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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo, santificado sea Tu Nombre." He couldn't say what it was about reciting the prayer his mother had instilled in him as a child that was comforting, since Gabriel didn't consider himself a god-fearing man. Maybe it was her. It would be pretty damn great if she could be around right about now, maybe beat some sense into him or create some kind of concoction to finally chase off the headache, but it had been...years. "Venga a nosotros Tu Reino, hágase Tu Voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo." Gabe wasn't going to collapse by the time he got there. He was fine. He just needed to get there, wait a bit, check on Harland, and haul ass back to The Ascendants before he had another time lapse and lost hours. So many holes in his memory. He couldn't even remember what he did this morning, could he? There was...something. Yeah, great, real specific. "Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día..." Fuck, okay, stopping for a moment. Exhaling, the hybrid leaned heavily against the tree, ducking his head low. It seemed like the farther he walked, the more intense the throbbing, and at this point, he was fighting sparks out if his vision.

"Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden." He pushed himself slowly off the trunk, resuming his trek, and he was only distantly aware of his drooping wings, tips dragging in the sand. Inhale. Exhale. Try not to throw up or pass out. Repeat. "No nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal." Gabe dropped down to sit, frame lolling forward, and with a bitten back hiss he forced his muscles to straighten. "Amén."

He shivered. Why the fuck was he so cold? Maybe he did have a brain tumor or some shit. Wouldn't surprise him. "'M just here to check on Har." Was he going to bring him back? Probably not. Firstly, they wouldn't allow that, because when did people ever release children they took, and secondly, The Ascendants Probably better for him to stay here.

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - rhosmari - 10-13-2018

Her warning had not been enough it seemed and her eyes narrowed as thick paws thudded against the ground. Each muscle of her legs drove her in her run, impacting the ground sharply to throw up dirt into the air. All she could hear was the pounding of her paws and her heart in her chest as she moved across the fields that she was very familiar with. Their scent was like a trigger and all she could taste in the back of her throat was iron. Anger so dense that it started to fill her vision with read as it grabbed a hold of her and threatened to never let her go. She'd warned them before the battle was over to not come here. To not come anywhere near Sunhaven or it might be their last and she had meant every word she had said that day. Despite her own wounds, despite her own pains that she was healing from she pushed herself, bandages tearing from marginally closed wounds to leak blood all over again as she stretched those damaged areas in a dead sprint. Vivid snake like eyes sought her prize and she sudden lunged, aiming to ram herself into the Ascendants body and throw him a good distance across the ground, towering over him. A snarl ripped from her curled muzzle, saliva dripping from sharp teeth as she snapped them near the other's face. There was no pretenses here and she felt her claws twitch with a horrible need to tear into his throat. "I told ya not tae come tae my border! Get out of here now! This is ya only warnin!" Her tails whipped through the air as she stood firm, hackles raised and ears splayed to the side, a clear sign of her aggression toward the other.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Right. How could he have forgotten that the leader was completely fucking insane.

Exhaling, the hybrid didn't even twitch, tangibility fading away, and she slid right through him. Not the best of sensations, in that he felt absolutely nothing when objects passed through his body, but it was better than having a fuck-ton of pounds sitting on him. He glanced back at her, again without having to move the rest of his body. She made a picture, didn't she? Slavering like a rabies stricken dog, bleeding all over the place. How did anyone look at her and see sanity? To be fair, he'd gone a bit unhinged himself after enough time bearing all the weight of authority, but at least he hadn't gone for so long that he'd lost control of salivary glands. That was just disgusting. "Did you? It's so hard to understand what you're saying half the time. Is it the accent? The slobber?" He shrugged, and his vision went white for a moment, body shuddering, and he spent more of what precious little will-power he had left to remain upright. "Anyway. And here I was thinking Sunhaven was too good for kidnapping, but clearly, I was wrong."

After a moment, he turned his whole body to face her this time. Sure, he could twist his head around that way easily, but he was only half owl. Or something. One hundred percent exhausted at this point. "Har. Or were you so out of your mind you forgot your pet assassin ran off with him?"

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - rhosmari - 10-13-2018

Tch, she had missed apparently but that mattered little to her. She whirled around to face him, eyes gleaming with that same anger and disgust that she always had. Her head lifted up a bit more as she stared down at him. The way he talked down to her and she had had enough insults when it came to the way that she talked. Her muzzle curled, forked tongue flicking out for a moment before she pulled her ears forward just a bit. "That's rich comin from a bunch of murderers. I ain't here tae negotiate and I ain't here tae hear what ya have tae say. Like I said before ya get away from us and I mean it." As if she didn't know what Buckingham had done and she was more aligned with his way of thinking. Har shouldn't have to live with a much of ruthless killers who ate the corpses of her members and she wouldn't have them here right now either. "Leave!" Her claws dug into the ground and she narrowed her gaze, water drawing out of a nearby tree to shoot forth and aim to whip the other across his chest. If he didn't leave then he would be bloody by the time he thought twice about his actions.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - axiom - 10-13-2018

© lexasperated
Goddammit. She never got a moment of peace, did she? When she stepped down from leadership, she stepped straight into a whole host of issues to sort out -- she needed a damn vacation from her vacation, and so she took one. It was easier to keep fighting and bashing brains in than reason through why she lusted for blood the way she did. And right when she finally tired of wrecking her way through beast after beast on her solo hunting trip, she came back to see some goddamn Ascendant ass fighting with Marina? She'd heard about the squabbles between the groups on her hunting trip; she never anticipated to just walk straight into it on her way back home, though.

