it paranoia wrapping itself around his conscious and rotting him from the inside out, and they wouldn't be far off, but Moon would call it vigilance and being sick of tripping over corpses wherever he walks. "Listen, I know this sounds dramatic, or whatever the fuck-- But there's been more dead bodies turning up than conkers falling from fucking trees, so until that stops, you're gonna' have to put up with it.

He sucks in a breath, draws his tongue over his lips and casts his gaze over the crowd, waiting for the gentle mummer to fall silent again. "On a lighter note - if you can call it that, because I think he might kick our asses - this week's training session goes to Titan. Azazel, you can go ahead and step up the Halo. For now, I'll show you the basics, but we need Clerics. Pretty fucking desperately. Tryouts will probably be up, some time this week.

"Shout out to Ren, Gabe, Azazel, Titan and Oni, also. You're putting in work; it's not going unnoticed. Good job. Alex, you're doing the opposite. You need to show you ass a little bit more. Consider this a warning. As for joiners, we've got some new ones, too. I know the beginning of this Meeting was a big fucking turn-off, and I'm sorry this is the first one you get to see, but hang around and I'll hand out candy next time. I'm talking to Agathe, Marianne, Valkyr, Wanxi, Watson and Ollie. Welcome, folks."

He clears his throat, adjusts his body language in a desperate effort to return to his typical nonchalance, and tries to joke. "Speaking of candy, we got Halloween coming up. Most of y'all are ugly enough not to have to dress up, but a party would be cool, anyway. If any of you are big into that, take it upon yourself to set it up. Who knows. Maybe we can bond with the army of ghosts that's decide to pop up out of fucking nowhere."

And then he falls silent, ending on the facade of the a brighter topic in an effort not to completely and utterly destroy morale. He wants to get up and flee the stage like a petrified kindergartner, but he managed to dig his claws in, stay seated long enough to grit the words out. "Any questions?"

- recap of the sunhaven raid.
- harland captured.
- sunhaven dropped to enemies. declaring open season on their members.
- increased border patrols, warning to fireballs and dwarf stars to venture in groups.
- curfew; all members need to be nearby the observatory by sundown.
- this week's training session is being set up by [member=2137]TITAN[/member]
- halo rank reintroduced, [member=2471]azazel.[/member] under moon's apprenticeship, for now.
- warning to [member=1383]ALEXANDER[/member]
- welcome [member=2568]agathe.[/member] [member=2584]MARIANNA[/member] [member=2357]ollie.[/member] [member=2400]WATSON[/member] [member=2555]wanxi[/member] [member=2031]VALKYR[/member] !!! hope y'all enjoy your stay w the star nerds
- announcement of the upcoming halloween party. organizers needed.

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - tori - 10-15-2018

Alex was silent, he didn't exactly have much of an argument here. He was, indeed, out of commission for the most part until Tori got her shit together. Then again, he was never the authority type anyway, maybe he'd have to get that fixed.

// track for my dumbass


Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - azazel. - 10-15-2018

The call of Moonmade had pulled Azazel from his thoughts, and the pup had made his way to the slowly gathering crowd. His leader seemed tired, and Azazel couldn't blame him. With the ghosts and the murder, the husky had trouble sleeping himself due to worry about what would happen next. A glance around him at the crowd proved that everyone was the same. Tired and almost broken down. He didn't get much of a chance to choose where he sat; as Moonmade began speaking, he sat down to the closest spot he could.

The meeting didn't start off well. In the middle of the night; how had he missed it? He had woken up from the injuries that had injured him the day before. The meeting was much more serious than he had seen before, although he had only been in one. Going outside the bunkers was a bad idea for the dwarf stars and fireballs unless they were in groups of three. Not to mention the mention of killing; a thought that made bile rise in Azazel's throat, the memories of the feline and the canine still burned into his mind.

The meeting took a lighter turn, for the most part. There was mention of training. Maybe it would be good for him to join in. Things seemed dangerous, and, as much as he wanted to just heal, learning how to defend himself would work in his favor, too. He didn't like the idea of hurting anyone, but he would if he absolutely had to. The mention of his name pulled him from his thoughts, and he couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of being a Halo. Not to mention the leader taking care of mentoring him until there was a Cleric. "Thank you, sir. I'll do my best."

His name was mentioned again, for a shout out, and Azazel felt a swell of pride. He was doing good! He'd have to keep it up. There was someone mentioned for doing the opposite, and the pup looked around, trying to find a face to the name. He still hadn't met a lot of the creatures yet, so, after a moment or two, he gave up. Last was the Halloween event; maybe he could help with it, too!

Re: BEARFACED : meeting, 10.14. - agathe. - 10-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Well her first meeting certainly could be considered eventful. Aside from making a mental note to find a few members of Sunhaven and absolutely devastate them, Agathe found herself briefly flashing her teeth as her name was mentioned in welcome. She had indeed arrived during a tumultuous time but that hardly did much to bother her. She was bred to deal with war and its aftermath, certainly the tensions that brewed between the opposing clans did nothin except for excite her. "Noted and thanks," She finally extended, casually shrugging as she paced near the back of the group. She was reminded once again of how idle she had been in the recent days, how her blood itself seemed to sing for the heat of battle, for the warmth of flesh as she dug her claws into it. Soon, she reminded herself, Because now, you finally have a group to release your anger on.