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ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - Printable Version

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ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - PINCHER - 10-13-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
There was so much he desired to say and do but it was hard to speak when his vocal chords were temporarily torn. Temporarily. He hoped they were. His jaws parted, coughing softly as droplets of pale blue colored blood fell to the paper he was currently going through. A low growl of frustration rumbled in his throat as he looked down at the mess he was making, glazed optics narrowing as his vision fuzzed on and off. He knew that he had been told to rest and take it easy but the wildcat could no longer take it. He needed to work, to continue his business especially with the growing group of his crewmates. But at the same time...he didn't want to look weak. His neck and chest were wrapped in pale gray and white bandages, colored to match his appearance so he wouldn't look so weak. The raid had been a success and he had taken back his crewmates but it struck him with fear that he had still not able to succeed to take Keona home. He wanted to send his crew to save her but Pincher knew they needed time to recover. The hybrid sighed, stepping back from his desk.

Next thing he knew, he was on the floor. He had blacked out without knowing, his body crashing to the floor with no one around and his heavy eyelids fluttered open with tired groan. When had he passed out? He trembled, his glowing tattoos flickering like dying lights. He swallowed, staring up at the ceiling before forcing himself to rise from the ground and push on forward. With a shaky rise, he teleported awkwardly out of his submarine and glanced up towards the crow's nest of the Tempest and made the signal for the conch to sound that there was about to be a meeting. He trudged slowly towards the tunnel, his pelt still holding faded splashes of blood from the fuckers that had decided to take the Typhoon for granted. It wasn't over. No. He would keep fighting until he died and being immortal, this gave him all the time in the world.

Gritting his teeth, the scarred male rose slowly to the throne in the middle of the aquarium dome, thin patterns of ice forming uncontrollably on the throne as his powers tended to be unleashed more when he was weak. Maybe it was because his demigod counterpart believed it was the perfect time to takeover but Pincher forced himself to remain conscious, straightening his sore figure as he waited for the others to arrive so he could state the meeting and the points he needed to make to the others.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - ROSEMARY - 10-13-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
The ocelot heard of her brother's injuries -- secondhand, unreliable -- the spotted wildcat narrowed her dark orange eyes as she affirmed his state for herself. Taking a seat at the edge of the gathering crowd, she supposed it must be true; usually, Pincher called out welcomes for joiners at meetings' starts. Now, he stood there, stiff and quiet with ice forming around him like external veins.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - EXODUS-- - 10-13-2018

// m track

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - darci - 10-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]It seemed Victor was next to arrive. Blue eyes looked to Pincher, noticing that something appeared to be off about him. The husky took up a place in the front row, his tail curling around his paws. It felt like they just had a meeting yesterday, but he was curious as to what this certain meeting would be about. Adverting his gaze elsewhere, the man waited patiently for the meeting to proceed.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - bubblegum - 10-13-2018

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - Grey - 10-13-2018

His first meeting in a while. His sanguine eyes flicker lucidly toward the Captain's form, radiating an expression that was unreadable in its nature. Not even his eyes, his eyes that often mirrored his emotions through subtle crackles of flame, could be understood. There was a strange and dreadful silence coating the Reaver as he moved towards the gathering that was filled with the buzz of murmurs and shifting paws. A meeting. Captain Pincher would never have to announce such a meeting to The Typhoon. Wordlessly, they all knew it. They all understood that when Pincher rose, they too had to rise and move toward him - ears open and waiting in respectful silence. The ice which had begun stretching and traversing the superior male's throne hadn't gone unnoticed to the ragdoll either. He could see the way the solid water extended, blanketing the seat with an eeriness. He remembers that in his old world, renditions of ghosts used to be shown through sudden cold weather. Seats and tables become dressed in a moving ice that seemed alive, only for protagonists to realise they were the evidence of hauntings.

If Bakugou knows anything about powers, though, he knows that they have the tendency to manifest in strange and unwanted ways. His own fire elementals were linked with his sensations of rage and anger, and the earth devouring his body before further harm could be initiated wasn't just some random coincidence either. There must have been another ability within him, stored away from his conscience because he still couldn't name it. It protected him and there Bakugou was wondering if the ice that appeared around their Captain was a sign. He should take note of it but he knows he isn't smart enough to decipher why. He had, after all, been in a coma for almost two weeks. He was out of the times, outside of the loop, dwindling within space and time as he tried to re-integrate his foul personality with the others. Still, at this moment, he isn't sure if he even wants to belong to The Typhoon. Everything seems to be going downhill that he doesn't want to keep his eyes open.

Speaking of keeping his eyes open, his eyes skim quickly over the faces of who was already there. He was looking around so quickly, trying to avoid seeing Goldenluxury. But, because the thought was in his head, he noticed her from behind. The Reaver silently curses at himself before moving forward, deciding to sit away from her figure but being careful not to let her realise this was a purposeful decision. He pretended not to have noticed her, to only be looking over the sea of heads and nonchalantly walk to a spot that happened to be some distance away from the Dealer. Nothing about his walk shimmers a nonchalance. There's only discomfort, an awkwardness sitting at the base of his stomach. Seeing that Eijirou had yet to arrive, the Reaver decides to take a seat close to Victor. He views the sled dog to be strange but at least he didn't have any particular qualms against him. It would make sitting with others easier for him to put Goldie's condition out of his mind for now.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - JUNJI - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the injuries that had befallen pincher were something junji had never seen before. gruesome, terrible, the captain on the brink of death; pincher was strong, but the wounds marring his throat had scared the little soothsayer. he was glad the worst was damaged vocal cords, but he was sad, angry, disappointed that he could not have done more for the man. he was alive. that's all that mattered now.

the angel was silent as always as he padded to the meeting, settling himself alone toward the back of the group. junji shuffled his wings slightly before peering up at pincher, simply awaiting announcements and hoping he wouldn't strain himself trying to get them done.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - FELIKS - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Feliks was there in a tracking post.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - MARCELLUS - 10-14-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Quietly, Marcellus slipped over and took a seat besides Junji, looking up at Pincher quietly for the meeting to commence.

Re: ALL WE SEE IS THE SEA — MEETING 10.13 - OWEN. - 10-14-2018

With a soft rumble, Owen had settled himself down enough as to not crush anyone underneath his massive tail. His body curled, his nose blowing hot breaths into the back of Bakugou's head on purpose. It's fun to piss the kid off.