Shouldering off her bundle of dragon skin and bone, the massive tigress explosively leaped into the fight. Attempting to slam her left paw against the hybrid's flank, she'd also attempt to bite his tail in two. Quantum never went for warning strikes these days; she maimed first and asked questions later.

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - Character Graveyard. - 10-14-2018

[Image: IwVtkvQ.png]
Eri is a Ray of Sunhaven. She's a very anxious child and she does not smile, nor show any happy emotions currently, due to a rough early childhood. She looks up to Pierce and views him as a guardian figure and she is currently undergoing a long term relationship with Goldenluxery Roux.
A fight was something that she never excepted to see in Sunhaven. But the child had been wrong. She had come across two others from her group and a male she didn't recognize. Eri had merely been walking by, not intending to be a witness of a fight. She would frown and she would take a couple of steps back, before freezing on the spot. Pale maroon eyes focused on Quantum and Marina, hoping they would drive the stranger out of their territory. Violence wasn't necessary. It was pointless, and violence only bred more violence. It was an endless cycle. The Ray took a deep breath, before she glanced at the three in front of her.

"Please. Stop. You're scaring me." Eri muttered, though it was unlikely they would, at least in her opinion.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Murderers? She'd mentioned something like that during the fight, hadn't she? It was a bit hard to remember considering that'd been a fucking mess, and Gabriel was still worried over Moon because he was, regardless of what people thought, a child. Not even half Gabe's age and he had someone years older trying to kill him for no discernible reason, and she still wouldn't explain. She couldn't be so dense as to miss the fact they were all completely, utterly confused by the accusation of murder, or maybe she was. Gabe didn't know her well enough, and thus far, it'd been a series of miscommunication after miscommunication. And in the process, a child was taken. What, was he supposed to twiddle his thumbs and give no shits like they probably expected him to? Too bad he cared. "You remember what happened with Buckingham. Except instead of showing up in your territory in the middle of the goddamn night, we gave him a chance. And we didn't take a fucking child. Makes me think you were just looking for any reason at all to get your teeth wet." Gabriel scoffed, and then staggered back a bit with the next wave of vertigo. "Not that it matters. If you're content in your echo chamber, be content in your echo chamber."

In his next stagger, it brought him just out of range of the water whip, and someone preying on the drama decided to hop in, scoring a hit on his flank. He went intangible before she could follow up with anything else, but that was just like Sunhaven, wasn't it? They could call The Ascendants incapable of taking matters seriously, but at least they were willing to talk. He'd expect this out of The Pitt, or The Typhoon- although given what he'd heard lately, that shouldn't surprise him.

"Let me feed. I would have their flesh on my tongue. So hungry. I can hear her blood. I want to taste it GIVEITTOMEGODDAMMIT."

He flinched as through another blow had landed, obsidian eyes wide, wild, and they jumped before landing on the child. Not in front of the kid. Couldn't let her get hurt because all they knew was sweat and copper. She was saying something, maybe, but he couldn't hear her over the scraping of claws over stone, and even when his ears went flat he could still hear it on the walls of his skull. "Lo siento," he thought he said, except he wasn't certain if he was speaking, or if it was in his head too. "Me iré si eso es lo que quieres." There was something...sticky on his face, in his eyes. Wet, but not entirely smooth. Gabriel rubbed at it with the back of his foot, and on his speckled skin was red. "¿Qué me está pasando?" He stumbled, turned, and limped, dripping, and every time he closed his eyes he saw a mangled body and a hollow stare.

This wasn't real. It couldn't be.

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - Grimm - 10-14-2018

“Feathers...” Half formed thought swirling about the mind, gentle press of simple word until it is rising. Though lips move, follow the structure of it, no sound may arise from skin that has been broken, felt the touch of teeth during nights sleep had become fitful. Rather it was a soft murmur, a sound expressed through tentative touch, mind reaching in a way that feels strange. He had grown accustomed to it, this presence of something in the center of his mind gently tugging.

Though no tone was conveyed, gentle voice freed of such things, the twist of features spoke for him instead. Eyes grew wide as they touched upon the figure, familiar in some ways yet a blur upon the edge of memory, barely formed until it proved nothing more than a wash of colour barely contained into a solid mass. Unsteady tread drew him closer, gaze flicking between all present until it found him once more, paw reaching in want to touch upon leg. Worry found root, soft sound escaping scarred throat.

