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kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - Printable Version

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kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - MirrorEdge - 10-13-2018

There was probably a reason many in most clans, at least, that she knew of, didn't excel in cooking, and Thea was beginning to figure out exactly why as she struggled with the sharp knife, chopping off bits of chicken next to a few boiling pots, one with rice, another with black beans, and even a few eggs cooking along with various other ingredients that usually had no place with each other. One might think this was a bit of a bizarre mix, but Thea had a bit of experience, at least, with this dish. Not the chicken part, though. She figured it'd taste interesting with chicken in it.

This was a part of the whole plan to earn their trust, even if Thea refused to admit Luca had looked a bit pathetic sitting there shivering, like some puppy left out in the snow.

This required much of her attention, as it seemed as soon as she started stirring something, something else would start burning, and Thea had to be quick to deal with it or risked charred food, and had plenty of close calls.

What was lumped in the large bowl at the end looked anything but appetizing, to some, rice topped with black beans and eggs, corn, chunks of chicken, onions and a few peppers mixed in as well, but the radiant grin that Thea gave it probably made others believe she thought it was the best damn dish in the history of cooking, and began to wave random people over as they left the ship, even dragging a few NPCs over in an attempt to make them try it. "Hey, guys! I know it doesn't look appetizing, but still, it's kinda nice to have since it's getting a bit chillier, and it's full of protein, and kind a big thank you for letting me stay! It's not exactly perfect, though." Despite the, you know, reasons I was exiled in the first place. She chose not to add that part on, figuring it best not to ruin the moment.
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Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - Grey - 10-13-2018

No thanks. Those were the words that he would have most likely said upon seeing the lumpy slop of food Thea had the audacity to try and serve. Funnily enough, there was a significant number of pirates here who knew how to cook or bake. The first one who will appear in his head was Goldenluxury. She was always sharing all kinds of delicious treats ranging from sliders to curry to desserts. Another creature who had a knack for serving up dishes was none other than their own Captain who knew how to make rolls of sushi for days. The only thing he's really cooked by himself was slabs of meat from all the leftovers he got from his hobby of skinning animals, often having far too much meat that he'd open a temporary Korean barbecue for others to attend and eat until they were rounded and about to explode. To put it simply, The Typhoon had frequent rounds where members would share food to go along with a story or a simple good deed. Food was an integral part of the island so when Bakugou heard the newcomer's voice, trying to convince a few nameless pirates to eat her meal, he was curious to approach and look at what exactly she had created.

For a starter, he appreciated the rice but aside from that, Bakugou found that he didn't feel hungry. He isn't sure if it is because he feels repelled by the fem's food or if it is because he genuinely doesn't feel starved, that he's eaten well and feels content. Still, he can't help but offer a comment: "Not exactly perfect? I think ya mean far from perfect. Looks like someone took a shit on top of a heap of rice." Well, he never guaranteed that his comment would be a particularly nice one. "But yer wel -..." he notices how the beans look a little like slimy insects on the plate, scrunching his nose "-...come. You really, uh, didn't have to cook fer us." They did, after all, know that she had been exiled for dramas. Who was to say that her food was good? What if it was poisonous? "If anyone dies from the food ya made though, I ain't gonna hesitate crematin' you alive."

Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - purgatory - 10-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]This selection of food was odd to the child. Never before had they seen such an assortment in a single plate and not have a sweet smell radiating off of it. They were more used to small treats like candy, marshmallows, cupcake and so on. To see something like this broadened their horizon as to what food could do. Though the feline lacked emotions, it was clear they were curious from the occasional twitch of their long alabaster whiskers. They weren't acquainted with Thea nor do they really care to be, but they weren't going to turn down being fed. Judging by her tone of voice, something happened to her and it gave the Typhoon enough reason to not accept her as a member. Keeping that in mind, she wants to repay her crewmates for allowing her to join. Interesting... But not interesting enough to ask about. It was none of their concern and to be quite frank, Thea already proved useful to Cronas. She could cook - granted, not very well but she has potential. If they could encourage her to hone her skills, she'd be chances are she'd be grateful for their actions and cook for them everyday. Or every other day. She'd be their food supply, to say the least. It was a win-win situation for both of them: Cronas gets to eat food and Thea could better her culinary skills. Of course, Cronas could learn how to cook themselves but they would be limited to the way they do things. For example, they may use one spice and think the dish is fantastic but another - let's say Thea - would use a different spice and make it phenomenal. Using this reasoning, it would be inefficient to not eat the food another makes.

Following after Bakugou when he heard their crewmate's cheerful call, the pale feline stopped beside the older male as abnormally light blue eyes looked from him to Thea then the food and back to her. To Cronas, whether a dish looked appetizing or not wasn't what was in question. The taste and texture was the most important followed by the fact the individual took time out of their schedule to feed them. Oh... And the others, they suppose, but mostly them. Large grey ears twitched, listening to what Bakagou said before shifting their attention back to the bowl. His description wasn't wrong and despite not knowing much - or anything, really - about him, they did feel he may act on the casual threat he slipped in at the end. If Cronas dies it has nothing to do with the explosive male. The child would die doing what they enjoy doing: eating and Bakugou wasn't going to ruin that for them by slaughtering the cook.

Although, they suppose a dinner with a show would be pleasant.

Tilting their head to the side as they observed the food for a moment, they looked to Thea once more. "Cronas would like some please." They meowed, fully intended to devour the dish she made for them. It may taste bad. It may taste good. They may ask for seconds or they may die on the spot. Either way, they don't turn down the option for food.

Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - MirrorEdge - 10-13-2018

Thea blinked, looking back at the heap of ingredients put together, seeing where Bakugou was coming from, somewhat. Taking for a bowl of it for herself and taking a bite, she chirped, "It does look a bit messy, doesn't it? Well, I don't know how to make many things, especially stuff that's hot. Maybe I should've just kept them separate, and let people add on what they wanted. Huh." She said the last part aloud, making a mental note of it for now. The threat added on at the end had pupiless eyes settling on Bakugou with an unreadable expression, something that hinted at glee at the idea of what she might consider a spar. Not that she had poisoned the food or anything. So Bakugou had nothing to worry about, unless somebody was allergic to something. "Noted, mister!"

The pale feline that was next to approach was somebody she didn't know, but before she could barrage them with questions such as who they were and what they liked, the fact they came here willing to try it, unlike Bakugou, whose words likely meant he was staying a distance away from it, had Thea's face lighting up, and the young kitsune nodded, shoving a plastic spoon in a bowl and scooping out a helping of her creation. "Here you go!"
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Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - darci - 10-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]While Victor enjoyed food, cooking it was another story. The male had always held a bit of interest in the art of cooking, but there never really came a point in his life where he actually tried it. Back in Alaska, his owner was the best cook around. During the freezing winter nights, she would always whip up some sort of beef stew for him and his family. He could still feel the satisfying sensation of the warm meal defrosting his bones. Those were the days. Apart of him longed to eat his owner's food one more time, but he doubted that would be the case. She was, perhaps mad at him for leaving, but she waved him off in the end. Humans were wonderful things, for the most part. Victor had his fair share of the nasty and rude ones. His former owner was always kind and caring for her sled dogs, but was never afraid to dish out the tough love when it was needed.

The scent of the cooking food was enticing to the male's sense of smell and it led him here. Blue eyes drew over the food, a small bit of hesitation holding him back for a brief second. Just because it looked gross did not mean it tasted gross. "This looks wonderful."  He gave a small wag of his tail, a smile spreading across his muzzle. "I would love to try some." Victor was fearful at the idea of possibly getting an illness from the food, but he was willing to take the risk.

Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - Grey - 10-14-2018

Keep them separate, he repeats in his head. He was actually considering the viability of Thea's words and now he realises the girl might not be as stupid as he initially viewed her to be. A buffet, or at least offering choice of what others wanted to put on their plate, was a pretty neat idea. Most dishes Bakugou had seen in The Typhoon had already been pre-assembled, put into their decorative and aesthetically pleasing forms to be consumed by pirates. Had Thea actually assembled her food that way, Bakugou might have actually tried it. This, of course, was only left to the realm of possibilities. He raises a figurative brow when Thea calls him "mister" as if he deserved respect. Pah, well, as much as he says he wants respect, it didn't really mean he should have been given it. It will all go to his head, touch on his superiority complex that was currently dormant, ashamed to come out because of what had happened between him and Luca - a crushing defeat.

He looks at Cronas in concern when they ask to taste the newcomer's food but doesn't say anything to stop them. He doesn't know or care about Cronas, but watches the other curiously when Thea sloppily plates the food and gives it to them. Then it was Victor, stating that it looked wonderful and snorting at the canine's comment. "Stop lyin'," the Reaver says, rolling his eyes when the male said he wanted to try the food. He agrees with the fact that food didn't have to look good to taste nice but he still isn't fond of white lies - any form of dishonesty was bound to put Bakugou hot on your trail. "Hmph: got a deathwish, Victor?" The Reaver wasn't going to hide that he found the look of Thea's cooking to be dangerously unappealing, as if you were bound to choke on an invisible chicken bone or drown in the goop that was her food. He was judgmental and he wasn't going to do anything to hide it either.

Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - MirrorEdge - 10-14-2018

Thea had taken another bite, chewing thoughtfully on the odd combination of flavors that somewhat worked. Maybe next time, she would leave the corn out, listening to Bakugou's insults without the grin even wavering. It wasn't as if she was proud of her cooking skills, she knew that they weren't the best, and were never going to be, but she also didn't have what some would call a chef's pride. She knew enough to make some foods, it didn't mean she would be able to pull off something complex. So those insults kind of just passed over the kitsune's head, and she only offered an enthusiastic nod to Victor as she spooned some onto a plate, and offering it to him. "Here you go, mister!"
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Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - darci - 10-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]"You can't complain until you try it," the dog spoke, words aimed at Bakugou. If Victor got sick, then, well, he got sick. He would learn to not eat Thea's food, but he would be kind and strategic about it if he ever needed to admit though. Victor doubted he would get sick, but he never knew until it happened. Watching ad Thea passed him a plate, he examined it for a brief moment. "Thank you," barked the striker with a wag of his tail. It was now or never. Bending down, the hound nosed the food around for a second, searching for any smells he could recognize. He came to the conclusion that this was a dish he never had before. Finally, he took a small bite, and then another, and another until he finally had his fill. "Wonderful! How did you learn to make this?"

Re: kitchen nightmares (open, cooking) - FELIKS - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Food like this wasn't really his thing. Though being terribly limited when it came to hunting, the Gryphon kept himself privileged in regards to what meals he consumed. Meat only, none of this processed human garbage or tree-huggers diet, he was a tough guy that needed tough consumables so he didn't lose whatever muscle mass he had left. With such a conviction, the gryphon stumbled upon the scene near enough silently, finding that very few emotions were conveyed on his normally expressive face. What could be said? He wasn't interested, the only reason he approached was to fulfill some sort of social quota that he had. Feliks couldn't deal with isolation for long at all.