“Where Moon, is he okay?” He doesn't wish to speak the words, head turning until Har is looking off across the waves, unable to meet the eyes of the hybrid. Want is there in his chest, driving him to think briefly upon returning with Gabe, but fear is there to temper it, sharpen soft edges.
[glow=#000,1,400]I NEED IT TO STOP SO LET ME TELL YOU PLEASE — [/glow]


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]His legs stuttered to an ungainly stop. Leaving at this point would be best for his health with three people out to kill him -one of them his own body- but he pushed aside the heavy black curtains dropped on the edges of his vision as best he could to focus on the small shape. Feathers. Painfully slow, Gabriel turned to face the gentleness, his breaths uneven, and Har was a bit fuzzy, a bit washed-out, but he could recognize the kid, and he even managed to swim through checking him over for any injuries. He could tell Moon Har was all right, at least- if he made it back. His energy was seeping out with the steady patter of his blood sinking into the ground, but Har was okay. He couldn't imagine what he looked like right now. Hardly comforting and crazed six ways to Sunday, and honestly, he wasn't convinced that this wasn't the lucid dream of someone unconscious on the ground and an hour away from dying. Maybe Marina had caught him the first time and he was bleeding out right now, hallucinating, but he wanted to believe this was real.

The kid looked away- Gabe didn't blame him. "Twigs is okay," he assured, and was he slurring? He couldn't tell. Everything was already so muffled, mosaic, a less pretty kaleidoscope of sensations. "Cuidaré-" No, that wasn't- wasn't what he meant to say. His tongue felt anchored, the rest of him adrift in a thousand different directions, scattered with each droplet. He was going insane, wasn't he? "I'll take care of him."

He teetered to the side, dangerously close to falling, but he managed to stabilize himself before he dipped too low. "Are you staying?" He blinked rapidly, both to chase away the splotches and fight the uncomfortable sensation of crusting. If Har wanted to stay, then Gabriel couldn't do anything. He wouldn't drag him off, especially not in this state, and especially with things the way they were in The Ascendants. Gabe could feel the timer, though, ticking with each heartbeat. A countdown for what, he didn't know, but he felt he had to be...far away from here.

Re: THE WORLD IS ONLY WHITE NOISE // OPEN - rhosmari - 10-14-2018

Was he serious right now? Was he that much out of the loop that he didn't know what happened the first time the Ascendants showed up at their border accusing Buckingham of murder. Her eyes widened a bit as he attempted to try and make his group seem like they had any kind of evidence in this matter. All it did was make her anger simmer and she was grateful for Quantum's interception. He was a fool to come here, a fool to think he had an right to be here on Sunhaven's border after what they did and all because they had dropped them to neutral because of their idiotic way of handling a situation that they created and allowed to fester. "Ya don't even know what happened do ya? The first thing ya did when ya came over to the border after listenin tae a small child accuse Buckingham of murder was attack him. One of ya own nearly strangled him tae death, but I bet that ya ain't even tried tae punish her for that." Frankly she knew that they hadn't because nothing had been told to them, nothing had been public and she was willing to bet that they didn't even care that they had attacked them first. "Ya so called chance meant nothing in the face of being treated like shite every time we tried tae come tae the border and clear this mess up. None of ya are apologetic for tryin tae condemn an innocent male for murder. Ya laughed and made jokes about it and insulted us tae our faces as if it was funny. Ya don't give a shite about our lives and we ain't have tae care about your's."

She was so sick of this and she turned her head to the side, eyes narrowed just slightly. "And Buckingham didn't murder anyone, so pick ya god damn poison." What point was he trying to make here. In her mind it was perfectly valid what they had done. "I had tae walk into the home of one of my own tae find him dead, dead and partially eaten and his partner who died from sheer panic! If ya think anything ya say here matters well think again. Unless it is a clear and defined apology I don't want tae hear it. Ya ain't innocent in my eyes after showin' ya arses when we came over there tae talk the situation through multiple times. I didn't think ya would pull such a hateful thing just because of being dropped tae neutral. But I see how the Ascendants are, ya ain't nothing but a bunch of mongers who don't give a shite about anyone else but yaselves." Her ear twitched then as Eri spoke up and she frowned a bit turning her head toward the young female. "Eri, go back to the village. Ya don't need tae see any of this."

Her paws dug into the ground again as she focused her gaze back on the scum before she pulled her ears back at soft pawsteps that slowly came forward. A faint voice lingered in her head and she immediately understood who it was. Har. He wasn't supposed to be out here either and in fact he was supposed to be resting. Her eyes turned then, losing that anger ever so slightly as she moved to attempt to block the small child from the Ascendant that was before them. She couldn't trust them, not with a child's life and they had killers within them. Turning she aimed to make sure that there was a fair amount of distance between the child and the other male. Though she could tell that something was wrong with the individual and that put her more on edge than soothing her worries about the situation that was currently going on. "There is somethin' wrong with him..." The hellhound spoke mostly to herself as her eyes stayed glued on Gabriel.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